View Full Version : This is getting out of hand..

11-06-2003, 12:48 AM

Maybe this belongs in the stupid names folder. But it just seems to me that it falls on the staff, because they won't do anything about it...

This log starts AFTER I had already reported a guy named 'Everything', and watched a guy named 'Invincible' walk through 5 minutes later.

Scully just arrived.
Scully merrily exclaims, "Hi guys!"
Invincible just arrived.
Invincible went through a narrow opening.
>greet scu
You nod to Scully in greeting.
You blink.
(Calean covers drakam back up)
You ask, "Invincible?"
Drakam chuckles.
>'No way!
You exclaim, "No way!"
Scully merrily says, "I'm doing a little experiment tonight"
>'Someone go do something
Ithu just arrived.
You say, "Someone go do something"
Ithu went through a narrow opening.
>roll ger
Gerbill says, "Hi Scully."
You need a free hand to do that.
Leloo stares off into space.
>Put my fal in my sheath
You put a midnight black falchion engraved with silver cryptic runes in your dark leather sheath.
>Put my shield in my harness
You put a red vultite shield in your leather wand harness.
>roll ger
You try to roll Gerbill over, but he isn't lying down.
Scully merrily says, "Everything can be explained through science in the long run! No need to turn to the supernatural"
Scully folds her arms over her chest.
Scully gazes up into the heavens.
peer scull
>You peer quizzically at Scully.
Krowe came through a narrow opening.
You ask, "Science?"
Scully merrily says, "Why is it only one person understands.."
Scully laughs!
Krowe just went north.
Scully merrily says, "Mulder was taken"
Scully mutters under her breath.
Sevas just arrived.
Scully rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Gerbill gazes up into the heavens.
Sevas went through a narrow opening.
You stare at nothing in particular.
Gerbill says, "Oh gads"
Leloo asks, "Should I report you?"
Leloo grins.
Scully merrily exclaims, "That's my point!"
>whi ger REPORT!
You quietly whisper to Gerbill, "REPORT!"
Scully merrily says, "No one even CARES"
Scully nods to Gerbill.
>'Apparently not
Cortus just arrived.
You say, "Apparently not"
You stare at nothing in particular.
(Scully flashes around her FBI badge)

report Ok, now SCULLY is in the cul flashing around a FBI badge. Care to do somehting?
>REPORT should only be used to notify the GemStone III staff of emergency situations or gamewide technical errors. Please use ASSIST for general support.

Message sent to all online game staff. While no staff members are currently on duty, there are likely to be several lurking behind the scenes to investigate your report. If you feel the need to speak with the staff, please type ASSIST for a list of options.

Gerbill gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

SEND[Elbrion] We were on it, waiting to catch her in the act. The name is fine, but the RP was not.


Thisnamesucks just arrived.
Thisnamesucks waves.
Suddenly a large group of burly giantmen appear and wrestle Thisnamesucks to the ground. "Awright, Thisnamesucks!" barks the leader. "Come along quietly now, and you won't get hurt!"
Janisi smiles at you.
Janisi gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
A grizzled old warrior stands back up.
Gerbill stares off into space.
* Hatilo just bit the dust!
[Wehnimer's, Cul-de-Sac]
Broken bottles, discarded rubbish, and uneasy feelings pervade this dank, ill-lit dead end. Several unsavory-looking citizens seem to be lurking here and there in the shadows for want of anything better to do, and the scratching of rats can be heard from within the nearby walls. A pile of old crates is stacked against the back wall of the alley. You also see the Inyk disk, a grizzled old warrior and an empty wooden crate.
Also here: Lord Inyk who is sitting, Janisi, Kugaal who is sitting, Kliq who is sitting, Gerbill, Lady Leloo, Lord Calean
Obvious paths: north
Kliq rubs a crystal amulet.
Kliq gets an odd look on his face.
As Kliq pulls on his crystal amulet, his expression grows darker.
Crackerbarrel just arrived.
Crackerbarrel just arrived.
An ill-tempered wandering transcriber storms in, glaring balefully in all directions.
>'I didn't even notice that one
You say, "I didn't even notice that one"
You stare at nothing in particular.
Crackerbarrel folds his arms over his chest.
Janisi blinks.
Suddenly a large group of burly giantmen appear and wrestle Crackerbarrel to the ground. "Awright, Crackerbarrel!" barks the leader. "Come along quietly now, and you won't get hurt!"
Calean says, "hmm"
Janisi softly says, "That didn't make sense."
Calean chuckles.
A grizzled old warrior rubs his shoulder and glances up at the sky. "Feels like the weather is changing," he says.
>'Where are these people coming from?
You ask, "Where are these people coming from?"
Janisi softly asks, "How did she come into the room twice without leaving?"
Calean says, "No advertisements here"
Gerbill says, "That was the same one"

