View Full Version : Tattoos

09-26-2006, 05:40 PM
I fully expect to get flamed for my opinion on this subject because I am fully aware there are people here that sport tattoos. It's ok, I have a thick skin. This is not intended as anything other than a statement of my personal opinion. This rant is mostly about females with tattoos because really...tattoos on a man, particularly an ugly man, are like primer on an old rusty car. Who really gives a shit?

My view of tattoos is largely negative. If you need one to remember a special moment, then I pity you. If you need one to indicate how special you are, I despise you. If you have to have ink to prove you're cool, I really don't want to be around your posturing ass. If you believe that a tattoo will grant you some sort of special power, ability, or immunity, I keep my distance because I'm wary of people with no tangential connection to reality. I mean for christ's sake...silkscreen a fucking t-shirt instead.

This is what I think when I see a girl with ink:

poor decision making
low self-esteem

Some females use extraordinarily bad judgement when deciding where to get one. On the lower abdomen is probably a bad idea. Either you're going to have kids one day, which will stretch the hell out of it and turn a butterfly into a pterodactyl. Or you're going to get fat in middle age and stretch that daisy into some sort of dustmop.

Maybe you are one of the very few that get tattoos because they express some inner...thing...that demonstrates you're a unique snowflake. I think for most though it's just an easy way to fit in. Stop pretending you are cutting edge by throwing down some cash and getting one of those cookie cutter designs. Want to show your originality and daring? Get inked on the face. That'll work. No? Then you can just become one more unique and special person in a crowd of similarly unique and special people, all marching to a different drummer playing the same tune, over and over and over again. Yawn.

Someone said that "to not get a tattoo is to rebel" and I have to agree. It's become so mainstream it's boring.

On a side note: A tongue piercing is NOT a sign of a willing and experienced blow job fairy. I'll tell you what it is, its a sign of a girl that is so orally challenged that she felt the need to some how jazz up her mouth with a piece of metal. Not only does it have no effect on feeling it actually lessens the nimbleness and deftness of your tongue. And that lisp you get as a result? It's NOT cute or attractive.

09-26-2006, 05:49 PM
I have tattoos and to be honest most of your opinions are incorrect. I don't have anything negative to say about how you feel except that I feel bad for you that you are so judgemental about a subject that you don't seem to understand. I don't want you to think I am flaming you.. because I'm not. Your post didn't make me angry at all, just kinda sad.

09-26-2006, 05:50 PM
Eesh you just are all about attacking the present fads aren't you...

09-26-2006, 05:52 PM
You could probably add another category:

Those that do it because they want to, and aren't so hung up on what other people (Read: You) think or do.

You listed all the reasons why you think someone who has a tattoo is sub par but amazingly enough you missed the part about life where its important to a) Be happy with yourself and B) Not worry about others.

I personally tend to avoid people that can't look beyond their ignorant perceptions and make value judgements without any basis.

That's just me though and I have tattoos. Oh well.

09-26-2006, 05:52 PM
I have a tongue ring and I don't have a lisp. I got it because I wanted to get a piercing that wouldn't scar on the outside of my body. I like it and I'm happy with it.

I also have a tattoo and luckily I just think they're attractive, and I'm secure enough in my decision that your opinion, or other negative opinions, really won't phase me much.

Why are you so infuriated by what other people do to their bodies?

09-26-2006, 05:52 PM
Another negative thing about having tattoos. People telling you how stupid you are to have one.

09-26-2006, 05:54 PM
When I see a female with tattoos I see availability.
Depending of course where they are. :)

09-26-2006, 05:56 PM
Why are you so infuriated by what other people do to their bodies?

You know.. I think that sums it up best.

09-26-2006, 05:58 PM
There you go assigning emotion to my text. I am not feeling anything particularly except a vague sort of curiousity about why people do these things to their bodies.

09-26-2006, 06:00 PM
They enjoy it and think it looks good. The end.

Miss X
09-26-2006, 06:01 PM
We all have things we attach judgments to, however, it's very foolish and strikes me as particularly narrow minded and unintelligent to assume these judgments apply to everyone.

As a woman with ink:

Sometimes, but not in any way related to my tattoo. I have a weaknesses, we all do. I'm a strong person though.

poor decision making
Very difficult to be a nurse and not possess good decision making skills. If I make foolish decisions I'm putting lives at risk, so.. I think we can safely say my decision making skills are tip top.

