View Full Version : Staves?

06-21-2003, 07:29 PM
Just wondering what everyone thinks of the staves. I personally am hoping that it does come out with some sort of "Magic Redux". I think that that would benefit us the most. What does everyone else think?


06-22-2003, 01:36 AM
havent read much on it, but would be cool to have staves that actually do something other then tapping the ground.

06-22-2003, 11:15 PM
Well if all goes as planned, we will no longer need to train in sword or shield for defense. The stave will act as our shield and will be 'strengthened' by the amount of magical skills we train in. If this is how it works then pures will become much more viable at higher trains.


06-23-2003, 02:32 AM
man that would be golden. Annoying having to train in sword to never use it just for the defense bonus.

06-27-2003, 09:26 PM
Well I've tried to dig for info from every source I have and I still can't tell how the hell staves will work. I'd really like to know BEFORE GS4 hits and I have to guess.

Any GM's reading this ? Clue us in on the GS boards, or start a rumor on AIM, anything !