View Full Version : Statute of limitations (a bit long)

11-05-2003, 12:52 PM
Strayla and I have (in the past few minutes) worked out our differences and she has offered to pay for my second deed (After this death, I was raised and tried to steal from her again. Great time to botch). So I'm just looking for opinion/law.

You sense a sudden cry for help from Aradhe. For a brief moment, you see through her eyes.
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a small pumpkin, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Strayla, Aradhe who is sitting, Voldermort who is sitting, Moristha, Taggart who is sitting
Obvious paths: south

She seems to feel fine.

The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

Aradhe is a friend, so of course I fog. He had sanct, but I had no idea it was sanct. I was only casting empath spells. I'm not sure if Strayla knew it was sanct, not sure which elemental spell she tries to prep when I arrive.

You trace a sign while petitioning the spirits to bestow their aid with the Transference spell...
Your spell is ready.
>You gesture into the air.
A silvery fog envelops you. You feel a sudden lurching motion, and as the fog dissipates you see...
[Hearthstone, Courtyard]
Before you stands a grand old manor, framed by huge willows to the east and west. The elegant trees sway gently, dappling the cobblestone courtyard with ever-shifting patterns of light and dark. Snippets of conversation drift away from the long porch stretching along the full width of the great old house, as several guests enjoy the hospitality and ambience of this fine hideaway. You also see a small pumpkin, a hollow tree stump and the porch steps.
Also here: Strayla, Aradhe who is sitting, Voldermort who is sitting, Moristha, Taggart who is sitting
Obvious paths: south
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.

You lean on Aradhe.
You ask, "aye?"
>Aradhe nods to you in greeting.

>Strayla makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Aradhe nods to Strayla.

>Strayla gestures.

You ask, "some help needed?"

You grin at Aradhe.

Strayla gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Strayla gestures.
A wall of force surrounds Strayla.

>Aradhe says, "Eii."

Strayla gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Strayla gestures.
A wall of force surrounds Strayla.

>Aradhe says, "Strayla desired your presence."

>Strayla nods to you.

>Strayla smiles.

You nod to Strayla in greeting.

You ask, "What can I do for you?"

You see Strayla Trinityfire the Sorceress.
She appears to be a Dark Elf.
She appears to be an adult and very tall. She has stormy grey eyes and fair skin. She has short, silver hair worn in elaborate braids. She has high cheekbones.
She has a twisting silver flame tattoo that traces its way down her arms and ends at her fingertips.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a feather-swept dark silver staff in her right hand.
She is wearing a featureless silver veined mask, an opaque glass amulet, a sterling silver choker inlaid with an intricately carved onyx half moon charm, a crystal amulet, a translucent silver-hued spidersilk satchel clasped with a carved onyx sickle, a silver-boned mossy grey bodice, some dark silver-spiraled gloves, a lyshalvaon wedding band with fiery rubies inlaid around a flawless soulstone, a flowing silver-threaded shroud, some dark red bloodjewel-set leathers, a silver Gosaena symbol, a grey hawk's feather, a shimmering glaesine orb, a twisted black rose, some silver-trimmed low-slung leather pants buckled with a Gosaena symbol, and a pair of tall silver-clasped boots.

>Strayla rubs her chin thoughtfully.

>Strayla looks thoughtfully at you.

Strayla asks, "I am curious if you wish to repent for what you have done?"

>Strayla nods to you.

You ask, "and what would that be?"

>Strayla says, "For having stolen from me."

You ask, "I have?"

>Strayla says, "You have."

You ask, "when?"

>Strayla says, "Hm, a few days ago now."

Strayla says, "I forget things not very easily."

>Strayla nods to you.

You say, "Let me check my records"

::check my log analyzer, yep, Strayla on 10/30/03, one pull of a citrine quartz. One single gem pull without another try usually means cursed:: Looking back at the actual log of 10/30, the cursed gem cursed 11 of the items in my inventory and made me clumsy.

Strayla says, "Now you would call me a liar..."
>Strayla sighs.
>Strayla looks over at you and shakes her head.

