View Full Version : Another great concept down the shitter
11-06-2003, 09:07 PM
I'm sure this has been gone over before, but I'm sick and fucking tired of morons who set a tone for their character and leave it at that.
If I see ' Inyk menacingly exclaims, "thanks dee!" one more time I'm kickin' ass and takin' names. Why is it so hard to wrap your empty peanut shell of a head around the concept that your character will NOT say everything menacingly, or evilly, or retardedly, or whatever?
Step off the little bus and join the rest of us here in the real world, jackasses.
11-06-2003, 09:15 PM
No shit!
Now, on the other hand, my cleric is set to somber, but that's just what he is. He's a V'tull worshipper and smiles, but it's a cold, emotionless smile.
He's extremely polite, but in a sinister way. He bows, but never touches, and he raises bodies in "his Liege's" name.
But to see someone soberly exclaim anything? Fucking moronic.
11-06-2003, 09:17 PM
I love the ones who sweetly exclaim they're going to kill you. Or the corpses that are seductive....I'm not a necro but thanks.
11-06-2003, 09:18 PM
There was one character in Plat, a Halfling Wizard, who was not a nice, tartgrubbing little bouncer. He was truly evil and mean. When someone asked him 'for spells', his favorite was major fire and boil earth.
He spoke little, generally from invisibility. And was always soft. But with him, the entire way he was played, it really worked. He would never say something that would be unsuitable to his soft tone.
But truly, he is one of the very few, if not only, one I've seen who could pull that off well.
Yes, Weedie, you know who it is.
Acolyte Kurili
11-06-2003, 09:19 PM
I wonder how hard it would be to have it set up so that it automatically clears after being used for one sentence. That how I use it, works fine for one liners and things like that.
Dighn Darkbeam
11-06-2003, 09:25 PM
I requested that...shot down.
There is a way you can type into what you are going to say to just say it once, but you have to do it each time. I wanted something along the lines of a flag.
[Edited on 11-7-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]
11-06-2003, 09:26 PM
Tone, when RP'ed with some tact and skill, can be extremely fun to just sit back and watch. When lazy fucks set their tones, they should get a warning of pissy RP'ing and have their tone priveledge revoked.
I've seen a few pull it off, not many. I don't include myself in this because after typing tone 20 15 times in as many minutes I got tired of it and lost the tone.
So to those of you with the patience and diligence to RP to that depth, I salute you.
To the others that're just too lazy to change tones, take the tone out, you're making the rest of our eyes bleed!!
I always talk in a dark tone unless i feel i need to change it... it works well with edine even when he is in a good mood there is always something dark about it
11-06-2003, 09:31 PM
First the name police....should we start the tone police?
11-06-2003, 09:31 PM
People that jokingly ask for healing, raises, spells, etc need to be hit in the grill with a brick.
Dighn Darkbeam
11-06-2003, 09:32 PM
Laughs. It is a jarring error that is hard to overlook and easy to correct. Laziness is never a virtue.
11-06-2003, 09:33 PM
(Schmuck spits his teeth on the ground in TSC, changes his tone to normal, and asks for an empath and a DENTIST) ::snicker::
11-06-2003, 09:45 PM
Yeah, I use it every long once in awhile. I think tone is something that should be used sparingly, to spice things up a bit. These fucking 'tards that cheerfully tell me the world is going to end today, and turn and lovingly tell someone they hate them, need to get a clue. I'm really getting dangerously close to doing something akin to rubbing a red crystal in Town Square Center.
11-06-2003, 10:14 PM
The ones that get to me are the "Tavern Wenches" ... they say everything seductively or flirtaciously... Do they really think it's sexy?
Miss X
11-06-2003, 10:20 PM
I heard this happened at Ebons the other day:
XXXX seductively exclaims, Daddy!
11-06-2003, 10:28 PM
I have to ask...were they Cul dwellers?
Acolyte Kurili, running off laughing
11-06-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Miss X
I heard this happened at Ebons the other day:
XXXX seductively exclaims, Daddy!
