View Full Version : The House of the Rising Phoenix annoucnes the Hunter's Ball!

11-08-2003, 04:37 AM
On the 16th of this month, the House of the Rising Phoenix will be hosting the Hunter's Ball. All adventurers are invited to join in the revelry and fun. Dancing, drinks, food, and wonderful prizes all provided to you free of charge by the House of the Rising Phoenix! Opening ceremonies will begin at 4 PM Empire time, followed by contests of strength, wit, fashion, and dancing, culminating in the ball itself at 9 PM Empire time!

Event Schedule:
(All Times Empire Standard)

1600 Opening Ceremonies, and welcome speeches.

1700 The Giantman dragging contest! An elimination style tournament, where four contestants will race from Shanty town to the House of the Rising Phoenix, while dragging one Giantman. There will be three prizes awarded, one for first, second, and third place. Prizes will include, a Trophy for all three places, as well as various weapons and armor.

1800 The Arkati Trivia Contest. Join the Lady Rosamor, and test your knowledge of the Arkati! Medals will be awarded to the first, second, and third place winners, as well as other various items!

1900 The Best Ball Room Attire contest! Think you are a sharp dresser? Dieing for that chance to show off your best formal attire? Then this is the contest for you. Judging will be done by a panel of no less than four judges. Awards for first, second and third place winners. The awards will include a plaque for the top three male, and female contestants. For the first place female, a Nalea Designed Gown will be awarded, for the first place male, a custom designed cloak will be awarded!

2000 Ball Room Dancing contest! Couples will compete with each other in an attempt to show their skill on the dance floor. The contest will be judged by a panel of no less than four judges. Prizes for first, second and third place winners will include a plaque, and for the first place couple, a Nalea Designed Gown, and Custom designed cloak will be awarded!

2100 Ball Ceremonies begin. Food, drink, and dancing, all provided at no cost to attendants! Door prizes will be handed out, as well as much drinking, dancing, and fun for all! The ball will continue until folks all drink so much they can no longer stand!

11-16-2003, 03:54 PM
The Hunter's Ball will begin in just a few more minutes. The House of the Rising Phoenix is located in the landing. From Lorminstra's Temple, go east, east, north, east, east and you are there!