See above. Also, In my life I've never taken drugs, been drunk this year maybe twice, never had unprotected casual sex... Whoa, I r teh reckless!!

low self-esteem
Maybe on occasion, mostly due to weight obsessions. Nothing to do with getting tattoo's though.

Nope. 24, professional job, Masters degree, no kids, clean driving license, no criminal record...


Why did I get my tattoo?
Liked the design, figured it will just burn away with the rest of me when I die. No big deal.

09-26-2006, 06:01 PM
I have a tongue ring and I don't have a lisp.She does clack though.

I think it's important to keep on mind that people can want something in and of itself, Tisket. In this case, people getting a tattoo just because. This is not the same as people getting a tattoo just to have a tattoo in general, but getting a specific tattoo simply because of that tattoo. I hear the same sort of attitude sometimes when people ask me about my hair (which is quite long for a boy). I don't wear my hair long to stand out or STICK IT TO THE NORMS or anything, I just have long hair because I want long hair. There's no next level or more profound reason; long hair is the summum coma.

(Satira doesn't really clack.)


(...AT ALL, EVER.)

09-26-2006, 06:02 PM
There you go assigning emotion to my text. I am not feeling anything particularly except a vague sort of curiousity about why people do these things to their bodies.

Well, you did post some pretty strong words.

My view of tattoos is largely negative. If you need one to remember a special moment, then I pity you. If you need one to indicate how special you are, I despise you. If you have to have ink to prove you're cool, I really don't want to be around your posturing ass. If you believe that a tattoo will grant you some sort of special power, ability, or immunity, I keep my distance because I'm wary of people with no tangential connection to reality. I mean for christ's sake...silkscreen a fucking t-shirt instead.

Anyway, you are going to have a rough life with so many tattooed people walking around these days, sorry to say.

09-26-2006, 06:04 PM
I am not feeling anything particularly except a vague sort of curiousity about why people do these things to their bodies.

This rant is mostly about females with tattoos

My view of tattoos is largely negative. If you need one to remember a special moment, then I pity you. If you need one to indicate how special you are, I despise you. If you have to have ink to prove you're cool, I really don't want to be around your posturing ass.

This is what I think when I see a girl with ink:

poor decision making
low self-esteem

I think for most though it's just an easy way to fit in. Stop pretending you are cutting edge by throwing down some cash and getting one of those cookie cutter designs. Want to show your originality and daring? Get inked on the face. That'll work. No? Then you can just become one more unique and special person in a crowd of similarly unique and special people, all marching to a different drummer playing the same tune, over and over and over again. Yawn.

That looks a like a bit more than idle curiousity. To profess to DISPISE someone because of their choice? Yeah.. idle curiousity.. right.

09-26-2006, 06:06 PM
Thank you for the calm response. I have a tattoo that I have regretted getting for years. I fully expected anger over an opinion but it's nice to see someone actually addressing my curiousity.

09-26-2006, 06:08 PM
And the dudes getting all upset over my opinion about their ink...HAHAHA

09-26-2006, 06:09 PM
They enjoy it and think it looks good. The end.

What she said.


09-26-2006, 06:12 PM
Thank you for the calm response. I have a tattoo that I have regretted getting for years. I fully expected anger over an opinion but it's nice to see someone actually addressing my curiousity.

Get it removed. Also if you are sticking by the "idle curiousity" thing, I think you need to stop deluding yourself. You don't say all things you said, even going so far as to itemize a list of things YOU see when you see a woman with a tattoo, if it's just "idle curiousity". That sucks that you regret your tattoo. It sounds like you didn't think long and hard enough about the choice you made. Regrets are part of life, it's part of how we learn. However, your regret should not become judgements on other people.

09-26-2006, 06:14 PM
My view of tattoos is largely negative. If you need one to remember a special moment, then I pity you.

I don't know anyone off the top of my head who needs them to remeber a special moment. I do however know people who have them as a memorial for a special moment. In my opinion it's no different than any architectural memorial, why build for example the vietnam war memorial? so people can pay their respects? find closure? reflect? I see no problem with someone finding these same qualities in a piece of art even if it's their skin thats the canvas.

If you need one to indicate how special you are, I despise you.

I could almost get behind this notion except I don't despise anyone for it. I would say if you feel a tattoo will indicate that you are somehow special well then I just don't get your logic or understand you, but I don't have to.

