View Full Version : Looking for my old characters

Lord Orbstar
01-11-2007, 10:17 AM
I was known as Orbstar Wulfheart (dark elven wizard) and Forgehand (dwarven warrior).

If anyone knows who has them, I would appreciate a heads up. I would like them back.

01-11-2007, 10:18 AM
With names that bad, it may be to your advantage to buy different characters

Lord Orbstar
01-11-2007, 10:28 AM
hrm, when you were working a public park restroom for enough quarters from "uncle whoever" to buy a computer, I was wandering around Elanthia. Thank you for your plebian opine.

Having said that, Forgehand was not one of my better. I created him to, well, forge if that skill ever came out. It did not before I left GS III. Still a less than stellar name, but its the memories that attach that are the true value to me. I remember at level 16 hunting a brand new Pinefar with him. Of course that was in all 10x weighted/padded gear and with full wizard spell ups and beserking to get around the RT penalty. lol. Good times. Dartaghan "Charge!!" :medieval:

Since I do not know you, you have no reason to be nasty. No need.

and thanks to whoever started this website. I just found it and...thanks. :hug2: there are enough smileys here to be annoying and fun. :thanx:

01-11-2007, 10:34 AM
Since I do not know you, you have no reason to be nasty. No need.

If you think what I said was being nasty, you stepped into the wrong place.

Those names are both terrible and I really don't care what year you made them or why you want them back.

And grats at hunting Pinefar at 16

01-11-2007, 10:38 AM
You'd have had to have been at least 25 trains to hold 10x gear...I gotta throw the BS flag on that one. Not to mention the climbing training you'd need to get to Pinefar.

Sorry chap...I don't buy it.

PS....good luck with finding the characters.

01-11-2007, 10:38 AM
Don't take things too much at face value here especially since you are a new poster. Folks can blow a lot of smoke to see if they can find fire. Anyway I haven't seen Orbstar since... Solhaven openned. By then I left the game for 5 years. Came back for 2 1/2 but taking another leave.

01-11-2007, 10:39 AM
PS....good luck with finding the characters.

You are almost better off recreating new characters. Getting to 20 trains is very easy now.

01-11-2007, 10:44 AM
You are almost better off recreating new characters. Getting to 20 trains is very easy now.

QFT. I hit title in just one month of hardcore play. Probably less. Casual play may take two months.

01-11-2007, 10:54 AM
Casual play for Backlash does include trying to set up a webcam

The Ponzzz
01-11-2007, 11:13 AM
I wanna say in GS3 Pinefar had level checks for the climb. Big time bullshit hunting Pinefar before 20. There was a merchant that sold some good gear up there and people were pissed that people under 20 couldn't go.

Lord Orbstar
01-11-2007, 11:36 AM
Nope, there were no level checks. I dont recall what climbing had to be at to make it. There was also a time when your level had nothing to do what gear you could use. that was implemented in 19iforget. Maybe some of the elders that never quit can remember the whens.

My little warrior used some black plate armor (the 5x SWC padded. Mine was HCP and all my gear was altered into Eonak theme) from the merchant that showed up in a wagon in front of the landing. As a dual weilder, I had a 10x weapon and a onyx/glaes studded club or something like that. It was naturally 3x and could be Ebladed up to 7x with flares. Was a bug and i was always paranoid about a GM getting ahold of it.

Please remember this was a long time ago and i am sure I dont have it all right. Just most of it :D

It was fun being able to actually use meteor swarm as a hunting spell with Orbstar in the hinterlands. Those tigers were killers.

Still would like to find them. If any readers here could mention this to friends within Elanthia, I would appreciate it.

01-11-2007, 11:56 AM
It was fun being able to actually use meteor swarm as a hunting spell with Orbstar in the hinterlands. Those tigers were killers.

LOL your getting your games messed up...

Hinterlands thats in world of warcraft....

Also as far as level check for items... I been playing since 1998... Not sure what happened in 96-97 but pinefar wasn't even out at the time.. I was around when pinefar opened up back in late 98 early 99.. And there was a level check at this point.

01-11-2007, 11:59 AM
<< hunting Pinefar before 20 >>

I got a level 13 cleric up there, it was a climb skill check that made the trip tough.


P.S. Hello Orbstar.

01-11-2007, 12:40 PM
Lord Orbstar, I like to refer to it as tough love here in the forums. It's nothing personal, yet. Unless you start lyin about shit and then we or they will smoke you out like a fox in a hen house and skin you alive, hang you by your tea bags and chomp down on your entrails... and that's just for breakfast.

SO, let me give you a hearty welcome and good luck on finding your silly named characters.