Wildwerper says, "This one was actually suggested by the manager."
Scully just arrived.

Gerbill gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
>'We need to find a new home
You say, "We need to find a new home"
>nod ger
You nod to Gerbill.
>'It's getting too weird here
You say, "It's getting too weird here"
Gerbill nods to you.
Janisi just arrived.
Janisi sighs.
Gerbill says, "Wonder if the crypt is accepting new residents"
An ill-tempered wandering transcriber scowls at Gerbill for no apparent reason at all.
Suddenly a large group of burly giantmen appear and wrestle Wildwerper to the ground. "Awright, Wildwerper!" barks the leader. "Come along quietly now, and you won't get hurt!"

Am I the only person that thinks Simu should do more to prevent this kind of crap?

The Scullys in GS take away from what we pay for. Shouldn't they be working harder for us as paying customers?

Edited because I spelled Invincibles name wrong :?:

[Edited on 11-6-2003 by Camri]

Moist Happenings
11-06-2003, 01:04 AM
People are stupid.

11-06-2003, 07:44 AM
Invincible needs LCI'd too, so does Gerbill but whatever. I'd LCI about 60% of the landing.

11-06-2003, 11:35 AM
I don't really have a problem with awful names, because honestly (besides the horribly spelled or unpronouncable ones) it really depends on what you know. For instance, I think most everyone can realize that Gerbil (or any derivative) is a stupid name. But only because we all know what a Gerbil is. Aone seems like a fine name too, until you break it up into A 1 and then it's not so good.

So it's tough with names being OOC. If I was a GM though, I'd permanently ban that player of Scully. Flash around an FBI badge? Yeah, go play Doom or something, nobody wants you here. Same goes with Mr. Thisnamesucks.

11-06-2003, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
I don't really have a problem with awful names, because honestly (besides the horribly spelled or unpronouncable ones) it really depends on what you know. For instance, I think most everyone can realize that Gerbil (or any derivative) is a stupid name. But only because we all know what a Gerbil is. Aone seems like a fine name too, until you break it up into A 1 and then it's not so good.

So it's tough with names being OOC. If I was a GM though, I'd permanently ban that player of Scully. Flash around an FBI badge? Yeah, go play Doom or something, nobody wants you here. Same goes with Mr. Thisnamesucks.

The worst part was that Scully person was obviously being OOC on purpose. It was like she was trying to prove to us that the GM's wouldn't do anything. She even SAID "No one even CARES".

What I forgot to point out when i posted the log was, all that crap happened in about a 15 minute time span. I edited the log to shorten it, but all those stupid names came through there AFTER I reported the guy named 'Everything'. Gerbill reported Scull when she first showed up, and got a response that the name was acceptable.

They finally started yanking them after I freaked out about the FBI badge. But Scully remained.

I'm thinking Scully is right. No one even cares.

11-06-2003, 01:16 PM
More than likely it was the Landing's lil trouble crew. Running around with names like that just to draw a little more attention to themselves. Need I list the names of people who are constantly running around telling people how much their names suck?

