View Full Version : Cyr's 635 Summary

06-19-2003, 06:31 PM
Spell 635 summary · on 6/16/2003 10:50:36 PM 7689

Below is a somewhat brief overview of the current plans for spell 635 - Resist Nature. Discussion is welcome, though the questions answered here pretty much cover what I am willing to reveal mechanics-wise at this point.




This spell allows a ranger to imbue a specified type of resistance into organic-based body armor. Organic based body armor is defined as armor constructed primarily of leather and worn as the main armor on the body, and is usable on leather armors up to and including brigandine. The type of resistance is determined by the ranger and may be selected from fire/heat, ice/cold, steam, and spikethorn/weeds/swarm/sandstorm (collectively known as 'nature'). The selection of resistance is accomplished through choice of potions. The strength of this resistance and its lifetime are determined by the skills of the ranger creating it. The resistance will wear off eventually and the armor may be re-imbued with the same or another type of resistance if so desired.



Once the ranger has obtained a suitable set of armor to be made resistant, the spell is cast upon it. Various factors play a role in the success of this initial cast. If the cast is successful, the ranger will know the armor is ready for the next step. It is important for the ranger to know the armor that he or she is casting upon, as attempting this spell on already-resistant armor may result in an unfavorable situation.

The selection of resistance type is made by applying the appropriate potion to a prepared armor. These potions are created from special plants that may be gathered from certain locations. A NPC "herbalist" will prepare the potions from the plants gathered. The various styles of armor will require varying amounts of potion to be applied. The potions are somewhat volatile, and will lose their effectiveness after a reasonable period of time. It is in the ranger's best interest to use a potion as soon as possible after receiving it from the NPC.

After the proper amount of potion has been applied to the armor, the ranger must cast the spell again upon the armor to seal the resistance in. There is a chance of failure on this cast as well. Additionally, it is important to ensure you have used the proper amount of potion for the armor type before attempting to seal the armor. Failure to do so may result in yet another unfavorable situation.

In any event, the armor used during the attempt will not be harmed.



The resulting armor will have a Resistance Strength and a Resistance Life, which are determined by a number of factors. Resistance Strength (RS) is defined as the actual amount of resistance provided against criticals of the type infused in the armor. Resistance Life (RL) is defined as the amount of resistance left in the armor.

The RS of the armor does not degrade with use; however, the RL decreases as the armor absorbs damage of the type the resistance is intended to protect against. When the RLis exhausted, the resistance is no longer inherent in the armor.

Additionally, resistant armor that is physically damaged may have its RL shortened depending on how badly it is damaged. Keeping the armor in good repair will provde for the best RL.



Any ranger who obtains this spell may attempt to use it with no further training in any of the skills that affect it. A few of the ranger's stats play a part in this spell, but the skills mentioned here serve as bonuses to the final result of the spell. In addition to the listed stats/skills below, there may be other factors that influence the result as well.

Aura, Discipline, and Wisdom stat bonuses will play a part, though not equal ones, in this spell.

RS is affected by the ranger's knowledge of: ranger spell ranks, elemental or spiritual lore (as appropriate)
RL is affected by the ranger's knowldege of: ranger spell ranks, elemental or spiritual mana control (as appropriate)

Note that the lores and mana control knowledge serve as bonuses to the results of the RS or RL, but are not required training to use this spell. Training in these skills will simply improve the result of your work.


Common Q&A

Q: Why are we getting this spell?
A: One of the main reasons for this spell is to allow rangers the opportunity to provide a unique high-level service to society and give them a unique skill as a class.

Q: But we can already make wands and rods for people! Why do we need this?
A: The creation of wands and rods, while quite handy, is not very unique or necessarily an oft-sought skill. Any person stumbling across even a kobold treasure chest can likely find an imbeddable wand inside. This spell gives rangers something to offer to their fellow adventurers, if they so choose to.

Q: I wear chain/metal armor only, not brig! Why are you limiting this to brig and below? It's useless to me.
A: The spell is designed to affect organic-based (read: leather) armors only. Armors constructed of primarily metal, such as most types above brig on our armor scale, do not fit this qualification and will not work with this spell. This is done to keep the nature-based theme of the profession, and definitely not to force anyone to wear lighter armors. Bear in mind that you can also create resistant armors for other people as a service. If you charge for it or not is up to you.

