View Full Version : EG Enhancives - ouch!

12-30-2006, 01:36 PM
EG Enhancives - blazestar jewelry and brawling bracers/vambraces

A couple of folks have assisted regarding their EG enhancive items crumbling upon the final charge being used up. This is normal function and is intended. You can recharge them through the bounty system before they crumble, but if you use it up, it's gone.

That being said though, it appears I failed to make the auction quality blazestar items non-crumbly, which is NOT intended. If you are the owner of one of the FIVE auction-won blazestar headworn jewelry items, please ASSIST and request a referral so that your auction item can be fixed to not crumble.

(If your item doesn't have a loresong, it's not one of the auction items.)

I apologize for the inconvenience.


I <3 archers!

"I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use." ~Galileo Galilei

This message was originally posted in Quests, Sagas and Events, Ebon Gate Festival. To discuss the above follow the link below.


12-30-2006, 01:38 PM
I never expected the off-shelf enhancers to be non-crumbly, to be honest. :shrug:

Sean of the Thread
12-30-2006, 01:40 PM
Me either. Otherwise they would be GASP.. auction quality. Still very nice items for off the shelf.

12-30-2006, 01:52 PM
Oh they're not the auction quality items? Well, I don't know why anybody would complain about it then.

Sean of the Thread
12-30-2006, 02:01 PM
I would DEFINITELY complain about blazestar jewelry crumbling.. they were auction items. The cool vambraces were off the shelf.

12-30-2006, 02:11 PM
There were blazestar jewelry items sold off the shelf as well. For Wizards only. there's a set of blazestar jewelry sold in the auction, and they aren't crumbly (or weren't supposed to be and are beign fixed).

01-19-2007, 02:54 PM
Thanks to Warden and Coase, the bracers/vambraces will now not crumble upon the last charge being used.


I <3 archers!


01-19-2007, 06:17 PM
I still don't see the point in making them crumbly in the first place. They already run out of charges. Compared to some of the old items, this stuff stinks.

01-19-2007, 08:23 PM
From what I'd heard, the default setting for enhancive armor was that it would crumble and Sirina either didn't know about it or forgot to set it not to crumble.


01-19-2007, 09:47 PM
I'm so glad they fixed this... I had mine altered and had no idea it would have crumbled on me...