12-09-2006, 11:33 AM
I wish I would have kept all those guides from Zepath's Den and the Mausoleum back in the day. If you find old information interesting (read: you're bored) throw up an old guide or two you have sitting on your computer.
Funny, Gemstone seemed so much bigger back then...
Grubbel McBorgel's Two handed Warrior Guide v. 1.0
Hello and welcome to my two handed Warrior guide! In this guide I will give advice on stats and training for a two handed Warrior. Everything in this guide is based upon my experience and should not be taken as law. Things change everyday and what I might say today could be wrong tomorrow, So I will try to keep this guide as up to date as possible. Now lets get started.
The Character Manager
When rolling your statistics it is a good idea to get a total roll of 620 or more. Having a high roll will give you lots of training points (TP's) which will allow you better training. Before I give my advice for stat placement I will briefly describe what each stat does for you.
Constitution- This stat helps determine your starting Health Points, and along with race, determines your Health Point maximum. Constitution also plays a part in poison and disease resistance. This stat will grow very quickly for you. Being a Warrior, you get an automatic +10 added to this roll.
Dexterity- Dexterity plays a role in lowering your round time for swinging weapons. This stat also plays a part in dodging maneuver attacks and helps in skinning critters.
Discipline- Discipline is an important stat because it counts for Physical training points (PTP) and Mental training points (MTP). Having a high number in discipline is nice because it will allow you to have more TP's to work with.
Logic- Logic determines how much experience (EXP) your mind can hold, along with how fast you absorb said EXP.
Intelligence- Intelligence plays a role somewhat like Logic. It determines how much EXP your mind can hold and how fast you absorb it.
Strength- This stat determines your base attack strength (AS). It also plays a role in how much weight you can carry before you become encumbered. This stat will grow very quickly for you. Being a Warrior, you get an automatic +10 added to this role.
Reflex- Reflex decides your base defensive strength (DS). Reflex also helps lower your round time when swinging weapons.
Charisma- Hmm..Charisma. Charisma does not do a whole lot to be honest.
Wisdom- Wisdom does not do much for Warriors either. It determines your defense against spiritual warding spells.
Aura- Like Discipline, Aura counts for both PTP and MTP. Aura determines your mana and spirit points also. This stat also gives you your defense against elemental warding attacks.
With that out of the way, I will now give my suggestions on stat placement. I have two different orders for your stats depending on which race you choose.
Stat placement
Aura, Discipline, Reflex, Dexterity, Strength, Logic, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Constitution.
(Note: If you are a Halfling Warrior it would be a very good idea to move Strength into either the Reflex or Dexterity spot.)
Now that you have your stats it is time to get skills. Here is what to train in..
Base Skills
Armor Use- Train in this two times per level. You may wish to start tripling later in life, but doubling will be good enough to get started.
Shield Use- Shield Use!? Why do you need Shield Use if your going to be a two handed Warrior!? I'l tell ya why. There are going to be some times when it is just not possible to hunt using two handed weapons. At those times it is nice to be able to fall back on a one handed sword and shield. Train in this two times per level.
Combat Manuevers- Train in this skill two times per level. For every two ranks of this skill you will get +1 added to your AS. Combat Manuevers also helps in dodging manuever attacks.
(Note: It is possible to get by with singling, But think about it in the longrun. At level 49 a singler will have a +25 bonus to AS while the doubler will have a +50 bonus. The choice is yours.)
Edged / Blunt Weapon- Pick one and train in it twice per level. This is a good skill to have when hunting with two handed weapons is not an option.
Two Handed Weapon Use- Train in this twice per level.
Physical Training- Train in this twice per level until you max out your Health Points.
Secondary Skills
Train in these skills with whatever extra TP's you have.
Ambush- This skill allows you to aim our weapon at certain parts of the body. Aiming a two handed weapon at somthings head usually has the same result..The thing dies. Get as much ambush as possible.
Climbing and Swimming- These skills are pretty self explanatory. In your later years there are many places that are only accessible with a lot of Climbing / Swimming skill.
First Aid- This skill will let you tend the bleeders that you will get. Also plays a role in skinning critters.
Stalking and Hiding- Many people will disagree with me on this one...But I think it is a good idea. Things can't kill you if they can't see you.
The weapons
As a two handed warrior you will live and die by your weapon(s). Here I will list the various two handed and one handed weapons that can be found in the lands.
