View Full Version : Merzbow's Taxi Partnership
10-04-2006, 03:53 PM
Introducing, umm...
Merzbow's Taxi Partnership!
This script is an SBC (Sahra's Bus Company) 7.0b derivative for StormFront. I started this while Sahra was on her break as a project to add new hunting areas. It turned into a massive upgrade that resulted in all towns and almost all hunting areas under level 50 being added.
Sahra returned recently from her break. After consulting with her, we decided that it would be a good idea to roll these enhancements back into SBC while in the meantime making them available to users immediately via MTP. So I've tasked MTP to be a sort of a test-bed for stuff that will eventually make it into SBC.
Limitations of MTP compared to SBC are that it is StormFront-only, lacks 'skins', and has a much sparser look&feel without highliting and interactive menus. MTP is going to stay that way, so if you can't live with these limitations, wait for SBC to be updated (but please don't get impatient with Sahra, she's being very generous in giving me permission to do this in the first place). I wrote this script first and foremost for myself, so if nobody else finds it useful, I'm still perfectly happy. However, I promise to fix any bugs people may encounter using MTP, so please report them.
Usage is similar to SBC. Here are all of the major differences:
External changes
1. Added River's Rest, Kharam-Dzu (Teras Isle), Four Winds, and Pinefar as towns. Added Marshtown and the two Caravansaries as 'suburbs'.
2. Added dozens of new locations in existing towns (like AdG and Chronomage, and registrar/clerk/etc. for each town), and fixed many routing bugs.
3. Added hundreds of locations for almost every under-50 hunting area in the game (higher-level areas will come as our characters age). Yes, it's all scripted, from standing to swimming to getting to the Graveyard Ledge. This includes many bug fixes to existing routes.
4. Re-did town menus to make them consistent, to show the new hunting areas and in-town locations, and to show existing locations not advertised before.
5. Added -STOPS and -NOSTOPS command-line options to allow the user to turn off confirmation prompting when doing dangerous stuff during travel (like emptying hands). This now means that AFK cross-continent travel is possible (but not recommended unless you know your character is uber).
6. Fancy highliting, interactive menus, monster warnings, map hyperlinks, and movement skins have been removed, as well as Wizard support. Also removed the ability to toggle room descriptions; MTP requires them to always be on.
7. Fix bugs preventing the -S and -SA commands from working (they were broken in SBC 7.0b).
Internal changes
1. Re-architected logic to use the LOCATION verb to find out where you are to keep the script speedy in the face of enormous growth in match tables. (It's still slower in large towns like WL that in places like ZL, but that can't be avoided).
2. Re-architected how intercity routing is done for speed/space reasons.
3. MTP now deletes temporary variables before exiting so as not to clog up your variable list.
11/5/2006: Released v1.1.4 (attached). Fixed various bugs in Zul Logoth.
10/16/2006: Released v1.1.3 (attached). Fixed bug that prevented you from directly typing PINEFAR and SYLVARRAEND on the command-line to display locations in those towns.
10/13/2006: Released v1.1.2 (attached). Minor bug fixes.
10/10/2006: Released v1.1.1 (attached). Minor bug fixes.
10/7/2006: Released v1.1 (attached). Major optimization (no need to issue LOCATION verb again if you haven't manually moved from your current location), plus bug fixes and new locations. Added changelist log at beginning of script.
10-04-2006, 03:55 PM
If only it worked for the wizard.
10-04-2006, 04:38 PM
If only it worked for the wizard.
The major thing preventing that is lack of user variables... which makes it impossible to use the many subroutines that now exist to stow/gird, standup, cast safely, etc. (The SBC 7.0b Wizard version never had the ability to stow/gird automatically). If Shaelun can fix the issues with Lich's SF script emulation, then it might be possible to run it under Lich. In fact, given that Lich is open-source, I may be able to fix the issues myself.
10-05-2006, 12:10 AM
... though in a feature-reduced form. The original cascade strategy worked in Wiz, so the new one might, too, if we pound our heads on the table and come up with a "third hand" strategy for storing the final destination while routing across the backbone. Maybe there's some way we can use the command line for that.
10-05-2006, 02:55 AM
I would love you if you make it work for Lich.
10-05-2006, 11:35 AM
If someone cared enough to do it, converting their coding into Lich-type code wouldn't be an extremely hard task. They have all the mapping done for you, you just have to put it in Lich-ese.
And it would cut the code down to about a quarter of its size, I'm sure.