11-06-2003, 01:33 PM
It was stupid as hell. That was my point. GMs don't listen until you do something so incredibly stupid they're forced to. The influx of absolutely horrible names i've seen around the landing lately makes me wonder if they even cared anymore. It wasn't until a number of people reported about it that action was even taken. And I was being blatenly OOC and stupid. Althought I do find it humerous that the last name that they pulled was one that their own manager suggested. It's seriously sad that they don't even care

11-06-2003, 05:55 PM
Not true...I used report to tell them I was going to deed someone....the bitch was still sitting there. However, I was told I could ASSIST and wait for a GH to talk to me who would later refer me to a GM. Uh no thanks

11-06-2003, 06:19 PM
Aone seems like a fine name too, until you break it up into A 1 and then it's not so good.

That wasn't the intent. Currently, I just pronounce it Aye-Own. Originally, I was just screwing with a name in the character manager because I couldn't think of one.

11-06-2003, 08:29 PM
But then again Scully could have gotten a [send] from a GM telling her to not be ooc. We cant see whether or not someone gets a message from a GM and usually people don't announce that they do because they don't want people to know they got corrected for their wrong doing.

11-06-2003, 08:36 PM
I would've pronounced it A-own too, but , ya gotta admit A-1 is kinda the funny side of an oops.

11-06-2003, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Artha

Aone seems like a fine name too, until you break it up into A 1 and then it's not so good.

That wasn't the intent. Currently, I just pronounce it Aye-Own. Originally, I was just screwing with a name in the character manager because I couldn't think of one.

I know. I only picked Aone because I read about it here, and you know, I was here. Probably the availability heuristic or some psychology thing. Just used it because you say (and I believe you) that you didn't intend to make a walking steak sauce advertisment. But it would be nice because the LCI (from what I remember after going there for... Pikeman, I think it was) let's you change your name without losing anything else about your char, that's what makes it the Last Chance, after all, so I'd encourage any GM's who happen to see this to LCI more. (And ban the scully account. FOREVER)

11-09-2003, 01:23 AM
so..Syberus..was scully you? Or am I the only one who noticed that..

11-09-2003, 01:24 AM
Of course Scully was Syberus.

11-09-2003, 01:29 AM
Hmm... well I was saying it was.. you seem a bit touchy. But maybe that's just me.

11-09-2003, 01:33 AM
Has anyone walked up to, licked and commented on the tanginess of Aone yet? =)

11-09-2003, 01:36 AM
I didn't know Syberus was Scully at the time, or I would have taken the appropriate action. Instead of reporting him, I would have blown off his legs for messing with my head.

11-09-2003, 03:35 AM
I hardly think Aone is as bad as Scully. I would pronounce it Ay-ohn-ee, though I guess if you want to see the other reference, you can.

There's also a character named Noone. You could say Noon-ey, but it's also "No one." Not as bad as Scully by far.


11-09-2003, 03:39 AM
I thought Elbrion explained it very nicely. The name wasn't a problem, the RP was. First the person had to come to their attention, then they had to catch them in the act of being an ass. What's so hard to understand about this? What's so unreasonable about it? Damn, you think they see everything every minute of the day? Give me a break.

11-09-2003, 10:39 AM
No I'm not being a bit touchy... I guess it's just some private joke but the moment I saw Scully I knew it was him from things he's said like ten times, lol.

11-17-2003, 10:13 AM
Maybe it's just be, but when I play I don't think in terms of RL stuff. Scully to me might have promted the question of trying to get them to introduce themselves, so I could say "Scully? Yer family come from a long line of Scullery maids?"

Then perhaps ponder a bit before saying, "I guess it's better dan being a proud chamber maid."

So no until the FBI part, it never occurred to me to be OOC.


11-27-2003, 09:28 PM
I don't get the reference on the name Scully. Scully's a pretty popular name for Irish-Americans living in New England. Personally I think Starsnuffer is a shitload more stupid a name than Scully, and violates the rules that say you're not supposed to put two words together to make a name (especially if one of them is a VERB).

Noone is pronounced like the word after morning. Noon. It's also a perfectly reasonable name.

Now, if Scully is the name of some famous FBI agent or some TV show or something, and this Scully is making OOC references to it, then it's the behavior that's OOC, not the name itself. Elbrion had the right of it. Nothing wrong with the name, everything wrong with the behavior. That isn't "bad" roleplaying. It's "no" roleplaying.

