View Full Version : The Best of the Best Console Games Thread
Figured we could use a “catch-all” thread for console games since a title will come up for discussion semi-frequently and the discussions will eventually mention other titles and platforms. If this works maybe it could be stickied...
Since I purchased a new 46" DLP HD TV, and Tower Records has a crazy 30% off sale on console games (new titles included) I’ve stocked up on a few titles. Okami, Devil May Cry III, Onimusha III and Genji.
Finished off Genji in a few days. Beautiful game, but way too easy. I did not even bother to buy more than one custom weapon.
Working on Okami now which 3704558 recommended in the FFVII thread. As a graphic designer I am enthralled with this game. The unconventional treatment of 3D to make it appear like a watercolor painting is exceptionally executed. The innovation of the art brush techniques makes this already visually unique game a home-run on originality. They really out did themselves by combining the art brush techniques into every aspect of game-play... puzzle solving, combat, and environmental effects.
Most every character is an icon with a real personality and the story behind the game is based on an ancient legend which they capture and simplify well.
Well into a week of playing at least a few hours a night I am still not done. It has amazing sounds as well as an animal “love” system that I am anxious to discover the benefits of.
My biggest complaint about this game is the subtitles. Its distracting from the visuals. Another complaint is having to back-track to get all the goods. When I clear an area I like to forget about it. But this game will have you going back to all the places you’ve been throughout the entire game looking for secrets that your new abilities will allow you to acquire.
All in all one of the most innovative twists on a common genre I’ve played over and over and am enjoying immensely.
10-30-2006, 04:55 AM
Well into a week of playing at least a few hours a night I am still not done. It has amazing sounds as well as an animal “love” system that I am anxious to discover the benefits of.
I'm not so sure I wanna find animal "love" in anything, game or not. As for best of the best console game, which catergory? Multiplayer?RPG?FPS?Stealth?Sims? Anyways I'll just throw out some titles I think is worth buying. DragonBall: Budokai 4 buy it if you have a nephew,cousin,brother who's around 10. You wont regret it, I love spending 2 hours playing it with my nephew. As for the female gamer in the house I highly suggest La Pucelle Tactic, great game for every age and it makes them think of tactics. For my own anjoyment however,I love Disgaea 2. For the whole family enjoyment? Guitar Hero 2 or DDR:extreme. Yep, it seems I'm bias and only play games on the Ps2, but for the life of me I can't seem to bring myself to buy an xbox360.
10-30-2006, 11:38 AM
Star Control II on 3DO is still one of the best games ever imho.
10-30-2006, 01:42 PM
I just finished Okami last night. It definitely ranks up there as one of my personal favorite games of all time. Yeah, the subtitles do get annoying, especially with the "animalese" sounds they use to talk. My final playthrough time was around 50 hours, but I discovered as much as possible. Found all the stray beads, fed most of the animals, got all the upgrades, and so on.
Once you finish the game, it gives you a rank on different categories which will unlock some stuff. I think the ranks are based on enemies killed, money gained, demon fangs collected, final play time, and how many times you died. If you get an S-Rank in a category, it'll unlock what it calls Kamic Transformers, which will change the look of Amaterasu in the Newgame+.
My only complaint with the game was that it was a bit easy, especially the dungeons. I didn't die once. But that didn't make it any less fun.
Unfortunately, there won't be an Okami 2, since Capcom dissolved Clover Studios.
Two other incredible games that are often overlooked are from the same studio (which I can't remember the name of). Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. One is an adventure/puzzle game with a really good story, the other is essentially a game filled only with boss battles, but the bosses are gigantic (several screens large), and the trick is to climb on top of the bosses and find their weak spots.
A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time are also required playing.
10-30-2006, 08:01 PM
what is shadow of the colossus about?
Kill big stuff in amazingly wierd and puzzing ways.
Intense game with raving reviews.
Look it up on Gamespot.
