View Full Version : 50k Flat Price Sale

11-07-2006, 08:25 PM
It's Sale Time!!! That's right! You've heard it here first! Darkrede Enterprises is proud to present the 50k Flat Priced Sale!

All items listed below are FLAT PRICED at only 50k! Fifty Thousand Little Silvers!!!

If you see an item you'd like to buy, please send me a message via AIM to GS4Augie or a PM here with your character name and AIM screen name.

In a magical item bin:
a mithril shield pendant inlaid with tiny silver bands (Spirit Warding II ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a fel guardian talisman holding a tiny silver-tipped spear (Elemental Defense II ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a fel guardian talisman holding a tiny silver-tipped spear (Elemental Defense II ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a fel guardian talisman holding a tiny silver-tipped spear (Elemental Defense II ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a hinged modwir talisman carved as half-open arched gates (Lock Pick Enhancement ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a hinged modwir talisman carved as half-open arched gates (Lock Pick Enhancement ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a hinged modwir talisman carved as half-open arched gates (Lock Pick Enhancement ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a tiny wooden wagon medallion complete with a carved bench (Floating Disk ~ 6 charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a tiny wooden wagon medallion complete with a carved bench (Floating Disk ~ 6 charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a tiny wooden wagon medallion complete with a carved bench (Floating Disk ~ 6 charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a tiny smooth moon medallion suspended from a gold chain (Invisibility ~ a few charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a tiny smooth moon medallion suspended from a gold chain (Invisibility ~ a few charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a tiny smooth moon medallion suspended from a gold chain (Invisibility ~ a few charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a carved haon medallion depicting a broad-headed hammer (Strength ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a carved haon medallion depicting a broad-headed hammer (Strength ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a carved haon medallion depicting a broad-headed hammer (Strength ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a carved haon medallion depicting a broad-headed hammer (Strength ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a carved haon medallion depicting a broad-headed hammer (Strength ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a carved haon medallion depicting a broad-headed hammer (Strength ~ several charges, weighs less than 1, neck worn)
a polished ivory teardrop traced with a silver rune (5 charges of an unknown Spirit spell, weighs less than 1 pound, not wearable)
a polished ivory teardrop traced with a silver rune (5 charges of an unknown Spirit spell, weighs less than 1 pound, not wearable)

In a clothing wardrobe:
a black raw-silk robe embroidered with orange blossoms (opens/closes, weighs 6, holds a large amount)
a thick black leather belt buckled with a rusted hook (weighs less than 2, holds a very small amount)
a thick black velvet cloak whorled with gold dust (opens/closes, weighs 8, holds a very large amount)
a thick black velvet cloak whorled with gold dust (opens/closes, weighs 8, holds a very large amount)
a delicate silver hairclip trailing two peacock feathers (weighs less than 2, pin worn)
a twisted driftwood mask set with an aquamarine tear (weighs less than 2, pin worn)
some slim knee-high boots padded with soft leather (opens/closes, weighs less than 2, holds a very small amount)
a pair of slim black boots swept with sinuous patterns (opens/closes, weighs less than 2, holds a very small amount)
a long black leather skirt swept with tones of onyx (leg worn, weighs less than 2)
a silver button black silk bodice stitched with blue musical notes (weighs less than 2, pin worn, holds a small amount)
a silver-edged pearl grey bodice embroidered with bright white iceblossoms (weighs 2, pin worn, holds 1 small item)
an ivory-colored skirt trimmed with emerald embroidery (leg worn, weighs less than 2)
a green velvet bodice laced with snow-white spidersilk ties (weighs less than 2, pin worn, no pockets)
a dark azure cloth kirtle decorated with a row of crystalline bells around the hem (weighs 2, chest worn, holds a small amount)
some deep blue spidersilk pants with silver pansy buckles (leg worn, weighs less than 2)
some dark silver-buttoned breeches stitched with a pattern of dusky crimson tulips down the legs (leg worn, weighs less than 2)
a navy blue gown decorated with bright white iceblossoms down the sleeves (weighs less than 2, chest worn, no pockets)
a thick dark leather belt swept with jagged obsidian shards (weighs less than 2, waist worn)
a simple clear crystal ring wrapped with silver wire (finger worn, weighs less than 2, holds 1 small item)
a simple clear crystal ring wrapped with silver wire (finger worn, weighs less than 2, holds 1 small item)
a pair of green slippers with curly toes ending in jingling silver bells (foot worn, weighs less than 2)
a tasseled ruched velvet sack SHOW: Tied with a thick silvery cord, the soft velvet sack has been ruched in thin pleats for an elegant look. The seams have been sewn in silver, and long silver tassels of silky thread adorn the edges. (opens/closes, weighs 5, belt worn, holds a very small amount)