You say, "Lessee"
You say, "Strayla... I have you down here for a piece of citrine quartz"
You say, "cursed"

Strayla says, "Yes, that was it. Wasteful of my talents."
>Strayla mutters under her breath.
>Strayla says, "How it disturbed me."
>Strayla nods to you.

You ask, "and you would like the citrine quartz back?"

>Strayla says, "No, I wish you to repent."
>Strayla nods to you.

>You ask, "repent?"

>Strayla says, "Yes, be sorry for your crime."
>Strayla nods to you.

Strayla strides over to stand before you.

You say, "But I am not sorry for my crime"

>Strayla smiles.

You say, "I stole from you and was cursed"
Strayla says, "It was a crime two-fold."
You ask, "two-fold?"

The sense of peace and security passes away from the area.

>Strayla says, "Not only did you steal, but you wasted my precious curse."
>Strayla traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...

>Strayla gestures at you.
CS: +444 - TD: +301 + CvA: +12 + d100: +95 == +250
Warding failed!
You feel a surge of intense energy suddenly tear violently at your body! You feel drained!
... and hits for 20 points of damage!
... 70 points of damage!
Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left of you.
The white light leaves you.
The very powerful look leaves you.
The deep blue glow leaves you.
The light blue glow leaves you.
You return to normal color.
The buzz of thoughts in your mind subsides.
The opalescent aura fades from around you.

It seems you have died, my friend. Although you cannot do anything, you are keenly aware of what is going on around you...

You mentally give a sigh of relief as you remember that the Goddess Lorminstra owes you a favor.

...departing in 13 mins...

Now, it's 11/5. Stole from her on 10/30. And I didn't run off. I was attacked then as well. What is the statute here? Because we were in town, she has the right to:
a) Cast at me until she feels she's done
b) Kill me and take the fine
c) Call the constable and get me arrested
d) Hope I go outside the gates so she can kill me.

Almost a week later and she's free and clear to kill me? Am I just not understanding policy?

This is what happened on 10/30/03

You nimbly pick through Strayla's things and come across something that feels valuable. You close your fingers around it, but something goes terribly wrong!
A thread of pure black magic issues forth from the item in your hand and coils about your body. It whirls malevolently around you for a moment and then disappears within your body.
You begin to move erratically and feel extremely clumsy!
An inky darkness seeps into your gold cuff links!
An inky darkness seeps into your peg leg!
An inky darkness seeps into your spidersilk vest!
An inky darkness seeps into your loot sack!
An inky darkness seeps into your tooled wrist sheath!
An inky darkness seeps into your pink dreamstone ring!
An inky darkness seeps into your red silk gem pouch!
An inky darkness seeps into your zombie pendant!
An inky darkness seeps into your inset pewter pin!
An inky darkness seeps into your silvery ora helm!
An inky darkness seeps into your black eyepatch!
You reach into Strayla's spidersilk satchel and pull out a piece of citrine quartz.

Strayla gestures at you.
CS: +444 - TD: +245 + CvA: +12 + d100: +45 == +256
Warding failed!
You feel a numbing jolt reverberate through your skull! You are stunned.

>You suddenly trip over your own feet and fall down!
Roundtime: 5 sec.
You are injured in the fall!
... 1 point of damage!
Your shield arm twists oddly but snaps right back.

Edine gestures at you.
You are able to move again.
You are no longer stunned.

Strayla gestures at you.
CS: +444 - TD: +245 + CvA: +12 + d100: +21 == +232
Warding failed!
You feel a numbing jolt reverberate through your skull! You are stunned.

Edine gestures at you.
You no longer feel so clumsy.

>Strayla traces a sign that contorts in the air while she forcefully incants a dark invocation...
>Strayla gestures at Edine.
CS: +444 - TD: +316 + CvA: +12 + d100: +14 == +154
Warding failed!
His eyes flash with a searing jolt of light!
He is heavily stunned!

Heard about this through IM for a few minutes. blah blah blah owe him one blah blah blah

>Strayla asks, "Why must I troulbe myself so?"

