09-21-2006, 06:27 AM
All from the ufs script.
I cant upload it on these forums so here it is:
if_1 goto %1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9
echo . Ultimate Foraging Script, v 1.14 Beta
echo The UFS is a specialized Quick Reference Script for Gemstone, dealing with the various Elanthian
flora, the climate and terrain types, as well as animal companion species and population.
echo Available options for use are as follows:
echo EXAMPLE: Type '.ufs help' to display more information on how to use the UFS.
echo list - List of forageable plants, by category
echo healing - Standard Herb Healing Chart
echo <plant> - Detailed information for specific plant
echo region - List of regions with for climate/terrain and plant info
echo message - Explanation of foraging messages
echo companion - List of animal companions, by category
echo <companion> - Detailed information for specific companion types
echo depart - List of decay timer messages
echo help - Explanation of available UFS functions
echo updates - Most recent additions
echo websites - Related websites
echo credits - List of contributors
echo contribute - How you can help expand the UFS
echo missing - What is currently missing from the UFS
echo The UFS is still being worked on. Many sections are not fully live and contain little to no useful
echo Please report any typoes, bugs, and erroneous information.
echo New information is always welcome.
echo Contact -- game: Alisaire
echo . aim: NiteWyvern
echo . email:
!================================================= ===============================
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sticks - tempreate + coniferous forest, deciduous forest, hilly
forest mastiff - OTF
curhound - Shan
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Last revision date: 03/11/04
echo Most recent updates:
echo v1.14 - Added healing information for tundra grass. All known magical woods and their attributes
added. Updated climate, terrain, region information for a few plants.
echo v1.13 - Added drakefern, frostflower, mistweed, and murkweed, which are only active in the GS4 test
instance for 620/Ranger Enchant.
echo v1.12 - Individual plant C/T updated for all TI plants. Updates for some plant entries and some
internal reorganization. Messages and expanded updated for new data. C/T added for Teorainn Dale,
Teorainn Valley.
echo .ufs updates full - Complete list of UFS updates (long).
echo Complete UFS update history:
echo v1.14 - Added healing information for tundra grass. Magical wood names added, as well as
information regarding each type. Updated climate, terrain, region information for a few plants.
echo v1.13 - Added drakefern, frostflower, mistweed, and murkweed, which are only active in the GS4 test
instance for 620/Ranger Enchant.
echo v1.12 - Individual plant C/T updated for all TI plants. Updates for some plant entries and some
internal reorganization. Messages and expanded updated for new data. C/T added for Teorainn Dale,
Teorainn Valley.
echo v1.11 - TI plants added for Temperate + Mountainous, Temperate + Rough.
echo v1.10 - TV C/T added for Marble Springs and inside the city. Poisonous list added. Internal
lables expanded. Messages added. Missing data list added. Help, contribute, and credits updated.
Gyldemar Green and Calelith Villa (raptors, leopards) added. Seethe Naedal and Postern Gate added.
echo v1.09 - Forage syntax updated for plant listings. TI Temperate+Grassland plants added. Typoes
fixed. Bug with lines longer than 500 characters fixed.
echo echo v1.08 - Bark, genkew mushroom, gok, stick, and wiregrass added. Some typoes fixed.
echo v1.07 - TV Temperate + Cultivated plants finalized. Gyldemar Forest (vor'taz, faeroths) and
Gyldemar Road (from causeway to Barrier) added. Dark Forest, Blighted Forest, Maaghara Tower added.
Emerald Forest, Gorget Trails, Masked Hills, Griffin's Keen added.
echo v1.06 - Some Ta'Illistim climate/terrain added. Ta'Vaalor climate/terrain expanded.
echo v1.05 - Base animal companion information added.
echo v1.04 - Base flower information added. Help added. Index tweaked for beta release.
echo v1.03 - LIST expanded for all categories except poisonous. Basic plant information added for all
expanded categories except flowers.
echo v1.02 - LIST added, as well as the listing of plants in each. Some new plant data added.
echo v1.01 - In-depth detail for each healing herb added. Several subsections (herb chart, websites,
credits, updates) added. Formatting cleaned up.
echo v1.0 - Barebones of the script completed. Basic listing of healing herbs as well as main menu
worked out.
echo Creation date: 3/12/00
echo Argaine's Herb List -
echo CC's Quality GemStone IV Portraits -
echo Charna's Town Corpse of Haven -
echo Elanthian Flora Guide -
echo Heuward's (archived) AC Page -
echo Language of Flowers -
echo Res Nullius -
echo Turinrond's House of Sil'draug -
echo UFS Contributors:
echo Allanor - C/T/AC and plant information, foraging messages, syntax, and a lot more.
echo Argaine - Supplementary Ta'Vaalor plant, climate, and terrain information.
echo Cappurnicus - Imbuing material information, 620 information, and C/T/AC information.
echo Charna - C/T/AC information.
echo Corlith - Plant foraging syntax
echo Dresdena - Supplementary Ta'Vaalro plant, climate, and terrain information.
echo Gahread - Initial design based on his QRS.
echo Heuward - Animal companion information.
echo Mnar - C/T/AC information, AC for each region list, companion names.
echo Turinrond - Supplementary healing herb climate and terrain information.
echo Tyraesa - Plant foraging syntax
echo Ysharra - Supplementary Ta'Illistim plant, climate, and terrain information.
echo Alisaire - Compiled the UFS itself, and anything else not listed.
echo .ufs credits full - Complete listing of individual contributions (long).
echo .ufs contribute - Want to see your name listed? Info on how to contribute.
echo UFS Contributors:
echo Allanor - C/T/AC: BL: Jagged Plain
echo . - C/T/AC: Misc: WL-TI trail (adding)
echo . - C/T/AC: PF: Arctic Tundra, Frozen Tundra, Aenatumgana
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Blighted Forest, Blighted Forest, Maaghara Tower
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: City Proper (adding)
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Gossamer Valley, Glitter Ice Caverns
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Griffin's Keen
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Seethe Naedal
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Teorainn Valley, Teorainn Dale
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Wraithenmist (adding)
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Yegharren, Orcswold (adding)
echo . - C/T/AC: SH: Deep Woods (vesperti)
echo . - C/T/AC: SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road (shan)
echo . - C/T/AC: WL: Dark Pasture, Shadow Plain, Shadow Valley
echo . - Plants: Foraging syntax for pea leaf
echo . - Plants: Ta'Illistim
echo . - Additional information on foraging message returns
echo Argaine - C/T: TV: Regional outline
echo . - Plants: Regional outline
echo . - Additional information on foraging message returns
echo Cappurnicus - Plants: Imbuing material info: wiregrass, tree bark, wyrmwood bark
echo . - Plants: 620 material info: drakefern, frostflower, mistweed, murkweed
echo . - Mechanics: 620/Resist Nature process and info
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Gyldemar Forest (vor'taz, faeroths
echo . - C/T/AC: TI: Gyldemar Green, Calelith Villa (raptors, trali)
echo Charna - C/T/AC: TI: Gyldemar Forest (bendiths - most)
echo Corlith - Plants: Foraging syntax for fennel bulb, iris blossom
echo Dresdena - C/T: TV: Regional outline
echo . - Plants: Regional outline
echo . - Additional information on foraging message returns
echo Gahread - Initial design based on his QRS. (
echo Heuward - AC: Supplementary animal companion types
echo Mnar - AC: List of animal companion types by region
echo . - AC: List of animal companion names and owners
echo . - C/T/AC: TV: Fethayl Bog (most parts)
echo . - C/T/AC: TV: Lunule Weald (most parts)
echo Turinrond - Plants: Additional healing herbs C/T info
echo Tyraesa - Plants: Foraging syntax for hyndrangea, pear leaf
echo Ysharra - C/T: TI: Sapphire Gate to Iron Bridge
echo . - Plants: TI: Supplementary info for T+C, T+DF, T+G, T+G
echo Alisaire - Everything else
echo Contribute to the UFS!
echo Especially since the UFS is still in beta testing and I do not have easy access to a great many
regions in game, contributions to the UFS are gladly accepted. All contributors will be given full
echo Please send any contributions to:
echo What you can do to help is send me a log (either directly recorded via auto-log, or copied and
pasted into a text editing program) of you either SENSEing or FORAGEingin regions that I have not yet
covered in detail.
echo Please make sure that your log includes room names, descriptions, and any directional commands
used. These are all very important, as they let me double check with a map to plot terrain/climate
type, as well as offering me additional information on descriptive plant growth for a particular area.
echo Type '.ufs missing' to see a list of what I still need.
echo In addition, if you have any other information that you would like to see in the UFS, please send
it my way.
echo UFS Help
echo The UFS was designed with Gahread's QRS in mind, only with a very specific goal: to combine all of
the collected (and soon-to-be collected) information that I have on the Elanthian Flora.
echo This is includes, but is not limited to:
echo - Detailed information about the various healing herbs
echo - Detailed information about the various poisonous plants
echo - Officially published information regarding flora apperances, uses, and availabilty
echo - Common (or not-so-common) information regarding real-life properties of plants
echo - Regional climate and terrain listings
echo - Regional plant listings
echo - Roomcheck to determine all forageable plants in a given room
echo Currently, the UFS is still in beta testing. What does this mean? A lot of the information listed
I am still double- and triple-checking for accuracy. And even more information I am adding a bit at a
time, with each subsequent UFS update. Hopefully the UFS will reach a stage where it will no longer be
in beta testing, but instead will be distributed to .. well .. whoever wants it.
echo As it stands now, the UFS can be used in a variety of ways.
echo .ufs messages
echo A detailed list of the possible foraging return messages and their meanings.
echo .ufs <plantname>
echo Input any plant into the UFS to display any known information on it. Right now, you might notice
that there are a lot of blank fields. That should change sometime in the near future.
echo .ufs list
echo .ufs <listname>
echo Not sure what plant to look up? Just want to browse? No problem! From the initial plant category
list, there are a number of others noted. Simply key one into the UFS to see a list of all flora that
falls under it.
echo .ufs region
echo .ufs <regionname>
echo .ufs <regionname> more
echo .ufs <regionname> <climate> <terrain>
echo Want to find out just what type of climates and terrains are where? Or perhaps you are planning a
trip somewhere, and want to see what the local wildlife is like? Check out the region list. It
operates similarly to the plant list.
echo Hopefully, a few more uses will be available soon. Until then, thanks for trying out the beta
echo - Alisaire
echo . Missing climate/terrain information:
echo .(Abbreviaions from .ufs region)
echo WL: All
echo GY: All except
echo BL: All except Jagged Plain (fog beetles)
echo SH: All except Forest Road (shan) and Deep Woods (vesperti)
echo IM: All
echo PF: Regions south of Pinefar
echo Teras: All
echo RR: All
echo Zul: All
echo TI: None
echo OTF: All
echo TV: None
echo Btwn: Trail to SH, trail to IM
echo Trail between WL and Zul, trail between Zul and TI, Whistler's Pass (cave by glacier)
echo . Missing animal companion information:
echo Right now, AC information is not a priority of the UFS. However, AC information is missing for all
above regions as well as TI (Whistler's Pass) and TV (all except Bog and Lunule Weald).
echo . Missing plant foraging information:
echo WL: All
echo GY: All
echo BL: All
echo SH: All
echo IM: All
echo PF: All
echo Teras: All
echo RR: All
echo Zul: All
echo TI: None
echo OTF: All
echo TV: All except Temperate+Coniferous, Temperate+Cultivated, Temperate+Deciduous, Temperate+Hilly,
Temperate+Muddy Wetlands, Temperate+Plain Dirt
echo Btwn: All
echo Decay timer messages
echo . Lifekept and not able to decay:
echo Your soul has been magically bound to your corpse. You cannot yet leave.
echo . More than 5 minutes before decay:
echo Being dead is truly boring...but things could be worse. You could be bored AND in pain.
echo . Less than 5 minutes before decay:
echo Waves of coldness wash over you, leaving you with a growing numbness in your limbs. Your hands and
feet might as well not even be there, and your arms and legs aren't really much more sensitive.
echo . Less than 4 minutes before decay:
echo It's cold! So cold! You've long since lost any sense of feeling in your extremities, but now even
your torso is going numb. You feel as if you're only going to be able to hang on for a few minutes at
echo . Less than 3 minutes before decay:
echo You feel yourself growing lighter and lighter, rising off the ground, seemingly floating in the
air. Looking down, you have the oddest can see your body lying there, and at the same
time, you can still see everything from that perspective as well. How strange!
echo . Less than 2 minutes before decay:
echo Everything around you is beginning to fade into a velvety darkness. Sounds seem distant and hard
to make out. Your grasp on your body is rapidly slipping away.
echo . Less than 1 minute before decay:
echo You seem to be moving down a dark tunnel. Ahead of you is a bright light, maybe the end is near.
In the distance you can hear many voices, some strangely familiar. You can't quite make out what
they're saying yet.
echo . Less than 30 seconds before decay:
echo All you can see is a blindingly bright light! The urge to go towards it is fast becoming
overwhelming. Perhaps you can still resist for a few more seconds, but not much longer!
echo .ufs depart more - Explanation of decay mechanics
echo . Why?
echo . I used to decay a lot. It was mostly out of choice. From it, I learned to appreciate some of
the lesser-known aspects of the decay, such as this handy timer letting you know almost exactly how much
time you have left before imminent decay.
echo . Some facts about death and decaying:
echo . This timer is only activated when a corpse is not lifekept by some means. In other words, this
is the timer for imminent decay. When it runs up, you're gone, unless it is cut short by some other
means--be it DEPART CONFIRM, or a lifekeep, or a raise, or even a disconnection from the server. As
such, the messages telling time left can only be checked if not lifekept.
echo . By typing only DEPART, you stand absolutely NO risk of causing your character to decay by that
command. You MUST type DEPART CONFIRM to induce decay. You can only decay when not lifekept.
echo . When you decay, you lose any silvers in your possession. You lose (1) deed. You come back to
life on the regional 'resurrection' spot, which is often in or near a temple or other holy place. You
are revived with all wounds healed completely (no scars), although scars will remain if they were
acquired before death. You are revived with (1) spirit point and full mana.
echo . In GS3, you lose an amount of experience equivilent to 10% of the necessary number to reach the
next level. In GSPrime, you do not lose any items in your hand or on your person.
echo . Some creatures will loot your corpse while you are dead. Depending on which ones, they may take
gems or other small valuables, or the shield and weapon you have in hand. Player characters cannot do
this, nor can they skin you.
echo . A 'raise' performed by a GM is virtually identical to the HEALME verb used in some test
instances. All wounds and scars will be healed, and you will be revived with full mana and spirit
echo . Upon spirit death, you experience an automatic decay, resulting in all of the above listed
consequences. There are some bugs associated with this at low number of deeds (2)that can result in a
character going demonic.
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Standard Healing Herb Chart
echo Injury Area: Type: Level 1: Level 2 & 3: Missing Part:
echo Abdomen, Back, Injury Basal moss Pothinir grass
echo Chest, Eyes Scars Talneo * Wingstem * Bur-Clover *
echo Arms, Hands, Injury Ambrominas leaf Ephlox moss
echo and Legs Scars Cactacae spine Calamia fruit Sovyn clove
echo Head, Face, Injury Rose-Marrow root Aloeas stem
echo and Neck Scars Haphip root Brostheras *
echo Nervous System Injury Wolifrew lichen Bolmara *
echo . Scars Torban leaf Woth flower
echo Blood Loss:
echo Acantha leaf - 10 HP/bite
echo Cothinar flower - 30-50 HP/bite
echo Cuctucae berry - 10-50 HP/bite
echo Marallis berry - 15-30 HP/bite
echo Strigae cactus - 10? HP/bite
echo Yabathilium fruit - 15-30 HP/bite
echo * No known foraging syntax
echo Listing of all possible plants, by category:
echo healing - Plants used exclusively for healing in chart format.
echo poisonous - Plants that are considered poisonous.
echo plants - General Plants and Herbs
echo flowers - Flowers
echo bushes - Low Brush and Bushes
echo fungi - Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo grasses - Grasses
echo trees - Trees
echo magicwoods - Magical Woods for ranged weapons, shields, and staves
echo vines - Vines and Parasitics
echo Poisonous Plants
echo Blue Trafel M. Hellebore Soft White M. Wolfsbane root
echo Daggerstalk M. Mezereon bark Thanot Wormwood
echo Dirge-vaon * Nightshade berry Toadstool Wyrmwood bark
echo Foxglove Rye * Trollfear M.
echo M. denotes 'mushroom'
echo General Plants and Herbs
echo Acantha leaf Corn Mustard * Teaberry
echo Aloeas stem Cothinar flower Nettle leaf Thyme
echo Ambrominas leaf Cuctucae berry Pea leaf Tkaro root
echo Angelica root Daggit root Pennyroyal stem Tomato
echo Anise * Eggplant Peppermint * Torban leaf
echo Asparagus * Fennel bulb Rose-Marrow root Turnip
echo Bulrush Fern (1) Rosemary * Valerian root
echo Bur-Clover * Feverfew * Sage Water Chestnut
echo Burdock Fig (2) Seaweed Wingstem *
echo Cactacae spine Ginger root Sovyn clove Wintergreen leaf
echo Cactus Ginkgo nut Spearmint leaf Wormwood
echo Calamia fruit Gorse * Strawberry (3) Woth flower
echo Carrot Haphip root Strigae cactus Wyrmwood bark
echo Cattail Lettuce Sweetfern stalk Yabathilium fruit
echo Chicory Manroot stalk Talneo *
echo Cinquefoil stem Marallis berry Tarweed *
echo Related Plants:
echo Basal Moss Brostheras * Pothinir grass Wolifrew lichen
echo Bolmara * Ephlox moss Tundra Grass
echo 1. Also silver-edged fern
echo 2. Crosslisted under Trees
echo 3. Also wild strawberry
echo * No known foraging syntax
echo Flowers
echo Alyssum Dandelion Jasmine Rose (6)
echo Amaranth Delphinuris * Lady's Slipper * Elanthian Snow Rose
echo Anenome Dragonstalk Larkspur Swamp Rose
echo Aster Dryan Lavender Wild Rose
echo Begonia Edelweiss Lilac (1) Winter Rose
echo Blaestonberry B. Flamestalk * Lily (2) Salorisa *
echo Bleeding-Heart Foxglove Mezereon bark Sirenflower *
echo Bluebells Freesia * Monkeyflower Snapdragon stalk
echo Bougainvillea B. Gardenia Moonflower Sneezeweed
echo Buttercup Geranium Morning Glory * Sunflower
echo Butterflyweed Goldenrod Mournbloom Trillium *
echo Calamintha B. Heather * Nightshade berry Tuberose
echo Carnation Hellebore Orchid Tulip (7)
echo Clematis Honeysuckle vine Pansy (3) Verbena spike
echo Clover B. Hosta flower Peony Violet (8)
echo Columbine Hydrangea Petunia Water Lily
echo Crocus Imaera's Lace Phlox Wolfsbane root
echo Daffodil Iceblossom Primrose (4)
echo Daisy Iris B. Queen's Lace (5)
echo 1. Also wild lilac, snow lilac
echo 2. Also snow lily, stargazer lily, water lily, lily of the valley *
echo 3. Also snow pansy
echo 4. Also fairy primrose
echo 5. Crosslisted as carrot
echo 6. Also elanthian small rose, snow rose, swamp rose, wild rose, winter rose
echo 7. Also ice tulip
echo 8. Also alpine violet, flaming violet, small violet, wood violet
echo B. denotes 'blossom'
echo * No known foraging syntax
echo Low Brush and Bushes
echo Bearberry * Gooseberry Kerria Thanot
echo Bilberry * Grumbleberry * Orris root Thornberry
echo Blueberry * Guelder Rose * Sagebrush root Traesharm berry
echo Boxwood Heliotrope Sassafras leaf Viburnum *
echo Currants Hemp * Smastan * Winterberry
echo Elderberry * Holly Snowberry *
echo Related Plants:
echo Ambrominas leaf Cuctucae berry Sovyn clove
echo Calamia fruit Daggit root
echo * No known foraging syntax
echo Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Arctic Moss Flathead M. Spotted Heart M.
echo Basal Moss Genkew M. Striped Heart M.
echo Black Hook M. Glowing M. * Toadstool
echo Black Trafel M. Gnollish M. * Trollfear M.
echo Blue Trafel M. Red Lichen White Hook M.
echo Bolmara * Red Trafel M. Withered Black M.
echo Daggerstalk M. Red Vornalite M. Wolifrew lichen
echo Ephlox moss Soft White M.
echo M. denotes 'mushroom'
echo * No known foraging syntax
echo Grasses
echo Bamboo * Monkey Grass Reeds Wheat grass
echo Barley grass Oats Rye * Wiregrass
echo Brostheras * Pothinir grass Tundra Grass
echo * No known foraging syntax
echo Trees
echo Acacia Faewood * (M) Lor * (M) Plum
echo Alder * Fel * Magnolia * Rosewood *
echo Apple Fig (1) Mahogany * Rowan * (M)
echo Ash * Fir * Maple * Ruic * (M)
echo Aspen * Fireleaf * (M) Maoral * Sephwir * (M)
echo Banana Glowbark * (M) Mesille * (M) Spinewood *
echo Beech * Gok nut Mistwood * Spruce *
echo Bergamot * Haon * Modwir * Sycamore *
echo Birch * Hawthorn * Monir * Tanic *
echo Canver * Hazel * Mossbark * (M) Villswood * (M)
echo Carmiln * (M) Hoarbeam * (M) Oak * Walnut *
echo Cedar * Illthorn * (M) Olive Willow *
echo Cherry * Ipantor * (M) Orange * Witchwood * (M)
echo Cottonwood * Ironwood * Orase * (M) Wyrwood * (M)
echo Deringo * (M) Kakore * (M) Peach * Yew * (M)
echo Dogwood * Lemon * Pear leaf
echo Ebonwood * Lime * Pecan *
echo Elm * Linden * Pine (2)
echo Related Plants:
echo Aloeas stem Ginkgo nut Stick Wyrmwood bark
echo Bark Haphip root Torban leaf Yabathilium fruit
echo 1. Crosslisted under Plants
echo 2. Found as both pine cone and pine needles
echo M. Magical Wood
echo * No known foraging syntax
echo Magical Woods
echo Carmiln Hoarbeam Mesille Sephwir
echo Deringo Illthorn Mossbark Villswood
echo Faewood Ipantor Orase Witchwood
echo Fireleaf Kakore Rowan Wyrwood
echo Glowbark Lor Ruic Yew
echo Vines and Parastiics
echo Dirge-vaon * Huckleberry * Mistletoe Trumpetvine *
echo Flaeshorn berry Ivy Pumpkin Vinca
echo Grapes Loganberry Raspberry *
echo Related Plant:
echo Marallis berry
echo Foraging messages, in descending order of checks.
echo . Unsuccessful foraging roll:
echo You forage around but find nothing of interest.
