View Full Version : Redesign Me!

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-08-2007, 01:38 AM
So I've been thinking it's time to make-over Tayvin. I'm ready to get him into an "outfit" that that represents him better and has a bit more style to it. Most his things are literally years and year old, and questionable if they match or what not.

All the items are basically required (I'll post them individually). I am very fond of the lunchbox and doublet, so likely will not change them. The hat won't be changed either, but the rest is open... Also, if the lunchbox/doublet won't fit with the redesign, I can dump them, I have other items I can replace them with.

Everyone who submits an idea I like I'll reward with some coins or an item in game -- nothing earth shattering but a thank you for the help. Here he is...

You see Tayvin Dreamforge the Krolvinbane.
He appears to be a Mhoragian Halfling.
He appears to be young and tiny. He has achromatic silver eyes and alabaster skin. He has short, tousled white hair. He has a round face and a small well-trimmed, triangular patch of white hair beneath his lip. He has a deep white scar that bisects one of his bushy white eyebrows, and soft crow's feet lightly stretch out from the corners of his eyes.
He has a cat paw tattoo on his ankle, and a tendril of golden essence tattoo on his neck.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a starry blue hat, a small talisman, a brightly polished black alloy gorget with a shimmering mirrored surface, a halfling feasting doublet, a Mhoragian dinner jacket, a blue black glaesine orb, a small infinity knot pin, a platinum star clasp, a miniature lunchbox, some ancient battle leathers, some black alloy vambraces, a small lockpick case, a zorchar ring, a faded blue sack threaded with a scatter of brilliant white stars, and some engraved mithril legguards.

itemized items and properties if applicable:

a starry blue hat - head worn, no show, 10x db

a small talisman - neck worn, no show, giftbox item +5 to Aura and Logic,

a brightly polished black alloy gorget with a shimmering mirrored surface - neckworn, no show, neckworn, crafted from rolaren, self mana group mirrors and lightning flaring neck protection (I hate the way this looks, but I believe the item HAS to have gorget, brightly and mirrored in it's description)

a Mhoragian dinner jacket - shoulder worn, show - Tailored with an eye for roundness, this smashing dinner jacket is clasped with a small platinum buckle in the shape of an overfilled tart. Expensive cloth and impressive artistic expression in the stitching evince this to be a product of noble worth, and were it not for the random but numerous food and drink stains, it would be quite valuable., weighs less than 2 and holds 120 lbs, closable

a blue black glaesine orb - neck worn, show - The orb is shaped of pure blue black glaes, crafted into a perfect orb. It hangs from a delicate silver chain affixed with a tiny moon-shaped mithril pin.
Tiny shimmering crystals hover inside the orb, pulsating slightly with the light of the stars. Currently they form the shape of the constellation of The Ur-Daemon.
Barely visible on the glaesine surface of the orb, some words have been etched in minute script around its circumference.
"Frae Naira vers Deiam, Jae esais bevre Tua ae te Draekeche."
"From Dusk til Dawn, I stand between thee and the darkness."
- from the journals of
Linsandrych Illistim
circa -49,080

a small infinity knot pin - pin worn, no show, thoughtnet item

a cat paw tattoo - tattoo (obviously), ankle, nothing special

a halfling feasting doublet - pin worn, show - Two sets of buttons run down one side of this garment, with one set of holes down the other, for quick adjustments in girth., open/close, weighs less than 2 lbs, holds 120 lbs.

a tendril of golden essence tattoo - tattoo, no specific area, show - A tattoo of a tendril of writhing, fiery golden essence spiraling down his neck that seems to disappear into his chest.

a platinum star clasp - pin worn, show - You see your clasp. Fashioned from platinum, this simple piece of jewelry has been made to resemble a star in the sky. A small clasp on the back allows for securing it to the bearer's clothing., Frostacres item

a miniature lunchbox - back/shoulder worn, show - You glance at your miniature lunchbox. Despite its outward appearance, this lunchbox appears to hold quite a bit. The seams and handle have been reinforced so that none of the valuable contents fall out. A small note has been pinned to the top of the box that reads in small childlike lettering, "Donchew touch! Mine!" The script then goes on in graphic detail depicting all manner of destruction and pain most excruciating to any that would touch this lunchbox, save the owner. Perched on top of the miniature lunchbox is constructed from what appears to be a mix and match of broken bones is a miniature skeleton. The bones are drilled through and threaded with brass wire with an oversized ivory skull. Clasped within the bony arms is a tiny platinum skeleton key., weighs less than 2 and holds 60 lbs, lockable special password scripts

some ancient battle leathers - chest worn, show - Crafted from the darkest golvern and softest leather, this suit is truly a masterpiece. The seams are reinforced with an engraved band of burninshed vaalin and the leather has been lined with braided strands of alloy mesh which are adjustable through the clever use of small vaalin buckles., 16 lbs, 7x somewhat crit doubles

some black alloy vambraces - Arm worn, show - Made of an odd sort of black alloy, the vambraces give the odd appearance of something akin to ebon water trapped under glass. Currents ebb and flow, light catching occasionally here and there causing odd variations in the shades trapped within. The large guards may be worn with adjustable straps made of the same material, but give the distinct impression that it would be difficult to get a good fit without some additional assistance. Other than the odd properties of the metal, nothing else stands out., Greater shadowdeath vambraces, don't believe they are alterable so would like outfit to match this...

a small lockpick case - Wrist worn, show - This small case is just the right size to hold several lockpicks., open/close and holds 50 lbs
a faded blue sack threaded with a scatter of brilliant white stars - belt worn, no show, open/close and weighs less than 2 and holds 50 lbs

some engraved mithril legguards - leg worn, no show, permanently reduce elemental fire damage, would like them to match the vambraces

also have a couple more items but he's not wearing them in favor of being lighter...

some tanned doeskin britches - leg worn, 5 lbs, stuck open, hold medium amount for a couple items

some tiny leather boots - foot worn, show - Fitted for a halfling, these boots are diminuative indeed. Oiled meticulously over the years, the leather is supple to the touch and pliable as cloth., open/close, less than 2 lbs, hold 2 items

an ancient glowbark runestaff - Runestaff, show - This strong, straight shaft of glowbark bears only one blemish; a large knot at the top of the staff has been hollowed out. Floating within the hole is a brilliant gold blazestar that slowly rotates laterally. About a third of the length down the shaft is wrapped a worn leather grip., crafted of glowbark, casts 510 when waved and self charges (uncertain if it is alterable)

a corroded brass wand inset with slivers of emerald - wand, no show, self charging cone of acid, 15x a day. no loresong. I'd like to make this look different, just not sure what.

So anyway, that's the bulk of the things I use every day... would really appreciate some insight and thoughts on a new outfit. He needs a makeover. So all you creative people give it a thought if you don't mind.

01-08-2007, 07:53 AM
Maybe you should get a crit padded silver dress to match your eyes.

Metro. What the fuck happened to you?

You sicken me.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-08-2007, 07:58 PM
rofl - I wanna look good for the internet text babes

Get off the h8raide!

01-08-2007, 08:19 PM
I'd be up for helping design some things for you, Tayvin. I tend to write designs that are specific to a person's taste and character, though, and while I might be able to make something based only on a quick blurb on the character and their current wardrobe, I vastly prefer learning more.

Shoot me an IM sometime if you want and we'll see what we can do. Just be prepared for a lot of questions so I can find out about Tayvin and make something that suits him.