If you have to have ink to prove you're cool, I really don't want to be around your posturing ass.

You could use this logic for just about anything... The rest is just amusing so I wont really respond to it.

I do however find it somewhat silly to judge people for tattoo's or piercings and I don't really care much for the prejudice behind it. It's not too disimilar from what I dealt with for having dredlocks.

But anyway I don't have any piercings or tattoo's so what do I know...

09-26-2006, 06:14 PM
I really feel that way when I see a woman with ink. Guess I could have lied but what's the point.

09-26-2006, 06:27 PM
I think some of what you said is true for chicks with tramp stamps.

09-26-2006, 06:28 PM
On the lower abdomen is probably a bad idea. Either you're going to have kids one day, which will stretch the hell out of it and turn a butterfly into a pterodactyl. Or you're going to get fat in middle age and stretch that daisy into some sort of dustmop.

I don't care one way or the other about tatoos. I don't have any, and I don't want any; however, what others do is up to them. I don't see them as a mark of anything other than personal preference.

I gotta say, though, that the quoted passage above gave me a giggle. I keep picturing this beautiful butterfly morphing into a pterodactyl. :rofl:

09-26-2006, 06:29 PM
Yeah the daisy into a dustmop made me chuckle.

Miss X
09-26-2006, 06:42 PM
I think some of what you said is true for chicks with tramp stamps.

Hey! Mine is a tramp stamp! :rofl:

09-26-2006, 06:46 PM
Heh, wow. It's just ink on skin. BFD. Some people dye their hair. Some people pierce their ears. Some people get acrylic nails. I got a tattoo.

Weakness? Maybe. I love Prince and his symbol goes perfect on my right boob. :D

Poor decision making? You're right.. I should have had a strand of pearls looped through it as well. My bad!

Recklessness? I wasn't rebellious as a child. I loved the idea of getting a tattoo since I was a pre-teen. When I turned 21 and still wanted to get one, I went out and got one on my own.

Low self-esteem? Heh, not really. I was a hottie when I got it. I didn't need another reason for men to stare at my boobs.

Instability? You lost me there. Not sure what you mean.

Hepatitis? :rofl:

I don't care what people do to themselves. Some people put safety pins in their arms. Some people pierce their eyebrow. OW! But hey, that's what creams their twinkie, I don't judge them for their tastes and likes.

As for the tongue ring, I really wanted one when I was younger but decided against it. I don't need some metal in my mouth for felatio. Pft. Although I tend to play with my tongue a lot and I thought it would be neat. Opted for the tattoo instead. My exboyfriend got the piercing though. I have to admit.. he looks damned cute. :D

09-26-2006, 06:46 PM
I have two tattoos. I plan on getting more. I am a woman. I have a tongue piercing.

I enjoy artwork, and body art. Both of mine are beautiful and unique creations in tasteful places that are concealed by regular clothing.

I agree with one thing, if you are picking something off a wall, or from a book of designs like most people do.. then you are probably getting a tattoo for one or more of the reasons that were stated. Which, IMO, are the wrong reasons.

I had my tongue pierced when I was 15. That was 14 years ago, long before it was ever a fad. I do not have a lisp, drool, nor is my speech impaired. I don't have nicked/bad teeth and it cannot be seen when I talk. I didn't get it because I like administering oral sex. I got it because I wanted a piercing besides my ears that would not be visible/scar.

09-26-2006, 06:48 PM
I really feel that way when I see a woman with ink. Guess I could have lied but what's the point.

No one asked you to lie but there are ways to say things in a more diplomatic manner and you seem to have thrown that out the window lately for reasons that I cannot guess.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-26-2006, 06:50 PM
Thank you for the calm response. I have a tattoo that I have regretted getting for years. I fully expected anger over an opinion but it's nice to see someone actually addressing my curiousity.

I can't help but wonder that because you made a poor, ill-informed choice about getting a tattoo that you've regretted that you've possibly transfered over this bad feelings and assume that everyone who has a tattoo must have done the same thing.

That being said, I have a custom tattoo design that I plan on getting on my upper back/shoulder blades/spine sometime this coming year. The tattoo is significant in a lot of ways, not just as a memorial to my late mother but as a reminder of the power of the illness we both share, and that through all pain (the pain of getting a tattoo, the pain of living with an incurable illness) something beautiful can come (a beautiful piece of art, a happier and more fullfilled life).