10-05-2006, 11:44 AM
A better choice in Lich would be to work on extending the ;goto map database. I've already dumped pretty much all of my travel scripts in exchange for ;goto. Unfortunately the map database is fairly incomplete, except for Illistim and the Landing. I've been pondering using Wizard FE for a bit and just walking around to capture areas like Vaalor, Icemule, Pinefar, and various hunting spots with automap. Maybe the next time XXX runs out...
10-05-2006, 11:48 AM
I forgot of Shaelun's genius that is ;goto.
My mistake.
10-08-2006, 01:41 AM
Released v1.1, attached to original post...
11-16-2006, 09:00 PM
Since it was brought up, I thought I'd point out that Lich v3.44 runs MTP without a problem.
11-16-2006, 11:14 PM
Since it was brought up, I thought I'd point out that Lich v3.44 runs MTP without a problem.
I can confirm this (Lich in Stormfront at least, I assume Lich runs it fine in Wizard also). Pretty quickly also. Awesome work Shaelun.
Here's the link to Lich for those who don't have it already:
04-27-2007, 08:45 AM
In yer efforts to update SBC and MTP several times, you forgot to add the guardsmens post in each of the towns, this is a very important stop to most of us who do guild tasks
04-27-2007, 09:32 AM
Thanks for this! I've wanted pinefar in my sbc for a long time!
05-24-2007, 09:01 AM
Is there a way to incorporate the AdvG into MTP? Some kind of option to allow the script to lead the lostchild/traveler?
Hell, if I'm asking fot that, maybe an option that pauses when the stupid kid/traveler screams for help or won't walk into a room with a creature then resumes?
I know MTP's mainly a traveling script, but since most of the task is moving from one place to another, I figured I'd ask.
Good work, though. It helps me get around everywhere.
05-24-2007, 09:11 AM
Speaking of, what's the messaging on the child or traveler screaming for help, I ran a traveler mission last night to get some messaging and I didn't get ambushed... arg.
05-24-2007, 03:04 PM
Basically the person just screams "Help!" after the bandits jump out or a monster pops in. I'm sure if the script were set to detect the word 'help' it'd function.
05-24-2007, 03:41 PM
Damn fine script. I heartily endorse it.
05-24-2007, 05:07 PM
The child escorts don't get ambushed, so they're tricky. They just yell 'Help' when you leave them in a room with some critter.
The traveller's always yell "It's an ambush!" Using Lich, I run my traveller/escort scripts using ;escortgoto and a companion 'exec':
;e loop { waitfor("an ambush"); if (!checkpcs); cast(435); else; cast(719); end; }
It would be nice to modify MTP to do escorts, though... hmm.
05-29-2007, 07:48 PM
Meh, I got bored with GS4 and left... (although I might return someday). If people want to submit fixes or even fork the script, then feel free. It's not possible to handle escorts because Wizard script doesn't support triggers; you can't say "Automatically go to this subroutine whenever X is seen", you have to wrap each action in a match statement or whatever. That would mean every single "move <direction>" would have to be wrapped, and a custom return label created for every movement, which is impractical and deadly slow.
07-23-2007, 01:39 AM
Sigh, I reactivated. Expect updates...
07-23-2007, 11:26 AM
08-25-2007, 04:21 PM
How the hell do I get out of Rivers Rest? I can't even figure out how to use the damn MTP...
It just sits there.
08-25-2007, 04:29 PM
Got it running. Not sure I like this thing. Does it move from city to city, and if so how?
08-25-2007, 04:43 PM
=== You have selected a route that either enters or leaves
=== the regions of Four Winds Isle, River's Rest, or Teras Isle.
=== MTP cannot enter or leave these regions for you; you must
=== do so on your own.
--- Lich: mtp.Cmd has exited.
Someone get me the fuck out of RR please. Thanks
08-25-2007, 04:48 PM
It's actually easy once you figure it out AD.
To go to destinations in the same town:
>>To find out what places are available for you to go to, type .mtp by itself, as long as you are currently at a bus stop it will list it for you. <<
.mtp bank
.mtp advg
.mtp chronomage
.mtp {place}
To go to destinations in other towns:
>> Type .mtp by itself at a bus stop, then type global, and it will list the different global destinations. [Eventually you will know what places are available.] <<
Say you are in Sol, and wanted to hit the Wehnimers Bank:
.mtp wlbank
Say you are in Wehnimers, and wanted to hit the Icemule Bank:
.mtp imbank
Perhaps you are in Icemule and wanted to go to the Wehnimers Park:
.mtp wlpark
Perhaps you are in Icemule and wanted to go to Vaalor's Victory Court:
.mtp tvvc
That should give you a good idea.