You stumble about in a fruitless attempt at foraging.
echo . Unsuccessful foraging roll - catastrophic failure, 5 per poison:
echo You begin to forage around when suddenly you feel a burning sensation in your hand.
echo . Unsuccessful foraging roll - catastrophic failure, rank 1 wound:
echo As you forage around you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your left/right hand!
echo . Nonexistant plant or plant noun typo:
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no hint of what you are looking for. You are not even
positive where it may be found.
echo . Incorrect region:
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no hint of what you are looking for. You are not even
sure it could be found here.
echo . Incorrect climate:
echo As you carefully forage around you find no trace of what you are looking for. You are not even sure
it could be found in this type of climate.
echo . Correct climate. Incorrect terrain:
echo As you carefully forage around you find no trace of what you are looking for. You wonder if it
could even be found in this terrain.
echo . Correct climate and terrain. Incorrect time of day:
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no hint of what you are looking for right now, though
you are fairly certain this is where it can be found.
echo . Correct climate, terrain, and type of day. Incorrect room type:
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no trace of what you are looking for. You briefly
wonder if it could even thrive in this place.
echo .ufs foraging more - Detailed explanation of foraging roll.
echo The Dirt on Foraging
echo The foraging roll operates by a series of "checks". When attempting to forage for any item, the
program will proceed through each check in order. It will only go through the various checks until one
fails (or the forage is successful) and then stop. The final check line that the program reads is the
one that returns a message to the user end.
echo It is with the returned foraging message that the final checkpoint can be determined, as well as
what data up until that point was taken into account for the return message.
echo The check goes through the following steps in order:
echo 1. Roll (must be high enough for a reading)
echo 2. Plant noun (must exist in-game and be spelled correctly)
echo 3. Region
echo 4. Climate
echo 5. Terrain
echo 6. Time of Day (day vs. night)
echo 7. Type of Room (indoors vs. outdoors)
echo The returned message displays the last line that is NOT successful. In addition, keep in mind that
the data that can be drawn from a foraging message return is only valid UP UNTIL that checkpoint.
echo If the return message notes incorrect climate, it still does NOT give ANY data about whether or not
the terrain is correct. However, it does denote that all of the steps up until that check were
successfull. The roll was high enough to get a reading, the plant does exist, and the plant grows in
that particular region--just not in that particular climate type. No further data is given.
echo For a detailed explanation of individual readings:
echo .ufs message more 2
echo You forage around but find nothing of interest.
echo . Unsuccessful foraging roll.
echo . No data returned.
echo You begin to forage around when suddenly you feel a burning sensation in your hand.
echo . Unsuccessful foraging roll - catastrophic failure.
echo . No data returned. 5 per poison incurred.
echo As you forage around you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your left/right hand!
echo . Unsuccessful foraging roll - catastrophic failure.
echo . No data returned. Level 1 hand wound incurred.
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no hint of what you are looking for. You are not even
positive where it may be found.
echo . Successful foraging roll. Nonexistant plant or plant noun typo.
echo . Plant (or plant noun) does not exist.
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no hint of what you are looking for. You are not even
sure it could be found here.
echo . Successful foraging roll, existing plant. Incorrect region.
echo . Plant does exist, but not in this region.
echo As you carefully forage around you find no trace of what you are looking for. You are not even sure
it could be found in this type of climate.
echo . Successful foraging roll, existing plant, correct region. Incorrect climate.
echo . Plant does exist in this region, but not in this climate.
echo As you carefully forage around you find no trace of what you are looking for. You wonder if it
could even be found in this terrain.
echo . Successful foraging roll, existing plant, correct region, correct climate. Incorrect terrain.
echo . Plant does exist in this climate type in this region, but in different terrain.
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no hint of what you are looking for right now, though
you are fairly certain this is where it can be found.
echo . Successful foraging roll, existing plant, correct region, correct climate, correct terrain.
Incorrect time of day.
echo . Plant does exist in this room, but only grows during the opposite time of day.
echo . Usually refers to nighttime growing plants instead of daytime growing plants.
echo . Usuauly refers to mushrooms.
echo As you carefully forage around you can find no trace of what you are looking for. You briefly
wonder if it could even thrive in this place.
echo . Successful foraging roll, existing plant, correct region, correct climate, correct terrain,
correct time of day. Incorrect room type.
echo . Plant does exist in this region under all prior conditions, but does not exist in this specific
room. Find another that is not indoors/outdoors (depending on current room).
echo . Usually refers to plants that grow indoors.
echo . Usualy refers to mushrooms.
echo 620 / Resist Nature (Ranger ET) plants
echo Drakefern
echo Frostflower
echo Mistweed
echo Murkweed
echo .ufs 620 more - explanation of 620 / Resist nature
echo Name: Drakefern
echo Use: 620 herb
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax:
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: --
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Teras Isle
echo Climate: arid, hot damp, temperate
echo Terrain: plain dirt, rough
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Used for 620/Resist Nature (Ranger ET).
echo . Helps protect against heat/fire attacks.
echo Name: Frostflower
echo Use: 620 herb
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax:
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: --
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Ice Mule
echo Climate:
echo Terrain:
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Used for 620/Resist Nature (Ranger ET).
echo . Helps protect against cold/ice attacks.
echo Name: Mistweed
echo Use: 620 herb
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax:
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: --
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed:
echo Climate:
echo Terrain:
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Used for 620/Resist Nature (Ranger ET).
echo .
echo Name: Murkweed
echo Use: 620 herb
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax:
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: --
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Solhaven, Ta'Illistim, River's Rest, Wehnimer's Landing
echo Climate: humid, temperate
echo Terrain: barren scrub, deciduous, grassland, hilly, plain dirt
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Used for 620/Resist Nature (Ranger ET).
echo .
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Acantha
echo Use: Heals bloodloss, restores 10 HP/bite
echo Size: 10 bites/leaf, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: acantha leaf
echo Other Names: Akbutege
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Sites: Upper Trollfang - Foothills, Glatoph, Mountain Path (near Cavernhold), Upper
Dragonsclaw - Barren Hill, Vornavis Plateau - Hilltop, Zeltoph Switchbacks, Whistlers Pass
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Plain Dirt, Riparian
echo Web Info: Acantha can be found in climates ranging from near desert to moist ocean beaches.
The plant features elongated green leaves.
echo . Noted for its herbal properties when the leaves are eaten, restores a portion of
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Aloeas
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2, lvl.3) head and neck wounds, 1 wound/bite
echo Size: ? bites/stem, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: aloeas stem
echo Other Names: Arfandas
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Sites: Wehnimers Exterior (Near bridge), Illistim - Black Moor, Melgorehns Valley,
Crossing, Vornavis Plateau - Flynth River
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Freshwater
echo Terrain: Muddy Wetlands, Plain Dirt, Riparian
echo Web Info: Moss green leaves with long stems, similar in shape to the oak leaf, routinely
sold for its medicinal properties and may also be foraged wild. The small tree displays the ability to
turn towards the movements of the sun (this is known as heliotropism), and might be related to the
heliotrope. Aloeas grows in colder, wet areas, such as along riverbanks.
echo . When the stems are consumed, bleeding from the head or neck staunches, both
internal and external, and of healing bruising of the brain.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Ambrominas
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) limb wounds, 1 wound/bite
echo Size: 4 bites/leaf, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: ambrominas leaf
echo Other Names: Arnuminas
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Sites: Gyldemar Green - Gardens, Upper Trollfang - Forest, Lower Dragonsclaw -
Grasslands, Lyserian Hills - Ruined Village, WL Graveyard - Bog, Rivers Rest - Citadel Gardens,
Whistlers Pass - Trail.
echo Climate: Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: [Barren Scrub,] Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: Ambrominas bushes have oval leaves of a dark green hue, routinely sold for its
medincial properties and may be foraged wild. It grows in grasslands and hilly areas.
echo . When consumed, it has the property of healing the minor cuts, bruises, and
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Angelica
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: angelica root
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All Locations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Glacial, Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous,
Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: Commercially found in Pinefar, grown in climates that afford rich soils with a
sufficient rainfall to avoid drought. Short-lived, once the plant flowers, it goes to seed.
echo . The edible root, leaves, and stalks are popular for baking and liqueurs. Also used
in potions to replace missing limbs.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Anise
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A bulbous plant with feathery foliage that flowers and goes to seed. Licorice
flavor, often used in baking, candy, or liqueur. Can be boiled like a vegetable. Often found at special
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Asparagus
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Fern-like plant that loves a moist habitat, also a spring vegetable. Stalks are
edible when young and before they flower. Often found at special celebrations.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bulrush
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: bulrush
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Old Ta'Faendryl
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Aquatic or wetland herbs having grasslike leaves and usually clusters of small,
often brown spikelets. Similar to cattails and papyrus.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bur-Clover
echo Use: Heals missing (lvl.3 scars) eyes, 1 eye/does
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Baldakurr
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: This prostrate, spreading plant, related to the alfalfa/sweet clover family, hugs
the ground. Its creeping stems may vary in length from a few inches to several feet. Leaflets are very
similar to clover, but occasionally have whitish and dark red spots across the surface. Stems are round
and smooth, and the yellow-orange flowers gatherin very loose clusters. Seed pods appear spirally
twisted and are covered with hooked spines, or barbs.
echo . The roots of the bur-clover plant can be finely-ground into a powder and combined
with other ingredients to make a healing potion, helpful for missing eyes.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo . Currently, bur-clover's healing properties are only experienced by purchasing it
in tincture or potion form from a local herbalist's.
echo . Doses are generally 1/bottle?
echo Name: Burdock
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: burdock
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace, Pinefar, Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest, Grassland
echo Web Info: Weedy plants bearing pink or purplish flower heads surrounded by prickly bracts
and forming a bur in fruit. Try your hand at gathering one, and test this tasty treat.
echo . The edible young stalks that emerge from the roots, in Spring, are tasty raw or
when sauteed.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cactacae
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) limb scars, 1 scar/bite
echo Size: 4 bites/spine, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: cactacae spine
echo Other Names: Dagmather
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim (Whistlers Pass, Brambles) Near Skull temple
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, [Cold Dry]
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub
echo Web Info: Routinely sold for its medicinal properties, may also be foraged wild. Has sharp
long brown thorns. Cactacae cactus grows in deserts or near-desert conditions.
echo . When consumed, cactacae spine has the useful property of removing unsightly scars
from arms, hands, and legs.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Cactus
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: cactus flower
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions except Icemule Trace and Pinefar
echo Confirmed: Solhaven
echo Climate: Arid
echo Terrain: Sandy
echo Web Info: Succulent, spiny, usually leafless plants native mostly to arid regions, often
bearing variously colored, showy flowers. If you're very careful, you can forage around the spines and
come away with a flower.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Calamia
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2) limb scars, 1 scar/bite
echo Size: ? bites/fruit, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: calamia fruit
echo Other Names: Curfalaka
echo Category: Herbs and Plants
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Humid
echo Terrain: Muddy Wetlands, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: The fruit of the calamia plant is large and a light red color close to pink.
Routinely sold for its medicinal properties and may also be foraged wild. The properties of calamia are
greatest when the fruit has been dried, but few bother to do so, seeing as the fruit is amazingly
effective when fresh. Calamia grows in very warm, moist climates.
echo . When consumed, calamia fruit can restore a mangled limb to its proper shape and
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Carrot
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: carrot
echo Other Names: Common and Wild Carrot varieties, Queen's Lace
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing (wild)
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Common carrot. Vegetable with an edible orange root and leafy green stalks. Often
found at special celebrations.
echo . Wild carrot. Brackets of tiny white flowers clustered on stalks. Found by
roadsides and in meadows, a favorite plant for ladybugs.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cattail
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: cattail
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Freshwater, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Muddy Wetlands, Riparian
echo Web Info: Cattails are probably the most familiar of all wetland plants. Their swaying brown
flower clusters can be seen at the edges of ponds, rivers, lakes, or just about any place where there is
shallow, standing water for at least part of the year. The common cattail can grow up to nine feet in
echo . Probably the most distinctive thing about the cattails are their flowers, as each
possesses thousands of tiny brown flowers all tightly compressed into a compact mass on the top of their
stems. During late summer and early autumn, these structures will begin to come apart, releasing their
seeds into the wind as they do so.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Chicory, 'a stalk of chicory'
echo Use: --
echo Size: 4 bites/stalk
echo Forage Syntax: chicory
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Grassland, Hilly, Plain Dirt, Rough
echo Web Info: A perennial herb, chicory has rayed flower heads with usually blue florets. Often,
the root is ground and used for a coffee substitute, or as an adulterant. The leaves of the chicory
plant can be used in salads and soups, despite the fact that it imparts a slight bitterness.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Cinquefoil
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: cinquefoil stem
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Common cinquefoil stems are hairy and grow somewhat prostrate along the ground.
The more ornamental varieties can rise up and grow in clumps or tufts, reaching two foot lengths, or
grow nearly prostrate along the ground. The leaves are palmately divided into five leaflets, similar to
strawberry leaves, coarsely toothed leaflets that have pale undersides. Common cinquefoil flowers are
yellow, one per stem and fairly conspicuous.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Corn
echo Use: --
echo Size: 6 bites/corn
echo Forage Syntax: corn
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Solhaven, Ta'Illistim
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Solhaven
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland
echo Web Info: Corn is a grain crop that grows on a stalk and produces an "ear." Grain-type corn
is not harvested fresh, it is allowed to dry on the stalk and then is harvested with a thresher. This
type of corn is used primarily in animal feed or in cereal products.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cothinar
echo Use: Heals bloodloss, restores 30-50 HP/bite
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: cothinar flower
echo Other Names: Cusamar
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Solhaven
echo Climate: Cold Damp
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub
echo Web Info: Cothinar flowers may be foraged wild. Cothinar grows in colder, barren areas, and
thrives in the winter months.
echo . When consumed, cothinar flowers share the properties of acantha leaves, save in
that they are a bit more powerful.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo . While listed as a plant in the Solhaven region, there is no climate/terrain
combination that permits its being foraged there.
echo Name: Cuctucae
echo Use: Heals bloodloss, restores 10-50 HP/bite
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: cuctucae berry
echo Other Names: Dugmuthur
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Solhaven
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, [Glacial, Snowy Arctic]
echo sites: Upper Trolfang - foothills, Glatoph, Mountain Path (Near Cavernhold), Upper
Dragonsclaw - Barren Hill, Zeltoph Switchbacks, Whistlers Pass, Western Dragonspine - Slope
echo Terrain: Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: Cuctacae bushes are most readily found in higher elevations and cooler climates,
and the small, dusky blue berries may be foraged wild.
echo . When consumed, cuctacae berries shares the properties of acantha, but without the
pause for digestion and healing requried by acantha.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo Name: Daggit
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: daggit root
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A member of the carrot family, the daggit plant produces a white root with a
scarlet blush near the base where it meets the foliage. Red-stemmed green-leafed foliage can be used to
create a wine-hued dye.
echo . The edible roots can be mashed and blended to make a potion that replaces missing
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Eggplant
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: eggplant
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Eggplant belongs to the family that also includes tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes.
Comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from round and white, to elongated, pear-shaped and deep
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Fennel
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: fennel bulb
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland
echo Web Info: With its umbels of tiny yellow flowers and dark green or bronze wispy leaves,
fennel is a decorative addition to the herbaceous border where it makes a good background plant, and
often grows rambunctiously in the wild The "fruits" of the fennel plant are often, mistakenly, referred
to as seeds. Known for its anise-like flavor and scent.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Fern
echo Use: --
echo Size: 4 bites/fern
echo Forage Syntax: fern
echo Other Names: Fiddlehead Fern
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Riparian, Rough
echo Web Info: Fiddlehead ferns are a stage in the growth of all ferns -- the tightly coiled
young shoots. They resemble the head of a violin, hence the name. Edible fiddleheads are the fiddleheads
of the Ostrich Fern.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo . Also see: silver-edged fern
echo Name: Silver-Edged Fern
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: silver-edged fern
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest, Hilly
echo Web Info: Rich green fronds variated with an off-white edging. Silver-edged ferns grow along
the path to Moonstone Abbey.
echo Other Info: Also see: fern
echo Name: Feverfew
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The single, white and yellow, daisy-like flowers grow densely on upright bushes.
echo . The dry leaf, flower and/or seed may be made into tea or tincture, providing a
valuable tonic for healing head and neck wounds.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Fig
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: fig
echo Other Names: Creeping Fig
echo Category: Plants and Herbs / Trees
echo Listed as Found: Ta'Illistim, River's Rest
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland
echo Web Info: Plants and Herbs. This aggressive, beautiful evergreen vine is a relative of the
edible fig, but bears little resemblance to it's close cousin. Creeping fig is an enthusiastic climber
able to scramble up vertical surfaces when aided and trained. This vine covers surfaces with a tracery
of fine stems that are densely covered with small heart-shaped leaves held closely to the surface,
creating a mat of foliage. Pale green in color, the fig fruits are very small. [Ta'Illistim]
echo . Trees. An often small, gnarl-branched tree with large, lobed leaves and numerous
sweet, pear-shaped, tiny seedlike fruits. A favorite for jams, tarts, cookies and other baked goods, as
well as a special treat for birds and raccoons. [River's Rest]
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Ginger
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: ginger root
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The large, fleshy rhizome of the plant has a characteristic staghorn-like
appearance. Dried ginger is usually sold in form of an off-white to very light brown powder.
echo . Can be used in cooking and baking, as well as candies and teas or other beverages.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Ginkgo
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: ginkgo nut
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Sometimes called a living fossil, the Ginkgo is one of the oldest living deciduous
tree species. Distinctive bi-lobed and fanlike leaves, which turn a beautiful golden yellow in autumn.
