View Full Version : Buyer problems

11-14-2006, 08:04 PM
OK, so most of you could care less about character sales, and alot of you probably just out right hate them. But, I am asking those of you who are perhaps a bit more open minded to help me out.

Someone was trying to buy a character from me, and after telling me they would pay via Paypal, I mentioned to make sure and include a confirmed shipping address.

potentialbuyer (6:30:38 PM): Hey Brian, you around?
AestheticDeath (6:30:43 PM): yep
potentialbuyer (6:30:54 PM): My name is potentialbuyer. I'm purchasing your rogue
AestheticDeath (6:31:02 PM): ah ok
potentialbuyer (6:31:15 PM): I'm going to transfer the money now to your paypal account
AestheticDeath (6:31:29 PM): ok, please make sure and include a confirmed shipping address
potentialbuyer (6:32:01 PM): yeah ahh... i don't exactly get that part
potentialbuyer (6:32:10 PM): shipping address for what exactly?
AestheticDeath (6:32:17 PM): it helps prevent charge backs
AestheticDeath (6:33:09 PM): Have you ever bought anything like this before?
AestheticDeath (6:37:08 PM): Are you still there?
potentialbuyer signed off at 6:41:50 PM.

So.. My question is, how many of you would actually be turned off from such a demand, or think that I, the seller am trying to screw you over or obtain your location for more .. underhanded? .. reasons?

And, how exactly should I try and convince this guy I am not a scammer or whatnot?

I have been doing sales like this for a long time, and seriously never had a problem with anyone being hesitant to include the shipping info. I mean if he had purchased a legitimate tangible item, he would have HAD to include that information in order for me to ship it. So what gives at this point, was HE trying to scam me and realized he wouldn't get away with it as easily or what?

What do I do?

11-14-2006, 08:09 PM
Given how easy it is to scam sellers out of PayPal payments via credit-card chargebacks, it sounds reasonable.

11-14-2006, 08:12 PM
Personally, I wouldn't try to convince him of anything. I simply wouldn't sell to him. You have a right to ask for a shipping address to try to prevent yourself from being scammed. If he's going to be concerned about giving a shipping address, he shouldn't be shopping on the internet.

11-14-2006, 09:17 PM
yeah, I wouldn't of thought twice if you asked me for a shipping address.

Give him one more shot, maybe he had connection troubles (or maybe he wanted to think about it, and he'll use that as an excuse??) but if he's still reluctant to do that, fuck 'im.

It kind of reminds me when I was a bank teller for a summer. That summer we had instituted a new policy that if you were NOT a customer of the bank, but were cashing a check issued by our bank, you'd have to leave a thumb print on the check, using a little inkless inkpad right next to the pen-on-a-chain. Almost no one had a problem with this - except the 2 or 3 people I ever caught trying to pass a fake check, and one other notable exception - the lady who thought we were gonna give her thumbprint to the gov't so they could "track her".

After I refused to cash her check because she refused to put the thumb print on it, she 1) tried to fake like she had an account, 2) demanded to speak to my manager, and 3) when my manager said I was right, threatened to sue. My manager kindly told her that she could deposit the check in her own checking account, in whichever bank she might belong to, and wouldn't have to give her thumbprint, and possibly even cash it if she had enough cash in her account to back up the check, but otherwise, she was shit out of luck.


The Ponzzz
11-14-2006, 10:19 PM
It almost looks like HE wasn't legit or does not know how paypal/ebay stuff works.

Most people who do online purchases know, I wouldn't let it bother you.

11-14-2006, 10:39 PM
This reminds me of someone selling on E-bay a while back. One of my friends had sold a char on ebay about a month before. After bidding on it and showing it to him, he said that that was an exact copy paste of his old sale. I ended up winning the bid and having to pay because of e-bay. After three days he still hadn't made good, I kept e-mailing him and getting auto responses in mandarin. Eventually he paid me back and sent me more than I originally paid. Guess he was covering his ass (possibly the exchange rate changed too with how shitty the dollar is). Anyways....there are shady people out there, so be careful.

11-14-2006, 11:06 PM
Don't sweat it AD. I have never been asked for my shipping address, so I would of been momentarily taken aback, but it would not stop me. Maybe it is because so many folks know who I am and that I am honest in my merchanting. :shrug: If the address makes you feel safer, then just stick to it.


The Ponzzz
11-14-2006, 11:08 PM
Maybe he was too scared you would visit him and knock his ass out?

11-14-2006, 11:21 PM
I can see someone's reluctancy to give out personal information over the internet, but for a sale of hundreds of dollars I do not think it is unreasonable for you to have asked. Especially given Paypals BS policy of accepting all bank charge-backs and sticking it to the seller (had it happen to me before, total BS).

The truth is, if he's running because you asked for an address, then you probably don't want to be doing business with him anyway.

11-14-2006, 11:56 PM
Maybe his name is George Carlin?

11-15-2006, 05:17 AM
Couldn't you just formulate a fake shipping address anyway?

11-15-2006, 06:13 AM
Couldn't you just formulate a fake shipping address anyway?


123 Fake Street
Springfield, USA

11-15-2006, 06:40 AM
a confirmed shipping address

Couldn't you just formulate a fake shipping address anyway?

Paypal mails you crap with a code on it or something if I recall correctly.

11-15-2006, 07:39 AM
yeah. I like how they confirm your bank accounts too, they deposit like, 7 cents, with a purchase code which you have to enter.

I wonder if you could make like 70 billion accounts, to get 49 billion cents. Mmmmmm, Office Space economics ftw.


11-15-2006, 09:21 AM
Wrossartley's avatar could have my babies.

11-15-2006, 10:24 AM
Hmm. Was about to forget the transaction and relist, since the email he originally used to contact me was not listed with paypal. I couldnt figure out if he actually even had an account set up.

But this morning I had an email from Paypal. The guy has paid, and included a confirmed shipping address. He just had a second email for use with paypal. I guess we will see how it goes.

11-15-2006, 11:28 AM
Hmm. Was about to forget the transaction and relist, since the email he originally used to contact me was not listed with paypal. I couldnt figure out if he actually even had an account set up.

But this morning I had an email from Paypal. The guy has paid, and included a confirmed shipping address. He just had a second email for use with paypal. I guess we will see how it goes.

My personal policy with buyers and Paypal is to require a confirmed shipping address (since Paypal usually requires that before they will make an immediate payment anyhow) and they must email me from the email assigned to Paypal. I'm very skeptical about Paypal because they can sting you even on legit transactions let a lone someone using an account that isn’t actually theirs you have no solid protection on virtual merchandise. After his first reaction I myself wouldn’t do business with him but I’ve been burned, I don't think you should have to offer him any proof as you've sold through the boards plenty and its a very reasonable request. /deposits two cents

11-15-2006, 05:34 PM
Yeah, I responded with the info to the email attached to paypal, so if it isnt his he wont get it. But also, on the boards thing, I have no idea if he reads these boards since he bought the character from gsauctions