View Full Version : CNN, Republican Propaganda?

11-03-2004, 01:55 AM
I've been sitting here watching CNN for most of the evening checking out the voting results in hoping my candidate will win. The more I watch, the more I begin to grow annoyed by the Bush propaganda being slung left and right. Everything from spinning rumors, to giving "knowing" looks everytime they say they can't reach a Kerry campaign member.

Let's face it, most of the news organizations are Republican owned, and are notoriously fronts for their news and their agenda. Seriously, if I have to sit here and listen to them refering to Bush as the election winner and giving the camera a cheeky grin, I'm going to puke. "Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that" Is one of the most horrible lines in the fact they've been trying to influence undecided voters ALL DAY LONG.

To HELL with you CNN!

P.S. I have first hand proof Tayre is a closet George W supporter.

11-03-2004, 01:59 AM
Uhm, CNN is the only news organization that isn't saying Bush won Ohio.

I think they're probably the most for Kerry at this point.

And in this election, the mass media has been notoriously pro Kerry.

11-03-2004, 02:11 AM
Obviously you havn't been sitting here listening to CNN. They talk about Bush about 95% of the time, except for random quips about the Kerry supporters or making comment how the rain at their headquartes is making it look dreary. With over 150,000 gauranteed provissional votes, and the possibility of up to 250,000, to call Ohio is just short of stupid.

11-03-2004, 02:13 AM
CNN hasn't called Ohio.

11-03-2004, 02:13 AM
Considering CNN hasn't called it I believe you fell asleep for about two hours after drinking too much liquor.

11-03-2004, 02:26 AM
I'll chalk it up to the fact you don't quite understand what I'm saying to it being late. Let me put it alittle bit simpler.

CNN has been shoveling piles of Bush propaganda ever since about 3pm PST today. There is nothing bipartisan about their politics, and they are doing nothing to cover the close wins and defeats in the contested counties. They were declaring the Monkey winner in states where less than 20% of the margin was in and the results were nearly 50/50. Do I need to clarify anymore, or will you keep making redundant statements about other networks?

11-03-2004, 02:31 AM
Let's face it, most of the news organizations are Republican owned
Ted Turner founded CNN, it's owned by Time-Warner. Time-Warner is no bastion of republicanism, and Ted Turner is an avowed Republican hater. You're way off here.

11-03-2004, 02:46 AM
They also declared California blue after 1% came in.

I don't really think your point is still valid, as the results still haven't changed.

11-03-2004, 03:00 AM
CNN is for sure not with the republican party, thats an absurd comment.

11-03-2004, 03:34 AM
omg landon r u on the real worldd??????

11-03-2004, 06:38 AM
Err, gonna have to agree with the Republicans here. I think the results will take a long time.

11-03-2004, 10:15 AM
The one thing I hated about CNN was the fact that they had Pat Buchanan on every few minutes. One thing he said REALLY pissed me off.

"Northern Virginia is diluting Virginia's vote".

There are so many other words you can use in that statement to not sound like we're weakening our state.

11-03-2004, 10:36 AM
Knowing looks? Paranoid much?

Talking about CNN being part of some pro-Bush conspiracy won't change the results. Wah.


11-03-2004, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Wezas
The one thing I hated about CNN was the fact that they had Pat Buchanan on every few minutes. One thing he said REALLY pissed me off.

"Northern Virginia is diluting Virginia's vote".

There are so many other words you can use in that statement to not sound like we're weakening our state.

Buchanan is a dumbass. One of the best things that happened to the Republican Party was him leaving it to go independent.

And the notion that CNN is backing the Republicans is like saying Fox is backing the Democrats.

I will give Fox credit though.. they were very unbiased during their election coverage.. at least the times that I tuned into them. I was shocked that they didn't give Bush the states I believed he already earned.

11-03-2004, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Seran
I'll chalk it up to the fact you don't quite understand what I'm saying to it being late. Let me put it alittle bit simpler.

CNN has been shoveling piles of Bush propaganda ever since about 3pm PST today. There is nothing bipartisan about their politics, and they are doing nothing to cover the close wins and defeats in the contested counties. They were declaring the Monkey winner in states where less than 20% of the margin was in and the results were nearly 50/50. Do I need to clarify anymore, or will you keep making redundant statements about other networks?