Produces an edible nut, which needs to be roasted before brewing in tea.
echo . Teas and potions can heal eye and torso wounds.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Gorse
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Gorse is a spiny evergreen shrub related to the pea family, and is dense and
stiff, forming impenetrable thickets. Its erect angular stems have spreading branches ending in thorns
and green leaves that take the form of branching spines. Flowers are yellow and shaped like
pea-blossoms, clustered near the ends of the branches. Fruit pods resemble pea pods that burst,
expelling the seeds. Gorse has been used for wine.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Haphip
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) head and neck scars, 1 scar/bite
echo Size: ? bites/root, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: haphip root
echo Other Names: Hegheg
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Sites: Teras - Forest, Vipershroud - Temple of Ivas, Sylvarraend - Wooded Trail
echo Climate: Humid
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest
echo Web Info: Routinely sold for its medicinal properties, may also be foraged wild. The tree
is fairly rare, and grows in hot, humid conditions where it receives a great deal of moisture. Only
harvesting a small amount of root is recommended, to avoid killing the tree.
echo . Haphip root has the useful property of removing scarring from the face and neck of
those who consume it.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Lettuce
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: lettuce
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Edible leaves that grow in a bunch around a central core. Varieties of leaf type
and color make for interesting salads. Usually eaten raw, often dressed with oil, vinegar, and herbs.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Manroot
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: manroot stalk
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: All parts of this rapidly growing, often invasive plant are exceedingly bitter.
Touch your tongue to a cut root and your jaw will lock. This strong a chemical defense indicates
potential medicinal use. Related to the cucumber family, which includes, melons and gourds, the manroot
is a veritable pharmacoepia. Edible stalks, used in teas and potions, can heal limb scars.
echo Other Info: The manroot stalk was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo Name: Marallis
echo Use: Heals bloodloss, restores 15-30 HP/bite
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: marallis berry
echo Other Names: Mirenna
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Sites: Glatoph - Glacier, Upper Trollfang - Foothills, Boulder, Dangirland, Thanatoph -
Lower Landing, Upper Dragonsclaw -Barren Hill, Vornavis - Zeltoph Pass, Zeltoph Switchbacks, Whistlers
Pass - Alpine Tundra, Rope Bridge, Icy Crags, Alpine Ridge, Western Dragonspine, Whistlers Pass
(Zindel's Post side)
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, [Glacial, Showy Arctic]
echo Terrain: [Hilly,] Mountainous
echo Web Info: The dark red, small berries of the marallis plant have properties similar to
acantha, cothinir, and cuctucae. Marallis grows most commonly in colder hills and mountains.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo Name: Mustard
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The easily distinguished flowers have four petals arranged diagonally
("cruciform") and alternating with the four sepals. Used to make woad, an important dye source. Most
important commercially are the black mustard and white mustard. These are yellow-flowered annuals
resemble each other and are used more or less similarly.
echo . They are cultivated for the seeds, which are ground and used as a condiment,
usually mixed to a paste with vinegar or oil, sometimes with spices or with an admixture of starch to
reduce the pungency. Mustards are also grown as salad plants and for greens. The white mustard is used
in some places as forage for sheep and as green manure. Black mustard seeds are more pungent than the
white and yield a yellowish, biting oil that has also been useful in medicine.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Nettle
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: nettle leaf
echo Other Names: Stinging Nettle
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: Nettle plants grow two to three feet tall, bearing dark green leaves with serrated
margins, and small flowers covered with tiny hairs on the leaves and stems.
echo . When brushed, Nettles can inject an irritant into any skin that comes into contact
with the plant. The stinging reaction is caused by the plant hairs injecting a compound containing
formic acid, histamine, and other irritants. This stinging activity is lost when the plant is dried or
cooked, and the tender tops of young first-growth nettles are especially delicious and nutritious.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pea
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: pea leaf
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The erect shrub or short-lived perennial legume is often grown as an annual crop,
1 to 4 meters high. The leaves have three leaflets. Leaflets are elliptic to lanceolate, green and
pubescent above and silvery greyish-green with longer hairs below, 2.5-10 cm long and up to 3.5 cm wide.
echo . The flowers are yellow with red/reddish brown lines or a red outside, borne in
terminal racemes, and measure 1.2-1.7 cm in diameter. Pods are straight to sickle shaped, 5-10 cm long
and 0.5-1.5 cm wide, glabrous and glandular (Bogdan).
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pennyroyal
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: pennyroyal stem
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Glacial, Snowy Arctic
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Mountainous, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: This strongly aromatic herb is a low-growing plant with a slender erect
much-branched, somewhat hairy and square stem. The leaves are small, thin, and rather narrow. In summer,
close flower clusters appear, consisting of a few pale-bluish flowers. The entire herb has a strong
mintlike odor and pungent taste. Their edible stems are used in oils and rubs.
echo . Brewed into a tea or potion, it can heal major head and neck wounds.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Peppermint
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Green peppermint hearts can be obtained freely in Zephyr Hall.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Rose-Marrow
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) head and neck wounds, 1 wound/dose
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: rose-marrow root
echo Other Names: Rewk
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A member of the leguminous family. Staggered blackish-green leaves climb tall
stalks, nearly hiding scarlet-edged white blossoms that eventually give way to small, rounded seed pods.
echo . Small knoblike nodules found on the roots can be made into a healing potion,
helpful for minor head and neck wounds.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo . Currently, rose-marrow's healing properties are only experienced by purchasing it
in tincture or potion form from a local herbalist's.
echo . Doses are generally 4/bottle?
echo Name: Rosemary
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A decent spice, as well as a fragrant garden plant, with needle-like glossy, dark
green leaves and showy petite blue flowers.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sage
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: sage
echo Other Names: Wild Sage
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: The sage plant is a member of the herb family, and gowns in small rounded clumps
of aromatic grayish-green, opposite leaves. Great when used in stews and seasonings meats, mostly fowl.
When left to its own, wild sage will grow woody and tall, but it's distinctive aroma is still present.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Seaweed
echo Use: --
echo Size: 4 bites/seaweed, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: seaweed
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Teras Isle, Solhaven, River's Fest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Often edible, sometimes used to make rope or clothing.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sovyn
echo Use: Heals missing (lvl.3 scars) limbs, 1 limb/bite
echo Size: 1 bite/clove, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: sovyn clove
echo Other Names: Siran
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: [Cold Dry,] Temperate
echo Terrain: [Barren Scrub,] Cultivated, Grassland, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: Sovyn clove is routinely sold for its medicinal properties, and may also be
foraged wild. The cloves of which people speak are actually the small, dried flowers of the sovyn bush;
without time to dry in the sun, their healing powers are lost.
echo . Sovyn clove, when consumed, may miraculously restore an entire missing limb to a
person, so long as the limb has not been recently severed.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo Name: Spearmint
echo Use: Freshens breath
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: spearmint leaf
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: [Temperate]
echo Terrain: [Grassland]
echo Web Info: May be foraged in several places in the vicinity of Wehnimer's Landing.
echo . Eating spearmint leaves is good for the breath and is a remarkable digestive aid.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Strawberry, 'a wild strawberry'
echo Use: --
echo Size: 3 bites/strawberry, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: strawberry, wild strawberry
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Icemule Trace (hothouse), Elven
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Grassland, Rough
echo Web Info: A low-growing plant with white flowers and an aggregate fruit that consists of a
red fleshy edible receptacle and numerous seedlike fruitlets.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Strigae Cactus
echo Use: Heals bloodloss, restores 30 HP/bite
echo Size: 1 bite/cactus, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: strigae cactus
echo Other Names: Gariig
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: Solhaven
echo Sites: Graveyard (WL) - Creek bed
echo Climate: Arid
echo Terrain: Sandy
echo Web Info: The flesh of the strigae cactus possesses properties akin to the properties of
cuctacae berries, but the spines are sufficiently sharp that acquiring the flesh may do as much harm as
the herb can heal. Flat and paddle-shaped, the cactus plants supposedly grow abundantly in desert
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo Name: Sweetfern
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: sweetfern stalk
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Glacial, Snowy Arctic
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Mountainous, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: An aromatic deciduous shrub having narrow, deeply lobed, fernlike leaves and
minute flowers grouped in catkinlike heads.
echo . Edible stalks can be brewed into teas and potions that heal limb wounds.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Talneo
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) body and eye scars, 1 scar/dose
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Tamas
echo Category: Herbs and Plants
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A member of the leguminous family. Long, tapered yellow-green leaves emerge from
a vine-like stalk, the tendrils of which can be trained to climb. Draping cascades of periwinkle blue
flowers eventualy turn to see, producing narrow yellow pods.
echo . Small knoblike nodules found on the roots can be made into a healing potion,
helpful for minor body and eye scars.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo . Currently, talneo's healing properties are only experienced by purchasing it in
tincture or potion form from a local herbalist's.
echo . Doses are generally 4/bottle?
echo Name: Tarweed
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Old Ta'Faendryl
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A strong-smelling, resinous plant with yellow, rayed flower heads.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Teaberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: 4 bites/teaberry, cannot be bundled
echo . 2 bites/leaf
echo Forage Syntax: teaberry, wintergreen leaf
echo Other Names: Bright Red Teaberry, Wintergreen
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Humid, Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Coniferous Forset, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Riparian,
echo Web Info: Also known as wintergreen. A creeping shrub bearing white bell-shaped flowers
followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield a fragrant oil. Try to forage
for the tasty berries.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Thyme
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: thyme
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: One of several aromatic herbs, the low shrubs have small, white to lilac flowers
grouped in headlike clusters.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Tkaro
echo Use: Turns off 'amunet' and 'Voln net'.
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: tkaro root
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: [Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Glacial,] Snowy Arctic
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, [Deciduous, Hilly, Mountain]
echo Web Info: Characteristic in nature due to it's brilliant golden foliage, making it easy to
stand out in a field or along a path, the root itself is a dark burgundy color, similar to a beet, but
much tastier. Can be foraged in the wild.
echo . When the root of the tkaro plant is eaten, it has the effect of silencing the
inner voices you hear in your head (amunet and Voln) for several minutes.
echo Other Info: Other rumored uses: Aids in Exp. absorption, and enhances disarming ability.
echo Name: Tomato
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: tomato
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A widely cultivated plant having edible, fleshy, and usually red fruit. Comes in
several varieties and sizes from cherry to larger than a giantkin's hand. Rare versions produce yellow,
orange, green, blackish, and striped fruits.
echo . Delicious fresh and raw, especially when sliced and slightly salted. Used in
cooking to create sauces. Paste made from the fruit can also serve as a thickener.
echo Other Info:
echo Name: Torban
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) nervous system scars, 1 scar/bite
echo Size: 3 bites/leaf, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: torban leaf
echo Other Names: Terbas
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Sites: Sylvarraend - Wooded Trail
echo Climate: [Cold Damp, Humid,] Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, [Hilly]
echo Web Info: Torban leaf is routinely sold for its medicinal properties, and may also be
foraged wild. Growing in mild climates, the tree is not difficult to find, but care must be exercised
in selecting the leaves in the proper stage of growth, or they will be useless, save for tea-making.
echo . When consumed, the leaves of the torban leaf can treat minor nervous system
defects, such as slurred speach.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Turnip
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: turnip
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: A widely cultivated plant of the mustard family, having a large fleshy edible
yellow or white root.
echo . Great when baked with a little butter.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Valerian
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: valerian root
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Glacial, Snowy Arctic
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Mountainous, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: A plant widely cultivated for its small, fragrant, white to pink or lavender
flowers and for use in medicine.
echo . The edible root is good for teas, potions, and serves as an aid for nerve and
sleeping disorders.
echo Other Info: The valerian root was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo Name: Water Chestnut
echo Use: --
echo Size: 2 bites/chestnut, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: chestnut
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Teras Isle, River's Rest, Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Solhaven
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Riparian
echo Web Info: A floating aquatic plant bearing four-pronged nutlike fruit and grown as a pond or
aquarium ornamental. The fruit, often called a corm or tuber, can be used in cooking. Foraged often in
the wild.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Wingstem
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2, lvl.3) body and (lvl.2) eye scars, 1 scar/dose
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Wekwek
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A member of the legume family. Pairs of pale green wing-shaped leaves offset
small lavender flowers with yellow centers.
echo . The small knoblike nodules found on the roots can be made into a healing potion,
good for major eye and torso scars.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo . Currently, wingstem's healing properties are only experienced by purchasing it in
tincture or potion form from a local herbalist's.
echo . Doses are generally 2/bottle?
echo Name: Wormwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: wormwood
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Any of several aromatic plants yielding a bitter extract used in making absinthe
and in flavoring certain wines.
echo Other Info: Poisonous
echo Name: Woth
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2, lvl.3) nervous system scars, 1 scar/bite
echo Size: ? bites/flower, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: woth flower
echo Other Names: Yuth
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Humid
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest
echo Web Info: An exceedingly beautiful flower, that, when in full bloom, has a blue throat
surrounded by ruffled violet petals. Woth flower is routinely sold for its medicinal properties, and
may also be foraged wild. Woth flower grows best in hot, humad, dark climates, and it is believed to be
native to rain forests.
echo . When consumed, woth flower can heal serious defects of the nervous system, such as
involuntary spasms or constant convulsions.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Wyrmwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: wyrmwood bark
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A small, reddish-brown barked tree with gnarled branches. Insects love the sweet
sap and often bore tiny holes along the trunk. Yellow leaves appear at spring and die off at first
frost, after producing brackish green flowers.
echo . The poisonous (to people) bark can be brewed in tiny quantities as a tea, healing
torso scars and eye wounds. Can also be made into a potion.
echo Other Info: The wyrmwood bark was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo . Can be imbued
echo . Poisonous
echo Name: Yabathilium
echo Use: Heals bloodloss, restores 15-45 HP/bite
echo Size: 1 bite/fruit, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: yabathilium fruit
echo Other Names: Yavethalion
echo Category: Plants and Herbs
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Solhaven
echo Sites: Vornavis - River Trail, Rivers Rest - Citadel, gardens, River Road, Dead Plateau,
Locksmehr River Trail, Whistlers Pass, Creek
echo Climate: [Temperate, Saltwater]
echo Terrain: [Riparian, Sandy]
echo Web Info: The fruit of the tree is small, greenish, and unfortunately, extremely bitter.
Yabathilium tree grows on beaches and saltwater coastlines, and may be foraged in the wild.
echo . When consumed, yabathilium fruit has astonishing powers to restore blood and
strength to those who have been injured.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Alyssum, 'a sprig of alyssum'
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: alyssum
echo Other Names: Madwort
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Grassland, Hilly, Plain Dirt, Rough
echo Web Info: Various weeds or ornamentals of the mustard family, having racemes of white or
yellow flowers. Also called madwort. Often used in gardens as a border, slightly fragrant. If you're
lucky, you might even find a sprig while foraging.
echo Other Info: The sprig of alyssum was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo Name: Amaranth
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: amaranth
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, [Grassland, Hilly]
echo Web Info: An annual having dense green or reddish tiny flowers clustered in the angles
between leaf and stem. Long, trailing stems have more or less oval leaves with long stalks.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Anenome
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: anenome
echo Other Names: Windflower
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Also called windflower. Short-lived blooms with paper-like petals. Often in bright
hues of pink, purple, and orange, as weel as white. Black center stamens. Does well in temperate
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Aster
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: aster
echo Other Names: Golden Aster
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Grassland, Plain Dirt, Rough
echo Web Info: A plants bearing radiate flower heads with golden rays and a yellow center disk.
Other varieties include blossoms in shades of white, pink, or violet with yellow disks. Dark green
foliage and stalks, similar to those of the chrysanthemum family, make this flower suitable for
arrangements. Often grown in cultivated gardens, or can be found running wild in meadows.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Begonia
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: begonia
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Any of various tropical or subtropical plants widely cultivated as ornamentals for
their usually asymmetrical, brightly colored leaves. Ranging from a pale green to a dark reddish-brown,
the foliage offsets blooms in all shades of pink, orange, red, and white. A popular choice for gardens.
echo Other Info: Begonia seeds are known for their sedative effects. When seeped in tea and then
consumed, they can induce a deep, dreamless sleep.
echo Name: Blaestonberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: blaestonberry blossom
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: Foamy cascades of white pink-centered blaestonberry are popular plants for
climbing trellises or mixing with other creeping plants to create a good privacy screen. Stems of the
blossoms can be used in arrangements, though they are short-lived. During the late summer months, as the
flowers mature, the plant produces a tasty fruit used in beverages and sweet treats.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bleeding Heart
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: bleeding-heart
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Considered a member of the herb family, this perennial features arching clusters
of pink to red, or sometimes white, heart-shaped flowers with large, green foliage.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bluebells
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: bluebells
echo Other Names: Greenleaf Bluebell
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions except Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Rough
echo Web Info: A bulbous plant and member of the lily family with racemes of usually blue to pink
bell-shaped flowers. Greenleaf bluebells grow in Whistler's Pass near the boundary between subalpine and
tundra climates.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bougainvillea
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: bougainvillea blossom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: A woody shrub or vines having groups of three petallike, showy, variously colored
bracts attached to the flowers, which are paperish in consistency. Loves sun and can be encouraged to
climb. Blossoms range from white to hues of pink, and rare pastels of yellow and salmon.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Buttercup, 'a golden buttercup'
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: buttercup
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Coniferous Forest, [Cultivated,] Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Rough
echo Web Info: Considered an herbs and member of the ranunculus family, the buttercup is native
chiefly to temperate and cold regions. Has an acrid juice, often toothed or lobed leaves, and usually
yellow or white flowers with numerous pistils. Mainly a wildflower, sometimes chained by children to
form circlets. Try to forage for one to make your own!
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Butterflyweed
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: butterflyweed
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A milkweed having showy clusters of usually bright orange flowers, the root of
which can be used in medicine. Generally the dark green foliage is smaller in scale to the large blossom
heads, and the stem contains a milky, glue-like sap. Attracts butterflies, as well as a variety of other
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Calamintha
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: calamintha blossom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: An erect, bushy plant with square stems, rarely more than a foot high, bearing
pairs of opposite leaves, which, like the stems, are downy with soft hairs. The flowers are somewhat
inconspicuous, drooping gracefully before expansion: the corollas are of a light purple color. A
relative of the thyme and catnip families, and the larger mint family.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Carnation
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: carnation
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of numerous cultivated forms of a perennial plant having showy, variously
colored, usually double, often fragrant flowers with fringed petals. Often grown for commercial use
(arrangements) than for cultivated gardens. Although often white, they are frequently red and several
shades of pink.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Clematis
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: clematis
echo Other Names: Clemantis
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Any of various ornamental, mostly climbing plants native chiefly to northern
temperate regions and having showy, variously colored (typically blue or purple, sometimes pink) flowers
or decorative fruit clusters. Most often trained to grow on a trellis or along a wall or fence.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Clover, 'a red clover blossom'
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: clover blossom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Grassland, Riparian, Rough
echo Web Info: A meadow-inhabiting wildflower, often in shades of red, pink, yellow, purple, and
white. A good source for honeybees, resulting in a uniquely-flavored honey. Their colorful blossoms can
be found when foraging.
echo Other Info: The purple clover blossom was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held
by Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued
the city streets in 5102.
echo Name: Columbine
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: columbine
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: Considered a member of the herb family, this perennial is native to north
temperate regions and cultivated for their showy, variously colored flowers that have petals with long
hollow spurs. Makes an attractive addition in a garden and arrangements.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Crocus
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: crocus
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Short, flowering plants with colorful blossoms and thick, light green leaves.
Often appears in spring, after the thaw. In some areas, the stamens are highly prized as an herb called
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Daffodil
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: daffodil
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Deep yellow to pale yellow, to cream and yellow blossoms. Generally a spring
flower, generates from a bulb. Grows in just about every climate, especially where there is a wider
range in seasonal temperatures. Good as a cut flower for arrangements.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Daisy
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: daisy
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: One of several plants of the composite family, having flower heads with a yellow
center and white rays. Low-growing, more exotic varieties have flower heads with pink or white rays.