11-05-2003, 01:02 PM
I don't think there is a limitation really, I would've done the same thing... One thing I find horribly OOC is saying 'let me check my records.' LOL. I guess you could roleplay that you log what you steal, but honestly, when do you have time to jot down in that non-existant notebook that you stole from her when immediatly you were cursed and stunned.

2.. I agree with you saying 'why should I apologize when I'm not sorry.' However, the majority of this board doesn't seem to realize this. I said that same thing to Jolene and people told me that I MUST APOLOGIZE. I wasn't sorry, how can I apologize? I give you credit for sticking to your principles there.

11-05-2003, 01:11 PM
If i understand your log correctly then she attacked you twice for what you did. There needs to be limitations set by Simu that control this sort of thing. I read somewhere about using the challange verb if you were stolen from and caught the thief. The thief has to auto accept the challenge. At that time you have 30 minutes to duel for the theft, after that the crime is considered paid off. If there is contact made after that then it is unconsented PvP. I would think that this falls into the same category.

Also, whats with the BS about her wasting her talents, from what im reading her only talent is to throw around her weight.


11-05-2003, 01:12 PM
Many people have books with write and turn page features to them, hell I've got an onyx on in my locker. He could easily be refering to that.

Me if I don't do anything when the gem is boosted I don't do anything. I consider it in poor taste to hold a grudge like that, especially over a quartz.

11-05-2003, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Hulkein
One thing I find horribly OOC is saying 'let me check my records.' LOL. I guess you could roleplay that you log what you steal

I agree, and actually thought about RPing some kind of log book, but was flustered by the accusation. Fog in to help a friend and get accosted by an old mark.

11-05-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Many people have books with write and turn page features to them, hell I've got an onyx on in my locker. He could easily be refering to that.

I need one of those books, all I have is 3 copies of the leather-bound newcomer's guide. Doesn't quite work for a log. Though it is fun to hand one to someone who's being a complete ass. Especially if they're old.

11-05-2003, 01:17 PM
I don't think it's fair to get revenge on someone over and over again until they are satisfied. She dealt with you when it happened. How many more times is she going to cast at you? Until you're dead? No one says retaliation means death. I guess I found that to be a bit excessive, especially over a quartz. I understand the principle of the issue, but since she had her opportunity once to deal with you, it should have ended there. Bringing it up again a week later seems weak to me.

11-05-2003, 01:18 PM
I need one of those books, all I have is 3 copies of the leather-bound newcomer's guide. Doesn't quite work for a log. Though it is fun to hand one to someone who's being a complete ass. Especially if they're old.

Ever try giving one to Warclaidhm? He could really benefit from the advice.


11-05-2003, 01:25 PM
And if Aradhe set it up...with friends like her, who needs enemies? Perhaps she didnt know, of course.

Acolyte Kurili

11-05-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Many people have books with write and turn page features to them, hell I've got an onyx on in my locker. He could easily be refering to that.

I need one of those books, all I have is 3 copies of the leather-bound newcomer's guide. Doesn't quite work for a log. Though it is fun to hand one to someone who's being a complete ass. Especially if they're old.

Mine is inside a tome case inside my locker. It just collects dust. You're more than welcome to use it all you want, just let me know.

11-05-2003, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Kurili
And if Aradhe set it up...with friends like her, who needs enemies? Perhaps she didnt know, of course.

I was pissed at him after I died, but he explained that he wasn't sure why she wanted me here, and that's why he sanct. But he went AFK and the sanct fell.

He did manage to Call Lightning an acantha leaf and have it hit her after I died. Amusing.

11-05-2003, 01:33 PM
Umm...Aradhe is female.

Not that it matters, of course. Just being picky I suppose.

Heh Attack of the killer acantha! I like it. It's not right, to me anyway, to use the friend of someone to lure that someone into range for your attack. Pretty slimy of Strayla, if Aradhe was used unwittingly. Course, that could be right in character too! I'll stop babbling now.

Acolyte Kurili

11-05-2003, 01:45 PM
Hm. While on one hand I think thieves reap what they sow, I agree it was in poor taste to attack you twice over a paltry quartz that it hardly costs that much mana to curse.

