View Full Version : Arrows again

12-18-2006, 09:15 PM
OK the messaging on losing arrows..

The arrow disappears into the local environs.
This one means you can search for it in the current room.

The arrow streaks off into the distance!
But this means its lost for good right? I have yet to be able to find one after this message. I search the room I shot it in, and the surrounding rooms to no avail.

This just one of those smallish(though rather large for me at the moment) percentage chances to seriously lose something?

12-18-2006, 09:19 PM
Distance and it's gone.

12-18-2006, 09:23 PM
Spent a horrible night searching and searching after those messages. Lost 23 arrows in one night(like 90 minutes really.)

12-18-2006, 09:41 PM
I don't know that anyone's ever really sat down and figured out how much you lose them. The key is to not miss, you never lose an arrow if you don't miss your target.


12-18-2006, 09:46 PM
... The night I lost 23 arrows like that, I was hunting a capped rogue against lvl 30-40 things. My ranged AS was at least twice what their highest DS was. I never would have missed if they didnt get those dodge moves.. I still dont see how they get them when the As/DS gap is so large.

12-18-2006, 10:10 PM
Thats why I buy bundles of arrows for ~7 silvers per 10 (or some stupidly cheap amount like that), then eblade them. I use them until the eblade wears off, ditch the whole bundle of 100 (or whats left of them) because the eblade wears off unevenly and is a pain to try and rebundle and re-eblade, and then go buy another bundle of 100.

I suppose I could use one of the 8 different fletching razors and make my own fancy arrows with stuff carved in em and storm griffin feathers and exotic colors... but I'm just not that into it that much it seems.


12-18-2006, 10:27 PM
I've got the "environs" message highlighted in red so I know when to search. Any other sort of "streaks off into the distance" messaging and I know it's gone for good.

12-18-2006, 11:24 PM
I still dont see how they get them when the As/DS gap is so large.EBP is a completely different system from AS/DS. This is handy for those of us who play squares, as squares have quite low DS but quite high EBP rates.

12-19-2006, 01:11 AM
I suppose I could use one of the 8 different fletching razors and make my own fancy arrows with stuff carved in em :shrug:

Different fletching razors? Whats up with that?

12-19-2006, 08:30 AM
They sold different fletching tools at the very first....Anfelt? I think the Artisan's Faire, now that I think about it. You can use them to carve symbols in your arrows with them, there's even one which'll put your character mark on it, IE, when you LOOK AT ARROW: You see the mark of XXX.


12-19-2006, 09:50 AM
Different fletching razors? Whats up with that?

Going to break out the master fletcher and see what they do, so I can list them for sale.

an ivory fletching razor, a feystone and steel fletching razor, an opal-handled steel fletching razor, a diamond and steel fletching razor, a gold-handled steel fletching razor, a steel fletching razor, a rune-incised steel fletching razor, an emerald and steel fletching razor, a ruby and steel fletching razor, a sapphire and steel fletching razor,

12-19-2006, 10:10 AM
Here's where I bought them. 2004 Dhu Gillywack.

[Shoot Yer Eye Out] (an oak-banded hatch)
Though this small, cramped room is packed with a hodgepodge of pipes crisscrossing overhead, great pains have been taken to keep the wares dry and protected from the heavy droplets of condensation that occasionally drip from above. Heavy canvas drapes are strung from corner to corner across the ceiling, and the table in the center of the room has its own oilcloth roof, propped up on an elaborate frame of wire, twine, and twigs. Beneath the table, a small wicker basket holds a small collection of goods as well. You also see a vultite reinforced hatch, a prominent sign and an oak-banded hatch.
Obvious exits: none

In the Common language, it reads: Many of these wares offer more than meets the eye. Please be sure you know what you're purchasing by making careful INSPECTion of the items. ALL of the weapons are the equivalent in power of ruic, though the strength of the woods they're made from has not been fortified.

In the wicker basket you see a feystone and steel fletching razor, an opal-handled steel fletching razor, a diamond and steel fletching razor, a gold-handled steel fletching razor, a steel fletching razor, a rune-incised steel fletching razor, a veniom-inlaid steel fletching razor, an emerald and steel fletching razor, a ruby and steel fletching razor and a sapphire and steel fletching razor.

12-19-2006, 10:32 AM
Cool. Any of these out there for sale?

12-19-2006, 10:47 AM
From the looks of it, these will NOT put identifying marks on shafts, but are used to fletch feathers skinned from specific creatures.