They may also be foraged in the wild.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Dandelion
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: dandelion
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Ta'Illistim
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: A plant of the composite family having many-rayed yellow flower heads and deeply
notched basal leaves. Widely naturalized as a weed, it is used in salads and to make wine.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Delphinuris
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Tiny white flowers with deep blue centers grow in rounded, pillow-like clumps,
their creeping stems often covering the surface of rocks and the base of trees. Sometimes grown as a
ground cover in large rock gardens, but due to its tendency to spread tenaciously, the delphinuris is
largely found in lush, coastal meadows.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Dragonstalk
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: dragonstalk
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: The dragonstalk is an annual plant whose soft, green stem, when in flower, thrusts
upward several feet from a bed of lush, dark green foliage. The stark crimson blooms of the plant, which
are similar to an orchid, contain a splash of yellow at the heart of the flower. For this reason many
have noted the flower's resemblance to the snapping maw of a dragon -- very likely the source of its
echo . The large stems of this plant cab hold dozens of blooms, and are very popular
among Elven women, who use the flamboyant flower in large arrangements for their homes.
echo Other Info: The dragonsalk was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo Name: Dryan
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: dryan
echo Other Names: Mountain Dryan
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: Their yellow and white blossoms peek above a carpet of wooly evergreen leaves.
They seem to thrive in colder climates than temperate and like higher elevations.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Edelweiss
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: edelweiss
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: An alpine plant having leaves covered with a wooly, whitish down and small flower
heads surrounded by conspicuous whitish bracts.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Flamestalk
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: These flat, almost wing-like flowers feature three side-by-side petals, usually in
a bright red hue with yellow tongues bearing a thin white stripe. The two outer petals are smaller and
shorter, while the center petal is taller and comes to a twisting point. There can be several blossoms
on one stalk, its surrounding tuft of thin, grass-like chartreuse foliage arching out and down in a
echo . Flamestalks are often treasured as a focal point for large arrangements or
fanciful gardens.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Foxglove
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: foxglove
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Considered a member of the herb family, foxglove has a long cluster of large,
tubular, pinkish-purple flowers and long, stalk-like leaves that are the source of the a powerful
medication. Though seldom used for health, as it can be poisonous when used incorrectly, the tall
flowering plant is ideal for cultivated gardens and arrangements.
echo Other Info: Poisonous
echo Name: Freesia
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The freesia plant has pretty, one-sided clusters of highly fragrant tubular
flowers, often shaded yellow, white, lavender, purple, or pink. A delightful and scented addition to
simple arrangements.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Gardenia
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: gardenia
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, [Hilly,] Mountainous, [Rough]
echo Web Info: Large, round white waxy flower with dark green glossy leaves. Very fragrant and
short-lived, grows on a bush in temperate climates, or cultivated gardens and greenhouses.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Geranium
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: geranium
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions except Icemule Trace and Pinefar
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Hilly, Mountainous, [Rough]
echo Web Info: A flowering plant with palmately divided leaves, widely cultivated for their
rounded, often variegated leaves and showy clusters of red, pink, or white flowers. Unique to Elanthia
is a "wild pink" variation, which is often foraged for brilliant color.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Goldenrod, 'a stalk of goldenrod'
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: goldenrod
echo Other Names: Mountain Goldenrod
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Plain Dirt, Riparian, Rough
echo Web Info: Graceful, elongated clusters of small yellow flower heads that bloom in late
summer or fall. Mostly foundby foraging in the wilds and along roadsides.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Heather
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A low-growing shrub growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and
clusters of small, bell-shaped pinkish-purple flowers. Will often grow in the wild, especially along
hillsides or in meadows. Sometimes planted in gardens as a cultivated ornamental.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hellebore
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: hellebore
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: An ornamental with large leaves and greenish flowers that yield a toxic alkaloid
used medicinally.
echo Other Info: Poisonous
echo Name: Honeysuckle
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: honeysuckle vine
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: A vine-like plant with bright green leaves and pale to bright yellow blossoms.
Highly fragrant, the blossoms are a favorites of bees.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hostas
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: hosta flower
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Hostas most resemble a clump of leaves that love the shade and have lush bold leaf
colors from spring until frost. Existing leaf colors include blue, gold, green and variegated with a
multitude of leaf shapes, sizes and textures. Hostas flower in the summer, sending up a shoot upon which
dozens of white (or blue and lilac) blooms will bud.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hydrangea
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: hydrangea
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Puffy cloud-like cluster of flowers usually in pastel shades of blue, pink, and
purple, or white. Large foliage. Prefers a temperate climate, not too hot or dry.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Imaera's Lace
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: imaera's lace
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Cultivated, Grassland, Riparian
echo Web Info: A climbing vine with deep green tendrils and small flowers consisting of many tiny
white florets. Vines of Imaera's Lace grow in the Hearthstone herbalist's shack. Upon occasion, a sprig
of Imaera's Lace may be nudged free by the wind and tumble down to land on the ground, and can be
foraged. Imaera's Lace is one of the symbols of the goddess Imaera.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Iceblossom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: iceblossom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The ice blossom's tiny white flowers are so translucent, they almost appear to be
frozen, crystalline forms. However, the petals are surprisingly as soft as velvet and emit pleasingly
fragrant. Short, spikey green foliage is drought resistant, making it appear as though this plant is
distantly related to the succulents.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Iris
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: iris blossom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: A plant with long, sword-shaped leaves and showy flowers, which may range in color
from white to deep purple. Irises grow in Hearthstone's rose garden. They may also be purchased at the
Wehnimer's florist.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Jasmine
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: jasmine
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: A vine-like plant with green fern-like leaves, and bracts of very fragrant white
flowers. Can be trained to climb, and makes a very pleasant addition to any garden. Good for making
perfume and tea.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Lady's Slipper
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: lady's slipper blossom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A variety of common orchid that has usually solitary, variously colored flowers
with an inflated, pouchlike lip. Often white and stripped or blushed with dark purple. The light green
foliage consists of a single stem and generally two long, bladed leaves that stay close to the
root-base. Most frequently found wild, in woody settings.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Larkspur
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: larkspur
echo Other Names: Delphinium
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, [Cultivated,] Grassland, Mountainous, Hilly, Rough
echo Web Info: Tall spikes with flowers, generally in shades of blue, purple, and white, and can
be foraged. Also known in some regions as Delphinium.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Lavender
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: lavender
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland
echo Web Info: A dull green, long needle-like leafed plant with tall stalks bearing pale purple
blossoms and a distinctive scent. Lavender oil is often used in making perfume, and the dried leaves and
blossoms are used in potpourri and sachets.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Lilac
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: lilac
echo Other Names: Wild Lilac
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest, Hilly, Riparian
echo Web Info: Wild lilac. Clusters of purple, lavender, or white flowers on thin branches. Very
fragrant, good for cut arrangements. Generally a spring flower found in temperate climates, where is can
be foraged freely.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Lily
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: lily
echo Other Names: Stargazer Lily, Lily of the Valley
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations (stargazer), Wehnimer's Landing (valley)
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Stargazer Lily. Bright pink spike-petaled flowers edged with white. Extremely
fragrant and often used in cut arrangements or cultivated gardens.
echo . Lily of the Valley. Common name for a spring-blooming perennial, generally
cultivated and used in small bouquets. Lilies of the valley live in shady places and have delicate
bell-shaped, fragrant white flowers growing on a stalk between two shiny leaves.
echo Other Info: Also see: snow lily
echo Name: Snow Lily
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: snow lily
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Snow lily. With bright yellow flowers, the snow lily (sometimes referred to as
the dog-tooth violet), blossoms turn back upon themselves, resembling a shooting star. It blooms first
in foothill areas, and then climbs up the mountains during springtime, reaching the higher elevations as
the snow melts and the climate grows more temperate. If you make an appropriate offering to the gods in
Icemule Trace, a small urchin may reward you with a bouquet of snow lilies.
echo Other Info: Also see: lily
echo Name: Mezereon
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: mezereon bark
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A poisonous ornamental shrub with fragrant lilac-purple flowers and small scarlet
fruit, the dried bark of which has often been used medicinally for arthritis. Also used externally as a
blistering agent.
echo Other Info: The mezereon bark was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo . Poisonous
echo Name: Monkeyflower
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: monkeyflower
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: Bright two-lipped red blossoms on a single stalk. Similar, and probably related to
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Moonflower
echo Use: Used in the preparation for the Sorcerers Animate Dead spell
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: moonflower
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: Icemule Trace
echo Sites: Abandoned Farmhouse - Garden
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: This flower has rounded, ball-like blossoms, with multiple blooms suspended from a
single stem. While some blooms are white or pink, the most common variety is a deep, rich violet.
echo Other Info: Only forageable at night.
echo Name: Morning Glory
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: This annual vine produces a daily crop of freshly opened flowers during the summer
months, in hues of blue, purple, pink, scarlet, and white or multicolored. The attractive single or
double trumpet-shaped flowers make the morning glory one of the most widely grown vines. The flowers are
normally open only from dawn to midmorning, but some of the newer varieties tend to hold their flowers
open most of the day, especially in cloudy weather.
echo . The vine's abundant leaves are heart-shaped, sprouting off tendriled vines that
will climb on just about any support. Profusely flowering against a background of pale green foliage,
morning glories quickly form lovely hedges or screens, or can be used as a temporary ground cover. They
also do well in hanging baskets and containers.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Mournbloom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: mournbloom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: Similar to the morning glory, though not as prone to trailing or climbing,
mournblooms feature an almost blackish-purple trumpet-shaped flower with a white throat. The dark
blue-green foliage features small spade-like leaves. The long, thin stems do allow for some training in
cultivated gardens, with adequate support. When found growing in the wild or raised commercially, the
blooms can be woven to wear as a coronet.
echo . It's said that any breeze through these blossoms creates a melancholy sound, like
the sad song of a woman.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Nightshade
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: nightshade berry
echo Other Names: Belladonna
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A common name given to a low, branching weed with small shooting star-shaped
purple flowers with yellow stamens, and egg-shaped green fruits that turn red when mature. A less common
variety, the Black Nightshade, sports white flowers and green berries that ripen to black. Reputed to be
very poisonous.
echo Other Info: The nightshade berry was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo . Edible, poisonous
echo Name: Orchid
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: orchid
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest, Grassland
echo Web Info: Often found in tropical jungles, but can be found/cultivated in subtropical and
temperate zones, flowers cultivated for ornament, ranging from a pale to light purple, from grayish to
purplish pink to strong reddish purple. Often with differently-colored throats or spotted tongues.
Several blossoms alternate on one tall stalk that emerges from a large tuft of soft, bladed leaves.
Favored for corsages.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pansy
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: pansy
echo Other Names: Snow Pansy
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations, Icemule Trace (snow)
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Originally purple and yellow blossoms, now found in shades of white and blue.
Cultivated varieties have very large flowers of a great diversity of colors.
echo . Snow Pansy. Small, annual plants which bear profuse white and pale lavender
flowers with velvety petals. Snow pansies have excellent frost tolerance and thrive in cool, moist soil.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Peony
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: peony
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Plants with dark green, opposite leaves and small flowers with a variously-colored
salverform corolla. Widely cultivated and found in shades of lavender, pink, white and red.
echo Other Info: Peony seeds are known for their sedative effects. When seeped in tea and then
consumed, they can induce a deep, dreamless sleep.
echo Name: Petunia
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: petunia
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Widely cultivated plants having alternate, entire leaves and funnel-shaped flowers
in colors from white to pink to purple.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Phlox
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: phlox
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: Plants with dark green, opposite leaves and small flowers with a variously-colored
salverform corolla. Widely cultivated and found in shades of lavender, pink, white and red.
echo Other Info: The red-veined shadephlox, an ancient and now presumed to be extinct form of plox,
was one of the key ingredients in a ceremony held by Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to
rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the city streets in 5102.
echo Name: Primrose
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: primrose
echo Other Names: Fairy Primrose
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions, Zul Logoth (fairy)
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Grassland, Mountainous, Plain Dirt, Rough
echo Web Info: Any of numerous plants having well-developed basal leaves and tubular, variously
colored flowers grouped in umbels or heads with a funnel-shaped or salver-like corolla and a tube much
longer than the calyx. Bright shades of yellow, pink, and purple help identify this plant, which can be
echo . Fairy primrose. Small delicate petals of lilac and pink tower above deep green,
hairy leaves.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Rose
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: rose, small rose
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Solhaven, River's Rest, Tras Isle, Elven nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: Large showy blossoms that start as tight buds, then open and expand, often atop
tall stalks featuring sharp thorns.. Most varieties are highly fragrant and treasured for gardens or cut
and give as a token of love and friendship. The essence of the scent is used in perfumes, baked goods,
candy, and sachets. Roses are featured in the symbol of the goddess Oleani. A summer flower that enjoys
sun, temperate climate, and water; or a year-round flowering bush in sub-tropical locations.
echo . See also: Elanthian snow rose, swamp rose, wild rose, winter rose.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Elanthian Snow Rose
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: elanthian snow rose
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A pure white variety unique to Elanthia, extremely rare.
echo . See also: Rose, swamp rose, wild rose, winter rose.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Swamp Rose
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The many-branched, bushy swamp rose features stout, curved thorns with a flattened
base. The leaves are pinnately compound and the leaflets (usually seven) are oval-lance-shaped, with
finely toothed edges. They are smooth on the surface and slightly hairy along the midrib underneath. The
flowers are very fragrant, solitary and pink, bloom in early summer.
echo . In the autumn, the swamp rose produces fleshy fruits (hips) that are red and
either smooth or covered with minute hairs. If you're careful, you might even be able to pluck one, that
is when you can navigate the boggy setting it enjoys.
echo . See also: Rose, Elanthian snow rose, wild rose, winter rose.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Wild Rose
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: wild rose
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Cold Damp, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Muddy Wetlands, Plain Dirt, Riparian,
echo Web Info: A less complex version of the cultivated rose, usually with single blooms and a
creeping bush. Found in gardens gone wild or trained to climb a trellis. Some varieties seem to thrive
near beaches and produce rose hips at the end of the season, which can be used for a tea or jam. The
blossom is a favorite for foragers, who love its fragrance.
echo . See also: Rose, Elanthian snow rose, swamp rose, winter rose.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Winter Rose
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: winter rose
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Similar the other members of the rose family, the only thing that distinguishes
this particular flower is the pale lavender-blue blush along the petal edges, and the matching throat.
echo . See also: Rose, Elanthian snow rose, swamp rose, wild rose.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Salorisa
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A creeping shrub with twisted branches, growing more horizontally than vertically.
Reddish bark is augmented by golden foliage; small, round leaves about the size of a large coin. Bright
pink drooping, cascades of flowers attract insects with their over-sweet, honeylike fragrance. Collected
and dried for use as a room scenting agent, much like potpourri.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sirenflower
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Tall, stemmed plants with tiny, lantern-shaped flowers, the sirenflower is most
often found in shades of orange or crimson. With their paper-like consistency, even a soft breeze can
make them rustle eerily, especially when the blossoms still hold their tiny seeds, adding a soft rattle
to the cacophony. As the plant matures, the blossom splits open and withers, reseeding itself. The
sirenflower likes temperate climates and the moist air found along coastlines.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Snapdragon
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: snapdragon stalk
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Mostly found in cultivated gardens, the individual flowers are pulpit-shaped and
clustered on a tall stalk. Good for cut arrangements.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sneezeweed
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: sneezeweed
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A member of the herb family, sneezeweed features yellow to red-purple rayed flower
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sunflower
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: sunflower
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland
echo Web Info: Tall yellow daisy-like flower and a giant stalk, large brown center dries into
edible seeds at the end of the blossom's lifecycle. A summer-to-fall flower.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Trillium
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: White woodland flowers with a triangular arrangement of three petals set amid
medium green leaves.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Tuberose
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: tuberose
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: A tuberous perennial herb having grasslike leaves and cultivated for its highly
fragrant white flowers. The lilacaeous flowers cluster at the top of a tall stalk, making it ideal for
large arrangements.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Tulip
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: tulip, ice tulip
echo Other Names: Ice Tulip variety
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace (ice)
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Bulbous, brightly colored flowers that bloom in shades of red, yellow, pink, and
white. Tulip plants grow from bulbs, generally planted in the fall, flowering in the spring soon after
the ground thaws. Cup-shaped blossoms on stalks with blade-shaped pale green foliage down near the root
end. Some varieties can be as dark as black ink, or have spiked and ruffled edges.
echo . Similar to the tulip above, the ice tulip is much smaller and hugs closer to the
ground. It's tiny, almost transparent white blossoms look like carefully-crafted bells of ice, hence
their names. They are actually hardier than they look and enjoy the cooler climate.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Verbena
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: verbena spike
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: Any of numerous tropical or subtropical plants grown for their showy spikes of
variously colored flowers. Some varieties are fragrant, and might be known as lemon verbena or vervain.
Hues of the small blossoms are often red, purple, pink, or white, although there is the rare salmon-hued
and pastel yellow.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Violet
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: violet, small violet
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland
echo Web Info: A flower with many species, violets are generally low, herbaceous plants, and the
flowers are frequently blue. Frequently found growing wild, sometimes cropping up any place it can, they
have a very delicate scent. If you forage carefully, you might be able to find one. Often a token of
friendship, love,and remembrance.
echo Other Info: See also: alpine violet, flaming violet, wood violet
echo Name: Alpine Violet
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: alpine violet
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Alpine violets are white, sometimes with blue or purple colorations, and often
found near the shelter of trees. They have a mild fragrance in comparison to its common cousin.
echo Other Info: See also: flaming violet, violet, wood violet
echo Name: Flaming Violet
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: flaming violet
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: An extremely rare plant, these unique violets are indeed aflame, although they
seem not to burn either their surroundings or the plants that hold them. The nearby air, however, is
very hot, and as witness by the tiny bones nearby, dangerous to the birds that have ventured too close.