However, I'm willing to bet you won't steal from her again. Maybe this was her aim.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-05-2003, 01:49 PM
I don't see anything wrong with it. I think it's bullshit a thief can steal in town with impunity knowing the "law" will back them up for the repercussions of their crime.

I'm glad she killed you, yay for her. Limits my ass, I'm still gonna kill Idiothm for insulting me one of these days, and he did that months ago.

PS - nothing against thieving, cause I can deposit with the best of them. I just think you had to pay the piper.

11-05-2003, 01:57 PM
I'm just curious... we're you saying you stole from her after she healed you and you got raised?

I can't speak for others... but that would put you on my PERMANENT shit list. That simply entails your constant and absolute tormenting until you either made amends or I got bored with tormenting you.

To give you an idea of what I mean, a rather untalented Rogue found himself stymied by a mithril box with no lock. Not being poppable by a mage, he asked me to bash it for him. I had no problem with that. During my bashing he attempted 4 times to steal from me, each time I said stop doing it, as i didnt appreciate his doing so, expecially since I had nothing to take, AND I was trying to help him bash open a 70lbs box.

On the 4th try howver, I tackled him, warcried him, lopped off both of his legs and then his hands, then dragged him off towards Icemule, during which journey he logged out on me.

I set my ring, and each time he logged in, I would ring in and attempt to complete the journey, until he finally bled to death and died. He ended up decaying, as no-one would come help him (at my request that they not do so).

Everytime I saw him after that, I would repeat the actions, tackle, warcry, lop off legs and hands, and drag him off towards Icemule. Only one time did a Staffer pop in to ask me about it, I told him the facts:

I will give anyone a chance, but once you stab me in the back, I never forget, I never forgive, and will take great pride in dedicating my existance to your suffering.

The GM refused to get involved, and the Rogue in question ended up re-rolling. He's not spoken to me since, and has spent the majority of his career up in Icemule & Pinefar.

Excessive? Maybe... but I do enjoy standing up for what I believe in.

In Medieval times, once a man was identified as a thief, he couldn't show his face without the very real possibility of losing his life, reguardless of weather or not he abstained from his habits or not. I take the same tact. Screw with me, piss me off, and I will never let it go.

Perhaps She was of the same mind?

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by HappyGuyJr]

11-05-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I don't see anything wrong with it. I think it's bullshit a thief can steal in town with impunity knowing the "law" will back them up for the repercussions of their crime.

I'm glad she killed you, yay for her. Limits my ass, I'm still gonna kill Idiothm for insulting me one of these days, and he did that months ago.

PS - nothing against thieving, cause I can deposit with the best of them. I just think you had to pay the piper.

So if you steal from me and I see you, I can bind you, silence you, web you, and then wait a week, and kill you on sight if I see you outside of town?

11-05-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by HappyGuyJr
I'm just curious... we're you saying you stole from her after she healed you and you got raised?

::long story::

No, she is a sorc. I stole from her after I was raised and un-linked from the cleric. And that is when I botched, she saw me, and killed me again.

11-05-2003, 02:00 PM
I've picked a few boxes for Strayla in EN, and she's an extremely hands-offish RP'er. I've never seen her show any emotion other than maybe having her curiosity piqued or maybe getting her ire up over someone touching her/her belongings. ::shrug::

Don't get me wrong, I'm not really taking sides here, but knowing Strayla and the way the person behind her RP's, she holds grudges and does not forgive easily.

Trust me when I say that I believe she was just RP'ing her character, and not angry at you, the player, or even with your character for stealing from her.

As a thief, you just picked the wrong mark to toy with. ::shrug::.

11-05-2003, 02:04 PM
Ok, wait... now im REALLY confused, "She killed you again", was she the reason for your dying the FIRST time, after your raising you stole from her and she killed you again?

If so, did she kill you the FIRST time for having botched an attempt to steal from her?

Originally posted by Wezas
No, she is a sorc. I stole from her after I was raised and un-linked from the cleric. And that is when I botched, she saw me, and killed me again.

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by HappyGuyJr]

11-05-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by HappyGuyJr
Ok, wait... now im REALLY confused, kille you again, was she the reason for your dying the FIRST time, after your raising you stole from her and she killed you again?

