View Full Version : weapon replacement

11-23-2006, 02:26 AM
I just spoke to a GM who said after I lost a weapon, they would not replace it. Is this typical for GMs? I have heard of lots of instances of people getting their weapons back. I am almost positive it was lost to the janitor, which seems the most unfair of all the ways I can lose the weapon. They claim replacement is not part of their policy. What do i do!!??!

11-23-2006, 02:32 AM
Everyone, supposedly has one chance to get something back. I know a few folk whose had this done. Querthose springs to mind with his alter.

Of course it could just be GM's being nice or playing favourites.

11-23-2006, 05:27 AM
One chance? Bull... I've never had anything replaced, especially when it was lost while on the ground.

11-23-2006, 05:31 AM
Say that to all the people who got that one chance.

11-23-2006, 05:33 AM

11-23-2006, 05:34 AM


11-23-2006, 06:21 AM
Don't forget to register an item you don't really want to lose.
Better chance of having said item re-created on your 'one chance' return option. Which does exist btw.
Some people have 'many chances' return options depending on how far up a GM arse you have your tongue.

11-23-2006, 06:59 AM
I have heard of many instances of them being replaced. I'm not sure if it's a registered weapon, however.


Sean of the Thread
11-23-2006, 07:50 AM
I had a crit weighted broadsword replaced by a gm based purely on a five minute conversation back in like 96'. Scary how easy it was.

11-23-2006, 08:35 AM
Yep there is such a thing as one time replacement. I got that confirmed for me recently by a GM who also told me I already used mine. (yay...)

11-23-2006, 10:24 AM
The one time replacement option was not always around Joe. Perhaps you tried before it had come about. But I too have heard about this one time thing. I am surprised the GM in the current situation did not mention that option.

What exactly did you lose?

11-23-2006, 11:09 AM
Hell, one time I had my ENTIRE inventory replaced when I was transferring stuff over and it all got dumped in a crash... I'd say it's more along the lines of each GM having his or her own way of handling stuff. You probably could just do another assist/report and end up with better luck.

11-23-2006, 11:13 AM
GMs once refused to replace a 6x longsword of mine, but mainly because I put it in the wrong pack on the ground (that someone else had purposely put there) and it was "stolen", not picked up by the Janitor.


11-23-2006, 11:16 AM
I had a registered weapon replaced.

The fact of the matter is that GM policy doesn't really care if your character loses stuff, by which I mean they'd rather have characters losing stuff than putting in the systems that would prevent such loss. When I got my weapon back I had a conversation with Zyllah about it and that's the short of what she said. I don't mean this as a condemnation, just as a statement of fact.

11-23-2006, 11:32 AM
thanks for the input. It was a vultite naginata, so i'll probably let it slide in the hopes i end up with a better weapon.

11-23-2006, 01:09 PM
The longstanding policy has almost always been that nothing will be replaced unless it was due to a bug, game crash or something of that nature; something that wasn't supposed to happen. If you dropped your weapon, it was disarmed or removed from your possession by some other properly working mechanical means, then historically you're out of luck.

Registration is just a means for them to track the stats of your weapon if you have a legitimate claim to have it replaced. It in no way obligates them to replace anything.


policy 13

"GemStone IV Player Policy: Repair Or Replacement

Simutronics is not obligated to credit or replace losses for any user if their use is interrupted by a software failure or other service interrupt. Simutronics' sole obligation is to make a reasonable effort to fix a software problem or to return service as quickly as possible (except in cases where the service interrupt is not related to the GemStone IV product itself). Simutronics has no control over and is not responsible for hardware or software that it does not own (internet routers or a user's ISP for example).

If it appears that your character is missing some points or that something about your character or its inventory has changed unexpectedly, you may inform us by typing ASSIST and speaking to a GameMaster directly. Simutronics will attempt to investigate the problem, and may, at its sole discretion, authorize adjustments to your score or inventory. GameMasters are empowered to make many on-the-spot decisions about replacement, but some situations will require approval from Simutronics management. GameMasters will inform Players about these situations when further research or approval is required.

