View Full Version : How I Would Have Done It by O.J.

11-15-2006, 09:20 AM

LOS ANGELES: O.J. Simpson, who was acquitted 11 years ago in the 1994 death of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman, has written a book and will appear on television telling "how he would have committed the murders if he were the one responsible," his publisher and the Fox television network said Tuesday.

Judith Regan, whose publishing imprint, ReganBooks, will release Simpson's book Nov. 30, also conducted the television interviews, which will be broadcast on Fox in two one-hour segments on Nov. 27 and Nov. 29. ReganBooks and Fox are owned by News Corp.

According to a news release, the book and the TV special, which has a working title of "O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here's How It Happened," will depict Simpson describing "how he would have carried out the murders he has vehemently denied committing for over a decade."

Simpson was acquitted of criminal charges, but a civil court found him responsible for the deaths and ordered him to pay $33.5 million in restitution to the families. Only a part of the amount has been paid, and relatives of the victims have continued to pursue their claims.

It is not clear how much, if any, of the royalties on the sale of the book will go to the victims' families. A Regan representative and a spokeswoman for Fox declined to comment beyond the news release.

The National Enquirer reported in October that a Simpson book was being planned, but that report was dismissed after Yale Galanter, a Florida lawyer said to be representing Simpson, told The Daily News it was untrue.
Galanter did not respond to phone calls on Tuesday seeking comment.
The television special is being produced by Regan, who moved to Los Angeles from New York this year.

Regan has previously produced shows for television featuring her authors, including a special with Jenna Jameson, the sex-film star and author of the book "How to Make Love Like a Porn Star," which was also published by ReganBooks.

Fox representatives would not comment on whether it would solicit advertisers for the specials or whether it had concerns about presenting the specials in prime time.

In its news release, the network quoted Mike Darnell, executive vice president for alternative programming, who said: "This is an interview that no one thought would ever happen. It's the definitive last chapter in the trial of the century."

At least one other network said it had passed on the chance to bid on the TV special because it thought the content was of questionable taste.
Rebecca Marks, a spokeswoman for NBC Universal Television, said the network passed because "from an advertising point of view, from a public relations point of view, everything, it was impossible."

The TV special will be shown on Fox during the final week of the November sweeps, the period when local network affiliates measure viewership in order to determine what rates they can charge for advertising.


11-15-2006, 09:22 AM
You expected more from Fox, who airs such fine quality programming as Temptation Island and When Animals Attack?


11-15-2006, 09:48 AM
Another sad attempt to grab 15 more minutes of fame by OJ. Its sad that FOX is willing to pander it on national TV.

11-15-2006, 11:13 AM
Another sad attempt to grab 15 more minutes of fame by OJ. Its sad that FOX is willing to pander it on national TV.

That's what I thought too, to the point of wanting to pull the attention whore sign from the Sheehan thread and throw it up here too.


11-15-2006, 11:19 AM
I'd watch it...

11-15-2006, 11:43 AM
I love how OJ's trial is considered the "trial of the century". I mean... was that seriously the most important trial? I think Nuremburg might have had a bit more gravitas.

11-15-2006, 11:54 AM
I love how OJ's trial is considered the "trial of the century". I mean... was that seriously the most important trial? I think Nuremburg might have had a bit more gravitas.

Evidence the short American attention span for anything that doesn't involve sexual relations, preferably with hate (edit: and a celebrity).


11-15-2006, 12:28 PM
OJ is the worst guy ever

11-15-2006, 01:24 PM
I love how OJ's trial is considered the "trial of the century". I mean... was that seriously the most important trial? I think Nuremburg might have had a bit more gravitas.

True but before all our time.

11-15-2006, 01:52 PM
Man could he run though!

11-15-2006, 02:08 PM
I cannot believe he is going to go on TV and describe how he "would have" killed a woman who is the mother of his children. Does he really think having them hear how me may have butchered their mother will be conducive to their mental health? Unfuckingbelievable.


11-15-2006, 04:35 PM
it's not enough that he got away with it. now he has to go on tv to gloat about how he did it.

this is how most criminals are caught btw. inability to keep their mouth shut.

I'm sure there's a special pit in hell reserved for the Juice.

11-15-2006, 04:41 PM
I'm sure there's a special pit in hell reserved for the Juice.
He gets to stand in Phlegethon, the boiling river of blood. :)

11-15-2006, 04:55 PM
He gets to play for the 2006 Oakland Raiders against the 1985 Chicago Bears.

11-15-2006, 05:09 PM
Lo, Ditka is great.

Sean of the Thread
11-15-2006, 05:24 PM
He gets to stand in Phlegethon, the boiling river of blood. :)

Sorry the river is booked by Scott Norwood for the next few million years.