I was there for that, I brought it up and she sat there and continued to whine to her dad seductively... was one of the ... sickest things I think I've had to watch
11-06-2003, 10:38 PM
Ewww.....thats just wrong on so many levels! Its like calling my dad and saying "what are you wearing?" Thats just toooo creepy! Yeah I know its a game...but still....unless that's her sugar-daddy
11-06-2003, 10:44 PM
You're just afraid he'll tell ya he's in his whitey-tighties,and gettin ready to lay down the love. And you're hearing Barry White in the background.
11-06-2003, 10:46 PM
Daina, doll, if i could remember her name, I'd gladly share. Unfortunately, I was too disgusted to bother.
11-06-2003, 10:47 PM
<You're just afraid he'll tell ya he's in his whitey-tighties,and gettin ready to lay down the love. And you're hearing Barry White in the background. >
hahaha you sick bastard! You know my dad and I'm soooo gonna tell him! Besides thats like my dad....the guy I tell myself had sex the 3 times it took to make me and my siblings.
11-06-2003, 10:58 PM
Um, at least give me a 2-month head start on the old man? He's wirey..
11-06-2003, 11:02 PM
The hell with telling my dad....I'm calling your mother! She likes me and she'll tell me smack you upside your nugget! Then I'll fix her a pecan pie and FedEx it to her!
12-12-2003, 01:18 PM
I hope someone replies to this.....
I use the same tone all the time.
cause im a very old man, and i never change it, even if im excited, cause i dont recall seeing a "wheezingly" type tone, so i leave it at weak. Anyone think this is bad RPing? cause i actually might change it if people find it "jarring" or whatnot.
12-12-2003, 01:21 PM
The one I use is "sleepily" just before I get ready to leave for the night.
12-12-2003, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by FatesClwn
I hope someone replies to this.....
I use the same tone all the time.
cause im a very old man, and i never change it, even if im excited, cause i dont recall seeing a "wheezingly" type tone, so i leave it at weak. Anyone think this is bad RPing? cause i actually might change it if people find it "jarring" or whatnot.
There might be times when "weakly" does not exactly fit the picture. If you play your character, always, as a doddering old fellow, it is probably fine. However, if he is out hunting, and slaying monsters right and left, "weakly" just does not fit, eh? Same with anger. If he is angry, he will not speak in the same manner as he would ordinarily.
Just something to think about.:)
12-12-2003, 01:40 PM
I agree, it doesnt always fit. But i dont really talk when i hunt, and im not the angry type, so those two obvious situations dont really affect me. Can you think of any others?
By the way, im not trying to be an ass or anything, just honestly looking for RP advice.
12-12-2003, 01:43 PM
I'd say watch use of exclamation points and yelling.
Exclaiming and yelling things weakly seems a bit odd to me.
12-12-2003, 01:49 PM
Czeska is right. You might also add times of happiness as times when "weakly" does not fit. Happiness empowers one. Frightened people do not speak "weakly", nor do those who are trying to command attention for some reason.
There are a lot of nuances in the way we communicate. If you pick only one tone and stick just with that tone, you are not utilizing these nuances, and are dooming your roleplay to a very one-dimensional affect.
12-12-2003, 01:55 PM
Sounds good, thanks for the advice.
So, basically anytime my character would be any more excited or energetic than normal i should look for something else. Damn i wish they had more tones that fit into my "old ass man" character.
[Edited on 12-12-2003 by FatesClwn]
12-12-2003, 01:56 PM
Even older folks have times of high animation, when they are feeling well. You must take into consideration that your "old man" is capable of slaying fearsome creatures. ;)
12-12-2003, 03:24 PM
Heh my character IS a tavern wench.. well former anyhow, for those that know her story. And a follower of Ivas to boot, and I rarely use seductive, flirtatious, coy or whatever as my tones, and never permanently if I do.
I agree that it makes a bigger impact when used sparingly, and with thought.
I have seen a select few pull off a permanent tone. But not often. All the cheerful haters, and seductive Can I get a raise please? Makes me nuts!
I slip of course. I tend to use weak just after I have been raised, and sometimes I forget to turn it back to no tone. But usually, I turn to it for impact.
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