View Full Version : roleplaying saga
12-07-2006, 09:20 PM
Anyone interested in creating a roleplaying saga of some sort? I'm interested in forming a group that would basically compare to being a D&D type group, that could meet on certain days of the week and roleplay out an adventure. One person could direct the story, sort of like a dungeon master, and well, the rest would freeflow. Let me know if you are interested in doing something like this.
Cool idea. You should name a location to meet. I don’t play often enough and have a pretty strict character that keeps him in one location and interacts with only certain people.
12-07-2006, 10:59 PM
I would like too, but I hate commitment.
12-07-2006, 11:01 PM
I'm interested. I'm actually planning to do something in relation to my character's history soon. I wouldn't mind joining your storyline though :)
12-07-2006, 11:01 PM
This sounds like fun. I would suggest researching a hunting ground carefully. Try to learn its history and all its quirks and then do a "scene" there.
12-07-2006, 11:11 PM
I like the feedback already! What should be done, is someone could volunteer to be the "storymaster", who would be in charge of creating a story and prompts for everyone to RP. I could do this I suppose, unless someone really wants to do it. Whoever wants to be the story-master would compile everyones race, and background story, if you have one, or if you want the story master to make one up, that is also fine. The storymaster would integrate all the stories to combine everyones life-paths, and then the quest would go from there. Any volunteers?
12-07-2006, 11:13 PM
Also, it wouldn't have to be high commitment, IE, we COULD have quests that would require everyone, but more likely, we could save those for special nights, and the other times, everyone in the quest would only have to interact with the other people in the quest appropriately, as the quest/story-line demands.
12-07-2006, 11:28 PM
I wrote a quasi-historical document on the Fethayl Bog in Ta'Vaalor once. Yanno, if you're all like, old enough.
12-08-2006, 12:11 AM
Lets go to Teras and do it.
12-08-2006, 01:37 AM
OR, would anyone be open to rolling up new characters? I think that would add to the fun.
12-08-2006, 08:28 AM
Also, you should have characters not formally introduced to everyone in the beginning of the storyline that become the villain/villains. You will not be able to create ANY outside aid in the form of MOBS, but a sorcerer can animate the dead and control it via invisibility to attack others. An illusioned demon can also aid in keeping things anonymous.
You should PM Necromancer(Querthose) if you get the chance. He has fairly successfully hosted a very large player run storyline IG. Many hate his guts, though he is the only one I know with experience in a completely self sustaining event that was prolonged for over a day.
Another thought is approved character backgrounds. You could have predetermined storylines that call for certain professions of a certain level with set races, cultures, and histories. Players in the group could pick which character they are interested in playing and roll up/level one to meet the requirements.
12-08-2006, 08:38 AM
I might be in. Keep us updated.
12-08-2006, 09:29 AM
Another random thought. You could use Grizzled/Ancient creatures in end-boss type scenarios.
12-08-2006, 11:43 AM
anyone interested in participating, or being the story-master, PM me. Include whether or not you'd be willing to make a new character. thanks!
12-08-2006, 11:52 AM
also, if you wanted to be the story-master, a premium account would be ideal, for the purpose of making characters who would essentially be the equivalent of a dungeon-master making an NPC in an effort to further the story. If not, i'm sure I could just find someone who does have an account.
12-08-2006, 03:14 PM
oh, send me your email/AIMs too, if you're interested in joining in, so i can make a little list-serv
Dwarven Empath
12-08-2006, 05:21 PM
I might be interested in rolling up a new character and joining in.
12-09-2006, 05:04 AM
I might roll up a new character and participate depending on how much is roleplay and how much is hunting. (Hunting sux)
Dwarven Empath
12-09-2006, 06:02 AM
We could all help and do bounties!
We can be the Adventure Guild board of directors!
12-11-2006, 01:30 AM
still looking for a few more people to join in the fun.
12-11-2006, 09:55 AM
I'd be interested in rolling up a new character for it, depending on how much is RP and how much is hunting. I don't really have a desire to hunt much with a new character, I can do that with my other 3 that I like to level. PM me and let me know more if you'd like.
You know... I’ll go ahead and throw my hat in on this. PM on the way.
12-11-2006, 10:17 AM
What city will this be happening in? You mentioned that we should have new characters about what training should they be at when this begins?
Mighty Nikkisaurus
12-11-2006, 07:56 PM
I would totally use a new character to become involved in some RP saga. I'm like Jolena and wouldn't want a ton of hunting unless it was done in like.. a big group of people. I really suck at hunting haha.
Anyway, if anything really does come of this just send me a PM or an email and I'd gladly contribute whatever I could!
Any word on this? I’m actually starting to get anxious at the thought of fleshing out a new char with a new group.
12-13-2006, 12:25 PM
I wouldn't mind going in on it. I can make a new, or have a few youngins that can be moved.
12-16-2006, 02:30 AM
depends on where it is but maybe. depends on what kind of storyline you're thinking of running. more info would be appreciated.
12-16-2006, 03:14 AM
Story will most likely be West of the dragonspine. more details to come....if you want to be on the list-serv, PM me. things are just getting started now, as the author has finished finals
01-07-2007, 02:19 PM
Is this still going on? If so, i'd be interested..
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