If so, did she kill you the FIRST time for having botched an attempt to steal from her?

Originally posted by Wezas
No, she is a sorc. I stole from her after I was raised and un-linked from the cleric. And that is when I botched, she saw me, and killed me again.

The first time she killed me today was from stealing her gem last week. After I was healed & raised & unlinked, I stole from her again, just to see if I could make up for my deed. That's when I botched, she saw me, and killed me again.

11-05-2003, 02:11 PM
Heh... so, you're saying she killed you for stealing (a week ago), you got raised, you stole AGAIN, got caught, and she killed you for it again.

I guess what I really want to know is, are you some kind of masochist? :)

Not only that, but have you considered that MAYBE you're just not cut out for this whole thieving business, and should just open a nice flower shop somewhere :lol:

11-05-2003, 02:13 PM
OK, you stole from her twice, she killed you twice. I think the lesson of the day is: Don't steal from Strayla.


11-05-2003, 02:20 PM
Um.. yeah...what the yummy brooding brunette said :D

Originally posted by SpunGirl
OK, you stole from her twice, she killed you twice. I think the lesson of the day is: Don't steal from Strayla.


11-05-2003, 02:33 PM
Uhm I saw the second death of Wezas. He botched and she zapped him. That might've been overdoing it considering he came out empty handed...mind jolt or something. She did offer to keep him though.

Next time 206 the room first Wezas, maybe some 106 while you're at it. Wish I had the log of the acantha zapping her though, it was pretty funny.

11-05-2003, 02:36 PM
Zapping? Please explain, as I'm afraid I have no clue what this means :?:

Originally posted by EmpressBtch
... Wish I had the log of the acantha zapping her though, it was pretty funny.

11-05-2003, 02:38 PM
Cast call lightning on something with majickal properties and it gets reflected back at a ramdom target in the room, painful, but funny.

11-05-2003, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
OK, you stole from her twice, she killed you twice. I think the lesson of the day is: Don't steal from Strayla.


Yah what she said.

And limitations shmimitations. It's not like you give the gems back after a certain period of time.

You took your lumps, move on and be prepared for more if you decide to make her a mark yet again.

11-05-2003, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
OK, you stole from her twice, she killed you twice. I think the lesson of the day is: Don't steal from Strayla.


I realize that after I steal from her, I should be dealt with. And I have no problem with my second death. My first death today by her hand for something I did a week ago, and was punished for a week ago seemed a bit odd.

I never said that I was upset about the second death, I knew if she saw me I would be dead.

Also, this is not about Strayla. I have worked out my problems with her. It is about killing someone after so much time has passed.

11-05-2003, 03:06 PM
How did she punish you last week for your stealing? If you're talking about the cursed gem, that was your own fault, and she still gets to retaliate, IMO.

Besides, I think it appears there was a decent amount of RP there. She did offer you the chance to apologize, and you stuck to your guns... she stuck to hers.

Like I said, I bet you don't steal from her again.


11-05-2003, 03:09 PM
I would LOVE to get that type of response from stealing. Currently, I get almost zero... or an occasional 'Damn, who stole my coins?'.

Sorry.. it's a roleplaying game to me.. there IS no statute of limitations because to me that is OOC.

Personally, I think that interaction was done well from both of you.

11-05-2003, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
How did she punish you last week for your stealing? If you're talking about the cursed gem, that was your own fault, and she still gets to retaliate, IMO.

In my original post it shows when I stole from her last week she stunned me twice. It may not seem like enough of a punishment, but she could have done more, then. She could have either killed me on the spot & paid the fine, blow off a limb or two, called the constable, etc. etc.

11-05-2003, 03:12 PM
Oh, and I think I killed someone for stealing from Falgrin about 3 or 4 months later. I walked up to him and had to remind him of what he had done... he finally remembered.. and I slit his throat.

The whole point of stealing is to initiate the conflict... it's not to make 3,500,000 silvers in a year and 8 months.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-05-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
I don't see anything wrong with it. I think it's bullshit a thief can steal in town with impunity knowing the "law" will back them up for the repercussions of their crime.