Umm, Wow. I've never in my life heard of CNN described as pro-conservative. In fact, it is quite well known as as a bastion of liberalism. Now, if you were watching Fox News by mistake or something...

Also, have you ever watched election night results before? They do this thing called "projecting a winner". They used to do this with exit polls and stuff, even before polls closed, but they've stayed away from that for a while, as that can actually sway peoples' voting. For instace, "Oh, In Texas it's a landslide for Bush according to exit polls so he's the projected winner" may trigger folks who planned to vote for Bush to just say, "Oh, fuck it, we won anyway" while prompting Kerry supporters to rush right out, grab a fwe friends and vote for him. Now, at least, they have the decency to wait till polls are closed to project a winner. And yes, they project winners with as little as .5% in some cases. Why is that?

Well, Let's look at Florida, since it makes an nice easy demonstration. Northern Florida is historically Conservative. Southern Florida is historically Liberal. There is something smack dab in the middle of the state called the I-4 Corridor, named after interstate highway 4. It setrtches through the middle of the state, has Tampa, etc. Historicaly, whichever way the I-4 corridor goes, so does all of Florida. Why? They are the "swing" vote so to speak in that state. So, let's look at projectiing Florida. It's safe to assume, with say, 20% of the vote in, that if most of the I-4 Corridor precints have reported, you can "project" a winner for that state. Even if it looks to be 50/50 to the untrained eye, if I-4 is swinging Conservative and most of the other 20% of precints reporting in are from southern Florida, that could certainly allow people who know what to look for to "call" a state.

Besides, what's your beef with someone projecting a winner anyway? Polls are closed in those states... does it change the outcome of the election, or are you simply just bitter because your candidate was not selected?

Sean of the Thread
11-03-2004, 11:05 AM
I was actually just going to ask if she was watching Fox News Net. This sums it up.

"Umm, Wow. I've never in my life heard of CNN described as pro-conservative. In fact, it is quite well known as as a bastion of liberalism. Now, if you were watching Fox News by mistake or something..."

CNN is by far the most liberal. They are the only ones that have not declared the inevitable yet and have had the "Projected" results tilted to Kerry all last nite and even this morning.

Sean of the Thread
11-03-2004, 11:06 AM

[Edited on 11-3-2004 by Xyelin]

11-03-2004, 11:24 AM
I watched CNN from 7pm last night until 11:30 pm. They featured more people from the Kerry camp then the Bush camp. They showed Barak Obama giving his acceptance speech but I didn't see any Republicans giving their acceptance speech on CNN last night.

I don't think that CNN is biase towards the Repub party. They had much better & more accurate poll information in this election then they did in 2000.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-27-2020, 07:23 PM
I've been sitting here watching CNN for most of the evening checking out the voting results in hoping my candidate will win. The more I watch, the more I begin to grow annoyed by the Bush propaganda being slung left and right. Everything from spinning rumors, to giving "knowing" looks everytime they say they can't reach a Kerry campaign member.

Let's face it, most of the news organizations are Republican owned, and are notoriously fronts for their news and their agenda. Seriously, if I have to sit here and listen to them refering to Bush as the election winner and giving the camera a cheeky grin, I'm going to puke. "Oh, maybe I shouldn't have said that" Is one of the most horrible lines in the fact they've been trying to influence undecided voters ALL DAY LONG.

To HELL with you CNN!

P.S. I have first hand proof Tayre is a closet George W supporter.

This aged well.

01-27-2020, 09:56 PM
SHM, you're doing God's work.

I feel silly now saying Seran was Androidpk, I think Seran was before my time on the forums and I didn't know how bat shit insane he was. But to be fair to myself, Androidpk circa 2017 and Seran circa all years are pretty similar.

01-28-2020, 11:14 AM

Suppa Hobbit Mage
01-28-2020, 11:16 AM
I think the best part is how much he's flip flopped positions. He won't ever come address these, because how could he? His TDS is WAY too strong.

I did note that he came into the threads to add a tag for me, so I know he's seen them. He's just skurred to try and explain his TDS.