Their purple-red hue makes them appear to be the center of the flame that surrounds them.
echo Other Info: See also: alpine violet, violet, wood violet
echo Name: Wood Violet
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: wood violet
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Freshwater, Temperate
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Muddy Wetlands, Riparian
echo Web Info: The wood violet is named such because it likes to bury deep in forests, seeking
shelter at the foot of trees, or under the light covering of fallen leaves. The yellow, shooting
star-shaped blossoms are often masked beneath their own green foliage.
echo Other Info: See also: alpine violet, flaming violet, violet
echo Name: Water Lily
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Water lilies are aquatic plants with broad leaves on the surface of the water and
long roots that trail far down to the soil. Their wide blossoms are quite pretty, and can be very
fragrant. Often white or pink lotus-shaped blossoms with yellow waxy-stamened centers.
echo . Also see Lily.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Wolfsbane
echo Use: Poisons, 10 HP/round per bite, dissipating at 1 HP/round
echo Size: 4 bites/root, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: wolfsbane root
echo Other Names: Aconite, Monkshood
echo Category: Flowers
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly
echo Web Info: A poisonous perennial herb having tuberous roots, palmately lobed leaves, blue,
purple, or white flowers with large hoodlike upper sepals, and an aggregate of follicles. The dried
leaves and roots of some of these plants, which yield a poisonous alkaloid that can be used medicinally
with great care.
echo Other Info: The wolfsbane root was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo . Edible, poisonous
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Bearberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Alpine Bearberry
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace, Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Mat-forming shrubs, especially native to temperate zones, bearing small leathery
leaves, white or pinkish urn-shaped flowers, and red berrylike fruits.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bilberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Dwarf Bilberry
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: See Blueberry. This smaller version of the plant produces a smaller, more tart
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Blueberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: All regions except Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: White to reddish, urn-shaped or tubular flowers and edible blue to blue-black
berries, amid small green oval leaves.
echo . Favored to eat fresh off the bush or baked into pies, tarts, and muffins. Makes a
good jam, too.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Boxwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: boxwood
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: An ornamental, dark evergreen shrub, usually trimmed into hedges or topiary. Rare
varieties can bear varigated yellow and green foliage.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Currant
echo Use: --
echo Size: 4 bites/currants, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: currants
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Solhaven
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Riparian, Rough
echo Web Info: A deciduous, spineless shrub native chiefly to temperate climate zones, bearing
flowers in racemes with edible, variously-colored berries. Thought to be a member of the graper family,
as the dried berries resemble tiny raisins, with a less sweet flavor.
echo . The berries are used in jams and baked goods, and often flavor sauces and
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Elderberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The small, edible purplish-black fruit of the common elder.
echo . Sometimes used to make wine or preserves.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Gooseberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: 2 bites/gooseberry
echo Forage Syntax: gooseberry
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Freshwater, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Muddy Wetlands, Riparian, Rough
echo Web Info: A spiny shrub with lobed leaves, greenish flowers, and edible translucent,
greenish to yellow or red berries.
echo . Good for baking or preserves.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Grumbleberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Commercially found in Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A dwarven variety of berry, similar to the blackberry, but much larger and
sweeter. The thorns along the vines are significantly longer than the tiny prickles of the blackberry,
possibly lending to the name of fruit.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Heliotrope
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: heliotrope
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Small, highly fragrant purplish flowers amid a foliage of dark green.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hemp
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A plant with fibrous skin or bark, which is used for making cloth and cordage.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Holly
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: holly
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: Trees or shrubs usually have bright red berries and glossy evergreen leaves with
spiny margins.
echo . Often used as a decoration, especially around solstice holidays.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Kerria
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: kerria
echo Other Names: Miniature Kerria
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A small shrub with slender green stems, often pruned into decorative shapes.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Orris
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: orris root
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A variety of iris with white blossoms and a fragrant rootstock often ground and
used in potpourris and sachets.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sagebrush
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: sagebrush root
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest
echo Web Info: An aromatic shrub that grows in arid regions of temperate zones and has
silver-green leaves with large clusters of small white flower heads. When affected by drought, the
shrubs drop all their foliage and turn brown, then detach from their roots, allowing the wind to blow
them around.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sassafras
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: sassafras leaf
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Snowy Artic
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Mountainous, Plain Dirt
echo Web Info: A deciduous tree with irregularly lobed leaves and aromatic bark, leaves, and
echo . Good brewed into a tea, or made into a syrup that can flavor a variety of brewed
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Smastan
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A very rare, small ornamental bush that grows very low to the ground, with red,
edible berries and waxy green leaves.
echo . Often, smastanberries are used for punch drinks and desserts or other sweets. One
particular bush seems to have some rather odd properties to it, but it is in no way typical for the
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Snowberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A shrub bearing small pinkish flowers and white berries.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Thanot
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: thanot
echo Other Names: Thokot
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A sturdy, bluish shrub that grows in rocky soil, it is hardy to even high
altitudes and in southern dry climates. The thanot has long enjoyed its reputation to protect against
enchantment. It is still a practice in remote areas to place sprigs of thanot over the main door of the
house and also worn on the person to ward off false enchantment -- the evil eye. The shrub is small,
seldom as much as forty feet tall, and usually misshapen.
echo . Thanots produce vivid red berries, but possess long, poisonous barbs that make
gathering the fruit a hazard. Examine a red thanot berry and you will discover that unlike many other
fruits that bear just a round hollow or dimple opposite their stalks, it carries a tiny, five-pointed
star, or pentagram -- the ancient magical symbol of protection.
echo Other Info: Poisonous
echo Name: Thornberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: thornberry
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Pale pink berries grow within a thicket of thorny vines, making their sweet
treasure difficult to harvest. Additionally, the prickly underside of the leafy foliage adds hinderance.
echo Other Info: The thornberry was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
echo Name: Traesharm
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: traesharm berry
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: These low berry bushes are often used to make decorative hedges, more prized for
the showy green and white variated foliage than for the violet fruits.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Viburnum
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Guelder Rose
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Potentially a quite large shrub or small tree, viburnum may reach three times the
height of a giantkin, and be several feet wide at maturity. The leaves are smooth, bright green, and
arranged on green stems in opposite fashion. A healthy plant gives the impression of being quite robust
and dense. Very mature specimens that have not been pruned will look more open and tree-like.
echo . Tiny white flowers are held in great panicles in spring, and are pleasingly
fragrant. Berries are drupes that turn from red to black and are attractive to birds.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Winterberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: winterberry
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Low Brush and Bushes
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A medium-sized shrub cascading with showy red berries.
echo Other Info: --
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Arctic Moss
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: arctic moss
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace, Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A silvery-grey moss with a short, thick fern-like texture, often found clinging to
trees or soil near areas with some moisture. Can be foraged in the wild and eaten raw, or shredded into
a salad.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Basal Moss
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) body and eye wounds, 1 wound/bite
echo Size: 4 bites/moss, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: basal moss
echo Other Names: Berterin
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Sites: Sylvarraend - Wooded Trail
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest
echo Web Info: Grey-green in color, the short-tufted moss is routinely sold for its medicinal
properties and may also be foraged wild. When consumed, basal moss can repair minor bruising, cuts, and
scrapes to the eyes, chest, and abdominal area. It grows primarily in temperate climates on the bark of
deciduous trees.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Black Hook Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: black hook mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Pinefar,
Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp
echo Terrain: Subterranean
echo Web Info: Shallow dark grey cap with black hook-like flourishes spaced out along the edge
with dark gills. Sought after for its showy caps.
echo Other Info: Edible, can only be found indoors
echo Name: Black Trafel Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: black trafel mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth,
Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A black frilly-edged cap bearing soft white spots identifies this delicious
mushroom, treasured for soups, stews, and an aside to game meats.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Blue Trafel Mushroom
echo Use: Poisons, 5 HP/round per bite, dissipating at 1 HP/round
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: blue trafel mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Pinefar,
Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands,
Riparian, Subterranean
echo Web Info: A blue-grey frilly-capped mushroom with cream spots. Not to be confused with its
cousin, the black trafel mushroom.
echo Other Info: Edible, poisonous
echo Name: Bolmara
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2, lvl.3) nervous system wounds, 1 wound/dose
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Bolrama
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A verdigris-hued lichen that favors huge outcroppings of granite and quarts
composites. When ground in sufficient quantity, and steeped in alcohol, the essence can be blended with
other ingredients to create a healing potion, helpful for major nerve system damage.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo . Currently, bolmara's healing properties are only experienced by purchasing it in
tincture or potion form from a local herbalist's.
echo . Doses are generally 2/bottle?
fecho Name: Daggerstalk Mushroom
echo Use: Poisons, 10 HP/round per bite, dissipating at 1 HP/round
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: daggerstalk mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth,
Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands,
echo Web Info: Pointed with blade-shaped caps, the mushroom is silvery in hue.
echo Other Info: Edible, poisonous
echo Name: Ephlox
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2, lvl.3) limb wounds, 1 wound/bite
echo Size: ? bites/moss, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: ephlox moss
echo Other Names: Edram
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Sites: Upper Trollfang - Cockatrices,
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Riparian
echo Web Info: The olive green-hued spikey moss is routinely sold for its medincinal properties
and may also be foraged wild. Stills the blood flowing from open wounds upon the limbs and repairing
the bones within. Grows best in a cold, wet environment with ample sunlight, and tends to grow on tree
trunks or beside streams.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Flathead Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: flathead mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth,
Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands,
echo Web Info: very large and wide beige mushroom with a flat cap. Three spots of deep brown dot
the crown. Edible, with a very meaty flavor, sometimes savored as the main part of a meal.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Genkew Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: genkew mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands,
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Glowing Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Found in sea tunnels, their glow illuminates the passages.
echo . Assumed to be inedible.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Gnollish Mushrooms
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Frequently seen at the loading area outside the grocer in the Landing.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Golden Hook Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: golden hook mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Sold at '03 Artisan's Faire.
echo Name: Red Lichen
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: red lichen
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Pinefar
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Dark to bright red in hue, this lichen is a symbiotic combination of algae and
fungus, often found on rocks or crawling along the bark of fir trees. Prefers colder climates and higher
echo . Edible, used in teas and potions to heal nerve damage.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Red Trafel Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: red trafel mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Pinefar,
Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp
echo Terrain: Subterranean
echo Web Info: A scarlet frilly-capped mushroom with blood-red spots. Can be hard to find when
its coloration blends in with autumnal foliage.
echo Other Info: Edible, can be found only indoors, can be found only at daytime
echo Name: Red Vornalite Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: red vornalite mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A ruby-hued round cap mushroom, usually found growing in clusters around the
trunks of oak trees.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Soft White Mushroom
echo Use: Poisons, 5 HP/round per bite, dissipating at 1 HP/round
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: soft white mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Pinefar,
Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands,
Riparian, Subterranean
echo Web Info: A mottled white egg-shaped cap often coated with a chalky residue.
echo Other Info: Edible, poisonous
echo Name: Spotted Heart Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: spotted heart mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth,
Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Humid
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub
echo Web Info: Heart-shaped caps, usually pink-orange in color, featuring bright yellow spots.
echo Other Info: Edible, can be found only at daytime
echo Name: Striped Heart Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: striped heart mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth,
Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Humid
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest
echo Web Info: Heart-shaped caps, dark yellow-orange in color, featuring bright pink striations
that spiral out from the center of the cap.
echo Other Info: Edible, can be found only at daytime
echo Name: Giant Glowing Toadstool
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: toadstool
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Though a member of the mushroom family, generally inedible, possibly poisonous.
Both a white and silver and a crimson and silver variety exists.
echo Other Info: The giant glowing toadstool was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony
held by Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that
plagued the city streets in 5102.
echo . Poisonous
echo Name: Trollfear Mushroom
echo Use: Poisons, 10 HP/round per bite, dissipating at 1 HP/round
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: trollfear mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth,
Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands
echo Web Info: Ear-shaped brown mushroom caps dotted with ivory warts seeping a brackish green
echo Other Info: Forageble only at night.
echo . Edible, poisonous
echo Name: White Hook Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: white hook mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Pinefar,
Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Muddy Wetlands, Riparian,
echo Web Info: Shallow ghost white cap with dark grey hook-like flourishes spaced out along the
echo Other Info: The white hook mushroom was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held
by Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued
the city streets in 5102.
echo . Edible, can be foraged at night only
echo Name: Withered Black Mushroom
echo Use: --
echo Size: 3 bites/mushroom, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: withered black mushroom
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Teras Isle, Icemule Trace, Pinefar,
Zul Logoth, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Humid, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Cultivated, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Hilly, Muddy Wetlands,
Plain Dirt, Riparian, Subterranean
echo Web Info: Rippled and wrinkled deep black mushroom caps with matching gills and stems.
echo . Great in stews and soaps, serves as a thickener when boiled and has a slightly
crunchy texture.
echo Other Info: The withered black mushroom was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony
held by Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that
plagued the city streets in 5102.
echo . Edible
echo Name: Wolifrew
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) nervous system wounds, 1 wound/bite
echo Size: ? bites/lichen, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: wolifrew lichen
echo Other Names: Wifurwif
echo Category: Lichen, Moss, and Fungi
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, [Glacial, Snowy Arctic]
echo Terrain: Coniferous, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, [Hilly, Mountainous,] Plain Dirt, [Rough]
echo Web Info: A yellow-brown fungus routinely sold for its medicinal properties and may also be
foraged wild. Most likely to be found in cold, wet caves, but sometimes grows in secluded outdoor areas
as well that receive little light.
echo . When consumed, wolifrew lichen can repair minor damage to the nervous system.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Bamboo
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Teras Isle, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Considered a grass, the bamboo is a most useful species. Its woody, hollow, round,
straight, jointed stems grow to the height of forty feet and upward. The flowers grow in large panicles,
from the joints of the stalk, placed three in a parcel, close to their receptacles.
echo . Old stalks grow to five or six inches in diameter, and are so hard and durable
they can be used for building and all sorts of furniture, water pipes, and poles. The smaller stalks are
used for walking sticks, flutes, etc.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Barley
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: barley grass
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland
echo Web Info: A grass and edible grain, characterized by long slender awns and spikelets at the
node of a flattened rachis; its principal use is as a cereal and in the manufacture of malt.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Brostheras
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2, lvl.3) head and neck scars, 1 scar/dose
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Bursthelas
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A member of the sugar cane family, which is comprised of several grasses,
brostheras stalks are tall with a dark green outer layer.
echo . Inside, the fleshy white fibers can be stripped out, ground, and combined with
other ingredients to make a healing potion, helpful for major head and neck scars.
echo Other Info: Healing herb
echo . Currently, brostheras' healing properties are only experienced by purchasing it in
tincture or potion form from a local herbalist's.
echo . Doses are generally 2/bottle?
echo Name: Monkey Grass
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: monkey grass
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Long, dark green blades, silvery along the underside. Found in a field near
Lyserian Hills, along the Rocky Path, on the way to the Smokey Cave.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Oats
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: oats
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A member of the grass family cultivated agriculturally for its seed, which is used
in cereals and animal feed, and for its stalk, which is used for straw.
echo . The seed is also often used in baking, especially in cookies.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pothinir
echo Use: Heals major (lvl.2, lvl.3) body and eye wounds, 1 wound/bite
echo Size: ? bites/grass, can be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: pothinir grass
echo Other Names: Pasamar
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Humid
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest, Grassland
echo Web Info: Medium green-bladed tufts. Routinely sold for its medicinal properties and may
also be foraged wild. Pothinir grass is difficult to find, but the search is often considered worth the
benefit. Pothinir grass grows in hot, humid areas that get plenty of sunlight.
echo . When consumed, will staunch bleeding and rapidly heal severe injuries to the eyes,
stomach, and chest, however, while few healing herbs taste good, pothinir is particularly noted for its
vile flavor.
echo Other Info: Healing herb, edible
echo Name: Reeds
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: reeds
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A tall grass that grows in shallow water or boggy ground.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Rye
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A weedy annual grass that often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land.
The seeds are sometimes considered poisonous.
echo . Used to make breads and alcoholic beverages.
echo Other Info: Poisonous
echo Name: Tundra Grass
echo Use: Heals minor (lvl.1) body and eye wounds, 1 wound/bite
echo Size: 4 bites/grass, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: tundra grass
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace, Pinefar, Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: Icemule Trace
echo Climate: Cold Dry
echo Terrain: Hard Flat
echo Web Info: Short tufts of dull green blades eeking out space to grow where there is
sufficient soil and water.
echo . The stems and roots of this remarkably hardy plant are known to heal minor eye and
torso wounds.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Wheat
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: wheat grass
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland
echo Web Info: Any of various annual cereal grasses widely cultivated in temperate regions for
its commercially important edible grain.
echo . Often used in cereals and breads.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Wiregrass
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: wiregrass
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Grasses
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor, River's Rest, Teras Isle, Wehnimer's Landing
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Can be imbued (bracelet, anklet)
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Acacia
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: acacia
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of various often spiny trees or shrubs having alternate, bipinnately compound
leaves or leaves represented by flattened leafstalks and heads or spikes of small flowers. A relative of
the pea family. The slightly spice-fragranced flowers can be used in arrangements.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Alder
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Speckled Alder
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The alder is actually a large shrub, a group of stout stems from a common root.
These however can grow to quite a height, and can occasionally produce a small tree with a trunk as much
as a foot in diameter and 30-40 feet high. It has wrinkled leaves broadly ovate in shape and irregularly
toothed. It has purple and yellow male catkins about three inches long, and it bears small cones with
round-winged seeds that persist on the tree all winter.
echo . Alders flourish over a broad range, from the mountainous areas south of Wehnimer's
Landing, extending east and south. The alder has little value as a timber, but is a good choice of
kindling and firewood.
echo . It is believed that the alder has been used as a good treatment for burns and
inflamed wounds. The dried bark was also apparently used to improve circulation and staunch hemorrhage.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Apple
echo Use: --
echo Size: 5 bites/apple, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: apple
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Mountainous
echo Web Info: A spreading tree that bears white or pale pink, fragrant flowers in the spring,
which mature into fruits. A crisp and sweet treat, sometimes with a tart bite to it. A favorite for pies
and some cakes or tarts.
echo . The fermenting fruit can also be used for ciders and brewed beverages.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Ash
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The ash is a tough, elastic hardwood. It carries keys or winged fruits. The tree
has deeply penetrating roots and sours the soil, making it difficult for other vegetation to grow
beneath it. Southern specimens of the tree occasionally grow to heroic dimensions, as much as a hundred
and seventy-five feet tall and five feet in diameter. It has wide spreading branches and bears compound
leaves, usually with seven leaflets, clustered toward the branch ends.
echo . It is an ideal choice for use in making weaponry, as well as handles for tools and
furniture. The ash comes in two varieties, the more common white ash and the black ash, the latter more
often found in remote southern forests. Unlike the white ash, the black ash prefers wetlands, stream
borders, and cool swamplands. It is a tall, slender tree, its branches reaching upward, rather than
outward as does the white ash.
echo . The wood of the black ash can be split quite easily, into thin, tough splints,
ideal for the making of baskets. At certain stages of pounding, the layers of the black ash begin to
separate at the annual growth rings. The black ash resembles the white ash except that it is taller and
more slender. Its compound leaves, of a distinctly dark shade of green, have more leaflets than the
white ash, as many as eleven.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Aspen
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Quaking Aspen
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Trees with leaves attached by flattened leafstalks so that they flutter readily in
the wind. Quaking aspen gets its name because this particular aspect, causing the leaves to shiver with
even the slightest breeze. Turns a bright yellow during autumn.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Banana
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: banana
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of several treelike shrubs having a terminal crown of large, entire leaves and
a hanging cluster of fruits. The yellow, sickle-shaped fruits are very tasty.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Tree Bark
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: tree bark
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Humid, Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Hilly
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Can be imbued
echo . Specific types of bark include bark (can be imbued), mezereon bark (cannot be
imbued), wyrmwood bark (can be imbuded).
echo Name: Beech
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Silver Beech
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace, Pinefar, Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A deciduous tree with smooth grey bark, alternate simple leaves, and three-angled
nuts enclosed in prickly burs. The nuts will often drop to the ground as the burs split, and can be
foraged for a tasty treat
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bergamot
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A small tree commercially grown chiefly for its sour citrus fruits, the rinds of
which yield an aromatic oil.
echo . The oil is often used in teas, perfumes, and incense.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Birch
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Zul Logoth, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of various deciduous trees or shrubs having unisexual flowers in catkins,
alternate, simple, toothed leaves, and bark that often peels in thin papery layers.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Canver
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The supple canver trees often bend to drape, much like willows, and when planted
opposite each other, their crowns can meet and entertwine in a lush green arch over the street. Clumps
of pink-throated white flowers gaze cheerfully down from among the branches.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cedar
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: An evergreen conifer with stiff needles on short shoots and large erect seed cones
with broad deciduous scales.
echo . Cedar wood is noted for its pleasant, pervasive aroma, sometimes used to lined
chests and cupboards, or pressed into incense.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cherry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of several trees or shrubs native chiefly to temperate regions and having pink
or white flowers and small juicy drupes.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cottonwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of several trees that has triangular leaves and a tuft of cottony hairs on the
seeds. Likes to grow along the banks of fresh water sources.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Dogwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A tree bearing small greenish flowers surrounded by four large, showy white or
pink bracts that resemble petals.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Ebonwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A hardwood tree with very black heartwood.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Elm
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of various deciduous trees characteristically having arching or curving
branches and serrate leaves with asymmetrical bases. Elms are widely planted as shade trees.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Fel
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The fel is not really a beautiful tree. It has a sturdy central stalk or trunk,
but it tends to be a broad tree. Its leaves are long and have fifteen or more leaflets opposite each
other. Its fruits are black, rough-coated nuts enclosed in thick, yellowish-brown husks rich in a very
deep black dye. The meat of the nuts is rich, oily, and distinctly flavored.
echo . The outer hulls were used by early bands of halflings as dyestuff for wool used to
knit stockings. The fel is mostly prized for its hardwood, which is peeled for surfacing and used in all
sorts of fine wood-crafting. The lumber is a unique dark color, and only ebony wood possesses a deeper
shade of black.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Fir
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Icemule Trace, Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of various evergreen trees having single flattened needles and erect cones
with deciduous scales.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Gok
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: gok nut
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Pinefar
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: The gok nut was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by Ulstram,
prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the city
streets in 5102.
echo Name: Haon
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Hoen
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Haons are particularly handsome trees with their big, smooth boles, smoky-grey
bark, wide-spreading branches, and almost luminous leaves. Under the best conditions, they grow a
hundred feet tall and have a widely rounded crown. At the base of the sturdy trunk, a haon tends to
reach out with big, half-exposed roots for a shallow roothold. It is the bark and the leaves that
identify a haon at first sight.
echo . The bark almost glows, is at times purplish-grey, and even on old trees, is seldom
rough. The leaves are elliptical, short-stemmed, and prominently veined. Each vein ends in a marginal
tooth. It is the texture of the leaves that makes them unique. They are almost translucent. In summer,
the sun shines through them, but not the heat, making them an ideal shade tree.
echo . The haon nuts, something like miniature chestnuts, are borne in a bur with weak
spines. They are prized for animal fodder and are rumored to have healing properties.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hawthorn
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Usually thorny trees or shrubs with clusters of white or pinkish flowers and
reddish fruits containing a few one-seeded nutlets.
echo . Often used during rituals or ceremonies of a magical nature.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hazel
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The hazel produces a flexible wood, and is a shrub sometimes eight feet high,
common in fencerows and thickety growth at the edge of stands of timber. Its leaves are narrowly pointed
or heart-shaped, rough above, pale below, and three to five inches long. The hazel blooms in early
echo . The hazel is mostly known for its fruit, a small, chestnut-brown nut, almost
perfectly spherical, enclosed in a pair of broad, leafy, toothed bracts with many bristles at the base.