I'm glad she killed you, yay for her. Limits my ass, I'm still gonna kill Idiothm for insulting me one of these days, and he did that months ago.

PS - nothing against thieving, cause I can deposit with the best of them. I just think you had to pay the piper.

So if you steal from me and I see you, I can bind you, silence you, web you, and then wait a week, and kill you on sight if I see you outside of town?


11-05-2003, 03:16 PM
Also, this is not about Strayla. I have worked out my problems with her. It is about killing someone after so much time has passed. Wezas

Again, not taking sides, but it could've been "last night" for her. Maybe first time in game since it happened, or too busy at the pay event.

It's like they said, you wouldn't give the gem back in a week, so why should it bother you if vengence comes a week after?

11-05-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
The whole point of stealing is to initiate the conflict... it's not to make 3,500,000 silvers in a year and 8 months.

But who's counting?

11-05-2003, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Parkbandit
The whole point of stealing is to initiate the conflict... it's not to make 3,500,000 silvers in a year and 8 months.

But who's counting?

I am now... thanks to you!

That program makes stealing OH SO MUCH MORE FUN!

11-05-2003, 06:05 PM
I think it's up to the character to determine what the lesson is worth. If they want to take your hand only, fine. If they want to take a deed or 10, I'm fine with that too. My characters would react differently.

The one part I have a problem with is the "deadline." If you steal from me today and I can't for whatever reason deal with it now, I don't see why I couldn't do it next time our paths cross. This whole auto-accept 30 min thing is bullshit. Some people said there would be no GM reprimand for killing a thief more than 30 min after it happened but I can't say one way or the other since the situation never arose. If there is such a deadline, be it 30 min or whatever, that's where I disagree. If a mother's baby was killed and she swore to kill the killer, it wouldn't matter to her if she found the killer 1 day later or 10 years. She would still kill him. If the character has feelings as strong as this towards pickpockets then they would also kill no matter how much time has elapsed.

I vote for whatever reaction is IC and proportionate the the values and principles of the character. If Strayla holds a grudge and it is IC for her to kill you on sight, I say go her. Sure it might be against policy but you were asking for an opinion not interpretation of policy. For some of my characters, killing you once is all they could do in relation to their beliefs, even if I, the player, would be temped to kill you over and over.

In brief, I vote for IC reactions.

11-05-2003, 06:23 PM
I would think if i thought a mark treated me unfairly i would target them more not less? If i was Wezas id go buy 5 deeds and happen to run across her more often.

11-05-2003, 06:35 PM
The limitation is 1 or 2 days. After that, it's PvP, and reportable.

11-05-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
I think it's up to the character to determine what the lesson is worth. If they want to take your hand only, fine. If they want to take a deed or 10, I'm fine with that too. My characters would react differently.

The one part I have a problem with is the "deadline." If you steal from me today and I can't for whatever reason deal with it now, I don't see why I couldn't do it next time our paths cross. This whole auto-accept 30 min thing is bullshit. Some people said there would be no GM reprimand for killing a thief more than 30 min after it happened but I can't say one way or the other since the situation never arose. If there is such a deadline, be it 30 min or whatever, that's where I disagree. If a mother's baby was killed and she swore to kill the killer, it wouldn't matter to her if she found the killer 1 day later or 10 years. She would still kill him. If the character has feelings as strong as this towards pickpockets then they would also kill no matter how much time has elapsed.

I vote for whatever reaction is IC and proportionate the the values and principles of the character. If Strayla holds a grudge and it is IC for her to kill you on sight, I say go her. Sure it might be against policy but you were asking for an opinion not interpretation of policy. For some of my characters, killing you once is all they could do in relation to their beliefs, even if I, the player, would be temped to kill you over and over.

In brief, I vote for IC reactions.

I agree with you here, but the reality is that the majority of the GS population cannot roleplay the situation.

Now when i brought up the limitations earlier i didnt include one piece. If for whatever reason retaliation can not occur then i would see no problem with resolving the differences later. Such might be the case if the thief logs or goes into hiding. But if you catch the thief and you roleplay it out i dont see the need to kill someone repeatedly over a long period of time.