11-16-2006, 11:13 PM
On a slightly related topic, there's a local radio show in Vegas I listen to every morning. This morning, they were talking about Heidi Fleiss' new property in Nye county (prostitution legal) that is supposed to be called The Stud Farm. SUPPOSEDLY Mike Tyson is "considering" signing on to be their headlining "manscicle." The conversation then veered to male host asking the female host that if she had a gun to her head and HAD to choose, would she rather sleep with Mike Tyson or OJ Simpson? Her response was, "nice knowing ya."


11-17-2006, 01:44 AM
I am just absolutely sick of this case. I was sick of it during the preliminary hearings.

The whole world knows he did it, just as they know the prosecution may as well have not bothered showing up.

That Fox is going to air this is sickening as it is. What's more sickening is how the REST of the media is giving them more publicity than they could have generated on their own. It's like trying not to draw attention to that big ass mole on a relatives face by telling everyone in the room about it and how they should ignore it.

The thing I find most sickening is the attention the Brown and Goldman families stir up. ANY FUCKING TIME an OJ piece hits the air, there they are crying bitching and moaning that they haven't received a single dime. Poor Nicole and poor Ron were taken from this world and their killer is free and still rich. They were such good people, no one should have to go through this.

Guess what fuck heads, people go through it every day. The difference between you and them is that most murderers don't have mountains of money. Most murderers don't have celebrity. Most murderers get about 1 minute of news time and the victims families get even less.

This is what gets me the most. Now an understanding of the cycle of abuse aside, you just don't attach yourself to crazy. Crazy gets you beat. Crazy means you wake up without a penis. Crazy means you come home to dead animals strung about your house. You don't stay with crazy, especially with kids.

If it's a money and lifestyle thing that you can't do without, well you asked for it.

Call me heartless, but I feel nary an ounce of pity for the families or the victims in this case. They were all a bunch of idiots to begin with and Darwin caught up to them.

Did they deserve to die, hell no. But if your going to compromise your safety by staying close to crazy for the lifestyle and nose candy ... chances are you're not long for this world anyway. It was this way or taking out a school bus while your waiter boyfriend tries to sniff coke off your tits and drive your Ferrari at the same time.

All of that heartless prattle aside, it sickens me most that everyone (families, media, courts and so on) is more concerned about what money is being made and who isn't getting paid rather than THE CHILDREN THAT ARE LIVING WITH A MURDERER.

11-17-2006, 09:07 AM
Sorry the river is booked by Scott Norwood for the next few million years.

We forgave Scott Norwood.


11-17-2006, 09:43 AM
I wonder if he has a guilty conscience? Is this a confession? I know he was proven innocent, but I do believe he had some involvement.

I am sure this is a way for him to get some revenue to pay of the judgement of the civil suit.

11-17-2006, 10:13 AM
I wonder if he has a guilty conscience? Is this a confession? I know he was proven innocent, but I do believe he had some involvement.

I am sure this is a way for him to get some revenue to pay of the judgement of the civil suit.

I know you meant he was found 'not guilty'.

The OJ case marked a big turning point at our house. We turned off the TV (except for between 10-11 PM) and we've never looked back.


11-17-2006, 10:31 AM
OJ is out to lunch.

Further proof that he took one too many hits in his hey day.

Furthermore, who the fuck cares how you would have done it, we all KNOW you did it, idiot. He needs to do the world a favor and fade into oblivion.

11-20-2006, 04:14 PM
Cancelled (http://www.cnn.com/2006/SHOWBIZ/TV/11/20/oj.cancel.ap/index.html).

"I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project," said Rupert Murdoch, News Corp. chairman.

No shit, Sherlock.

11-20-2006, 04:20 PM
Haha on Fox. Nice move by Borders. As a result, I'll shop there instead of B/N when the choice presents itself. They should specify the charity as like, help for domestic violence victims or something, or aid to children that are survivors of the same.


11-20-2006, 05:44 PM
I'm glad Rupert decided the show was not worth airing.

Stanley Burrell
11-20-2006, 05:48 PM
They took us all out of class and made us watch the verdict in the auditorium when I was in 7th grade or something.

I had to pretend I thought he was innocent because I was sweating this fine ass ebony shorty in science class :(

11-20-2006, 05:49 PM
I think most people are, Ganalon. It was pretty disgusting that such a show was even considered for airing.

11-20-2006, 05:53 PM
edit: fuck me for not reading the posted link carefully enough. Move on. Nothing to see here.

Sean of the Thread
11-20-2006, 06:44 PM
This was a pub stunt from the beginning you lemmings.

11-20-2006, 08:49 PM
Where are the Boondock Saints when you need them.

11-20-2006, 09:41 PM
O'Reilly taking credit for it not airing in 3....2...1....

11-20-2006, 10:02 PM
It’s a big conspiracy to make Rupert look good.