(I am still working on the OHE, OHB, and Pole arm sections)
Two handed weapons
The two handed sword- Exactly what the name implies. A large two handed sword. A good choice for the player just starting out.
The battle axe- Again, Exactly as the name implies. A large dual bladed axe.
The flail- The flail is actually what most people think is a morning star. A large spiked ball which is attached to a length of chain which is then attached to a handle.
The flamberge- Flamberged is actually a way used to describe the shape of this weapons blade. It is a two handed sword with a wavy blade.
The war mattock- This is one that I have no idea how to describe because I have never seen one. If you can describe this blade for me send me a note
The military pick- This is one that I have no idea how to describe because I have never seen one. If you can describe this blade for me send me a note
The claidhmore- The claidhmore. The claidhmore is one of the two most fearsome weapons in GSIII. This weapon has the most critical weighting of any weapon in the game. Claidhmore is actually Gaelic for two handed sword.
What to hunt
Now that you have stats, skills, and gear..It's time to venture out into the world around you.
Level 0: Go to all the locations listed on the DIR map. This will give you enough EXP to get to level 1.
Level 1 - 4: Kobolds, Rats, Cave Gnomes, Sea Nymphs, Squirrels, Salamanders..There are many critters to hunt at these ages. You will just have to experiment and find out which ones are for you.
Level 5 - 8: Lesser Orcs, Greater Orcs, Forest Trolls, and Cockatrices are good prey at this point. Now is a good time to practice your stance dancing.
Level 9 - 12: Hill Trolls and Cave Trolls are good at this point. You could probably handle Dark Orcs as well.
Level 13 - 17: You have many choices on what to hunt at this age. Titans, War Trolls, Mountain Ogres, Krolvin Warriors and Mercanaries are just a few.
Level 18 - 25: Steel Golems, Krolvin Warfarers, and Centaurs are good at this age.
I will stop there because at this point you should know what critters you can handle.
This Guide is nowhere near complete.
Still to come..Sections on DFredux, Hunting Strategies, The Warriors Guild, and a couple others.
If you see anything in this guide that is wrong, or you just want to make comments send them my way at
Wow, I googled this!
Guess who wrote it? This was before Solhaven...
Lord Cyphier's Gastronomic Guide to the Fare of Elanthia
Author: Lord Cyphier Lenzphere (zendada@aol.com)
Lord Cyphier's Gastronomic Guide to the Fare of Elanthia
{Account of a bard's quest to find the finest and most exotic food and drink in our lands.}
Greetins fellow connoisseurs! I have travelled far and wide to bring you a list of our lands' food and drink. This all started with an event I have planned for my comrades the North Star Bards. I have recently taken on the duty of being Grand Host to our gatherings, and decided in the spirit of Oktoberfest, to hold a beer tasting of sorts. This meant that I, a bard with a fondness for good eats and drink, amongst other things, would have to supply this event with beer. I took it upon myself to travel to all the inns, pubs, houses and crooks and crannys in quest of all the beers, meads, ales, grogs, and other zymurgeous concoctions to be had in order to have a realistic beer tasting event.
On this quest, it dawned on me that I could supply a guide to what all these wondrous places had to offer! Being that I did sample all of these magnificent creations, I would like to share what I've found hopefully to guide and fulfill anyone's craving for certain delicacies.
If you are of the adventurous sort, and would like to find these things out on your own, then read no further! I understand the joy of discovery, and its precisely why I've done this. To those who share this passion, I wish you luck, good times and remember to take plenty of napkins! And for those of you who are ready to see the tantalizing delights contained herein, just keep reading and Bon Appetite!
Our first stop on the journey is River's Rest, my home town. I spent most of my time there as a lad finding solace in its warm climate, friendly denizens, and scenic environs. The town is small and quaint, and one of the only two places to get food is in Targon's Tavern. Its a small tavern with one room, but its cozy. Targon's will provide something for everyone, from a small snack to a reasonable lunch. Now I've had to haggle at times over the prices of his food, but his drink well is very affordable!
On a table there you will find:
risp red apple 30
cup of steaming hot coffee 50
fillet of fish sandwich 38
wedge of mild goat cheese 40
small bottle of milk 60
warm buttered muffin 55
clear spring water 60
iced blueberry tart 45
cup of honey herbed tea 3
I've gone round an round with Targon on his exorbitant price for coffee, but he says its hard to get. It is an excellent blend however! This is made up by his ridiculously low price for tea, which is also quite good.
