View Full Version : "perfect dragon's-tear emerald" forehead gem auction

10-01-2006, 01:23 AM
a perfect dragon's-tear emerald
CB: 55m Pari Sold!

Since the current high offer of 50m silvers seems to meet the "can't be refused" qualification, the format is changing from an inquiry to a sale/auction.

The format will be Once, Twice, Sold with today (Saturday, 30th) being once and tomorrow being twice. If no other bids are received, the auction will be closed Monday night at 10pm EST.

Thanks to everyone who expressed interest or provided information pertaining to the details and history of the gem.

There will be no buyout set, as I don't feel that it would be fair to anyone who has shown interest if they missed the chance to win the bid because someone contacted me more quickly than they were able to.

To bid or inquire, please send a PM, or:
Jontht on AIM

Link to previous thread:
Link to loresong:

10-01-2006, 03:13 PM
I've received a few requests for more information, so here it is. I'm pretty certain there are more scripts, but these are what I was able to capture in a three or four hour period this morning. Thanks go to Krakiipedia for the loresong.


You see Issey Atwater the Mender.
She appears to be a Human.
She appears to be youthful. She has ardent, ebony-lashed viridian eyes and bronze skin. She has long, flowing black hair pulled back from her face with a filigreed antique silver haircomb. She has a delicate face and slender wrists. A perfect dragon's-tear emerald is positioned between her eyes, which casts a sparkling ocean green sheen across her face.

Loresong (Borrowed from Krakiipedia)

Your song coaxes the gem in your hand to open up a whole new world for you. Suddenly, you see yourself within the corridors of a magnificent palace. Everyone else in the castle seems to be either unaware of you or is ignoring you. Beautifully embroidered crimson tapestries adorn the walls of the great halls within. Centered upon each tapestry is the regal crest of House Faendryl. You reach your destination, a door at the end of the hall, right before the vision fades from your sight.

The blue sapphire gives up its secrets willingly to your voice. Your eyes are filled with the scene of a plush bedroom occupied by a beautiful dark elven lass and her handmaidens. A silver tiara sits upon a mirrored armoire in one corner of the room. Your eyes scan the mirror quickly, which reveals the reflection of a wizened dark elf entering the room. Slowly, the vision removes itself from your sight.

You continue to bathe your blue sapphire in gentle melody. Soon, your nostrils are assaulted by the scent of rose petals. Your eyes cloud over and you're back in the dark elven lass' bedchamber, a room fit for a princess. The old man is there too, but you catch him as he is embracing the young girl affectionately, but not passionately. A small pin bearing the Sorcerer's Guild insignia adorns his black robes. As he retreats from the embrace, he opens his hand, revealing a number of sparkling gems within. He says to the girl, "For you and your handmaidens, my dear, on the occasion of your wedding. It is only a small token of my fondness for you and your father. May the beauty of these gems always pale in comparison to your own." A smile lights up the girl's face as she gets up to hug the old mage. Just as you begin to understand what you're seeing, the vision spins away in a haze.

Your song gets the blue sapphire to reveal its long-held story. Images begin pouring into your mind at a frantic pace. You see a majestic ship getting ready to set sail. A beautiful elven princess, wearing a faintly glowing gem on her forehead, is surrounded by a number of handmaidens all wearing similar gems. They wave from the deck of the ship at a large crowd assembled at the dock. At the front of the crowd is the old sorcerer from the previous visions standing next to an aged Faendryl wearing a golden crown. The scene fades and is replaced by another, of the crown-wearing Faendryl and the sorcerer standing in a torch-lit chamber. A single tear sweeps down the face of the monarch. The sorcerer pauses for a moment and speaks, "Sire, they will pay with a thousand deaths for what they did to our beloved princess or I will die trying to make it so." That vision too spins away, and is replaced by another of a large island filled with what were once magnificent buildings that are now wrecked and ruined. Smoldering heaps mark the landscape of the island. A scant number of ships dot the harbor of the isle. Your view soars towards one of the ships, upon which stands the aged sorcerer, anger and hate filling totally black eyes. You snap out of the vision a bit startled.

Your singing allows you to pull a vision from the grasp of the blue sapphire. It starts slowly at first, part of your field of view still being filled with your actual surroundings. Soon, though, your attention is focused on a cache of gems falling through ocean-green water, causing ripples as they do. Finally, after what seems like a very long time they hit the bottom. The vision fades as this happens and is replaced with image-after-image of storm and wave crashing across the surface and floor of the ocean you were just staring at. Large and small things alike from the ocean's depth are thrust here and there, and spread across the vastness of the ocean. The tides leave some strangely untouched, and others are spread to the four corners of Elanthia.