Some missing items are caused by normal means, such as a weapon which is broken in combat, silver lost to a pickpocket, or a mis-typed line. For example, if you were to type PUT SWORD IN SACK, this would normally put the sword into your own sack, but if there were to be a sack on the ground (perhaps left there by another player), your sword would instead go into that sack, and when you reached for it later, you might think it had just "disappeared." In any case where an item is lost or damaged through this type of normal game mechanics, repair or replacement may not be authorized. Items lost due to sharing passwords or accounts will not be replaced.

In many instances, Simutronics' only recourse in determining the cause of a problem a user may experience, is to verify that the programming involved is reliable. If specific game mechanics function correctly, and repeated tests under similar circumstances as the reported problem yield correct results, then we must rule that what the user saw is attributed to some type of communication problem or a misunderstanding of the output.

If Simutronics cannot verify that an error in programming has occurred or cannot verify the construction of the missing item, then the replacement request will be declined. Characters will ONLY be replaced due to an error in Simutronics programming. Players may help verify construction of items by registering their items regularly. See the town registrar to register your items. Also see the Unique Items section.

Note that some items may change the way they work from the last time they were handled. See the Game Mechanics section for more information about these instances. Compensation or replacement requests will be declined in cases where mechanics balance adjustments have been made and are working properly."

The Ponzzz
11-23-2006, 01:31 PM
I've had items replaced by some, and not by others. It's a favorites game tied into a good mood for the GM game.

I've lost countless weapons to the Jant due to thrown.

11-23-2006, 02:03 PM
I think it depends on the GM. I lost something that I'd borrowed from a friend once that I'd stuck in a disk and lo and behold the game crashed. Also lost part of a siegery set once due to a mechanices issue. Neither time was I able to get the items replaced, though the losses were not my fault. I was told that items placed in disks are not considered part of your inventory and therefore can't be replaced when they're lost due to a crash. Had a friend who lost a special weapon and he was able to get it replaced almost instantly, based on when he'd originally registered it. He had flares added later, but didn't re-register it afterwards. Took awhile for the GM to track down the other GM who'd added flares to the original but once he did, the flares were added back on too. Some folks are just luckier than others in the GM they get to assist, I think.

11-23-2006, 03:25 PM
Amber and the Ponzz has the right idea. Nice to know I wasn't going crazy and this retard, Joe, is just that.

11-23-2006, 03:53 PM
Well, I lost a backpack with a fishspine, dwarven broadsword, faenor, 6x shield, 2x elven fighting leathers (DCP type) and a few other little newbie helpers....I had them all registered. A GM told me that I couldn't get it back...but after a few days they randomly appeared in my inventory. So there ya go....

11-24-2006, 05:03 AM
Amber and the Ponzz has the right idea. Nice to know I wasn't going crazy and this retard, Joe, is just that.

Nice to know that you have to resort to namecalling when someone disagrees with you. Thanks for the heads-up.

11-24-2006, 05:12 AM
At the end of the day, it's nice to know I was right, and some nobody was wrong.

Stanley Burrell
11-24-2006, 11:30 AM
I've lost 3 monir-hafted golvern morning stars, two to critters, one to ?

I wasn't able to replace any of them, and am glad I didn't, because I ended up using the one time dilly on something infinitely more impressive.

A lot of my gaming technique and input commands are based on my past fuck-ups, methinks. Yeah.

11-24-2006, 11:31 AM
At the end of the day, it's nice to know I was right, and some nobody was wrong.

Whatever makes you sleep better at night and fills your epeen.

11-24-2006, 11:32 AM

11-25-2006, 02:05 AM
I got all my items replaced once by tigermist(actually I think it was flamingrose but I can't remember that far back) in '94. I did something really stupid and lost my character to the demonic on the GY gate. ALlthough I couldn't get my character back she did replace my items.