The bar menu has the following items on it:
glass of rose wine 10
glass of red wine 10
stein of bock beer 14
stein of Haakon's Choice 19
glass of Targon's Best 24
shot of fine bourbon 25
I know the wine maker personally, an amiable chap by the name of Cespin, and he works hard on his two vintages which both have wonderful aromas and bouquets. Lord Haakon is as equally skilled with brewing his Choice as he is with everything else he does. I've met no one with as many skills as he displays. Targon's Best is just that, a wonderful glass to settle the soul, definitely worth the price. But I am a simple bard with simple tastes, and you'll often find me at Targon's bar shouting "The usual please!" after which the bartender sets down an ice cold bock. Yum!
Other than Targon's is Mistral Hall, found on a pier by the pool, one of the Four Winds Halls found in every town. The items here are free of charge and it is a wonderful Hall with paper lanterns, a prayer room full of cushions, and my favorite and most memorable spot, a deck overlooking the river.
In the Banquet Hall there is a table that has: plate of smoked oysters, lime and whipped cream pies, blue-tinted rum slushies, and glasses of raspberry lemonade.
All of which are delicious and make a nice meal for a group of revelers!
Now we move on to the thriving metropolis of Wehnimer's Landing, largest and most populated city in our lands. On a side note, Wehnimer's Landing was founded by Rone Wehnimer, a generous man who wished to build a city to welcome and comfort all adventurers. Obviously, a great success! The town has shops for everything you need, and many House organizations have built their houses there. I belong to Silver Gate, a magnificent house run by Lord Eneuge. Most of it is open to all who walk in. Inside you can find its Dining room packed with diners of every description. The chefs boast three menus!
A beverage list that has:
glass of milk 10
spring water 14
orange juice 31
fruit juice 12
There is a wine list with the following:
light sherry 21
Trollfang white wine 37
Darkstone Red wine 52
Ruby port 29
Silver brandy 99
The dinner menu has:
Artuero's Special 113 {Grilled rolton with vegetables}
Roast Haunch of Boar 105
Gilded Cockatrice 132
Breakfast 57 {Honey oat porridge
or toasted bread with cheese}
Poorman's Pleasure 99 {a leek and barley stew}
My recommendations? I like to start with a glass of darkstone red and roast haunch of boar. The roast is seasoned with pepper and garlic and the red goes nicely with the roasts' subtle gamely flavour. Afterwards, a glass of sweet Ruby port really helps settle you into a nice comfortable state of relaxation, if not a coma!
A recent addition to Silver Gate is the Lion's Pub, a warm common room open to the public. There are many tables there if you require privacy, and a table by the entrance offers everyone a never ending tap of Rumbling Hills Ale. This is a fine ale with nice colour and an unusual amount of carbonation which I suspect is where it got its name. I've "rumbled" a bit after a few of those.
In the Private Lounge for members is a bar. It is stocked with: frosted honey tarts, small cheese filled pastries, mugs of hot spiced cider, decanters of cinnamon liqueur, and tankards of dark heavy ale.
It is a wonderful lounge with many an adventurer stopping by to rest. Healers and pickers are usually in abundance, and even Lord Enegue can be found relaxing and sometimes singing. He is usually more than willing to give a song to someone who asks.
The cheese filled pastries are delicious, I could eat a million if I sat in there too long, washed down with a fine dark ale and I'm happy as a clam!
Now we are off to House Paupers near Town Square South West. It wasn't long before a friendly member invited me in to sample the wares of this humble place. In the Library is a table with: aged yellow cheese, lemon punch, and chilled champagne! Those paupers know how to live it up!
On the bar you can find: dwarven stout, blood red wine, and a pot of hot spiced tea.
The Library is vast and contains cushions for resting while you look at all the trophies, statues and busts on display. On my way out I discovered the pool quite by accident, but found it to be a lot of fun!
Helden Hall is on the north road of town, and a very cooperative Lord Bladegirt took me inside to try the house's food and drink. In its Great Hall is a table with: jugs of kobold moonshine, roast mutton legs, trenchers of hearty meat stew, horns of dark ale, steins of giantman mead, and battered troll fingers.
The stew is flavourful, filling and delicious. With a horn of dark ale, even the heartiest of warriors would be content. I didn't touch the troll fingers as I thought I saw one of them move. As everyone knows, trolls have unusual regenerative abilities, so I wasn't going to push my luck!