The tattoo will go on my back for a number of reasons. 1-- I respect that in the work world, tattoos are a no-no to be visible for most companies. 2 -- the shoulder blades would be one of the last parts of my body to get fat. 3 -- I'd rather not have everyone see it all the time and ask me about it. The tattoo is for myself and for who I share it with. I'm paying to get it, it's my decision to make.

I'm sure there are instances where your criteria is easily met by girls with tattoos. But I think your view of it is very black and white and pretty judgemental and close-minded. I'm with Coley on this one-- I'll get it because I want it and I like it. If someone assumes who I am based soley on the fact that I get one/have one, and thinks me the lesser for it, good for them. They've saved me the trouble of wasting my own time on someone not worthy of my friendship.

09-26-2006, 06:54 PM
No one asked you to lie but there are ways to say things in a more diplomatic manner and you seem to have thrown that out the window lately for reasons that I cannot guess.

Wow, I was diplomatic before? Go me.

Really, I fully expected some people to get all up in arms over what is just an opinion. Isn't that what this board is about for the most part? Opinions? Besides, if it makes anyone feel better to flame me as justification for their own choices thats ok by me.

09-26-2006, 07:00 PM
Wow, I was diplomatic before? Go me.

Really, I fully expected some people to get all up in arms over what is just an opinion. Isn't that what this board is about for the most part? Opinions? Besides, if it makes anyone feel better to flame me as justification for their own choices thats ok by me.

Possibly, but guess who gets to wade through all the crap and deal with messes people seem to enjoy making lately for their own little amusement?

Mods do.

So basically what I'm saying is don't be a trolling kind of person just for shits and giggles please.

09-26-2006, 07:05 PM
Possibly, but guess who gets to wade through all the crap and deal with messes people seem to enjoy making lately for their own little amusement?

Mods do.

So basically what I'm saying is don't be a trolling kind of person just for shits and giggles please.

Wow, interesting to see your definition of "troll". Creating a controversial thread (whether intentionally controversial or not) makes one a troll? Responding to posts directed at myself makes me a troll? lmao

09-26-2006, 07:05 PM
As a guy with a few tattoos who has responded... I’m not upset by your post, obviously it was directed towards women. But I never did explain so... for me its just aesthetics. Being the cultural creature that I am I have found some tattoos on people to just enhance their visual appearance. From Samoan tribal, to Japanese Horimono, to contemporary stuff from Anil Gupta (http://www.anilgupta.com/portfolio/portfolio.htm). (I was lucky enough to book him once)

Through my own enjoyment of what I find to be aesthetic I applied it (rather, had it applied) to myself.

Now later on in the thread we find out you have one and regret it. Have to say I’m surprised. Get it removed.

09-26-2006, 07:06 PM
I think chicks look like trash when they get tats.

09-26-2006, 07:09 PM
Heh. If I were going to be curious about any of this, I'd wonder why it's considered "trashy" for women to get tattoos, but just fine for men to do so. :thinking:

09-26-2006, 07:20 PM
Because I'm not looking to go out with a man, so I don't care if they look like trash, therefore it doesn't really cross my mind.

I think a lot of times it's a sign of low class for both men and women. There are exceptions, obviously.

09-26-2006, 07:20 PM
Heh. If I were going to be curious about any of this, I'd wonder why it's considered "trashy" for women to get tattoos, but just fine for men to do so. :thinking:

lol HN: "This rant is mostly about females with tattoos because really...tattoos on a man, particularly an ugly man, are like primer on an old rusty car. Who really gives a shit?"

09-26-2006, 07:22 PM
FYI that was said very much tongue-in-cheek.

09-26-2006, 07:22 PM
I'd think that same statement would apply to women, Tisket. I also think it would probably depend on who was making the call on "ugly".

Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-26-2006, 07:24 PM
Heh. If I were going to be curious about any of this, I'd wonder why it's considered "trashy" for women to get tattoos, but just fine for men to do so. :thinking:

It's just another one of those double standards to some people.

I do respect your view though, Hulkein, that tattoos are a turn-off. I think it's the style of tattoo myself, as my boyfriend thought they were bad too until I showed him what I wanted done and where. I'm a personal believer that no matter your tastes in the opposite gender there will be exceptions to the rule.