10-30-2006, 08:11 PM
10-30-2006, 08:35 PM
That pretty much sums it up. The story is kind of vague. There's a chick in a coma, you're a dude with a horse, the land you run around is is completely empty of people or civilization, you've got a holy sword and a bow and arrow, big booming god voice says he can save the chick if you kill a bunch of giants. You go outside, raise the sword, and a lightbeam points you where the next colossus is.
They're usually enormous, and the trick is to figure out how to get on the colossus in the first place, and then hang on while it thrashes around, all while trying to climb towards the weak spot which you have to reveal by shining your sword at it. The first few colossi are really easy, but once they start shooting you with rapid fire laser beams, the game gets really tricky, especially when trying to figure out how to get onto the colossus.
10-30-2006, 08:56 PM
My brothers and I played Need for Speed: High Stakes on PS1 for months.
We had one course that we liked and we played into the night trying to beat the other person's lap time.
You'd wake up in the morning and the TV would be on showing the end lap results and think "Damn, I can squeeze in a few races before work".
Barring that I'd say my top 3:
GTA (series on PS2)
Gran Turismo 1-3 (not so much 4)
SOCOM: Navy Seals (1 more than 2)
Tenchu. ~ PS
First game I saw to use stealth tactics since I missed MGS.
NHLPA Hockey. ~ Megadrive
Never ever gets old. Not even to this day.
Perfect Dark ~ N64
The only multiplayer shooter I've been able to spend an entire summer with friends getting stats crazy high.
All 3, all time favourites.
And for fun I'll give a shout to Ikaruga.
Play that after taking joy enhancing substances and you'll have a seizure or an episode of some kind. Amazingly hard but fun game.
10-30-2006, 10:42 PM
God of war deserves at least an honorable mention.
10-31-2006, 11:18 AM
God of War's definitely one of the best games ever made. Can't wait for the sequel next year.
God of War's definitely one of the best games ever made. Can't wait for the sequel next year.
I started it... but wasn’t impressed. Does it start off slow? I’ll have to get back into it later.
One game I really enjoyed was Black. Just like all the other war genre games except in a contemporary setting. The antagonists sounded like some eastern europeans. Some dudes would come after you in full body armor and face masks to try and shoot you with a shotgun at point blank. Other guys had bulletproof shields and .45s. Both were hard to take out without grenades.
10-31-2006, 11:37 AM
Vay for Sega CD.
One of the best RPG's I've ever played.
10-31-2006, 12:03 PM
Snatcher for Sega CD also.
10-31-2006, 01:25 PM
Not consoles: but I used to loe old Lucas Arts games like Sam and Max.
10-31-2006, 01:44 PM
I started it... but wasn’t impressed. Does it start off slow? I’ll have to get back into it later.
One game I really enjoyed was Black. Just like all the other war genre games except in a contemporary setting. The antagonists sounded like some eastern europeans. Some dudes would come after you in full body armor and face masks to try and shoot you with a shotgun at point blank. Other guys had bulletproof shields and .45s. Both were hard to take out without grenades.
Yes it starts off slow with some annoying beam walking crap. It gets more intense as it goes and the story is phenominal. However, it is wicked frustrating at some portions.
Anyone finish FFXII yet? Good game?
11-01-2006, 11:31 AM
If anyone finished FFXII already they should kill themself.
11-01-2006, 11:41 AM
Or get a job.
11-01-2006, 01:54 PM
FFXII is pretty good so far.
There's also installments of a new Sam & Max game out on Gametap.
Found an article on the best levels of all time (
That damn Battletoads level! I actually did get past it at one point but there was another level I couldn’t manage.
11-03-2006, 08:38 AM
I think that Battletoads level might have been the most frustrating video game level of my youth. HATED IT! Was actually pissed I saved up and bought that game once I realized I'd never beat the entire friggin thing.
11-03-2006, 08:57 AM
The stalingrad level is still fucking awesome on CoD 1, despite the game being way dated now.
11-03-2006, 09:13 AM
Some of the Contra levels were amazing. Like a ballet of big brass balls and bullets.
