View Full Version : Spellburst Mechanics Theory

09-23-2006, 11:06 AM
(Edited to Add: Not my work.)

I know that for myself and several others, THIS formula seems to hold true for the temple/barrier spellburst.

(MAGIC RANKS/3)= total mana wearable, with the following stipulations:

1. Spells you know do not count.
2. Spells you can learn count for 1/2 their base mana cost.
3. Spells you can not learn count for full base mana cost.
4. Group spells such as kai's song and warding sphere do not count toward spellburst.


Lvl: 90
Arcane Symbols 140 40
Magic Item Use 170 70
Harness Power 170 70
Minor Spirit 8



Since I don't know the profession of Jinsem, I'll use profession specific spells.

Jinsem can wear 62 outside mana. 503, 506, 509, 911, 618, 611, 202, 602.

The totals of the bases is 62. Any more should spells burst him, even 401 unless it's a learnable circle.

09-23-2006, 11:30 AM
<<Okay, looking at your example, I have a couple questions. I'm assuming minor spirit means spell ranks, right? Also, do share and lores count as well?

Yes, if it counts toward the runestaff parry defense, (meaning all magic ranks, lores, magic control, spell aiming, spell ranks, ect.) then it counts toward spellburst ranks. They're all magic ranks, right?

<<Heh, I wonder if anyone has burst yet because they recieved mass guards as opposed to regular guards.

Mass guards is treated as 414 for spellburst purposes. SPELL ACTIVE shows the exact same output regardless of Gibreficul wearing 414, or joining for mass guards.

In reference to those people who claimed purepotions do not cause spellburst....

<<If they don't count toward spellburst, I may need to get me some of those.

I retract that statement because you are wrong.

Quick and fun....

LEVEL spell ranks harness ranks Arcane symbols Magic Item Use Sum of ranks.
93 4, minor elemental 2 22 22 50

That's 16.66666 magic, or, rounded, 16 mana wearable in spellburst.

I wear... 401 (doesn't count) 406, 414, 101, 107, 202.

406+414+101+107= 28 outside mana, learnable spells. So, 14 mana since that's halved. Add 2 for 202, I'm at 16, and any spell will burst me after that. On aside note, I can swap 202 with 103 and not burst however I can't wear both, 503 makes me burst without 103 or 202 on.


09-23-2006, 11:37 AM

First...share and lores do not count towards spell burst.

Secondly...scrolls and potions do.

Thirdly...as 406, 414, 101, 107 count as 1/2 mana cost...you're wearing 16 (with 202) mana....not 28. Assuming you can learn MinS and MinE spells.

09-23-2006, 12:09 PM
Yell at gibrificel

09-23-2006, 12:09 PM
<<If they don't count toward spellburst, I may need to get me some of those.

I retract that statement because you are wrong.

Quick and fun....

LEVEL spell ranks harness ranks Arcane symbols Magic Item Use Sum of ranks.
93 4, minor elemental 2 22 22 50 >>

He agrees with you.

09-23-2006, 12:19 PM
Thats the formula I use... statues are free.

total magical ranks/3... last 2 digits of solution is mana value you can wear in spells. worn known spells count as 0, worn spells in your profession (circles) count as half mana value.