Next is Twilight Hall near the Majik Shoppe. Lady Mynnaya was very courteous to me and invited me in to sample the wares. She pointed out a bar that had: goblets of Elderberry wine, cups of Manny's special, arachnid egg caviar, barbequed rolton ribs, jugs of Warble's moonshine and steins of Twilight cream stout .
Of this I dined on barbequed rolton ribs. I never knew rolton could taste so good! With sticky hands I reached for the cream stout, a beer so dark you can't see through. True to its name, it was smooth and creamy and perfect for washing down the ribs. Truly one of the finest stouts in the lands!
On to House Briggata where I met with Lord Bandanas who invited me in for a drink. In the Common room there is a bar with: flasks of dwarven stout, blueberry tart liqueur, Elanthian Comfort, and glasses of white wine .
I've always been a fan of stouts and the dwarves are accomplished stout brewers. Needless to say I quaffed a few flasks while I was there.
House Phoenix had perhaps the most interesting drinks I've ever come across. I was very happy to find Lady Amoret on her way in. She is a kind cleric who had brought me back to the living while I lived in Icemule for a time. We launched into finding tasty treats the House had to offer. As houses go, it is quite big! We managed to get lost once or twice. But then came into the Grand Hall with a suprising array of drinks: kegs of amber lager, chayas of warm sake, and flagons of fine beaujolais .
I had to try each of these and wasn't sorry I did. The amber lager was a perfect balance of flavour and texture, lighter than a stout with more flavour than an ale. The sake, if I understand correctly, is a rice wine served warm. Its subtle scent and flavour are warming to the soul. The beaujolais is a wonderful red wine with just a touch of tannin.
We also plundered Lady Cartissa's private room, which was wide open, honest! Inside we found: bottles of fresh creamy milk, elven champagne, and elven chocolate!
My thanks goes out to Lady Amoret who led me to, and Lady Cartissa who provided me with, a stomach ache that lasted most of the night on an overdose of chocolate! It was heaven.
House Aspis's Trophy Room has a well stocked bar shown to me by Lady Lillies. On the bar you can find: casks of Erebor's Tipple, some fine old brandy, and magnums of silver champagne.
Lady Lillies and I each grabbed a magnum of champagne and proceeded to the kitchen and dining hall in search of food. Oddly enough there wasn't any, so we had to lunch on champagne, oh well....
In my brash and younger days I once spent the night after a singing festival in House Aspis. The competition was intense as many of Elanthias oldest adventurers sang songs of the old gods. I snuck into the Trophy room during one of the songs and went to sleep behind the bar. I wasn't discovered and the next day I explored the house in its entirety. In one of the members' room I discovered a vintage wine. It was an excellent wine, even to my inexperienced palate. I did leave a token of my appreciation on the table next to the wine. I may have been brash but at least I was honorable!
In the beautiful garden in front of the crystal spired House Soyvn was a rescue in progress. Seems a Lord had fallen and everyone was there to help. After the Lord were raised I asked if a member could invite me in. Lord Ravenstorm were most gracious and invited me inside.
We walked into the Foyer where, on a pine bar, was: sylvan chocolate marzipan, some House Sovyn dark ale, and small bottles of milk.
The marzipan was delicious, and you should know how I feel about dark ales by now. He then led me to the Dining room where could be found: cream filled cherry tarts, some hazelnut cinnamon coffee, and some chocolate raspberry tiramisu.
Needless to say I gathered all of these delights and chowed down. I saved some tiramisu and coffee for my fiance Tyanda, who then swore allegiance to my side forever! Everyone, this stuff is powerfully good, so be careful to whom you give it!
I then met with an old friend of mine, Lord Galliphile, who came with me on my expedition to House Sylvanfair. This house is situated inside a huge tree and is a wonder to behold. Lord Solarian invited us in.
We went to the Orc's Head Bar to find: tankards of dwarven ale, glasses of Sylvanfair mead, and goblets of blackberry liqueur.
The dwarves have been busy supplying the lands with fine weapons and ales it seems! We then made our way to the Kitchen following the smell of baked goods. An old halfling woman was there setting out stuff on the rack: Granny's five-berry tart, a big slice of chocolate cake, and some steaming rolton pie.
Lord Galliphile and I then launched into a cake grabbing spree. You see, we know the way to women's hearts, and chocolate cake is one that will be sure to melt that special woman in your life!
