View Full Version : Thanks to Eleani

11-08-2003, 04:29 AM
Thank you to Eleani who came and did a good number of lovely alters in the Niche in the Landings yesterday afternoon, and I believe she was in Icemule that night.

It was great, especially for those who didnt get to attend Ebon Gate.

Thanks, Eleani.

Acolyte Kurili

11-08-2003, 10:56 PM
You glance at an elegant grey silk longcoat clasped with an intricately etched ruby bearing the Faendryl crest.

Acolyte Kurili

12-23-2003, 03:40 PM
A hollowed-out blighted newt corpse.

Hanging from a noose tied with its own rot-blackened tongue, this wretched creature stares blankly from a single dead eye. Symptoms of more diseases than could have occurred accidentally indicate that some cruel being has been inflicting them. In many places, the newt's flesh is rotted to the bone, and the shadowed forms of spell components lodged in its stomach are visible through its empty eye socket. A small metal plate around its neck reads, "EXPERIMENT 52: PLAGUE, THE ROT, UNDEATH."

It's a sack ;) My new favorite toy.

12-23-2003, 04:18 PM
How does one find out when an alterer is working? I was in Landing all evening and never knew.

12-23-2003, 04:22 PM
Wezas shows you his pendant which depicts a young giantman loading babies onto a cart.

Wonder if the alterer would let me create that.

12-23-2003, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
How does one find out when an alterer is working? I was in Landing all evening and never knew.

No guaranteed way to know unless you network extensively.

To help, you can highlight all known merchants and try to use a familiar/locate to see if they're in the area and gallop all over trying to find them.

Keep your eyes and ears open. People usually say random things on the net, sometimes they announce. I remember one merchant did all but say I AM AUCTIONING OFF GAUDY ALTERS IN TSSE and only a half dozen people showed. People would streak through the room and never notice the signs and posters.

But the best way is to find other people that care about finding merchants(AKA merchant hounds) and get ones you TRUST to share information with. This is probably the most difficult but most rewarding. You can make friends, goof off while you wait, yadda yadda yadda. However if they're known scum and trying to leech off your efforts while leaving you in the dark, it is not a fun experience.

This bears repeating again: Keep your eyes open. Don't streak around blindly because you think you've seen it all. Pay attention to whats lying around the room, odd titles, unexplained masses of people, someone saying something odd as you walk by.