>cut my feather with my razor
Wielding your steel fletching razor with the utmost care, you cut the useless tip from a feather, then ever-so-gently split it lengthwise. Cutting each half in two pieces, you gather up the trapezoidal fletchings into a bundle.
Roundtime: 6 sec.


These razors are just innocuous fletching razors. Cant be inspected and have no special abilities under loresong.

12-19-2006, 03:24 PM
I have chisels/razors/scribers which will do what I describe.


12-19-2006, 04:05 PM
Good to know. My primary character just became an archer. I hate it much less than swinging a sword :) and the hiding aspect is much better too from what I've seen.

What Gan said is the biggest drawback to playing her IMO. Bundling like arrows is so wonky. I'm leaning toward doing pretty much the same thing or buying a ton of those special razors from someone.


12-19-2006, 04:17 PM
As for bundling, I make my own for living creatures. For some reason I am stuck at 498 ranks, so they are only 1X. I know how many I have and track how many I lose. It is easier that way for me. GATHER is my friend.

For undead, I go to the cleric shop and buy the bone shafted arrows. They are about 25 silver for a bundle of 20 (?). Two skins and you make up the cost for 100. You lose a bit of AS, but not enough to make a difference really. You can even fire and forget them if you want.

12-19-2006, 04:44 PM
What about when an arrow goes sailing into another room? Is there specific messaging for that?

12-19-2006, 05:53 PM
Streaks/sails off west. . or something along that effect.
And E, get in touch about an inscribing tool you might have for sale please. Cheers.

12-19-2006, 07:31 PM
yeah I have a scriber that puts names on arrows, I just didnt know there might be other types

12-20-2006, 12:48 AM
I will, when I can. I don't know which character they are currently on.

02-11-2007, 05:23 PM
[BowWorks, Scribers] - Artisan Faire 2003
Several woven reed baskets are perched on gleaming wooden tiles set haphazardly around this small area set off by colorful silk walls. Several fine white slate stepping stones provide an approach to each basket. You also see a silk drape, an important sign and a woven reed chest.
Obvious exits: west

In the reed chest you see a rusted iron scriber, a delicate elven scriber, a jagged glaes sliver, a sharp steel chisel and a forked iron chisel. (10k each)

It reads: Scribers for sale! Scribble your mark on your bolts and arrows, so you know they are yours. Different scribers have different marks and the golden scriber scribes your name. I might even be buy to make custom scribers for you. ~ Lirion

In the colorful basket you see a dull trimming knife, a rusty knife, a whittled wood knife, a twisted wooden pick and a marbled ceramic pick. (10k each)

In the golden reed basket you see a golden reed scriber (30k).

The golden reed scriber puts your name on arrows, works for anyone.

The delicate elven scriber puts "Scribed into the shaft is a short row of interlocking elven sigils." on arrows, works for anyone.

More info on the others would be great.

[Whittler’s Wonders] Ebon Gate 2003

All items are scribers and are 10k except the ivory-inlaid jeweled scriber which is 50k.

In the oak case you see a sharp bone saw, a narrow rat skewer, a barnacled marlin spike, a heavy hooked carving knife, a steel punching dagger, a ceremonial oak knife, a jagged golden spike, a sharp splitting wedge and a fire-hardened willow spike.

On the wooden counter you see a honed petrified wood fragment, a steel carving awl, a ruby-chipped steel chisel, a hooked-beak carving tool, a rhimar-tipped iron icepick, a chipped iron wedge, a jagged bronze spike, a dagged mirror shard and a jagged griffin talon.

In the iron-bound barrel you see a short-bladed shaping tool, a long-bladed shaping tool, a long-bladed carving tool, a short-bladed carving tool, a thin-bladed carving dagger, a chipped bone pick, a broken glass shard, a lump of jagged black glaes and a leaf-bladed carving knife.

On the black hooks you see a ivory tiger tooth, a sharpened kobold femur and a sharpened krolvin jawbone.

In the velvet case you see an ivory-inlaid jeweled scriber. (50k)
Etched into the scriber is the personal mark of <person>.

The ivory-inlaid jeweled scriber only works for wands and rangers, and puts their name on it.

Any info on the others would be great.

02-11-2007, 06:30 PM
I forget which event it was at but there was also a sharpened willow bough that puts your name on wands.

Don't know if it can be used by non rangers, I could probably test it out though.

02-11-2007, 07:06 PM
Ebon Gate 2004 or 2005 had some some to inscribe on wands and arrows too. I've got a couple scattered away somewhere but no idea where anymore.