11-27-2003, 09:41 PM
There's somebody named Betheny in GS.

That's -my- name.

11-28-2003, 02:22 AM
Oh Bestatte, you're just down on Snuffy because your little tryst with him ended badly.

Starsnuffer is no worse than most names in the game, unlike And, Tool, Toy, Toybox, Fourth, Persona, All, Ditty, Vaegeta (which sounds like a female genital problem more than it does Dragonballz), Kittenwhiskers, Devilslove, Sparklepath.

It had absolutely nothing to do with if one word in a name was a verb. The policy had a phrase-name rule, which was valid when people had last names.

Here's the current policy:

GemStone III Player Policy: Character Names

The following guidelines are in place to ensure a high level of consistency among the names of the adventurers within our community. Players consistently creating names that violate the guidelines may be formally warned or face suspension of playing privileges.

- Vulgarity of any sort will not be allowed.
- Racist or racist related terms are clearly unacceptable. (Klan, Towelhead)
- Names clearly in bad taste will not be allowed. (Lykmi Pihole or Monkeyspanker)
- Names of well-known historical or religious figures. (Hitler, God, St. Peter, Gandhi)
- Copyrighted or trademarked names. (Nintendo, Lucasfilm, Chevy)
- Famous Out-of-genre literary figures or well-known literary terms. (Buck Rogers, Chewy Bacca)
- Names taken from movies, cartoons or video games.
- Technology based names. (Laserbrain, Jetfighter, Mouseclicker)
- Names of current or past well-known personalities. (Madonna, Goldberg, Cronkite)
- Garbage names. (xxbdgscy , yyyzzz)
- Names with repetitive letters. Two may be allowed, three will not. (xxfredxx, Ghannndalf, Marrrisa)
- Phrases. (Ima toasteroven, Worldsgreatest Treeclimber)
- Names with titles in them. (Knight Blackness, Mistress Bombshell)
- Silly or out of genre names. (Frogeater Tongueodeath, Bumblebee Tunahead)
- Names created specifically to mock current players.
- Names too similar to names of Staff members or NPCs in game.
- Odd punctuation or capitalization. (Fragel DeLYon)

There may be names within the lands that do not adhere to the above guidelines. The fact that these names were created prior to this revision has no bearing on the creation of new names. We will not argue or debate names currently in the game, if we feel a newly created name violates our guidelines.

If you were sent to re-create your name, but feel your name is acceptable, and you wish to appeal, you must file the appeal in writing to feedback@simutronics.com. Your request will be submitted to the senior staff for review. Be prepared to wait 1 to 2 weeks for a review of your appeal.

If an existing name is found to be a blatant violation of our guidelines, the senior staff may either request or force a name change depending upon the severity of the guideline breech or disruption among the community.

Notice the phrase part is gone and they cleaned up the examples?

[Edited on 11-28-2003 by Caramia]

11-28-2003, 03:43 AM
Funny how Hitler is specifically named in the TOS, but his name was still available.

11-28-2003, 07:08 AM
Uh so why do we have all those Voldemort's running around then?

11-28-2003, 09:01 AM
Brave Adventurer Questing:


11-29-2003, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by Ilvane
Brave Adventurer Questing:



11-29-2003, 08:28 AM
How about Metallican

Utwo and let's remember KinkPark (wink to someone)

11-29-2003, 10:42 AM
Originally posted by Camri
I didn't know Syberus was Scully at the time, or I would have taken the appropriate action. Instead of reporting him, I would have blown off his legs for messing with my head.

Ya know what REALLY burns me up. People with the name of Toyota cars. That and Rabidnad.

11-29-2003, 11:09 AM
Ya know what REALLY burns me up. People with the name of Toyota cars. That and Rabidnad.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who hears the Toyota theme in my head whenever Camri posts.

Acolyte Kurili

[Edited on 11-29-2003 by Kurili]

11-29-2003, 11:15 AM
Evanescent is quite old. She's also a fucking moron.