In a deep chest:
a lustrous deep golden pendant shot with veins of silver (neck worn)

I also have the following magical items, imbeddible items, and random jewelry for sale

MAGICAL ITEMS – 25k each
a plain blue starstone pin (Spirit Fog ~ a few charges)
a serpentine fire opal necklace (Resist Elements ~ 6 charges)
a brushed brass neckchain (Lock Pick Enhancement ~ several charges)
an opal and pink topaz medallion (Quake ~ 7 charges)
a coral and smoky topaz earring (Spirit Warding I ~ a few charges)
a burnished imflass earcuff (Presence ~ several charges)
a pink topaz inset ora pendant (Water Walking ~ 9 charges)
an ivory and beryl ring (Disease Resistance ~ a few charges)
a copper and golden topaz ring (System Repair ~ a few charges)
a soulstone studded steel band (Minor Elemental Edge ~ several charges)
a heavy gold belt buckle (Strength ~ bunch of charges, pin worn)
a chrysoberyl studded ora rod (Resist Elements ~ a few charges)
a carved haon Eonak statue (Minor Elemental Edge ~ several charges)

a glittering pewter brooch
an ornate halfling figurine
a marquise-cut pink topaz necklace
an enruned garnet earring
a glyph-etched pink tourmaline earcuff
a brilliant blue tourmaline brooch
a round-cut alexandrite pendant
a pink topaz inset pewter band
a red cedar ice krolvin statue
an amber inset bronze bracer
an agate-inset pewter bracer
a tooled copper alloy bracelet
a starstone studded orb
a hammered copper alloy circlet
a chased copper clasp
a burnished pewter stag sculpture

a blackened silver alloy pin
a turquoise inset ora brooch
a blackened sterling silver neckchain
a plain pink tourmaline neckchain
an engraved gold necklace
a gleaming peridot necklace
a gleaming blue starstone medallion
a jade-inlaid amethyst medallion
an enruned pink tourmaline medallion
a round mother-of-pearl button
a carved amethyst earcuff
a plain green spinel earcuff
a beveled fire opal earring
a fine mithril crown
a tooled blue dreamstone band
an ivory-inlaid amethyst band
a hammered copper barrette (pin worn)
a leopard quartz-inset barrette (pin worn)
a shiny fist trinket
a honey-hued runestaff trinket
a simple bronze torc
a red garnet inset pewter orb
a string of glossy jade beads (neck worn)

a headless black basalt figurine – 50k
Carved lines run across the textured block of basalt to create the image of a robed humanoid with its hands clutched before it. The stoop of the shoulders suggests age, while the physical build gives the impression of a male captured in the fine-grained rock. Smooth knife cuts have removed where the head, hands, and feet should be, leaving the figurine largely unidentifiable.

a sigil-etched tigerfang necklace – 100k
Each platinum link is finely crafted and easily interlocked with the one adjacent to itself. A tiny platinum loop is attached to the end of one string of platinum links while the other string has a miniature clasp formed from pure gold. The opposite end of the silver links disappears into the vaalin base metal, which is carefully resting on top of a circular band. The tigerfang crystal fills the center of the circular ring perfectly.

a hook-tipped glaes rod (good quality lockpick) – 20k

Thank you for browsing and happy shopping!

11-12-2006, 10:34 AM
Bump. Added a bunch of new items.