This leaves just House Arcane. I haven't seen anyone come or go from this house, and the doorkeeper absolutely does not sleep! When asked about in Hearthstone the reply is that members of this house are very old and most of them live on Teras. I'm afraid I haven't had any success in getting into this house, so the mystery will remain. As well it should for its mystery that baits our breath in these lands, to have all revealed wouldn't be much fun!
The shops and pubs also have much to offer in Wehnimers Landing. Through the bustle of the west road there is the Grocer.
One room holds an alcove for private meetings
while the other offers food and drink to be bought on its counter:
wedge of mild goat cheese 40
clear spring water 60
small bottle of milk 60
hearty mutton sandwich 38
mug of creamy hot cocoa 50
plump juicy peach 30
warm apple cinnamon tart 45
flakey crossaint 55
I'm a huge fan of the crossaints which go great with cocoa. The sandwich is quite good too.
In town you will also find the Bakers Shop, a nice place to rest and enjoy a good snack. The prices here vary with how well you haggle, but there are some very nice things you can get here for those special occasions: loaf of bread, wedding cake, piece of wedding cake, birthday cake, slice of birthday cake, chocolate chip cookie, cinnamon sugar cookie, doughnut, mug of strong Elanthian coffee, and cup of herbal tea .
Now the two Inns in town, Frith's and Thraak's, do not serve food or drink. Which is puzzling because you will often see a waiter or barmaid serving people at tables. I've had the barmaid in Frith's even wink at me but I can never persuade her to get me anything! So you are out of luck with the Inns, but there's always good old Helga's Tavern, the most famous and often visited tavern in all of Elanthia.
You will find adventurers of every sort grinning foolishly
with Helga's famous drinks:
Glass of Flaeshornberry wine 30
Dragonsdraught Ale 12
Honeyed herb tea 7
Golden Fox Mead 5
Black Dew Grog 2
To truly appreciate Helga's, you must spend some time in there talking with the regulars while Helga yells at her staff. The west gate guard can be seen in there on many an occasion having an ale. Be careful ladies, you never know what the guard will do if you wink at him. Unfortunately, Helga does not let people out of her establishment with any of her drinks. And with good reason, they are quite potent. Drink to much and you'll be flat on your face in no time! On a side note, Dragondraught Ale is made by the brewer on the east side of town.
Just outside Wehnimer's north gate is Zephyr Hall, another four winds hall. In its Great hall is a table with: glass of apple cider, hunk of aged blue cheese, goblet of sparkling wine and handful of red grapes .
Hearthstone is a huge manor north of town open to those with sufficient fame. Inside are all the services of town: a bank, gemshop, furrier, herbalist and much more.
In the pub, free for its members are: hearty roast cockatrice sandwiches, snifters of Sylvan brandy, slices of angelfood cake, small bottles of milk, slices of warm buttered bread, steins of rich dwarven ale, apple cider, and shots of whiskey .
After finishing my tour of the Landing, I decided to hop the Glasean Star enroute to Teras Isle! The Star is a magnificent vessel, with many ladders and doors to different areas. The boats construction is marvelously interleaved with glaes, the material mined on Teras Isle.
During the trip I stumbled into Beneath the Waves, a room in the bow of the ship below decks with glass walls for viewing the underwater world! Low and behold there was a bar serving tankards of krolvin grog. Now I disdain the krolvins, long story, and the grog is as bad as the krolvins themselves. No wonder they are so grumpy!
Upon my arrival to Teras Isle I set out to find the pubs and shops. The town seemed deserted as I made my way through the Poor Quarter. I roamed for a long time with an uneasy feeling that all eyes were upon me.
At last I found a tavern! Surely I would find security there amongst my fellow travellers. But as I looked up at its sign I had a chill run down my back, for its name was written The Whinning Elf Tavern! Well, there was no turning back, so I braced myself and went in. The place fell silent and I saw dwarves and giantmen all turn in unison to look at me. I definitely stood out in the crowd with my fancy attire and not to mention the fact that I'm a dark elf. I made my way to the bar amongst comments and glances. I really weren't afraid, I'm light on my feet and swing a good blade, but my theme is good fun and merriment, so I ignored the throngs.