Generally, I find bald/balding men to be non-appealing. Then there's Vin Deisel. Yum.

09-26-2006, 07:25 PM
Everyone has their own cup of tea.

Generally you want the person you're dating or screwing to find you attractive, so I'd think that girls with tattoos wouldn't be interested in seeing guys who thought they looked trashy, anyway. So, that works out for the both of you, Hulkypants.

09-26-2006, 07:26 PM
There are definitely girls who look good with the tattoo they have, just generally in a slutty way, which isn't always bad, but not the 'take home to mom' type, is all.

Also, I think tattoos in our society are generally more of a masculine thing, just as skirts are feminine to our culture, but not all (Scottish). I realize tattoos are gender neutral in a lot of cultures, I just don't feel they are in ours.

09-26-2006, 07:26 PM
I can't speak for anyone else but, unless it's a particularly bizarre or oddly placed tattoo, I don't give male tattoos much attention. Dunno why that is actually. They don't bug me like female tattoos do. I mostly just figure its some sort of male testosterone, biker wannabe image thing. Generally speaking of course.

09-26-2006, 07:33 PM
Heh. I guess it's just me, but I don't understand the difference between a tattoo on a woman and a tattoo on a man. It's skin with a picture on it. :shrug:

09-26-2006, 07:40 PM
I'm not a fan of tattoos and don't think I would ever get one.

I've always felt that there isn't any picture I like enough to tattoo on my body and have to look at for the rest of my life.

I know my tastes change and I look at pictures I thought were pretty when I was in my 20's and think Ugh!! I'm glad I never got the urge to get tattoos at that point in my life. I'd be having them removed.

Do I care if other people get tattoos? Nope. Do what you want with your body. An old boyfriend had a tattoo of a woman holding a severed head that was dripping gore and it said "Vengeance" underneath the picture. Did I think it looked nice, cool, interesting? No way. It was rather disturbing. But he LOVED it. More power to him.

I find I'm interested by body piercings. Someone gets one and I want to see it, pull on it, ask the person all about it. Do I want one? No way!!

I don't understand the abundance of tattoos that young people are getting these days. But I kind of look at it as another fad that will go out of style soon. Makes no difference to me.

However, I look at my 16 year old son's best friend with his spiked clothes, jet black dyed hair and full-on mohawk and cringe. Being a teenager was hard enough, why would anyone willingly make it worse by looking like that? Or are times so different from when I was in high school that kids really don't judge you by how you look?

I guess it's hard to understand when the way people feel about these types of things have fundamentally changed.

I have no interest in tattoos or piercings for myself. I don't care if others get them. But if it's 20 tattoos and 15 piercings, then I admit, it will effect how I feel about that person. Too much of anything can be a bad thing.

09-26-2006, 08:03 PM
Heh. I guess it's just me, but I don't understand the difference between a tattoo on a woman and a tattoo on a man. It's skin with a picture on it. :shrug:

And a skirt is cloth over skin.

09-26-2006, 08:04 PM
Out of curiousity how does someone having a lot of tattoos mean something other than they have a lot of tattoos to the point where it effects how you feel about that individual?

I can understand people not finding them visually appealing or attractive but I have a hard time understanding how it alters your opinion of an individual outide of having a different sense of taste.

09-26-2006, 08:05 PM
It's not that I consciously think 'they must be dirtbags,' that's just what pops in my head.

09-26-2006, 08:10 PM
You don't find that somewhat disturbing/problematic?

09-26-2006, 08:30 PM
And a skirt is cloth over skin.

A skirt is not equivalent to a tattoo, Hulkein. Your meaning is lost on me. Trousers are cloth over skin, as well. Both women and men wear them, and nobody blinks an eye.

09-26-2006, 08:37 PM
If someone does not like tattoos, they don’t have to explain themselves any more than some one who does.

09-26-2006, 08:37 PM
You don't find that somewhat disturbing/problematic?

No, because it doesn't make me dislike them, and when/if I need to interact with the person or whatev I don't hold it against them. People in my family are tatt'd up, a lot of my friends, etc.

09-26-2006, 08:39 PM
While I don't agree with judging someone simply because s/he has a tattoo, I agree that it happens, and it is the responsibility of the person who wants the tattoo to accept that.