Picked up FFXII and I’m hooked. So far its turning out to be a very cool game. I’m still relatively new to the FF series but long-time fans I’m sure will enjoy it. I’ve got the Sunstone and just purchased the Hunters Grimore before entering the Palace. 10 hours of playing and still no party yet except for the brief stint with Penelo (nice outfit) in Giza.
Its got the old RTS moves but in a full 360 view. It has the custom skill-set progression which seems to be simplified this time around. The cut scenes so far have been short and sweet. Haven’t had to sit through 20 minutes of dialog yet. Plenty of time to farm gil/skills/items between story tasks. Its got a cool bounty system too.
In fact, the play so far has reminded me a lot of WoW. Would not be surprised if the game designers were influenced by it. It looks like it could have been MMO. From what I understand FFXIII will.
In Goldeneye for N64 I tied a hairband to the controller so it'd permanantly fire with the lasergun cheat on. I camped Bond in the room where he's being interrogated, just behind the door to wait for the endless stream of bad guys and left it running.
Left that on the TV while listening to the Pixies.
Better than staring at a lava lamp.
11-04-2006, 12:05 PM
I used to play the level where you fly away from the base all the time. I'd get an AK and sit in the building with 2 doors and just shoot baddies as they came in until I was bored.
11-04-2006, 12:22 PM
In fact, the play so far has reminded me a lot of WoW. Would not be surprised if the game designers were influenced by it. It looks like it could have been MMO. From what I understand FFXIII will.
I doubt it. FFXI is the MMO Final Fantasy game that's been out for about 3 years now in the states, and 5 in Japan. The battle system in FFXII is very similar to FFXI's. I really can't see them making 2 out of the latest 3 FF games as MMOs, especially with FFXI still having a fairly high playerbase from what I understand.
Where exactly did you hear about this?
11-04-2006, 12:29 PM
Know one knows if it is yet: Looks nice though.
11-04-2006, 12:48 PM
I really can't see it coming out as an MMO. It would be an incredibly stupid move on SquareEnix's part, to say the least. But who knows. Dumber things have happened.
If it actually does happen though, I hope they're at least smart enough to not mix Japanese players with American players again. That was one of the biggest reasons why FFXI ended up sucking, even though it was mostly a good game at its core.
For example:
American player: "Looking for group!"
Japanese player: "SORRY JP ONLY U GO AWAY NOW!"
11-04-2006, 12:50 PM
I'd agree. I'd sooner expect a MMO from another line of SquareEnix titles, not FF.
Bought half Life 2 today and loving it.
11-04-2006, 04:16 PM
Picked up FFXII and I’m hooked. So far its turning out to be a very cool game. I’m still relatively new to the FF series but long-time fans I’m sure will enjoy it. I’ve got the Sunstone and just purchased the Hunters Grimore before entering the Palace.
How the hell did you save enough to buy the grimoire so fast? I'm about as far along and have nowhere near the 18000 price tag saved up. I must be a spendthrift on other stuff. Or really, really bad at making virtual money.
Sean of the Thread
11-04-2006, 04:37 PM
11-04-2006, 04:54 PM
Tried to edit previous post but edit function wonky today I guess. Anyhoo, never mind, it's the Forgotton Grimoire that shows for sale in bazaar for 18k. Haven't met the requirements to be offered Hunter's grimoire apparently. Grr.
Tried to edit previous post but edit function wonky today I guess. Anyhoo, never mind, it's the Forgotton Grimoire that shows for sale in bazaar for 18k. Haven't met the requirements to be offered Hunter's grimoire apparently. Grr.
Heh, I messed up. Its called the Hunters Monograph. It was 18k. It shows as a Forgotten Grimore in the shop I think.
As far as getting the gil, steal from every mob and sell everything. Normal potions drop like candy and you can use cure anyway.
Now on to the MMO issue... one article says it ships with Wi-Fi enabled but SE won’t go into details. So its just rumor at this point.
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