View Full Version : Updated/Added/New minimum on OHES: Flared, Weighted and Perfects

12-17-2006, 06:34 PM

All will go once, twice, sold if any interest turns up.

1/ A black stone-pommeled badelaire (falchion base)

+22 Nele Fire/Vibe flares
LOOK: The imflass blade of this badelaire is blackened by fire. Through the dark patina an etching of the peaks of Aenatumgana is clearly recognizable. Carefully hewn into the badelaire’s granite pommel are what appear to be directions: “Earth and Fire - Turn me”.
MB: 1.1 m
BO: 2 m

2/ Wicked curved faenor waraxe (w/one morph variant that you RUB to change)
MB: 4m
BO: 6m

Perfect weapons are blessable with natural +3 AVD and +6% to DF (damage):

3/ a perfect maple-hafted vultite handaxe (7x)
...closest you'll get to a forged uber OHE for the undead...until you enchant with Premie points, that is.
MB: 12m
BO: 15m

4/ a perfect eonake-hafted broad-axe (5x) - handaxe base
LOOK: This masterfully forged axe looks painstakingly balanced and crafted. The wide, heavy vultite blade is completely free of marks or blemishes and tapers to a perfect razor edge. A silver-grey eonake haft is expertly joined to the axe-head. Upon further inspection you see the image of a drake rampant embossed upon the haft.
MB: 5.5m
BO: 8m

5/a heavy vultite broadsword
4x, HCW
MB: 4.5m
BO: 7M

12-17-2006, 07:07 PM
Oh. Contact information: PM me or reply here.

12-19-2006, 06:04 PM