Jorddyn, has 2

09-26-2006, 08:40 PM
I'd agree, Backlash. I don't like them - for me. However, I don't think a person's personal dislike of tattoos should result in the assumption that every woman who has a tattoo is, by necessity, a slut. We're into that all-to-common generalities area again.

09-26-2006, 08:40 PM
A skirt is not equivalent to a tattoo, Hulkein. Your meaning is lost on me. Trousers are cloth over skin, as well. Both women and men wear them, and nobody blinks an eye.

Good point, I guess you could equate the type of tattoo (Prince Symbol/Harley Davidson Symbol) to the type of clothing (skirt/pants).

Tattoo's just strike me as a more masculine thing as opposed to a feminine one.

09-26-2006, 08:42 PM
I think that's just because men have been getting tattoos longer than women in our culture. That's, of course, not true of many other cultures. It's the same thing as women wearing trousers. For years, it was taboo. Yet, now, it's an accepted thing.

09-26-2006, 08:48 PM
While I don't agree with judging someone simply because s/he has a tattoo, I agree that it happens, and it is the responsibility of the person who wants the tattoo to accept that.

Jorddyn, has 2

I disagree with the notion that someone should just accept that they are going to be judged. It's somewhat defeatist and I find it lacking in terms of social responsibility.

Obviously I can't argue with the fact that shit happens and that in the end people will judge you I just think simply accepting it just perpetuates a bad thing.

09-26-2006, 09:06 PM
Obviously I can't argue with the fact that shit happens and that in the end people will judge you I just think simply accepting it just perpetuates a bad thing.

Eh, people judge you based on what you present. It's a fact of life.

I didn't mean to suggest that people don't change their position, but tattoing your neck and expecting people to not wonder is a bit naive.

Now, if someone knows you well and still judges you based on said tattoo, I believe it is their problem.

Just to clarify.


09-26-2006, 09:12 PM
Sadly, in many workplaces tattoos will have a negative effect on one's ability to get a job, if the tattoos are visible. I don't think that's right. In fact, I think it's stupid, but it is the truth.

People should be considered for positions in the workplace based on their merit, and how their skills mesh with the job to be done. That's often not the case. Over time, this tendency to judge based on trivialities that have nothing to do with the job will lessen, just as women wearing pants became an acceptable practice. It's just hard to wait, sometimes, for people to get past their prejudices and into reality.

09-26-2006, 09:28 PM
Hrm. Ya know... I'm not really sure what you want to hear from this thread. I love to sometimes run my finger over my ink (especially my rose) and I smile and look at the beautiful colors and how wondeful I think they are. When I look in the mirror, I remember why I got it which makes me smile. Everyone has their own reasons so wouldn't take somone else having ink so seriously...

09-26-2006, 09:30 PM
Sadly, in many workplaces tattoos will have a negative effect on one's ability to get a job, if the tattoos are visible. I don't think that's right. In fact, I think it's stupid, but it is the truth.

People should be considered for positions in the workplace based on their merit, and how their skills mesh with the job to be done. That's often not the case. Over time, this tendency to judge based on trivialities that have nothing to do with the job will lessen, just as women wearing pants became an acceptable practice. It's just hard to wait, sometimes, for people to get past their prejudices and into reality.

You could always work yourself to a respected position then go and get a tattoo.

Social conventions are changing. What may have been true then, may not be true now.

09-26-2006, 09:38 PM
As I said, social conventions are changing, Backlash; however, social conventions change slowly. Some types of business change faster than others. For visible tattoos to become fully accepted in white-collar America, on the whole, will take quite awhile, I fear. During that time of change, those who wish to pursue professional positions in areas not known for progressive thinking, keeping the tattoos out of sight while in the workplace will be necessary.

09-26-2006, 09:41 PM
As I said, social conventions are changing, Backlash; however, social conventions change slowly. Some types of business change faster than others. For visible tattoos to become fully accepted in white-collar America, on the whole, will take quite awhile, I fear. During that time of change, those who wish to pursue professional positions in areas not known for progressive thinking, keeping the tattoos out of sight while in the workplace will be necessary.

Agreed to a point. I don’t think having a tattoo makes you any less of a bureaucrat than a flipped-up collar or a short skirt.

I will say it is trendy, right now.

09-26-2006, 09:48 PM
It doesn't. That's exactly my point. It's not what it makes you. It's the perception some others (some of whom will be in a position to say "yea" or "nay" to your hiring) regarding what it makes you that is the problem.