The nutmeat is sweet.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Ironwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Elanthia Ironwood, Elanthain Ironwood
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: When ironwood comes to blossom, bees converge on them, making the trees loud as
well as fragrant; and in consequence, the honeycombs are full of some of the sweetest honey found in the
Lands. The name ironwood refers to the core of the tree, however, the tough inner bark is of a valuable
nature as well, having long been used in making cordage and nets. Ironwood is heavy and strong, making
it an ideal wood for any weapon that values rock-hard strength, at the expense of added weight.
echo . Aside from the hard nature of its wood, the most notable thing about the ironwood
is its flower and fruit. The flowers, small and blood red in color, are full of nectar. They grow on a
pendant stem that springs from the center of a leaflike wing. That wing, long and slender and a lighter
green than the trees true leaves, eventually provides a glider for the seed, and thus are new groves of
ironwood started.
echo . The large, oval leaves vary from a pale green in the north, to a deeper shade in
southern forests. While the ironwood is valued for its products, the complicated business of lumbering
it makes it a poor choice when looking for firewood.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Lemon
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A spiny, evergreen tree widely cultivated for its yellow, egg-shaped fruit. Bears
very fragrant spikey, white blossoms. The fruit is popular for cooking and drinks.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Lime
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A spiny evergreen shrub or tree with leathery leaves, fragrant white flowers, and
edible fruit.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Linden
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: In southern forests, the linden tree often provides a carpet of fragrant, golden
flowers on the forest floor during spring. The flowers are five-petaled and hang in loose clusters ten
to fourteen inches long. They attract swarms of bees, which make a particularly delicious honey from
their nectar. The trees grow like weeds, to a height of sixty feet, and are popular for shelterbelts and
as ornamentals, though their feathery foliage offers little shade.
echo . The wood of the linden is light in hue, soft and supple, making it a good
candidate for bows and other products where strength and flexibility are prerequisites. The beanlike
seeds in its flattened, four-inch-long pods are said to have medicinal properties.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Magnolia
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The magnolia tree typically prefers a southern temperate location with cool
winters. Both tall and wide in its growth, magnolias make a magnificent shade tree, with its long
evergreen leaves appearing a lustrous dark green when viewed from above, and grey or brown when viewed
underneath. The flowers are often huge, creamy white, and beautifully fragrant, although some have come
in shades of rose, yellow, and purple.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Mahogany
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A majestic looking, canopy tree with lustrous dark red tones that produces a
sought-after wood, famous for its reddish-yellow to reddish-brown tones. Mahogany is an old growth tree
that mainly grows in subtropical climates. Its glossy jade green leaves make the young offshoots a novel
miniature houseplant. When in bloom, small white flowers give way to showy fruit capsules.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Maple
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of numerous deciduous trees or shrubs of the temperate zone, having opposite,
usually palmate leaves and long-winged fruits borne in pairs.
echo . Some varieties of the tree yield a sap that can be boiled into a tasty syrup, used
for candies.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Maoral
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, River's Rest, Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The huge, tropical maoral is the only truly deciduous conifer. It sheds all its
needles every autumn. The needles are only about an inch long. In spring they are a bright
golden-yellow-green, in summer a warm blue-green, darker than the modwirs, and rich golden tan in the
autumn. In spring, just before the new needles appear, the maorals are aglow with blossoms, the male
flowers a pure shade of white, the females bright red with green tips, all of them very small.
echo . The female flowers mature into tiny cones, no more than three-quarters of an inch
long, which stay on the tree all winter, shedding seeds. Maoral grows very tall and slender, sometimes
as much as two hundred feet high with a trunk diameter of six feet. The tree is of slow growth, taking
as long as two hundred and fifty years to reach a trunk diameter of twenty inches.
echo . Maorals prefer damp soil and often grow at the edges of swamps, but can sometimes
be found well up on hillsides as long as the climate is moderate. They are essentially a tropical tree.
Maoral wood is heavy and durable, and of a distinct reddish color. Maoral wood tends to be expensive,
due the to slow growth of the tree. The Sylvans have been known to use maoral rootlets to sew haon bark
together and make light, airy, temporary dwellings.
echo . The maoral is also said to have medicinal values, the sap having long been used to
make potions that heal wounds and cure aches.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Mistwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Related to Elanthia Ironwood, this branch of the family suffers from a parasitic
disease that turns the trunk and wood core a pale blond hue. Unsuitable for use in armor or weapons, as
over time it can warp and splinter as it dries out, the tree is still sought for commericial use in
homes and other establishments. Treated with a sealant and polished with oils, the grain of the word is
highly decorative.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Modwir
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Windak
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Modwir needles have a soft, almost fuzzy appearance from a distance, with foliage
bunched toward the ends of twigs so that the overall texture might best be described as clumpy. It tends
to send out five branches a year in a whorl around its central stem. The upper branches tend to arch
strongly upward, spaced widely enough apart on older trees so that each branch can be distinguished from
a distance.
echo . Its cones are five or six inches long, narrowly cylindrical and chocolate brown in
color. They remain closed and green the first year, ripen, turn brown, relax their scales and release
seeds the second year. The modwir is relatively swift of growth. A seedling will reach a height of a
hundred feet and a trunk diameter of thirty to fifty inches in thirty years.
echo . The mature bark is scaly grey with irregular but generally vertical grooves, often
marked with white streaks of gum of resin from broken branches. The wood has long been prized for
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Monir
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Miran, Shingle Monir, White Monir
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Shingle monir, miran. One of the large monir genus, the shingle monir is a
handsome tree, towering to heights of 80 feet and more. The rough and furrowed bark and broad, rounded
crown are notable monir characteristics, but the leaves are lance-shaped instead of the more prevalent
round-lobed or deeply-toothed monir leaves. The name "shingle monir" refers to the wide of use of this
tree's light brown wood in shingle-making.
echo . Hardly a cabin or rustic homestead in the wild lands to the east was built without
being finished off with thin slabs of shingle monir. Shingle monir thrives in both dry upland and moist
riverbank environments. Its acorns are small, about half an inch long and provide important fuel for
echo . White monir. The monir is considered to be one of the toughest, most durable of
all the common forest trees. The Baronies built ships of monir, and on land, monir wood has provided
stout timbers for houses, barns, bridges and other structures. White monir grow to tremendous size, with
a spread of more than two hundred to three hundred feet and a trunk of wide circumference. It also grows
as a bush at altitudes of four thousand feet or more in the northern traces.
echo . A beautiful tree, when its leaves first burst from the bud in the spring, they
clothe the white monir with a mist of red that slowly turns to pink before the true green of the leaves.
In the autumn, the foliage turns a vivid red-violet, the color of Barony wine, then fades to various
shades of gold. The white monir's acorns, maturing the first year, are choice food for squirrels and
echo . When they fall and come into contact with the soil, they soon germinate and thrust
roots into the ground before hard frost. Those acorns can be eaten raw, but are sweeter if they are
boiled or roasted first.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Oak
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: In the essential forest, the oak is the only tree to rival the monir in stature
and beauty. The word "door" comes from an ancient dialect wherein "duir" was the word for solidity,
protection and the oak tree. The oak stands majestically with great, reaching branches and an even more
impressive root system. The oak's growth is slow but sure, and the trees survive for decades and even
sometimes centuries.
echo . Oaks produce a great quantity of acorns and in autumn, the foliage turns a rich
red. The leaves tend to cling to the branches all winter. The timber of the oak tree has many uses,
everything from building dwellings to barrels in which wine and beer is aged.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Olive
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: olive
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: An evergreen tree having fragrant white flowers, usually lance-shaped leathery
leaves, and edible drupes. When the fruits are cured or brined, they make a nice snack.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Orange
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: An evergreen tree widely cultivated in warm regions, and having fragrant white
flowers and round fruit with a yellowish or reddish rind and a sectioned, pulpy interior.
echo . The fruit can be juiced and used in any number of ways. Considered a healthy
source of vitamins.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Peach
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A small tree widely cultivated throughout temperate regions, bearing pink flowers
and fuzzy-coated, edible fruit. Often sliced and put in pies or tarts, or eaten fresh off the tree.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pear
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: pear leaf
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A widely cultivated tree in the rose family, having glossy leaves, white flowers
grouped in a corymb, and edible fruit. Also popular for pies and tarts, as well as eaten fresh.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pecan
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A deciduous tree having deeply furrowed bark, pinnately compound leaves, and
edible nuts.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pine
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: pine needles, pine cone
echo Other Names: Bristlecone
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Icemule Trace, Solhaven, Elven Nations, Zul
Logoth (bristlecone)
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest
echo Web Info: Various evergreen trees having fascicles of needle-shaped leaves and producing
woody, seed-bearing cones. These trees are widely cultivated for ornament and shade and for their timber
and resinous sap, which yields turpentine and pine tar. Many of the cones bear edible fruits called
pinenuts, which can often be foraged when the cones have fallen to the ground. You might even be lucky
enough to find a cone or needles in your search.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Plum
echo Use: --
echo Size: 4 bites/plum, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: plum
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated, Grassland, Mountainous
echo Web Info: Any of several shrubs or small trees bearing smooth-skinned, fleshy, edible fruit
with a single hard-shelled stone that encloses the seed.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Rosewood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Teras Isle
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A tropical or semitropical leguminous tree with a hard reddish or dark wood with a
strongly defined grain.
echo . Often used in homes, decoratively.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Spinewood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Named for the small, round, sectioned trunks that resemble a spine, these bent,
low, shrubby trees love a damp environment. Found growing along the banks of creeks and rivers, and
sometimes right down into the shallow water, it maintains lush foliage most of the year. The spring
offers a profusion of short-lived, pale pink flowers that appear shortly after the first warm spell,
heralding the end of winter.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Spruce
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Blue Spruce
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Zul Logoth
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Any of various coniferous evergreen trees with needlelike foliage, drooping cones,
and soft wood often used for paper pulp. The blue spruce is called such due to the frosted blue hue of
the needles.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sticks
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: stick
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Cold Damp, Cold Dry, Humid, Snowy Arctic, Temperate
echo Terrain: Coniferous Forest, Deciduous Forest, Hilly
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Can be imbued
echo Name: Sycamore
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A deciduous tree having palmately lobed leaves, ball-like, nodding, hairy fruit
clusters, and bark that flakes off in large colorful patches.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Tanik
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Tonak
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The blue tanik is thought to have originally come from the legendary Great Forest.
Its limbs curve downward, then up, and its twigs hang pendulously. The needles curve upward, and grow to
a length of eight to ten inches. The cones are large and in spring, shed powdery, yellow pollen
literally by the cupful.
echo . Normally the tree grows to heights close to a hundred feet, however, there are
legends that tell of taniks reaching truly gargantuan proportions within the great unexplored southern
forests. The tanik is prized in the craft of papermaking. The crisp, long-lasting parchment produced
from this conifer are unequalled.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Walnut
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A deciduous tree featuring pinnately compound leaves and a round, sticky outer
fruit wall that encloses a nutlike stone with an edible seed.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Willow
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: Black Willow
echo Category: Trees
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing (both), River's Rest (both), Elven Nations (standard)
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A graceful tree with long branches and distinctive leaves composed of many small
leaflets attached to an extremely long stem. Often found along fresh source waterways and in cultivated
park-like settings. A good shade tree.
echo . Black Willow. One of the many species of willows found across Elanthia, the black
willow is so-named for its dark, green- black foliage and ebony wood. As with most of the willows, the
black willow plays an important role in nature by stabilizing the banks of streams and rivers with its
fast-spreading and branching root system. Male and female blossoms on the willows are borne on separate
echo . Insects are the most industrious of the pollinators, but the pollen is very fine
and readily windborne. The black willow grows along streams and ponds, anywhere there is damp soil.
Curiously, many streambed willow bushes are also black willows, since the species takes either tree or
bush form.
echo . As a tree, it may have a trunk diameter of six feet and its stems may rise as high
as 150 feet. Even in the tree form, it usually grows with several main trunks rising from the same root
system, as though it had begun at ground level.
echo . Black willow is occasionally used for lumber, primarily in the construction of
inexpensive shields and also shipping cases in sea-trading areas. It doesn't make good firewood,
however, burning quickly and without much heat. There is some evidence that would suggest that the
pollen can be used for medicinal purposes.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Witchwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A highly magical wood taken from a twisted bush which grows only in graveyards.
Only small weapons are likely to be made from it, and its most common use is in wands and staves. It is
most potent when used for spells of subtle destruction and is often cursed.
echo . The witchwood is a large tree with a crooked trunk and open crown of many
spreading branches. The foliage, flowers, fruit, bark and wood are all aromatic. Shiny dark leaves that
are almost black are under-faced with a silvery grey hue. The leafstalks are sender with 1-2 glands.
Witchwood bark is as dark as its foliage, grey or brown, and rough with irregular ridges.
echo . A cousin of the mistwood tree, it is often said that the likeness of gnarled faces
can sometimes be seen in the bark pattern of the witchwood. The flowers are greyish green, on long
stalks back of new leaves in early spring; multiple 1/4" male flowers erupt in long gin heads 5/8" wide;
solitary female flowers are usually found on separate trees and are lavender in color. The fruit is
long, and oblong in shape and of a dark purple color, very sour to taste.
echo . The fruit is poisonous unless it is processed, and is said to have medicinal
purposes depending on the preparation. The wood is not usually used in construction, as it is too soft.
However, it is often used for heating purposes and is prized for use in the making of wands and flutes.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 10/5
echo . Offensive Bonus: +17
echo . Defensive Bonus: +17
echo . Rarity: Very rare
echo Name: Yew
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: It is said, the easiest place to find the yew tree is within the ancient
cemeteries. In truth, any particular yew may well be far older than the cemetery that surrounds it. Yews
have a tremendous capacity for longevity. Its branches grow down into the ground to form new stems,
which grow to become trunks of separate but linked growth.
echo . In time, the central trunk becomes old and the insides decay, but a new tree grows
within the spongy mass of the old, and eventually, cannot be distinguished from the original. It is from
this that the yew has come to symbolize great age, rebirth and reincarnation. The yew produces a
close-grained, elastic wood that is similar to maple.
echo . Yews have a tremendous capacity for longevity, and it is from this that the yew
has come to symbolize great age, rebirth and reincarnation. The yew produces a close-grained, elastic
wood that is similar to maple.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapon
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 0/0
echo . Offensive Bonus: +2
echo . Defensive Bonus: +2
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Carmiln
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: There exist certain groups of trees that have always been revered. Superstitions
surround them, that their branches, for example, should never be lopped or pruned. The carmiln is such a
tree, almost always found in groups, or groves, and usually situated near a spring. carmiln is a
hard-wooded tree, with oblong leaves bearing deeply incised edges, and bunches of finely scented white
flowers in spring.
echo . Because of its density and durability it is considered to be a fine wood for a
variety of uses. However, the myths of bad luck following indiscriminate cutting of it often accounts
for a variation on the cost of the milled lumber. Those limbs harvested within the stricture of the
ancient laws governing what time of day, month and season it is done are usually more difficult to find
as well as preferred for use, especially in the creation of magical items.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
echo . Offensive Bonus: +6
echo . Defensive Bonus: +6
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Deringo
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: A tall, brushy tree, the deringo hails from the southern regions of the west side
of the Elanthian continent. It is a fairly common wood, often found growing in the same forests as other
hardwoods such as oak, ash and maple. While its magical influences are not usually of great power, the
availability of it as well as the ease of harvesting the deringo make it an extremely popular wood for
all manner of magical articles.
echo . In the fall, the deringo is known for its vivid yellow-gold foliage, and the
dramatic effect given by each of its leaves being edged in black.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +8
echo . Defensive Bonus: +8
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Faewood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A favorite of Imaera's, faewood has long been a preferred material for use in holy
items. A tall tree with a rounded crown, the faewood greets spring with upright clusters of showy white
flowers that are exceptionally fragrant. It is said that one can locate a faewood tree in spring from a
mile or more distance.
echo . The tree's foliage is dark green and short-stalked, and its smooth bark is brown
to gray. Faewood trees yield a pale brown, smooth or slightly pitted fruit that contains shiny brown
seeds. These seeds are known to have healing properties, but they require refinement for in their
natural state, they are poisonous.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
echo . Offensive Bonus: +20
echo . Defensive Bonus: +20
echo . Rarity: Infrequent
echo Name: Fireleaf
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: From the Barony of Riverwood comes the fireleaf tree, whose bright orange and red
leaves in autumn give the impression of the tree being enflamed from a distance. During the spring and
summer, the fireleaf is robed in dark green elliptical leaves with a slight ruby hue on their
undersides, each of which ends in a short tooth. The tree's bark is gray-green and furrowed into long
echo . Fireleaf trees have long been considered an excellent wood for staves and shields,
and it is believed that the more vivid red the underside of the leaves, the more potent is the tree's
magical potential.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 35/15
echo . Offensive Bonus: +22
echo . Defensive Bonus: +22
echo . Rarity: Very Rare
echo Name: Glowbark
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Glowbark trees are named for the propensity of the trees to have tiny,
phosphorescent organisms living in the bark of the trees, giving them a luminescence seen only during
the darkest night of the moon's phase. It is also believed that the strong magic residing in the
glowbark's wood adds to this shine, as well as benefiting the organisms.
echo . The glowbark is a medium-sized tree with generous, straight boughs, making it a
fine choice for the production of magical items of all types. Glowbarks grow well in secluded forests
within the western reaches of the Elven Nations.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 40/20
echo . Offensive Bonus: +22
echo . Defensive Bonus: +22
echo . Rarity: Very Rare
echo Name: Hoarbeam
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: Named both for the silver-grayish hue of the wood and for the arctic region in
which it grows, this strong variety of fir is a handsome tree with pointed crown of aromatic foliage.