Q: How long will it take to make an armor resistant?
A: It varies somewhat depending on the type of armor. In general, the 'higher' the armor is on our scale, the longer it will take. However, the final time for any armor will not be an excessive amount.

Q: Can padded armor be made resistant?
A: No.

Q: Okay, then can enchanted armors be made resistant?
A: In general, yes. However, the process may become more difficult based on the amount of enchantment on the armor. Armors of very high enchant may not be able to hold much if any resistance.

Q: Can resistant armors be enchanted if they weren't before?
A: This is a possibility. It is currently being investigated, but no final answer at this time.

Q: Will we be able to tell if an armor is resistant and how much RS/RL is left?
A: Yes. Rangers will be able to sense these things using the ASSESS verb. Other professions may be able to sense these things to some extent in armor as well.

Q: Can we remove an armor's resistance and put a different one in if we want to?
A: This is being discussed. At this time there is not a decision.

Q: Why do we have to gather the plants ourselves instead of just buying the potions from the NPC instead?
A: The potions are somewhat volatile, and tend to lose effectiveness over time. They would not last long sitting on a merchant's shelf waiting for someone to buy them. Potions must be made as freshly as possible.

Q: What are the plants we need to find?
A: There will be four plants that will be added to the foraging system before the spell's release. Each type represents a different type of resistance. The names of the plants will be left for you to learn on your own. There will be a way in-game to find out what you need and where to find it.

Q: Okay, WHERE are the plants we need to gather?
A: Usually growing on the ground in appropriate places (see above answer). (You didn't really expect me to tell you, right?)

Q: How many plants will we have to gather?
A: This will vary and depend on how much potion you need for the armor you're working on. Each potion takes a given number of plants and each type of armor takes a given number of potions.

Q: Okay then how many potions will we need?
A: This is for you to discover on your own.

Q: Is any of this subject to change before release?
A: Y E S! While this is the working plan, it's written in Crayola -- not carved in stone.

06-19-2003, 06:33 PM
Re: Spell 635 summary · on 6/17/2003 6:15:14 PM 7695

>What does the spiritual/elemental lore/harness mean?

I should clarify this, thanks. It depends on what type of resistance the ranger chooses to use:

Elemenal lore/mana control will affect elemental resistance types.
Spiritual lore/mana control will affect the items collectively known as 'nature' resistance.

The "Harness" skills were not mentioned and are not a part of this spell.


Re: Spell 635 summary · on 6/17/2003 6:24:57 PM 7696

>Three questions Cyr if you don't mind: - Weeby

>1. I'm guessing there will be some type of charge for the potions to be made but how expensive will it be?

There will likely be some sort of charge for the herb NPC's time in making the potion. However, since the ranger has done all of the footwork (literally) in gathering the plants, and mulitiple potions will be required, it will be a minimal fee. I don't have a specific figure yet, but rest assured it shouldn't even come close to breaking anyone.

>2. You didn't make reference to lightning/water/acid as being protected-- I'm guessing water and possibly lightning could be considered nature and we're just out of luck as far as acid goes. How far off am I?

Acid is not considered an element or direct from nature - it's a combination of things with an end result of being very nasty so that is why acid is not a choice. Lightning was discussed but was passed over. I don't disagree it's 'nature' but it wasn't one of the ones that was chosen for this spell. As for water, while it is an element, there aren't really any common natural water "crits" to be resistant to, so it too was passed over.

>3. Not an excessive amount of time for preperation= less than one hour, a few hours, a day, or a few days?

Since the number of potions vary by armor type, this will not be a huge amount of time. I have not decided on a good number yet and there may be some small random factor to it. However I am certain it will not exceed "a few hours". Most likely it will be somewhere between an hour and a few. Not being vague for fun either... I just have not decided yet and I don't want to say one thing only to end up changing my mind later. I may post that and potion cost info as I progress in the spell's development.

Good questions, thanks.


[Edited on 6/19/03 by Taernath]