View Full Version : Theoretical Max for DFREDUX

10-30-2006, 09:27 AM
What would be the theoretical Maximum for Redux for a completely capped/maxed warrior (all skills to full) with additional stat/skill boosting equipment?

10-30-2006, 10:36 AM
I'd say it's around the 80s

10-30-2006, 11:00 AM
1) We don't have DFRedux anymore. Redux applies to both raw damage and crit damage.
2) I'm pretty sure no one can get .800 redux.

The maximum number of redux points a character can possibly get is 1414 (with significant post-cap experience, I might add). Looking at a level 66 character's curve, we can see that the redux curve tapers off significantly; from 358 to 454 redux points, the character only gains .016 redux factor. Assuming that this continues linearly (which is an overestimate), this means that at 1414 redux points the character will have .724 redux factor. A higher level character gets more redux factor per redux point, but the gap between level 52 and 66 is only .015ish. Another 30 levels is only going to be .03ish, which only brings a level 100 character to .75ish.

These obviously aren't exact figures, but I cannot overemphasize how completely the redux curve turns into a redux shelf. I would be very surprised to see a character with .800 redux factor.

Skill boosting gear is really irrelevant. Adding 100 redux points is like adding 100 ranks of PF or 250 ranks of Armor Use, and you can see how little that does once we're in the shelf regime.

10-30-2006, 03:31 PM
Hmm, ok help my Latrinsorm on this one. I'm trying to go for a maximum defense warrior (so board and sword). Obviously training path is irrelevant since this warrior is going to have very significant 100+ training. Physically with incredibly padded plate armor and "maxed redux" I could conceivably stand out in the open and probably be only nicked for 1 point of damage regardless of endroll (well within reason). And my insane HP regen will probably cover that up too.

So, in terms of self cast spells and stat/skill enhancers what combination is best to protect me from warding spells. And is it feasible with just rubbables,self cast spells and enhancers to boost my TD to the point where 100th level critters would have a hard time in hitting me.

In short, can I make the warrior unkillable.

10-30-2006, 03:51 PM
No...there's no such beast as an unkillable player. Too many odd "rolls" so to speak. However, you can get a warrior to a point that it's damned near impossible to kill him.

10-30-2006, 04:17 PM
<<Physically with incredibly padded plate armor and "maxed redux" I could conceivably stand out in the open and probably be only nicked for 1 point of damage regardless of endroll (well within reason).>>


absolutely not

10-30-2006, 04:50 PM
The big problem for warriors is enemies with flaring attacks. Warding magic is bad, yes, but pures are obnoxiously easy to kill.

If I wanted to make a nigh-unkillable warrior, here's what I would do:
Max PF, 140 ranks of armor, full plate.
2x CM, 2x a onehanded weapon skill, 3x shield, 3x dodge, carry a tower shield.
20 MnS ranks, 80 ranks of MnE (I'm pretty sure 430 has increased benefit to TD for overtraining, otherwise 14 in MnE), CoL for sweet, sweet Dissipation. Note that the AS/MIU route will give you a broader but more shallow palette to work with, plus you don't have to put the hours in keeping a scroll/imbed arsenal stocked.
Getting 1x in spells will a) take forever and b) put a bit of a dent in redux. However, I'm very confident you will be left with more than enough redux to keep on keepin' on.

You'll have +80 ETD and +45 STD, so you'll stand a much better chance of warding stray casts. You'll also have very good EBP and a pretty good DS to mitigate the ambushing flarers. Vulnerabilities remain, as vulnerabilities always do. The best defense remains an unstoppable offense (which is also unattainable, naturally, but approximate as best as possible).

10-31-2006, 03:04 PM
Warriors unfortunately have one of the weakest offensive capabilities.

11-01-2006, 03:04 AM
<<Physically with incredibly padded plate armor and "maxed redux" I could conceivably stand out in the open and probably be only nicked for 1 point of damage regardless of endroll (well within reason).>>


absolutely not

This bloke needs to visit OTF or the Rift -- pronto.

11-01-2006, 03:14 AM
Even if you have 99% redux, 200 damage is going to become 2 damage.

And no one has 99% redux.

11-01-2006, 10:29 AM
Yes, but say you take some incredibly 50+ damage padded plate armor. Then a theoretical max for redux would be 75%. So you can conceivably do only 1 point of damage even if you hit normally for 200.

11-01-2006, 10:35 AM
You'll always take at least 1 damage from damage padded armour alone, regardless of how much damage padding it has. Besides, there is no armour in the game with 50 points of damage padding.

11-01-2006, 06:55 PM
Ardwen had one somewhere up there.. It was 40 or 50. Thats when it was static though.. not sure how the random dmg padding works now.

11-01-2006, 07:05 PM
It is 40.

11-02-2006, 10:34 AM
The randomization for damage padding sucks, does crit padding also randomize?

11-04-2006, 05:19 PM
Warden is working on updating Damage Weighting (presumably padding as well).