Its needles are evergreen, spreading almost at right angles in two rows on slender, hairy twigs. The
hoarbeam's cones are long and cylindrical, tinted a dark purple, and they sit upright on topmost
echo . Prized for a variety of uses, the hoarbeam?s wood is light-colored and has a
faint, irregular grain. It is resilient but still possesses enough elasticity to make it a fine choice
for use in making bows. The hoarbeam is commonly found in northern forests, and it is said that the
further north the specimens are harvested, the stronger will be its inherent magical qualities.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 35/5
echo . Offensive Bonus: +12
echo . Defensive Bonus: +12
echo . Rarity: Infrequent
echo Name: Illthorn
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: From a rare tree found in Gyldemar Forest, the wood of the illthorn is preferred
for items that aid in warding magic, though it does not inherently provide such a benefit. The illthorn
is a large, aromatic tree with straight trunk and conical crown that becomes round and spreading. Its
leaves are star-shaped with 5, and sometimes 7, long-pointed finely sawtoothed lobes. The bard of the
illthorn is grey and deeply furrowed into narrow scaly ridges.
echo . These ridges conceal the tree's long thorns, which can quickly burrow deeply into
hands or body, and then come easily off the bole to remain imbedded beneath the skin. While the thorns
do carry a weak poison, they have never been known to be deadly to anything larger than small rodents
and birds. The poison can, however, impart a flu-like illness that lasts from a few hours to a couple
echo . The illthorn is not well suited for bows due to its lack of elasticity, however,
with its innate magical talent, it yields excellent staves and shields.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 40/20
echo . Offensive Bonus: +25
echo . Defensive Bonus: +25
echo . Rarity: Extremely rare
echo Name: Ipantor
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Long a favorite of bowers throughout both sylvan and human territories, the
ipantor tree is usually found in upland forests that occupying the foot of mountain ranges. It does not
tolerate hot, arid climates, instead preferring a rich, loamy soil. The Western DragonSpires is the
principal region where ipantor wood is harvested, and the tall, slender trees with their straight boughs
and yellow-green leaves add grace and stature to the hardwood forests there.
echo . While the ipantor is a superior material for bows, something in the constituency
of its inherent magic makes it unsuitable for other magical articles.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 25/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +17
echo . Defensive Bonus: +17
echo . Rarity: Very rare
echo Name: Kakore
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: The kakore tree resembles the birch, in that it commonly has multiple boles
instead of one. Its leaves are a silvery green shade with scalloped edges, and feature a tint of scarlet
on the leaves' undersides which has earned it the nickname of 'bloodleaf' trees. It is commonly found in
marshy areas, and does not tolerate arid climates. Its wood is dense, with little give, and is of a
beautiful deep reddish-brown hue.
echo . Thus, it is not usually a good choice for uses that require a supple snap such as
the production of bows. Its magical inherency is subtle, but its widespread populations, as well as the
beauty of its finish, promote the kakore's popularity for use in medium-grade magical items.
echo . Magical Weapon Type: Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 25/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +10
echo . Defensive Bonus: +10
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Lor
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The lor, or commonly called the silver lor, is a tall, slender tree that grows to
great heights. Often called lovers' trees, it was the custom of the Faendryl elves to plant lor trees as
a pair, and there are records of some of these famous pairs living well past 600 years. First found in
abundance within the extensive forests surrounding the early Faendryl settlements, the lor has declined
in succeeding centuries, and is now quite rare.
echo . Efforts to initiate plantings of lor trees in other parts of the Elven Nations
have met with little success, resulting in workable lor wood being extremely rare and expensive when it
is found. The lor, with its graceful lofty boughs has long symbolized wisdom, or having long sight with
a clear vision of what is beyond and yet to come. For this reason, the most common use of lor wood is in
the production of staves.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +25
echo . Defensive Bonus: +25
echo . Rarity: Very rare
echo Name: Mesille
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The mesille tree is a tall, strong deciduous tree, often found on mountain slopes,
and in areas with a cool climate. Its wood is both hard and resilient, and its foliage is reminiscent of
the pin oak. Valued for both the density of the wood as well as its golden brown color and beautiful
grain, the mesille is a fine choice for the production of a variety of magical articles.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
echo . Offensive Bonus: +15
echo . Defensive Bonus: +15
echo . Rarity: Infrequent
echo Name: Mossbark
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: With its characteristic, shaggy bark on boles and limbs, the mossbark tree is
easily identified within the hardwood forests it generally occupies. Featuring small, oblong leaves, it
is a mid-sized tree with wide-reaching branches, giving the specimens a squat, wide shape. Mossbarks
often grow in dense groves, where the moss from their branches combines to block passage through the
echo . It is believed with good evidence that the mossbark uses this combination of
mosses as a secondary means of propagation. While mossbark wood doesn't carry powerful magical ability,
none-the-less, what talent it does have makes it a popular choice for all manner of magical items. The
finished wood is light in hue, similar, although lighter than pine.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +15
echo . Defensive Bonus: +15
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Orase
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Harvested from its native forests in the Pinefar forests, orase wood has long been
a favorite material for magical articles by the halflings who settled those mountains. Hardy in the most
rugged climates, the orase is a medium-sized tree that coexists well with the conifers of that region.
Its bark is rough, and its branches are usually forked and irregular, making it a good material for
staves and shields, but unsuitable for use by bowers.
echo . It has a highly defined grain that makes the shields produced from it highly
prized. It is, additionally, exceeding hard and dense and carries a substantial magical talent.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 20/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +20
echo . Defensive Bonus: +20
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Rowan
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: --
echo Other Info: The rowan has long enjoyed its reputation to protect against enchantment, however
there is also evidence that supports the fact that it has the capacity to channel enchantment as well
when formed into rune staves, or sticks upon which runes are inscribed. Among the more rural human and
sylvan communities, there are instances recorded where rowan wood is used for metal divining, as hazel
twigs are used for water.
echo . Rowan has played a central role in druidic ceremonies for centuries, and among
rural populations, sprigs are often placed over the main door of the house and also worn on the person
to ward off false enchantment.
echo . Examine a red rowan berry and you will discover that unlike other fruits that bear
just a round hollow or dimple opposite their stalks, it carries a tiny, five-pointed star, or pentagram
-- the ancient magical symbol for protection.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 20/5
echo . Offensive Bonus: +5
echo . Defensive Bonus: +5
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Ruic
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The ruic tree is usually found in southern forests, with mild climates and
dependable precipitation. It is a tall, wide-boughed tree with a thick canopy, and produces a superior,
reddish-gold wood for use in making bows. While it carries a good magical influence for that use, it is
not generally used for other magical articles because of its tendency to 'snap', i.e. send a current --
or backlash -- of magic back through the individual casting the charge.
echo . The general consensus is that the energy released from the bow through the shaft
as the arrows leaves it prohibits a ‘snap' from occurring with bows made from the wood.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 25/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +20
echo . Defensive Bonus: +20
echo . Rarity: Uncommon
echo Name: Sephwir
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A cousin to the modwir, the sephwir is a highly magical wood that hails from the
western DragonSpires, found growing within the fabled forests of Yuriqen. Thus, any quantities of
sephwir remaining in use today can be assumed to have been harvested before the Yuriqen forests were
closed. This results in the wood being both rare and almost priceless. There are unverified reports of
individual trees growing in the Turamzzyrian region of Helt, however no living trees are commonly known.
echo . Attempts to propagate the trees in other areas have met with no success, and it is
thought that this is due to a critical connection between the magic known to have been resident in the
soil of Yuriqen and the sephwir trees living there. Sephwir makes a superior wood for bows, and weapons
crafted of the beautiful, silver-hued wood figure prominently in fables surrounding the archer armies of
the Yuriqen Sylvans.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 30/15
echo . Offensive Bonus: +25
echo . Defensive Bonus: +25
echo . Rarity: Extremely rare
echo Name: Villswood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The villswood tree is a medium-sized tree that is principally found in Wyrdeep
Forest, although there are known instances of it growing within forests on the eastern side of the
continent. It is thought that the villswood tree was brought west by migrating bands of Sylvans in past
ages. The villswood has large, dark green leaves, and is as valued for its sprays of fragrant flowers in
spring as it is for its sturdy, magical wood with its characteristic saw-blade grain.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons, Shields, Staves
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 30/15
echo . Offensive Bonus: +18
echo . Defensive Bonus: +18
echo . Rarity: Infrequent
echo Name: Wyrwood
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Trees, Magical Woods
echo Listed as Found: --
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Obtaining the precious wood of the great wyrwood is a dangerous proposition.
According to stories told by the men and elves of the mysterious Wyrdeep Forest, these rare, solitary
trees are said to entangle and hang woodsmen and hunters with grisly results. Thought to be a cousin of
the willow, the wyrwood is a large tree with 1 or more straight and usually leaning trunks, upright
branches, and narrow or irregular crown.
echo . Its leaves are narrow and lance-shaped, often slightly curved to one side, and
they grow densely upon the tree's boughs. While these trees have been known to grow within the forest,
they are most commonly found not too far distant from streams. They are known to have an exceptionally
deep taproot, which probably accounts for their ability to live a distance from a water source, having
tapped instead into underground springs.
echo . It is also thought that the taproot is the source for their superior magical
qualities. Wyrwood is usually only used to produce bows; any contact of the wood with metal soon
produces corrosion of the ore, with the result that the studs and banding common with shields and staves
is unsatisfactory.
echo . Magical Wood Type: Ranged Weapons
echo . DU/ST Bonus: 30/10
echo . Offensive Bonus: +24
echo . Defensive Bonus: +24
echo . Rarity: Very rare
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Dirge-vaon
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: An insectivorous plant of giant proportions, the dirge-vaon vine senses when
people are nearby and creeps along the ground in their direction. Most manage to avoid contact with the
poisonous plant, but the unlikely ones who are tripped by the vine might suffer contact with the tiny
teeth-like needles that can inject a fiery poison. Fortunately, most people are too large to be
considered a meal, as the spiny, bi-fold leaves cannot consume flesh.
echo Other Info: Poisonous
echo Name: Flaeshorn
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: flaeshorn berry
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: River's Rest
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: Pale green foliage makes this vine an excellent creeper, and the golden berries
make an excellent wine.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Grape
echo Use: --
echo Size: 5 bites/grapes, cannot be bundled
echo Forage Syntax: grapes
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Arid Temperate, Temperate
echo Terrain: Barren Scrub, Deciduous Forest, Grassland, Riparian, Rough
echo Web Info: Fleshy, smooth-skinned, clusters of purple, red, or green fruit, eaten raw or
dried as a raisin and widely used in winemaking Grows on a woody shrub that can be trained, and features
large leaves that offer shade to the fruit.
echo . The leaves can be pickled and eat, while the younger branches can be made into
wreaths and baskets.
echo Other Info: Edible
echo Name: Huckleberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, River's Rest, Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: The edible black or dark blue fruit of several species of shrubs nearly related to
the blueberry, and formerly confused with them.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Ivy
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: ivy
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Grassland, Hilly, Mountainous
echo Web Info: A common name given to any of several woody, climbing or trailing evergreen plants
with palmately lobed leaves, root-bearing young stems, and small green flowers grouped in umbels.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Loganberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: loganberry
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: Icemule Trace
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A trailing, prickly plant cultivated for its acid, edible fruit.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Mistletoe
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: mistletoe
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Deciduous Forest, Hilly
echo Web Info: A parasitic shrub with leathery evergreen leaves and waxy white berries.
echo . Often collected and dangled during solstice, as an enticement to kissing.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pumpkin
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: pumpkin
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A long, trailing vine that produces a large pulpy round fruit with a thick,
orange-yellow rind and numerous seeds.
echo . Often carved with faces, or baked in a variety of ways, mostly sweets. The seeds
are also excellent roasted.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Raspberry
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: All regions
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A bramble that produces thimble-shaped fruit in shades of black, red and white.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Trumpetvine
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: --
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven
echo Confirmed: --
echo Climate: --
echo Terrain: --
echo Web Info: A deciduous woody vine having opposite compound leaves and trumpet-shaped
reddish-orange flowers.
echo . Favored for gardens and climbing to create a dramatic display or privacy screen. A
favorite for hummingbirds.
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Vinca
echo Use: --
echo Size: --
echo Forage Syntax: vinca
echo Other Names: --
echo Category: Vines and Parasitics
echo Listed as Found: Solhaven, Elven Nations
echo Confirmed: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor
echo Climate: Temperate
echo Terrain: Cultivated
echo Web Info: A low, creeping evergreen plants which includes the periwinkle. Some varieties
have variated white and green leaves, instead of dark, glossy green.
echo Other Info: The tendril of vinca was one of the additional ingredients in a ceremony held by
Ulstram, prophet of Lorminstra, in an attempt to rid Solhaven of the shadow creatures that plagued the
city streets in 5102.
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Listing of all possible regions:
echo wl - Wehnimer's Landing and its environs
echo gy - The Graveyard (Wehnimer's)
echo bl - The Broken Lands
echo sh - Solhaven, Vornavis, trail to Solhaven, their environs
echo im - Icemule Trace, trail to Icemule, its environs
echo pf - Pinefar, its environs
echo teras - Teras Isle, its environs
echo rr - River's Rest, its environs
echo zul - Zul Logoth, Landing-EN trail
echo ti - Ta'Illistim and its environs
echo otf - Old Ta'Faendryl and its environs
echo tv - Ta'Vaalor
echo btwn - In-Between Areas; trail to Icemule, trail to Solhaven
echo .ufs <region> - General climate/terrain and animal companion information
echo .ufs <region> more - List of region areas with further information
echo .ufs <region> <full climate> <full terrain> - List of region areas and plants
echo .ufs <region> <full area name> - Full list of present animal companions
echo Region: Wehnimer's Landing
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo -- --
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Gyrefalcon Howler Catamount Badger
echo Peregrine Hyena Jaguarundi Caiverine
echo Saker Jackal Lynx Ferret
echo Shrike Loper Rasper Mole
echo Trakel Wolfhound Tiger Passo
echo Region: Graveyard (Wehnimer's)
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo Cold, Dry Barren Scrub
echo Cold, Dry Hilly
echo Cold, Dry Riparian
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Kestrel Canid Jaguar Boarrat
echo Osprey Dobrem Serval Mongoose
echo Region: Graveyard (Wehnimer's)
echo Shadow Plain - C/T: Cold, Dry + Barren Scrub
echo . - AC: --
echo Shadow Plain, Black Hills - C/T: Cold, Dry + Hilly
echo . - AC: --
echo Shadow Valley - C/T: Cold, Dry + Barren Scrub
echo . - AC: --
echo Shadow Valley, Black Stream - C/T: Cold, Dry + Riparian
echo . - AC: --
echo Shadow Valley, Dark Pasture - C/T: Cold, Dry + Barren Scrub
echo . - AC: --
echo Region: Broken Lands
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo Hot, Damp Barren Scrub
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Screech-owl Curwolf Ocelot Barrowrat
echo Stratis Scrabbler Puma Rat
echo Region: Broken Lands
echo Jagged Plain - C/T: Hot, Damp + Barren Scrub
echo . - AC: 24 variances
echo Region: Solhaven, trail to Solhaven, Vornavis
echo Also see: between
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo Temperate Barren Scrub
echo Temperate Coniferous Forest
echo Temperate Cultivated
echo Temperate Deciduous Forest
echo Temperate Riparian
echo Temperate Rough
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Buzzard Bushwag Kodkod Capybara
echo Harrier Curwolf Margay Marmot
echo Sea-eagle Dhole Tunnelcat Muskrat
echo Seahawk Fox Wildcat Raccoon
echo Vulture Kuvasz Yowler Weasel
echo Region: Solhaven
echo Deep Woods - C/T: Temperate + Coniferous
echo . - AC: --
echo . Vornavian Coast:
echo Forest Road - C/T: Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo . Temperate + Coniferous Forest
echo . Temperate + Cultivated
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: 64 varieties
echo Region: Icemule Trace, trail to Icemule
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo -- --
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Goshawk Coyote Mudcat Cacevail
echo Shrika Curhound Puma Rockrat
echo Snow-owl Dobrem Snowcat Sloth
echo Sparrowhawk Scrabbler Tiger Tothis
echo Woodpecker Wolfhound Tunnelcat Whiskrat
echo Region: Pinefar
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo Glacial Mountainous
echo Snowy, Arctic Coniferous Forest
echo Snowy, Arctic Mountainous
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Falcon Greatfang Panther Graiphel
echo Raptor Howler Snowcat Vole
echo Region: Pinefar
echo Arctic Embankment - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Arctic Tundra - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Northern Mountains, Pine Forest - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Coniferious Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Northern Mountains, Timberline - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Northern Slopes, Arctic Plateau - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Northern SLopes, Arctic Track - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Northern Slopes, Bluff - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Pinefar Trading Post, Trail - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Pinefar Trading Post, Lawn - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Pinefar Forest, Trail - C/T: Snowy, Arctic + Coniferous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo . Top of the World:
echo Aenatumgana - C/T: Glacial + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Frozen Tundra - C/T: Glacial + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Region: Teras Isle
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo -- --
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Albatross Banishara Cheetah Beaver
echo Baza Coyote Leopard Sandrat
echo Heron Fennec Lion Wolverine
echo Karet Foxhound Mudcat Woodchuck
echo Raven Greatfang Veercat Woodshrew
echo Region: River's Rest
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo -- --
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Eagle Hound Bobcat Burrovine
echo Hawk Ledisa Caracal Hedgehog
echo Kite Mastiff Cougar Mink
echo Owl Narmo Felid Nutria
echo Seagull Samoyed Panther Wombat
echo Region: Zul Logoth
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo -- --
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo -- -- -- --
echo Region: Ta'Illistim
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo Arid, Temperate Barren Scrub
echo Cold, Damp Barren Scrub
echo Cold, Damp Coniferous Forest
echo Cold, Damp Deciduous Forest
echo Cold, Damp Grassland
echo Cold, Damp Mountainous
echo Cold, Damp Muddy Wetlands
echo Cold, Damp Plain Dirt
echo Cold, Damp Riparian
echo Cold, Damp Rough
echo Cold, Damp Subterranean
echo Cold, Dry Deciduous Forest
echo Cold, Dry Grassland
echo Cold, Dry Hard, Flat
echo Cold, Dry Mountainous
echo Freshwater Muddy Wetlands
echo Freshwater Riparian
echo Glacial Hard, Flat
echo Glacial Mountainous
echo Humid Deciduous Forest
echo Humid Muddy Wetlands
echo Moist Hard, Flat
echo Snowy, Arctic Barren Scrub
echo Snowy, Arctic Coniferous Forest
echo Snowy, Arctic Mountainous
echo Temperate Barren Scrub
echo Temperate Coniferous Forest
echo Temperate Deciduous Forest
echo Temperate Grassland
echo Temperate Hard, Flat
echo Temperate Hilly
echo Temperate Mountainous
echo Temperate Muddy Wetlands
echo Temperate Plain Dirt
echo Temperate Riparian
echo Temperate Rough
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Condor Canid Jaguar Barrowrat
echo Elf-owl Fennec Kodkod Groundhog
echo Hawk-eagle Kuvasz Lynx Porcupine
echo Lugger Ledisa Ocelot Vole
echo Rowl Samoyed Veercat Whiskrat
echo Abandoned Homestead - C/T: Temperate + Cultivated
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Blighted Forest - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Caleith Villa - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . - AC: --
echo Dark Forest - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . - AC: --
echo Emerald Forest - C/T: Freshwater + Riparian
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Hilly
echo . Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . - AC: --
echo Field of Rushes - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Glitter Ice Caverns - C/T: Glacial + Hard, Flat
echo . Glacial + Mounatainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Gorget Trails - C/T: Temperate + Hilly
echo . - AC: --
echo Gossamer Pass - C/T: Glacial + Mountainous
echo . Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Gossamer Valley - C/T: Cold, Dry + Mountainous
echo . Glacial + Mountainous
echo . Snowy, Arctic + Barren Scrub
echo . Snowy, Arctic + Coniferous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Great Oak - C/T: Cold, Dry + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Griffin's Keen - C/T: Glacial + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo .ufs ti more1 - Next portion of list
echo Gyldemar Forest - C/T: Arid, Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo . Cold, Damp + Deciduous Forest
echo . Cold, Dry + Deciduous Forset
echo . Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Hilly
echo . Temeprate + Plain Dirt
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Gyldemar Green - C/T: Temperate + Coniferous Forest
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Gyldemar Road - C/T: Humid + Deciduous Forest
echo . Humid + Muddy Wetlands
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Lake of Fear, Ferry - C/T: Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . - AC: --
echo Linden Grove - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Maaghara Tower (outside) - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Masked Hills - C/T: Cold, Dry + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Moonstone Abbey - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Old Shed - C/T: Temperate + Plain Dirt
echo . - AC: --
echo Outpost - C/T: Cold, Dry + Deciduous Forest
echo . Cold, Dry + Grassland
echo . - AC: --
echo .ufs ti more2 - Next portion of list
echo Seethe Naedal - C/T: Freshwater + Riparian
echo . Temperate + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Ta'Illistim, City Gate - C/T: Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . - AC: --
echo Ta'Illistim, Postern Gate - C/T: Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Ta'Illistim, Rocky Trail - C/T: Temperate + Mountainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Teorainn Dale - C/T: Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Teorainn Valley - C/T: Moist + Coniferous Forest
echo . Temperate + Coniferous Forest
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Hilly
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Thick Rushes - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo . - AC: --
echo Tower Approach - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
ecoh Trail Ascent - C/T: Cold, Damp + Coniferous Forest
echo . Glacial + Mountainous
echo . Snowy, Arctic + Coniferous Forest
echo . Snowy, Arctic + Moutainous
echo . - AC: --
echo Whistler's Pass - C/T: Cold, Damp + Mountainous
echo . Cold, Dry + Hard, Flat
echo . Moist + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Hilly
echo . Temperate + Mountainous
echo . Temperate + Wetlands
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Region: Ta'Vaalor
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo Cold, Dry Hard, Flat
echo Humid Cultivated
echo Humid Deciduous Forest
echo Humid Grassland
echo Humid Muddy Wetlands
echo Humid Plain Dirt
echo Humid Rough
echo Moist Grassland
echo Moist Muddy Wetlands
echo Moist Rough
echo Saltwater Muddy Wetlands
echo Temperate Barren Scrub
echo Temperate Coniferous Forest
echo Temperate Cultivated
echo Temperate Deciduous Forest
echo Temperate Grassland
echo Temperate Hard, Flat
echo Temperate Hilly
echo Temperate Muddy Wetlands
echo Temperate Plain Dirt
echo Temperate Riparian
echo Temperate Rough
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Crow Banishara Bobcat Badger
echo Cygnet Canid Catamount Graiphel
echo Fenvaok Dhole Leopard Mongoose
echo Kingfisher Foxhound Rasper Sloth
echo Swift Hyena Wildcat Wolverine
echo Region: Ta'Vaalor
echo Apple Orchard - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . - AC: --
echo Barefoot Hill - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . - AC: --
echo Barley Field - C/T: Temperate + Cultivated
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . - AC: --
echo Briar Thicket - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . - AC: --
echo Cleric Guild, Courtyard - C/T: Temperate + Plain Dirt
echo . - AC: --
ecoh Fearling Pass - C/T: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Fethayl Bog - C/T: [Moist + Grassland]
echo . Moist + Muddy Wetlands
echo . Saltwater + Muddy Wetlands
echo . - AC: --
echo Foothills - C/T: Temperate + Hilly
echo . - AC: --
echo Garden of Contemplation - C/T: Tempearte + Cultivated
echo . - AC: --
echo Glaise Cnoc - C/T: Temperate + Cultivated
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forset
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo .ufs tv more1 - Next portion of list
echo . - AC: --
echo Grassland - C/T: Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo . Temperate + Riparian
echo . - AC: --
echo Lake of Fear, South Dock - C/T: Moist + Rough
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . - AC: --
echo Lunule Weald - C/T: Humid + Cultivated
echo . Humid + Deciduous Forest
echo . Humid + Grassland
echo . Humid + Muddy Wetlands
echo . Humid + Plain Dirt
echo . Humid + Rough
echo . - AC: --
echo Marble Springs - C/T: Temperate + Cultivated
echo . - AC: --
echo Neartofar Forest - C/T: Temperate + Coniferous Forest
echo . Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo . Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo . - AC: --
echo Neartofar Road - C/T: Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . - AC: --
echo Plains of Bone - C/T: Cold, Dry + Hard Flat
echo . Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo . Temperate + Plain Dirt
echo . - AC: --
echo .ufs tv more2 - Next portion of list
echo Rambling Meadows - C/T: Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . Temperate + Hilly
echo . - AC: --
echo Ta'Vaalor - C/T: Temperate + Cultivated
echo . Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . - AC: --
echo Timmorain Road - C/T: Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . - AC: --
echo Toadwort - C/T: Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo . - AC: --
echo Victory Road - C/T: Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo . - AC: --
echo Vineyard - C/T: Temperate + Cultivated
echo . - AC: --
echo Wildflower Field: - T/C: Temperate + Cultivated
echo . - AC: --
echo Yander's Farm - C/T: Temperate + Grassland
echo . Temperate + Plain Dirt
echo . - AC: --
echo Region: In-between Areas
echo . Climate . Terrain
echo -- --
echo . Avian . Canine . Feline . Rodent
echo Caracara Bushwag Cheetah Muzzlerat
echo Pigeonhawk Curhound Yowler Wombat
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Broken Lands: Hot, Damp + Barren Scrub
echo Jagged Plain
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Solhaven: Arid + Deciduous Forest
echo Ebondrift, Destruere Srtand - The most southwestern room just inside the neighborhood
echo Acantha leaf
echo Black Trafel M.