For crossing the Dragon Spine, you will need to of course be sure you have the silver for the travel, and unless you know how to set the variables, you will want to be present to empty your hands in the necessary areas. Explaining the variables is a bit harder. And to be honest I am not sure that mtp actually allows you to set the variables, but I am relatively sure that since this is built on Sahara's script you should be able to do so the same way. But that's a different question/answer.
08-25-2007, 04:48 PM
Try from the bank AD, and type in ...
.mtp wlbank
08-25-2007, 04:51 PM
I know how to use it. I figured it out on my own.. I was having problems since I use the wizard. All I had to do is put it through lich first.
But MTP does NOT goto the landing from RR, as I showed up there.
I need a script from RR to the landing or sol haven or anywhere I can use my own scripts.
08-25-2007, 04:56 PM
It's all of like 3 rooms, walking would be easier.
ECHO Begins at the Commons
move go path
move s
move go weeds
08-25-2007, 04:57 PM
Unless you don't know where to go to get your ticket, that will get you to the boat.
Seriously trying to help AD.
08-25-2007, 05:05 PM
ECHO It's been awhile since I was in RR, so this may be off some.
move go walk
move se
move e
move n
move n
move nw
move w
move climb stair
move ne
ECHO This is the part I don't recall, it's along the lines of ask X for/about
ECHO ticket, then there is paying the right amount.
put ask XXX about ticket
put give XXX <silver>
move sw
move out
move e
move se
move s
move s
move w
move sw
move s
move go weeds
ECHO You are where the boat lands here.
Hope this helps AD.
08-25-2007, 06:21 PM
08-25-2007, 06:23 PM
first part takes me to a bartender..
[The Stone Eye, Bar]
A granite bar the length of two giantmen dominates the room. At each end of the bar sit two life-size gargoyles. You also see an elegant slate and Byron the bartender.
Obvious exits: southwest, northwest
>ask bart about tick
The Byron the bartender ignores your question, suddenly looking to be busy.
>ask bart about cutt
The Byron the bartender ignores your question, suddenly looking to be busy.
Byron climbs up on a tall stool behind the bar, takes a Stump Special out of his apron pocket and lights the small cigar. After several puffs he manages to blow a large cloud of aromatic smoke above your head.
08-25-2007, 09:31 PM
So I was a bit off, but I see you got it in your other thread. Like I said, it's been awhile since I was in RR with a char. Glad you got it allworked out though.
08-25-2007, 10:14 PM
yeah thanks for helping - I absolutely hate friggin RR.
Just bad luck the last character I got was still there.
09-04-2007, 09:34 AM
just a little note, the return trip from Temple of Love is missing an East before the double doors
09-04-2007, 12:11 PM
The Temple of Love script from the grave has to have an east in it after you "go sanctuary". I have my own script from there and you have to add the east since the sanctuary can actually exit to two different places depending on if the game goes down(either the west room or the east room). It switches what room you go into depending on a reset. So if you add "move e" after you "go sanctuary" it will either say, you can't go there or move you east and everything will be fine.
09-09-2007, 11:55 AM
When using this script, it will not leave the gemshop in Icemule. Just htought I would let someone know in case there is an update to it.
12-08-2007, 08:51 AM
The script hangs on occasion when traveling from Icemule to Pinefar. It hangs after the blowing snow rooms.
[Northward Trail, Snow Plains]
Snowflakes whirl around you. Occasionally a vague form will materialize in the distance, only to disappear in a gust of blowing snow. Nothing else can be seen in the dim haze but an endless sea of white in all directions.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest
You wander off into the blowing snow...
[Northward Trail, Snow Plains]
Snowflakes whirl around you. Occasionally a vague form will materialize in the distance, only to disappear in a gust of blowing snow. Nothing else can be seen in the dim haze but an endless sea of white in all directions.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, west, northwest
You wander off into the blowing snow...
[Northward Trail, Snow Plains]
A towering mountain range peeks through the snowy haze to the north. The rugged outline of the range is distinctive, looking remarkably like a giant woman sleeping on her side. Streaks of snow line the ridges of the mountains. Southwards, all that can be seen is the vast plain disappearing into a shroud of swirling powder. You also see a snow crone.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
This is where it stops.
04-13-2009, 01:55 PM
does this still work?
does this still work?
Absolutely. I use it for dealing with Ice Patches on the way to Icemule. It works, just not nearly as well as lich's go2. Slightly better than Atlas, too, I'd say (though not graphical, obviously).
04-13-2009, 03:23 PM
I use it all the time. Unfortunately, though, nobody has updated it over the past two years, so it won't work with any new or changed areas.
09-21-2013, 04:41 PM
Topical bump.
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