I also had something stolen from me in a fast fingered swindle deal by a con artist around '97 - '98. That I got back within minutes of the incident.

11-26-2006, 10:23 AM
There definitely is a 'one time replacement' rule. But it's limited. If the item is still in the game and in someone else's possession, you will not get it back (unless it was stolen in an inappropriate way- i.e. the use of curse to make you drop it). If the item was disarmed on the battle field, and you lost it through usual creature mechanics you will not get it back. If you placed it in the wrong container or left it on an Inn table, and the janitor has it now, you can still get it back. But only once.

That's how I got my altar back. They seem to be more willing to apply the rule to high value items. I know that several years ago, before the one wild card rule, I lost a beautiful sword (GSIII) by placing it in a fenghai harness on the ground, and the GM wouldn't replace it. When I lost my God Auctioned Luukos Tome due to misunderstanding of major sanctuary mechanics (I thought at the time all items in the sanctuary would pop out of it with me heh) it was replaced (it was also Christmas Eve).

So yeah, there's some GM interpretation involved in every situation, but generally speaking if the item is gone from the game, and it was just a dumb error (or you can't for the life of you figure out how it COULD be gone) you'll probably get to use your one-time get out of jail free card.

11-26-2006, 05:39 PM
I also had something stolen from me in a fast fingered swindle deal by a con artist around '97 - '98. That I got back within minutes of the incident.

Since when do neutral GMs police these sorts of transactions between characters?

11-26-2006, 06:51 PM
Nice to know that you have to resort to namecalling when someone disagrees with you. Thanks for the heads-up.

What? That's impossible. SR would never do that. Ever. If he did.. it would make him a complete and utter hypocrite.


As far as replacements go.. it's up to the initial GM you speak with. Some will replace it.. most won't. But if they say no.. it's highly unlikely another GM will override it. They log every customer interaction, so it's not like they will be totally blind to what you were told by the first GM.

11-27-2006, 04:50 AM
Hey look, its a little baby still whining about being an idiot.

I wouldn't listen to PB anyway, as he didn't know much about the game to begin with. Now that he hates the game and never plays it anymore, I'd take his "knowledge" (lol) with a pinch of salt.

It does matter who you get initially. However, I do know of people who spoke to different GMs and were treated differently after the initial meeting.

Of course you could just listen to the wise words of someone with the math skills demonstrated in my sig.

Sean of the Thread
11-27-2006, 07:28 AM
Hey look, its a little baby still whining about being an idiot.


11-27-2006, 07:40 AM

11-27-2006, 08:53 AM
lol @ ''knowledge'' :lol:

11-27-2006, 12:23 PM
Since when do neutral GMs police these sorts of transactions between characters?

thats not the only case of a GM intervening in these situations. I am not sure of the policies now, however. I truely didn't expect to get the item back but it took less then 5 minutes for the GM to track down where the person had taken it to and handed it off to another account and get it back to me.

The Ponzzz
11-27-2006, 04:41 PM
Another key point that I wanna point out is communication. Where I said there is favortism, sometimes it's great communication. Meaning, the GM will take the time and really listen to what is going on. What do I mean? Just like when parents ask you, "How is XXX going?" And you start replying and they aren't really listening to anything you are saying, just assuming they needed to act concerned. So, in this case, the GM is assuming you are lying, because the problem is, most people will and do lie. But, if they listen, they see what happened and really try to help out. OR, the player themself doesn't tell the situation right, because they are mad, furious and don't represent themself correctly.

Sean of the Thread
11-27-2006, 04:43 PM

Rofl and what's yours worth mr 12000 posts? hmmm +1. I don't keep track and who gives a shit... besides obviously your peter licking busted british grill.

11-28-2006, 01:49 AM

Lose some weight fat ass.