At the bar the menu read:
day old bread crusts 10
fried rabbit 40
{From the looks of this dish I suspect its really rat}
glass of giantish ale 60
shot of moonshine 80
mug of dwarven bitters 120
flute of elvan moonflower wine 200
Being a jovial sort, I went with the giantman ale first. It was awful! Sour and bitter, I couldn't stand the taste of it. When I tried to put it down a dwarf and his comrades jumped up to offense that I did not like their brew. So I grit my teeth and drank it down. Next I tried the dwarven bitters and that was worse! Lumpy and wretched. I tried to drop it but again the dwarves insisted I finish the lot. So I did. Everyone laughed and I could barely hold my temper. Well what happened next is a blur. I ordered the elven wine. When I was told it wasn't really on the list I lost it! They had pushed me to far! I cursed them in high elf while my hands leapt to my weapons instinctively. Next thing I knew I was on the street, the crowd inside laughing at having thrown me out. I regained my composure, redonned my hat, and briskly left that part of town!
I made my way to town center where I met some of the inhabitants of Teras Isle. They were friendly and directed me to the finer establishments. One of which was the Golden Helm. A prosperous Inn with fancy decoration. Candle sconces and velvet tapestries line the walls.
In the bar you can purchase:
roast leg of thraak sandwich 85
stein of Helga's Own ale 180
glass of elven winterberry wine 220
snifter of 75 year old congac 350
shot of Gorsa's trollkiller 250
The sandwich is good and Helga's Own hits the spot! Finally I can take some of Helga's ale home with me! Not far from there is Windak Hall, another four winds hall. In the Oriel Chamber is a cart with: cup of spiced apple cider, a handful of peanuts, a mug of frothy dark ale, and a toasted oatcake.
Guess what I had? Frothy dark ale! YUM! From there I went to the Adventurer's Rest, where it seems most Terans hang out. The Inn contains lockers for house members who've moved to the Isle.
In the bar you can buy:
Toasted wasp eggs 35
Mug of dark ale 90
Stein of amber stout 120
Jack of golden mead 130
Glass of port wine 140
I tried the ale, stout and mead, all of which were brilliant! Don't ask about the eggs though, yik!
My time on Teras was very brief, for I only just came for the food. Everyone there is really old. And I mean old! Average age? People there seemed to be in their ninty's or hundreds. Time for this lad, at the tender age of 49, to head back home. Teras is a nice place to visit, but it will be a long time before I move there!
I sallied back to the Teras Travel Office for my voyage home. While waiting in the lobby I observed a cart : a tiny shot, glass of orange juice, and a tiny bag of salted peanuts.
Free food! And just like everyone else I'm sure, I stuffed all my pockets with the peanuts. Now I don't know what to do with them all!
The Glasean Star came round and took me back to the Landing. I had two quick stops to make before heading to Icemule, famed for its many pubs and inns. There are two villages in the wilds surrounding Wehnimer. One of these is the Elven Village in Dangirland. It is small but quaint, with tents erected for the shop keepers. There is a bank, a pawn tent, and a food tent. A spry young elf by the name of Eirsei owns the food tent that has many elven delights. It was a nice to amongst my cousins after my experience in Teras.
Inside the tent is a table with: cup of spring water, a cup of elven mead, a small loaf of sweet sticky bread, a hot sausage roll, and a warm gooseberry muffin .
These items are all for sale, but I neglected to inquire about the prices. I did, however, purchase lots of mead.
Now I had only one place left to try. I had heard rumors about another tavern in the Valley south of the mines. Supposedly there is a village of creatures known as Reivers. I packed up my goods and headed out not really knowing what to expect. I was wandering around the valley enjoying the beautiful scenery when I realized I was lost. I passed through forests, a canyon, hills, paths and finally discovered a mine. That is where I met Lord Barig, who generously offered to take me to the Reiver Village. Lord Barig didn't know of any tavern there, but there were buildings to enter.
We were received in the village by the reivers, huge fierce warriors with excellent arms and armor. Apparently they don't like tourists and we found ourselves fighting with the locals every step we took. We searched around and found many uninhabited buildings. I was beginning to fear that the tavern rumor was false when we happed along The Restless Reiver! We went in to find a fully stocked bar and a friendly chap by the name of Jock.
He served:
A glass of white wine 15
A glass of red wine 15
A tankard of Jock's bitter 19
A tankard of amber ale 20
A snifter of fine brandy 26
A dram of Reiver's whisky 30
Friendly and an excellent brewer. His bitter was just light enough to be refreshing and still held its hoppy flavour. He didn't talk much. We asked him about reivers and the settlement, but he just smiled at us. Lord Barig and I drank our bitters in peace walking around the fine establishment. We found a locked door which resisted both of our unlock spells. Lord Barig phased through and told me there was food stuffs in the room beyond. None of it was readily available to him so I'm sad to say no food in the Restless Reiver.