01-11-2007, 01:16 PM
I wanna say in GS3 Pinefar had level checks for the climb. Big time bullshit hunting Pinefar before 20. There was a merchant that sold some good gear up there and people were pissed that people under 20 couldn't go.

Nah I think I remember taking lower then 20 characters there for enchanting. (clerics)

01-11-2007, 01:50 PM
I'm pretty sure that all you needed was a certain amount of climbing skill, but trying to get through the glacai under 20 was near impossible.

Only thing I remember people wanting from pinefar was tobacco, since that was the only place you could buy it.

01-11-2007, 02:06 PM
Pinefar was released in 97 if I recall right. It took 20 ranks of climbing without encumberance also I believe race was a factor too. As for the weapons and enchant mattering. I started playing in 94 and enchant and level were still dependant on each other.

01-11-2007, 02:07 PM
[QUOTE=Lord Orbstar;548656 There was also a time when your level had nothing to do what gear you could use. that was implemented in 19iforget. Maybe some of the elders that never quit can remember the whens.

I'd like to know when this was. Since 1993 when I started playing the wield/bonus system is the same as it is now. Pinefar opened way after that. Sorry you got the bullshit flag from me too. Nice try.

01-11-2007, 02:16 PM
Only thing I remember people wanting from pinefar was tobacco, since that was the only place you could buy it.

yup it was right after the GM auction had some pipes in it and people were going tobacco crazy.

Lord Orbstar
01-11-2007, 02:53 PM
I started right when GS3 came to America Online. I dont remember when that was, but I had 400 dollar phone bills... Paying for GS III by the hour was expensive, but fun. what the hell. I started because I love RoleMaster and GS3 was based on RoleMaster. It was disappointing to me when ICE and SIMU had their little spat. Give me star iron any day...

When they changed the level vs enchant thing I dont remember either, but it did happen. it happened so long ago it has been forgotten and acheived fairy tale status it seems.

I didnt find these forums to start posting bullshit to pump myself up in some nerdy way...its just a text based RPG. There are some I am sure that remember me as an honorable, stand up guy and merchant :)

My dwarf hunted up there with a friend named Valicar whom I think still plays.

I used hinterlands as a phrase to describe the area where sabre tooths roamed past the ice cave area and before the aetunemaga (sp,?). I dont play WoW; it is a care bear cartoon game. :D

Thank you for the welcomes and welcome backs too!

01-11-2007, 03:04 PM
Welcome back Orbstar - I remember your name from way back when.

Haven't that name in the game in years and years though.

01-11-2007, 03:05 PM
Where's Soulpieced?

01-11-2007, 03:06 PM
I'm pretty sure Orbstar's not lying about Pinefar and all that. I seem to remember hearing about people getting there at extremely low levels too way back when.

I remember you Orbstar, you used to dupe wands for me back when I was a noob about 10 years ago. Thanks again for that :P

Also I ran into you in another game a few years ago....I wanna say it was Asheron's Call, wasn't it? Out on Aerfalle Isle I think? Can't remember what your character's name was though....Exit Wound wasn't it?

Also don't worry about any flames you get in this thread. Everyone here is just pissed off all the time ;)

01-11-2007, 03:17 PM
rofl@exit wound

01-11-2007, 03:22 PM

01-11-2007, 04:46 PM
I was around in pay by the hour GSIII, and I remember enchant being tied to level. Not that I ever had anything better than vultite, but still, I had to wait til 10 to use it. That must of been, what, 95? AOL went unlimited in Dec of 96 if I recall correctly.


01-11-2007, 05:54 PM
I was around in pay by the hour GSIII, and I remember enchant being tied to level. Not that I ever had anything better than vultite, but still, I had to wait til 10 to use it. That must of been, what, 95? AOL went unlimited in Dec of 96 if I recall correctly.


Yeah, hes just straight wrong. I started the year before AOL got it. Back then enchant was already tied to levels. He may be right about Pinefar, but he's not right about this.

01-11-2007, 11:45 PM
Enchant was not always tied to level. I used to make money by standing at the North Gate with noob characters and picking up weapons when people died (droppage) and pawning them. I remember when they added the level checks to enchant because it hurt my ability to make money.

Sean of the Thread
01-11-2007, 11:47 PM


01-12-2007, 12:08 AM
Enchant was not always tied to level. I used to make money by standing at the North Gate with noob characters and picking up weapons when people died (droppage) and pawning them. I remember when they added the level checks to enchant because it hurt my ability to make money.

okay, let me re-phrase. He's wrong about WHEN this was still true.