View Full Version : Alteration Rules

11-04-2003, 08:02 PM
Does anyone have a link to a good guide? I've looked over a few but what I'm looking for specifically is one that contains both item descripton line lengths and show description line lengths.

A quick question in the meantime. I had both an item and show description ready. When it came to my turn I was told one or the other. Can something that has had its name altered get a show at a later time?

11-04-2003, 08:11 PM
512 characters for shows, I believe. Could be wrong though.

11-04-2003, 08:23 PM
All alterations must have one or more of the following descriptors. Combinations are also encouraged (ie, instead of death or runes, runes of death).

Death, runes, ancient, archaic, red, elven, destruction, glimmering, elven, golvern-chased, battle, elven, war, warlord, executioner, soul, piercing, elven, veil iron, elven, elven, etched

Example: You are holding an executioner's ancient dark red golvern-chased veil-iron runeblade etched along the surface with glimmering elven runes of death and destruction with a star iron hilt.

11-04-2003, 09:10 PM
You forgot blood-splattered or blood-stained, Faendryl (because in some secret code that means super scary) oh yeah and dragon something or other like a dragon shaped golden hilt with perfect green emeralds for eyes.
So you really should have...

You are holding a blood-splattered executioner's ancient dark red golvern-chased veil-iron runeblade etched along the surface with glimmering elven runes of death and destruction with a star iron hilt fashioned into a massive dragon with emerald shaped eyes.

11-04-2003, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by EmpressBtchYou are holding a blood-splattered executioner's ancient dark red golvern-chased veil-iron runeblade etched along the surface with glimmering elven runes of death and destruction with a star iron hilt fashioned into a massive dragon with emerald shaped eyes.

You posted in another thread about your cookie. I too have such a thing. One of Morthon's insult skulls.

raise dag

The skull attached to your dagger weeps condescendingly, "Aww. sorry your having such a bad day." Then its eyes glow brilliant red and it roars, "Wait! I've got the perfect solution! DIE DIE DIE!"

Now, how all this relates...

The DIE DIE DIE thing came from my friends weapons in another game I played.

Young wields a fiery steel greatsword with a polished diamond inset into the hilt and engraved "DIE! DIE! DIE!".

Ever since I've been hoping to get the chance to add it to an alter and whattya know, I did.

11-04-2003, 09:26 PM
An item has to be within the 15/15/15 rule to be able to have a show. This means you get 45 characters for an alteration, and spaces do count.

Certain items (the skull weapons come to mind) that come with shows off the shelf can only have the description altered.

Some merchants will refuse to work on scripted items.

The noun of an item, usually, can't be changed.

If you want to put a gem/rare material in an alter, you usually have to provide this material.

Items that shimmer/pulse/glow for no reason are not aloud. The most common reason is being dusted with soul stone dust.

Items with human characterstics are not aloud, such as a cloak that, in the show description, 'reaches towards the shadows'.

11-04-2003, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by Artha
An item has to be within the 15/15/15 rule to be able to have a show. This means you get 45 characters for an alteration, and spaces do count.

Can you elaborate a little more on 15/15/15? I realize that equals 45, but what are the three designations? Also, if I tell this to a merchant, will they understand what I mean?

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by Backlash]

11-04-2003, 09:39 PM
This is from the merchant guide from the GS3 site.

The base description is also called a "tap description" and it is what everyone sees when you move the item in and out of your backpack etc. The base description is limited in the total number of spaces used. The number of spaces allowed is commonly referred to as the 15/15/15 rule. The base description is broken up into three sections: article, adjective, and noun. Each of those sections can be no longer than 15 spaces. Example: "a,red,cloak" would be 1/3/5. Another example would be: "a pearl-hilted,vultite,longsword", which amounts to 14,7,9. Spaces between letters count as part of the 15 allowed per section. The last 15 is reserved for the noun only. Example: a opal-clasped,spidersilk,traveling cloak" would not work even though it fits 15/15/15 spaces. When an item has a show description the base description must follow the 15/15/15 rule.


11-04-2003, 09:45 PM
Thank you very much. For some reason when I went to that site I couldn't find that page.

11-05-2003, 01:15 AM
Damn, these rules are hard if you want both item AND show description changes.

11-05-2003, 02:33 AM
In case it wasn't clear for everyone, the spaces *within* a field count (starting with the article. Yes even the "a" counts), the 1 space dividing two fields does not count.

Edit: Also the max for a show is 509 characters including spaces. For long description it is usually around 10 words not counting articles or about 100 characters.

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by Adhara]

[Edited on 11-5-2003 by Adhara]