On our way out we met Lady Droxalyn, a sylvan sorceress who proceeded to pound down shots of whiskey. I usually don't like to leave a lady alone in a place like that, but she could definitely take care of herself. Lord Berig and I left feeling a bit sorry for the reivers.
My quest was almost finished! All I had to do was make my way over the Glacier to Icemule. At this point, I was carrying all the beers I had found so far. Five of each of the 25 beers, meads, ales, stouts, lagers and bitters to bring to my beer tasting party. 125 beers in a bag on your back makes it hard to hunt, not to mention the smell which draws odd looks and glances from everyone who passes by!
Blinded by my quest, I happened along a fresh ginger cookie on the glacier. There was a Titan standing there, and when I unthinkingly slung my shield over reaching for the cookie, it zapped me with a lightning bolt killing me outright!
Seems it was upset at my trying to obtain its cookie! I was rescued and quickly set out again. On my way to Icemule I passed the abandoned tavern on White Ice Lake, and it occurred to me that, with a little fixing up, the place would be an excellent resting spot for weary travellers. I have made an inquiry into purchasing the building, but as of this writing I have received no response.
I burst through the South Gate, tired and beer laden, making my way to Tartlicker's Bakery.
On the menu there are:
Roasted rabbit 20
Boiled asparagus 10
Fried polar bear sandwich 10
Fresh iced doughnut 10
Angel food cake 30
Sand devil's food doughnut 20
loaf of sourdough bread 40
Winterberry jam 20
Winterberry tart 20
Blueberry tart 30
I'm fond of the roast rabbit here, and the loaf of bread is tasty accompaniment.
Next I hit The Honey Beer Inn, a sleepy inn that's almost
never occupied, where in the barroom they serve five types of beer:
A mug of honey beer 8
A glass of amber ale 12
A flagon of snow lager 15
A flagon of Icemule bock 20
A mug of toe tickler ale 28
All of which are outstanding!
Silvergate Game Hall, a huge place with lockers for house members, has a Library with a beautiful cherrywood bar.
You can buy:
A glass of Cloudberry rum slush 20
A mug of Silvermule porter 60
A glass of cherry mead 50
A shot of silver moon brandy 100
A snifter of the Library's finest 150
Again, outstanding, and if you can afford it, the Library's finest is worth the silvers.
Outside the towns West gate is The Icehouse Tavern. It's a rough and ready brawling bar where people go to let their aggressions out. It's a harmless bit of fun there, you can punch your best friend and watch them double over.
There is a halfling there who will sell you:
A bucket of gruel 20
A bowl of stew 60
A glass of tart rum 50
A shot of cherry whiskey 100
A mug of halfling beer 150
These items can then be launched at unsuspecting customers. I find the bucket of gruel has a very satisfying sound when it hits its mark.
A recent addition to Icemule is the Warriors Guild just west of The Nightowl Pub. The pub does not serve, but the warriors guild has: loaf of dark rye bread, some hearty mutton stew, a boiled potato, a slab of roast beast, a flagon of strong wine, and mug of black stout .
My thanks goes to Lord Rokkor for acquiring these items for me. Hearty fare in warriors guild to sup with. Have to keep those protein levels high!
The last stop on this culinary journey brings us to my favorite pub in all the lands. The Thirsty Penguin. This fine establishment has a bar, a woodstove room to warm up in, a curtained room, a check in desk and is the residence of the famed Trevor Dabbings.
On the bar menu is:
A glass of Penguin pilsner 5
A cup of lemon honey tea 10
A cup of hard cider 15
A mug of slooberry rum 20
A glass of white wine 24
A flagon of Talbot's Special 30
I finished my journey with an ice cold cider, my "usual" in the pub, and collapsed with near exhaustion next to the warmth of the woodstove.
And there you have it friends, all of Elanthia's fare. There is much more however, that pop up from time to time in party tents and special event refreshments. I procured a juicy turkey drumstick in one such place. I hope everyone has enjoyed this guide and if there are any errors, or anything I missed, I would greatly appreciate a note about it. Feel free to send any comments or even stopping me on the street. I can be e-scrolled at zendada@aol.com. Bon Appetite!
Lord Cyphier Lenzphere, Bard Extraordinaire!
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