View Full Version : Drakam takes down Gremblar

11-04-2003, 01:38 AM
Gremblar leans back on his black horse, appearing well-aware of his surroundings.
Gremblar picks up even more speed as he nears the center of the track!
joust advance

You whoosh down the track, your long wooden lance held steady!

*** You are now in range to use your weapon's maneuver! ***

Roundtime: 6 secs.
>Gremblar drives the three tines of his trident up toward your lance, missing it by mere inches and nearly falling off his horse!
>joust maneuver
You feint a strike at Gremblar just as you're nearing range, but he doesn't buy the ruse!
Roundtime: 10 secs.
joust maneuver

>You feint a strike at Gremblar just as you're nearing range, but he doesn't buy the ruse!
Roundtime: 10 secs.
Gremblar takes on an aggressive stance, his black horse whinnying a bit.
Gremblar drives the three tines of his trident up toward your lance, missing it by mere inches and nearly falling off his horse!
Gremblar's black horse swiftly carries him down the track!

Gremblar is a blur of movement, eyes narrowed in concentration as he passes the halfway point!

Gremblar charges forward, his trident level towards you!

You duck out of the way of Gremblar's dark wooden trident at the last second!

Twisting quickly, you strike at Gremblar!

You bring the tip of your long wooden lance up high, hitting Gremblar straight between the eyes! All you hear is a gurgling moan as Gremblar is thrown to the ground and lands with a resounding *THUD!*

The crowd erupts in a roaring cacophony of cheers, whistles and shouts!

You proudly ride up toward the massive box above the stands, where the lord of the ring watches the games. You raise your weapon in salute, eliciting another deafening chorus of cheers from the watchers in the stands!

A deep, booming voice echoes from the above the stands, "An excellent performance, Drakam! For unseating your opponent, I award you this prize!"

A lustrous deep golden pendant edged in crimson vaalorn is suddenly flung down from the stands, and you catch it!

The crowd again bursts into a resounding cheer as you circle around the arena once and then head into the stables, where the banners are drawn closed. Attendants help you dismount and remove your armor, and you head out to the registration area.

[Blue Drake Arena, Registration]
A huge banner of a sapphire-blue drake flutters between the two poles that make up the registration stand. A wizened old gent sits on the other side, rummaging through freshly-inked scrolls and engaging in conversation with the adventurers that come through when he has a spare moment. The area is aflutter with activity as clerks, pages, squires and armored combatants traverse the grounds. You also see an instructional sign and an important note.
Also here: Gremblar
Obvious exits: east
Roundtime: 4 secs.

sorry for not having it all, forgot to save it before scrolling too far. least I got the good part

11-04-2003, 01:41 AM
[The Blue Drake Arena]
A wide track of smoothed sand stretches far across to the other end of the arena, and a single white wooden fence serves as the only thing to separate the combatants from one another. Far above, various banners flutter atop the stands, and the roar of the crowd is nearly deafening. Deep grooves have been worn into the two sides of the track, scars of previous battles fought here.
Also here: Gremblar who is astride a lean dark tan horse splotched with bits of white
Obvious exits: none

A fresh-faced young page clad in dark blue livery steps into the middle of arena and announces, "The combatants will have one minute to prepare their stance and their aiming, after which they will be free to advance upon one another!" He bows deeply, then hurries off the hard-trodden grounds.
>'that and a good amount of CM
You say, "that and a good amount of CM"
Gremblar darkly asks, "That matters?"
>'who knows
You say, "who knows"
Gremblar darkly says, "Indeed."
joust stance speed
>You lean forward on your grey-speckled horse, eyes narrowed as you focus on gaining rapid momentum.
Gremblar takes on a vigilant stance, drawing the reins of his dark tan horse tightly.
Gremblar leans forward on his dark tan horse, his eyes narrowed as he focuses on gaining rapid momentum.
>'so far I'm 4 for 5 with you
You say, "so far I'm 4 for 5 with you"
The brilliant luminescence fades from around Gremblar.
You say, "hehe"
A booming voice announces from high in the stands, "Let the jousting BEGIN!"
Gremblar darkly asks, "I've beaten you once?"
Gremblar picks up even more speed as he nears the center of the track!
joust advance
>You whoosh down the track, your long wooden lance held steady!
Roundtime: 5 secs.
The bright luminescence fades from around Gremblar.
>'last night I think
Gremblar is a blur of movement, eyes narrowed in concentration as he passes the halfway point!
You say, "last night I think"
The thunderous hoofbeats from Gremblar's mount echo around the you as he nears the opposite end of the arena!
* Razeors was just reunited with his ancestors!
Gremblar darkly says, "Never jousted you"
>'Slurmm's alters wasn't?
You ask, "Slurmm's alters wasn't?"
>'maybe it was someone else
Gremblar darkly says, "Jousted Kniquee"
The thunderous hoofbeats from Gremblar's mount echo around the you as he nears the opposite end of the arena!

Gremblar charges forward, his lance level towards you!

You make a stunning maneuver astride your mount and avoid Gremblar's long wooden lance with a daring flourish!

A deep, booming voice from the top of the stands yells, "5 points to Drakam for the artistry of that move!

Twisting quickly, you strike at Gremblar!

You slam your long wooden lance against Gremblar's chest, the force of the blow lifting him up into the air, where he lands on the ground with a harsh *THUD!*

The crowd erupts in a roaring cacophony of cheers, whistles and shouts!

You proudly ride up toward the massive box above the stands, where the lord of the ring watches the games. You raise your weapon in salute, eliciting another deafening chorus of cheers from the watchers in the stands!

A deep, booming voice echoes from the above the stands, "An excellent performance, Drakam! For unseating your opponent, I award you this prize!"

A lustrous deep golden pendant whorled with silver spirals is suddenly flung down from the stands, and you catch it!

The crowd again bursts into a resounding cheer as you circle around the arena once and then head into the stables, where the banners are drawn closed. Attendants help you dismount and remove your armor, and you head out to the registration area.

[Blue Drake Arena, Registration]
A huge banner of a sapphire-blue drake flutters between the two poles that make up the registration stand. A wizened old gent sits on the other side, rummaging through freshly-inked scrolls and engaging in conversation with the adventurers that come through when he has a spare moment. The area is aflutter with activity as clerks, pages, squires and armored combatants traverse the grounds. You also see an instructional sign and an important note.
Also here: Gremblar
Obvious exits: east