View Full Version : crossbow or bow?

10-05-2006, 02:20 AM
can't seem to find where this was asked. What are the major differences between a crossbow and a longbow?

10-05-2006, 02:24 AM
kneeling for the bonus AS vs. standing and firing (no bonus) (crossbow vs. bow)

loading RT + firing RT for crossbow... firing RT only with bow

I use a longbow and carry a heavy crossbow as my backup. Almost all of my kills are with a bow, while hidden. If I need a fast guaranteed kill shot, then I hide, gambit stealth kneel, and use the heavy crossbow (reload it later when its safe to have the extra RT).

Forgot to mention the obvious... crossbows use bolts (light and heavy) whereas bows use arrows, all bows use the same arrow type.

Damage Factors:
Ranged Skin Soft Scale Chain Plate
Light Crossbow .350 .300 .325 .275 .150
Heavy Crossbow .425 .325 .375 .285 .175
Short Bow .325 .225 .275 .250 .100
Composite Bow .350 .300 .325 .275 .150
Long Bow .400 .325 .350 .300 .175

10-05-2006, 07:13 AM
Bow for the DS

10-05-2006, 08:02 AM
Crossbows have different offhand DS?

I have a character (warrior) who is THE and crossbows. Because of his massive strength, he carries three crossbows, and can fire them all with a script, in 6 seconds, and, if the critter is still alive, finish them with his claid. He definitely has to hunt in areas which don't swarm much (unless he moves exclusively to THE for that area), but he kicks ass and doesn't take names. Mainly because I load my 3rd crossbow to be my 5x exceptionally sighted heavy crossbow, which usually pushes their eye to the back of their skull, if they haven't been killed already.

But bows are much easier manually, true.


10-05-2006, 08:21 AM
Yea test your DS out with a xbow and then a long bow of same enchant, big difference. Crossbow to me is only useful to those who cannot afford a lot of training to amplify their aiming ability and still want to try for the eye shots. Any Rogue or Ranger with any bit of skill can utilize a composite or long bow with more efficiency.

10-05-2006, 11:23 AM
Yeah, I've always thought heavy crossbows were seriously underpowered DF wise considering their downsides compared to longbow.

10-05-2006, 11:45 AM
kneeling for the bonus AS vs. standing and firing (no bonus) (crossbow vs. bow)

My ranger only used a crossbow in his younger years just for the bonus AS when kneeling. If the shot didn't kill the creature he finished it off with his composite bow. He now uses a nice 5.5x Longbow for the last 30 trains.

Other than roll play or occassional character conflicts, I don't see a reason to use a crossbow.

10-05-2006, 12:34 PM
I love using a 6x heavy crossbow with a 4x ebladed bolt, kneeling and hiding when I need to take out someone. Add signs and a blue crystal and its great for a one shot overkill scenario.

I like doing assasinations with a crossbow. I prefer hunting with a longbow and ebladed arrows.

10-05-2006, 12:35 PM
Carrying around three crossbows that you have to cock and load before each creature is certainly a alternative and I'm sure it works out, I for one preferred faster hunt times. Ranger with a composite bow can get really nice speed going on.

10-05-2006, 12:37 PM
I love using a 6x heavy crossbow with a 4x ebladed bolt, kneeling and hiding when I need to take out someone.

Ditto, except with a 5x Xbow and e-bladed bolt.
Dunno many who can survive a sniped AS of 561 to the eye.

If that doesn't work then fuck it. Implode them.

10-05-2006, 12:52 PM
Carrying around three crossbows that you have to cock and load before each creature is certainly a alternative and I'm sure it works out, I for one preferred faster hunt times. Ranger with a composite bow can get really nice speed going on.

With a little wizard strength and Phoen Strength the speed is fantastic!

10-05-2006, 01:06 PM
Ditto, except with a 5x Xbow and e-bladed bolt.
Dunno many who can survive a sniped AS of 561 to the eye.

If that doesn't work then fuck it. Implode them.

How long has Shim been an archer?

10-05-2006, 01:13 PM
Since may, I think it is.

10-05-2006, 03:38 PM
It's relatively easy to get your shooting RT with a longbow down to 3 seconds, 4 seconds sniping. An alternative to having 3 loaded crossbows would be one of those repeating arbalests. The only problem is I'm still looking for one myself.

Like most people, I prefer hunting with my 7x longbow and ebladed arrows. If I begin to get overwhelmed, I just haste myself and start shooting with a 1 second rt.

10-05-2006, 03:49 PM
seriously? a 7x Longbow?
For DS I suppose.

10-05-2006, 03:54 PM
seriously? a 7x Longbow?
For DS I suppose.


11-01-2006, 01:11 AM
It's relatively easy to get your shooting RT with a longbow down to 3 seconds, 4 seconds sniping. second rt.

My snipe RT is 3 seconds with a long bow.. giant with 100 strength 4 ranks of surge and wiz strength.

11-01-2006, 06:41 AM
I snipe in three seconds with a long bow.

My Madness/crystal crossbow AS is 656...and I still wouldn't be able to do much more than stun a like leveled warrior or rogue, unless they suck.