You barely begin to carry a tune as the gem unravels its mysteries for you. Two halflings are diving to the ocean surface, equipped with raggedy equipment, and fishing nets, their lines coming from a large ship sailing with a pirate flag on its mast. They catch various forms of tropical fish and other ocean habitations, placing them in small jars they've brought with them. Once the jar is filled they tie it to a line and the jar is quickly snatched back up towards the ship. After some time, some shiny objects on the ocean floor catch their attention and they dive for them. After examining the faintly glowing gems they retrieve, they smile brightly, and return to the ship.



You see:
You gently touch your dragon's-tear emerald. It glows warmly for a moment and then falls away from your face.

Others See:
Issey touches her dragon's-tear emerald. It glows warmly for a moment and then falls away from her face.

rub (while in hand)

You see:
A bright ocean green glow emenates from your dragon's-tear emerald as you rub it.

Others see:
A bright ocean green glow emenates from Issey's dragon's-tear emerald as she rubs it.


You see:
You position a perfect dragon's-tear emerald between your eyes so that it casts a sparkling ocean green sheen across your face.

Others see:
Issey positions a perfect dragon's-tear emerald between her eyes so that it casts a sparkling ocean green sheen across her face.

rub (while worn)

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald gives off a momentarily bright ocean green glow against the backdrop of your face.

Others see:
Issey's dragon's-tear emerald gives off a momentarily bright ocean green glow against the backdrop of her face.

tap (turn on)

You see:
A sparkling ocean green light races across the surface of your dragon's-tear emerald as you tap it.

Others see:
A sparkling ocean green light races across the surface of Issey's dragon's-tear emerald as she taps it.

tap (turn off)

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald grows still as you tap it.

Others see:
A perfect dragon's-tear emerald that Issey is wearing grows still as she taps it.

Auto-scripts (These occur about every 15 to 30 minutes)

You see:
A shower of dancing ocean green and silver sparks flare up from your dragon's-tear emerald.

Others see:
A shower of dancing ocean green and silver sparks flare up from Issey's dragon's-tear emerald.

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald pulses against your forehead, giving off a faint glow.

Others see:
Issey's dragon's-tear emerald pulses against her forehead, giving off a faint ocean green glow.

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald dims and then suddenly brightens again as silver sparks swirl around in the gem.

Others see:
Issey’s dragon's-tear emerald, which is set against her forehead, dims and then suddenly brightens again as silver sparks swirl within the gem.

You see:
The dragon's-tear emerald on your forehead flickers, as if a tiny ocean green flame has appeared inside. Without so much as a breath of smoke, it is extinguished.

Others see:
The dragon's-tear emerald on Issey's forehead flickers, as if a tiny ocean green flame has appeared inside. Without so much as a breath of smoke, it is extinguished.

You see:
The dragon's-tear emerald on your forehead dims drastically as a cloud of darkness roils deep within the gem. After a moment, it fades, returning to its normal state.

Others see:
The dragon's-tear emerald on Issey's forehead dims drastically as a cloud of darkness roils deep within the gem. After a moment, it fades, returning to its normal state.

You see:
A starburst of silver and ocean green sparks erupts from the dragon's-tear emerald on your forehead.

Others see:
A starbust of silver and ocean green sparks erupts from the dragon's-tear emerald that is on Issey's forehead.

You see:
The veins in your dragon's-tear emerald glow a brilliant ocean green color.

Others see:
The veins in Issey's dragon's-tear emerald glow a brilliant ocean green color.

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald flares into ocean green flames, causing the air around you to waver.

Others see:
A perfect dragon's-tear emerald on Issey's forehead flares into ocean green flames, causing the air around Issey to waver.

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald sparkles brilliantly as an errant ray of light hits it.

Others see:
The dragon's-tear emerald on Issey's forehead sparkles brilliantly as an errant ray of light hits it.

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald glitters brightly for a few moments.

Others see:
A perfect dragon's-tear emerald, which is set against Issey's forehead, glitters brightly for a few moments.

You see:
Your dragon's-tear emerald pulses against your forehead, sending silver and ocean green sparks dancing around your lashes.

Others see:
Issey's dragon's-tear emerald pulses against her forehead, sending silver and ocean green sparks dancing around her lashes.

10-02-2006, 12:01 PM
If there are no other bids, this will be sold tonight at 10pm EST.

10-02-2006, 07:08 PM
A bid for 55m was received, auction will continue.

10-03-2006, 12:56 AM
The loresong you're referencing says it is from a blue sapphire of sorts. Might want to get it sung to again before the buyers get pissed.

10-03-2006, 09:21 AM
the loresong is the same for each forehead gem. It doesn't matter the color of the gem.

10-03-2006, 10:04 AM
That's part of why I referenced Krakiipedia for the loresong. I have had the gem sung to, but it was easier to copy it from krakii than to format it myself.

10-04-2006, 09:23 PM
Will be sold in 35 minutes (10pm EST) if there are no further bids.

10-04-2006, 10:04 PM
Gem is now sold, thanks for all of your inquiries.