09-26-2006, 09:54 PM
So much for "what others do is up to them." :(

09-26-2006, 09:55 PM
So much for "what others do is up to them." :(

I agree with this sentiment. I am simply saying that not everyone does.


09-26-2006, 09:56 PM
So much for "what others do is up to them." :(

Agreed x 10 to the infinite.

09-26-2006, 10:01 PM
I think many of us agree. There are just a pot-load of those who don't, and many are in seats of power.

09-26-2006, 10:06 PM
I'll preface this by saying I've been inked a few times; I've also had piercings done. I'm not fond of the sudden nausea that comes with piercing, which can be quite intense, depending where you're done. I did enjoy the tickle/prickle of the tattoo needle however, which is more repetative. It really is a matter of adrenaline, for me at least.

Finally, for each reason that you find tattoos ugly, I'm sure I can give you a reason that I find them beautiful on men or women. I'm biased against facial piercings however, so I can understand that you simply find them aesthetically displeasing.

edit: If you don't watch the artist peel the needle packaging in front of you/ensure your own safety, you don't belong getting tattoos.

09-27-2006, 12:09 AM
I got a tattoo because it does actually represent a part of my identity. I don't know that I would ever get a tattoo of something arbitrary - IE, a barbed wire tattoo....unless, for example, I'd been in prison, and the tattoo was a reminder of the constraints put on me there, and how I never wanted to go back.

I think Eminem once said something about that in reference to his tattoos. Someone found his tattoos of the slash marks along his wrists in poor taste and he commented on how it was a reminder to him of his past life, where he was, and doesn't allow him to forget. And how it gave him strength to never feel that way again.

Me, when I see mine in a mirror I might be walking past, I enjoy it, because I'm reminded of who I am.

Mine is also relatively new. Maybe that feeling'll fade with time? Who knows. But the tattoo will always mean the same thing, and that thing is so intrinsically part of who I am, that I can't see that going away - so I don't think I can see my tat losing its significance.


09-27-2006, 12:33 AM
Even though I have 14 tattoos of varying sizes (largest ones are on my upper arms) most are covered all the time except the ones on my inner forearms.. which are never covered unless I wear long sleeves. I didn't get them to impress anyone, because I think I am "cooler" with them, because they are a trend or because I think they will give me a secret power. I have to confess that I am guilty of sitting before a mirror and admiring the pictures I have had permanantly inked into my skin. Some are my own drawings. I even have one by Tony Olivas (http://www.sacredhearttattoo.com). Personally I like them better than jewelery or other costly possessions. I consider the 300 dollars I payed for one of them to be well worth it. It won't wear out (the inks they use these days are more permanent and keep thier color better), someone would have to really make an effort to steal it and I find it pleasing to look at. I have come across Tisket's opinion in other people before so it's not a shock. I took so many things into consideration when I got my first tattoo at the age of 24 after 2 years of thinking about it and what I wanted. The only thing that bothers me is that you have no more right to judge me than I have to judge you, but you put forth the attitude that you do. I have little use for how society feels about what I choose for myself. Yes, I will play along when it comes to certain things.. out of practicality. Once I woke up and realized that other people's opinions were not always worth the the time it took to listen to them, I became happier with who I was. As for men and women having tattoos.. I consider them VERY attractive. I will often give a second look to someone who has visible tattoos that other people wouldn't call conventionally attractive. In the end, Tisket's opinion and even his delivery of it, has no baring on whether or not I enjoy my tattoos, other's tattoos and whether or not I get more ink in the future.

09-27-2006, 01:08 AM
Ahhh!!! Paragraph attackQ!!!!!!

09-27-2006, 01:31 AM

09-27-2006, 01:56 AM
Hijack time:

My new Tat

Stanley Burrell
09-27-2006, 03:43 AM
Someone get the GemStone logo inked.


The Ponzzz
09-27-2006, 04:29 AM
I got the Eye of Sauron on my forearms. No, I didn't get it for any reason that was noted. I simply wanted something I liked on my arm. Yes I'm a big dork and used the idea from Constantine on my tattoo by splitting them. I work very professionally and do plan on getting a 9/10ths sleeve on atleast my left arm, and some of my right done.

Mock away... No one but me likes them.

Though I do need to get them fixed up and add color around them. The tattooist was horrible and red was a bad idea...