11-05-2003, 07:14 PM
Originally posted by Artha
The limitation is 1 or 2 days. After that, it's PvP, and reportable.

Bullshit. It's never PvP unless it's PLAYER VS PLAYER.

If it's Wezas vs Strayla.. then it's always CvC.. be it 2 days or 2 years later.

11-05-2003, 07:15 PM
Actually you sort of need a limitation because if you don't it would essentially allow people who were stolen from the right to kill the thief over and over again whenever he was seen. I think suffering over one theft incident once is plenty, or two for two and so forth.

She didn't get a chance to kill him the first time, only stun. I suppose the question is, how much retaliation is sufficient, and how long from the initial contact is allowable before it's considered PvP?

11-05-2003, 07:35 PM
If it's Wezas vs Strayla.. then it's always CvC.. be it 2 days or 2 years later.

CvC is within policy, PvP isn't. That's why I used the different term.

[Edited on 11-6-2003 by Artha]

11-05-2003, 07:59 PM
A few years back I asked a GM pretty much the same question. How long after someone steals from me do I have to retaliate?

The answer I got back was, first I had to actually see the theft (or the botch). Then I could confront the person. If the thief was boasting or goading about the theft and waving it in my face, that was as good as catching him in the act. Then I had my consent for PvP. My response needed to be immediate. It could not wait a day or days, unless the person had been avoiding conflict (which is pretty cowardly). Sort of, 24 hours and it's a new day, then the slate is clean.

At the time I thought it was unfair. Now I don't know. I don't even know if the policy has changed. If someone stole from me, and all they got was a cheap cursed gem, I would feel the crime had been punished. It's far easier to get a cheap gem cursed than it is to find a cleric to uncurse you.

Getting bent about a gem is petty. Getting bent about losing a cursed gem and exacting "justice" twice is just a lame excuse for PvP. There was just enough RP to make it look like it was consented, but at the point where you two are talking and she brings up that she's not happy with the outcome, she just goes and kills you before things fully play out and you get a chance to consent or object.

11-06-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Artha

If it's Wezas vs Strayla.. then it's always CvC.. be it 2 days or 2 years later.

CvC is within policy, PvP isn't. That's why I used the different term.

[Edited on 11-6-2003 by Artha]

But the assumption that IF it lasted more than one or two days then it would be PvP is essentially flawed. The players behind the characters will decide if it is PvP or CvC... not a 1 or 2 day time limit.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-06-2003, 09:45 AM
I sometimes don't log in a for a few days at a time. So if Wezas stole from me a week ago, and I log in tonight and kill him, I don't see anything wrong with it. I also don't see anything wrong with it killing him a week/month/year later even if I logged in every day.

My CHARACTER knows he's a thief and stole from me, my CHARACTER won't forget that... would you? (think as if you find someone grabbing your wallet, don't you think you'd REMEMBER who that someone was? Breaking in your house, etc)

Additionally, stuns? BFD. Thats not 'retribution'. Thats, you are hiding in town and I can't kill you. Wait til you leave town, then I will.

Personally, I think if the thief is 'caught' in town, I think the constable should look the other way. You can accuse and jail him yourself, of you can choose to fight. I don't care if you are a thief either way, but if you steal, accept the consequences. "Statute of limitations" is bullshit.

Again, all this is assuming being caught (not just assuming Falgrin is the thief even though you KNOW he is).

11-06-2003, 11:27 AM
Ok... there seems to be a lot of hostility in this thread... no offense, but are all your (the people who feel the need to kill thieves many time over) characters incredibly greedy or something? It's just money! And if there's anything that's in plentiful supply in Elanthia, it's money. I can understand the want to punish thieves, but what do they really take most of the time? 1000 silver, maybe? Any more than that and it's partially your fault for being careless.

Now taking a hand, that sounds good to me. If I caught a thief, I would wish we could target fingers. Because come on, you could probably chop off all someone's fingers and they'd probably still be alive, right? I recommend the movie Maverick, specifically the scene directly following Coop stealing Brett's cash, for further elaboration on "It's only money!".