echo Daggerstalk M.
echo Stick
echo Tree Bark
echo Wild Rose
echo Solhaven: Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - Two rooms by the path, one room by the hillock
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - Two rooms along the middle N-S portion of the road
echo Solhaven: Temperate + Coniferous Forest
echo Deep Woods, Hillock
echo Deep Woods, Overgrowth
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - One room in the NE corner of the road, by the ring of pine trees
echo Solhaven: Temperate + Cultivated
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - One room on the N end of the road, at the garden
echo Solhaven: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - North end of the road between the trail and garden except the SW-SE
junction room
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - South end of the road from the W-NE-SE junction and two rooms NE
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - The two furthest E rooms beyond the hillock
echo Solhaven: Temperate + Plain Dirt
echo Acantha leaf
echo Calamia fruit
echo Chicory
echo Primrose
echo Wild Rose
echo Withered Black M.
echo Solhaven: Temperate + Riparian
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - One room, the southernmost on the N-S stretch by the stream
echo Solhaven: Temperate + Rough
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - One room on the N end of the road at SE-SW junction
echo Vornavian Coast, Forest Road - Two rooms on the N end of the N-S portion of the road
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Pinefar: Glacial + Mountainous
echo Top of the World, Aenatumagana
echo Top of the World, Frozen Tundra
echo Pinefar: Snowy, Arctic + Coniferous Forest
echo Northern Mountains, Pine Forest - Two rooms by the path to Voln
echo Pinefar Forest, Trail - One room between the lawn and the path to Voln
echo Arctic Embankment
echo Arctic Tundra
echo Nothern Mountains, Timberline - One room just NE of the rocks to Nightmare Gorge
echo Northern Slopes, Arctic Plateau - One room below the rocks between Pinefar and the Arctic Tundra
echo Northern Slopes, Arctic Track - One room just above the rocks between Pinefar and the Arctic Tundra
echo Northern Slopes, Bluff - One room just above the rocks to Nightmare Gorge
echo Pinefar Trading Post, Trail - One room just outside and N of the trading post
echo Pinefar Trading Post, Lawn - One room just outside the trading post
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Ta'Vaalor: Cold, Dry + Hard, Flat
echo Plains of Bone, Ruins
echo Ta'Vaalor: Humid + Cultivated
echo Lunule Weald, Zealot Village - Second to southernmost room on west end
echo Ta'Vaalor: Humid + Deciduous Forest
echo [Lunule Weald, Felwood Grove]
echo [Lunule Weald, Parish Grove]
echo [Lunule Weald, Zealot Village - Most sections]
echo Ta'Vaalor: Humid + Grassland
echo Lunule Weald, Slade - Five rooms on S side and one on E side at NW-W-SW-SE junction
echo Ta'Vaalor: Humid + Muddy Wetlands
echo [Lunule Weald, Slade - Northwestern half of the slade]
echo Ta'Vaalor: Humid + Plain Dirt
echo Lunule Weald, Zealot Village - One room two N of SE corner
echo Ta'Vaalor: Humid + Rough
echo Lunule Weald, Knoll
echo Ta'Vaalor: Moist + Grassland
echo [Fethayl Bog - Outside tree/safehaven]
echo Ta'Vaalor: Moist + Muddy Wetlands
echo Fethayl Bog, Marsh Edge
echo Ta'Vaalor: Moist + Rough
echo Lake of Fear, South Dock - One room just south of the dock
echo Ta'Vaalor: Saltwater + Muddy Wetlands
echo [Fethayl Bog - Entire bog except outside tree/safehaven, and between gully/ridge and arch]
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo Plains of Bone, Boneyard - All rooms on western N-S path except extreme S, and one room S of NW-S
junction on east side
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Coniferous Forest
echo Neartofar Forest, Ridge
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Cultivated
echo Barley Field - Far SW room
echo Glaise Cnoc, Arbor
echo Glaise Cnoc, Cemetary
echo Marble Springs
echo Ta'Vaalor, Amaranth Courth - Far south room only
echo Ta'Vaalor, Garden of the Ancients
echo Vineyard
echo Wildflower Field
echo Amaranth Daggerstalk M. Iris B. Sovyn clove
echo Anenome Fennel bulb Jasmine Sunflower
echo Angelica root Flathead M. Lavender Thyme
echo Apple Foxglove Monkeyflower Trollfear M.
echo Begonia Gardenia Mournbloom Tuberose
echo Blaestonberry B. Genkew M. Olive Turnip
echo Blue Trafel M. Holly Peony Verbena spike
echo Bougainvillea B. Honeysuckle vine Phlox Vinca
echo Boxwood Hosta flower Plum Violet (small)
echo Clematis Hydrangea Rose (small) Withered Black M.
echo Daisy Imaera's Lace Soft White M. Wormwood
echo M. denotes 'mushroom'
echo B. denotes 'blossom'
echo Amaranth Gardenia Plum
echo Anenome Genkew M. Rose (small)
echo Angelica root Holly Soft White M.
echo Apple Honeysuckle vine Sovyn clove
echo Begonia Hosta flower Sunflower
echo Blaestonberry B. Hydrangea Thyme
echo Blue Trafel M. Imaera's Lace Trollfear M.
echo Bougainvillea B. Iris B. Tuberose
echo Boxwood Jasmine Turnip
echo Clematis Lavender Verbena spike
echo Daisy Monkeyflower Vinca
echo Daggerstalk M. Mournbloom Violet (small)
echo Fennel bulb Olive Withered Black M.
echo Flathead M. Peony Wormwood
echo Foxglove Phlox
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo Apple Orchard - All but far SW room
echo Barefoot Hill, Corner
echo Barefoot Hill, Field - One room by the path
echo Briar Thicket - All except through the trapdoor
echo Fearling Pass, Ravine
echo Fearling Pass, Forest Trail
echo Neartofar Forest - All rooms in northern diamond surrounding the hillside and stockade
echo Neartofar Forest - All rooms in southern portion except one room NE of NE-NW-SE-SW intersection
echo Neartofar Forest, Hillside
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Grassland
echo Apple Orchard - Far SW room only
echo Barefoot Hill - All rooms except one in the corner by the weeds and one in the field by the path
echo Barley Field - All rooms but far SW room
echo Grassland - All rooms except four on the south side, and two just north of them
echo Neartofar Forest - One room just NE of NE-NW-SE-SW intersection
echo Rambling Meadows, Gate
echo Rambling Meadows, Hilltop - All rooms except far W on the N side
echo Rambling Meadows, Lower Fields
echo Rambling Meadows, Path
echo Rambling Meadows, Plateau
echo Rambling Meadows, Tool Shed
echo Rambling Meadows, Upper Fields
echo Yander's Farm, Barley Field
echo Yander's Farm, Corn Field
echo Yander's Farm, Turnip Patch
echo Yander's Farm, Wheat Field
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo Fearling Pass, Cobbled Road - Southernmost room by the bridge
echo Glaise Cnoc, Columbarium - Southeastern columbarium only
echo Lake of Fear, South Dock - One room at the dock
echo Neartofar Forest, Stockade
echo Neartofar Road
echo Plains of Bone, Boneyard - One room at NW-S junction on east end
echo Plains of Bone, Outer Circle - One room just E of E-SW junction at north end
echo Plains of Bone, Virktoth's Path - All rooms except one room by the breach and one room on inside at
E-SW junction
echo Rambling Meadows, Farmhouse
echo Ta'Vaalor - All rooms except far south room in Amaranth Court and Garden of the Ancients
echo Timmorain Road
echo Victory Road
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Hilly
echo Foothills
echo Rambling Meadows, Hilltop - Far W room on N side only
echo Rambling Meadows, Orchard
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo Grassland - Two rooms in the center of the field, just north of the south side
echo Neartofar Forest, Riverside
echo Plains of Bone, Boneyard - Three rooms on NE-SW stretch at south end
echo Toadwort, Blackened Morass
echo Toadwort, Fetid Muck
echo Toadwort, Grasping Mire
echo Toadwort, Muddy Path
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Plain Dirt
echo Cleric Guild, Courtyard
echo Plains of Bone, Boneyard - One room on center north and one room just N of N-SW junction on east
echo Plains of Bone, Mound Top
echo Plains of Bone, Outer Circle - All rooms except one just E of E-SW junction at north end, and one
just N of gate on east end
echo Plains of Bone, Virktoth's Path - One room by the breach, one room on inside at E-SW junction
echo Yander's Farm, Barn - Only rooms outside of the actual barn
echo Yander's Farm, Chaff Dump
echo Yander's Farm, Farmhand Road
echo Yander's Farm, Open Path
echo Yander's Farm, Rolton Pens - Also inside the two rolton pens
echo Yander's Farm, Well
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Riparian
echo Grassland - Four rooms on the south end
echo Ta'Vaalor: Temperate + Rough
echo Fearling Pass, Rocky Trail
echo Fearling Pass, Crevasse
echo Fearling Pass, Cobbled Road - Two northern rooms
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Ta'Illistim: Arid, Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo Gyldemar Forest, The Barrens
echo Ta'Illistim: Cold, Damp + Coniferous Forset
echo Alpine Trail - Southeasternmost room
echo Ta'Illistim: Cold, Damp + Deciduous Forest
echo Gyldemar Forest, Midstream
echo Gyldemar Forest, Stream Bank
echo Ta'Illistim: Cold, Damp + Mountainous
echo Whistler's Pass, Alpine Trail
echo Whistler's Pass, Rocky Trail
echo Ta'Illistim: Cold, Dry + Moutnainous
echo Gossamer Valley, Blind Canyon - One room across the chasm
echo Masked Hills
echo Ta'Illistim: Cold, Dry + Deciduous Forest
echo [Gyldemar Forest, Cobbled Path]
echo Gyldemar Forest, Fallen Oak
echo Gyldemar Forest, Mossy Shack
echo Gyldemar Forest, Outpost
echo Gyldemar Forest, Perch
echo Gyldemar Forest, Young Oak
echo Great Oak, Cracked Landing
echo Great Oak, Landing
echo Great Oak, Vine Bridge
echo Outpost, Overgrown Trail
echo Ta'Illistim: Cold, Dry + Grassland
echo Outpost, Grassy Clearing
echo Ta'Illistim: Cold, Dry + Hard, Flat
echo Whistler's Pass, Rocky Ledge - Three rooms outside opening, Ta'Illistim bound
echo Ta'Illistim: Freshwater + Riparian
echo Emerald Forest, Pool
echo Seethe Naedal, Hot Springs - Down the steps in the pool only
echo Ta'Illistim: Glacial + Hard, Flat
echo Glitter Ice Caverns - All except two rooms through the hole on the east end
echo Ta'Illistim: Glacial + Mountainous
echo Glitter Ice Caverns - Two rooms through the hole on the east end only
echo Gossamer Pass - All except westernmost room
echo Gossamer Valley, Blind Canion - All rooms except one across chasm
echo Griffin's Keen
echo Trail Ascent - Four rooms on the most northern and highest altitude portion, by Gossamer Pass
echo Ta'Illistim: Humid + Deciduous Forest
echo Gyldemar Road - One room at W-NE junction NE of causeway
echo Ta'Illistim: Humid + Muddy Wetlands
echo Gyldemar Road - Two rooms before water maze and all rooms between water maze and the Barrier
echo Gyldemar Road, Sentinels
echo Ta'Illistim: Moist + Coniferous Forest
echo Teorainn Valley, Creek Trail - Westernmost two rooms by the riverstones
echo Ta'Illistim: Moist + Hard, Flat
echo Whistler's Pass, Rocky Ledge - Two rooms, just past the opening and before the grassy field
echo Ta'Illistim: Snowy, Arctic + Barren Scrub
echo Gossamer Valley, Glacier
echo Gossamer Valley, North Valley - All except northeasternmost five rooms
echo Ta'Illistim: Snowy, Arctic + Coniferous Forest
echo Gossamer Vallery, North Valley - Five northeasternmost rooms only
echo Trail Ascent - Five rooms on lower portion of ascent, not counting the easternmost room
echo Ta'Illistim: Snowy, Arctic + Mountainous
echo Gossamer Pass - Westernmost room only
echo Trail Ascent - Two rooms on the lower portion of the U-D stretch
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Barren Scrub
echo Gyldemar Forest, Blasted Hearth
echo Whistler's Pass, Brambles
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Coniferous Forest
echo Gyldemar Green, Forest - Entire S and SW portion of the forest until the two trails leading toward
the NE near and around the beaver dam
echo Gyldemar Green, Forest - Four rooms in the NW corner, just W of the long E-W stretch S of the camp
echo Teorainn Valley, Mossy Trail - One room at top of trail only
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Cultivated
echo Abandoned Homestead - One room by the gate
echo Abandoned Homestead, Sunflowers
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Deciduous Forest
echo Blighted Forest
echo Calelith Villa, Portico
echo Dark Forest - All rooms except Overlook, Serene Lake, and Deadend
echo Emerald Forest, Beech Grove
echo Emerald Forest, Blackberry Row
echo Emerald Forest, Bracken
echo Emerald Forest, Fallen Tree
echo Emerald Forest, Fern Tunnel
echo Emerald Forest, Gully
echo Emerald Forest, Gully Slope
echo Emerald Forest, Hillside Trail
echo Emerald Forest, Junction
echo Emerald Forest, Narrow Trail
echo Emerald Forest, Secluded Path
echo Field of Rushes
echo Gyldemar Forest - Among the Oaks, Crooked Path, Crossroads, Depression, Slope, Stagnant Pool,
Winding Trail
echo Gyldemar Forest, Clearing - One room on W-S junction in SE portion of Faeroths
echo Gyldemar Forest, Overgrown Path - In Vor'taz
echo Gyldemar Forest, Rocky Trail - Southern three rooms
echo Gyldemar Green, Camp
echo Gyldemar Green, Forest - All rooms except four at NW near the camp and three southern rooms along
N-S path west of the rocks
echo Gyldemar Green, Waterfall - One room on top of the rocks
echo Gyldemar Green, Waterfall - Three southernmost rooms
echo Gyldemar Road - Five rooms from causeway toward NE
echo Linden Grove
echo Maaghara Tower - Outside
echo Thick Rushes - Southern room
echo Tower Approach
echo Whistler's Pass, Bend
echo Whistler's Pass, Copse
echo Whistler's Pass, Forest
echo Whistler's Pass, Grove
echo Whistler's Pass, Trail - Between the clearing and brambles, by the grove at Temple Wyneb
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Grassland
echo Calelith Villa, Courtyard
echo Calelith Villa, Garden
echo Calelith Villa, Grounds
echo Calelith Villa, Herb Garden
echo Gyldemar Forest, Clearing - Western two rooms in Vor'taz
echo Gyldemar Forest, Clearing - One room in southern portion of Faeroths
echo Gyldemar Forest, Standing Stone
echo Gyldemar Green, Forest - The three southern rooms along N-S path west of the rocks
echo Moonstone Abbey
echo Teorainn Dale, Small Clearing
echo Whistler's Pass, Clearing
echo Whistler's Pass, Field - The northern two rooms, north of Iron Bridge
echo Whistler's Pass, Grassy Field - Between brambles and copse, except for one room in the center
echo Whistler's Pass, Hills - One room N and E of the clearing outside of Temple Wyneb, also the room
between the marsh and field north of the Iron Bridge
echo Whistler's Pass, Meadow
echo Whistler's Pass, Trail - The three southern rooms, south of Sylvarraend Road fork
echo Acantha leaf Corn Ivy Soft White M.
echo Alyssum Daggerstalk M. Jasmine Sovyn clove
echo Angelica root Daisy Larkspur Strawberry (wild)
echo Apple Dandelion Lavender Sunflower
echo Aster Dragonstalk Monkeyflower Teaberry
echo Barley grass Fennel bulb Mournbloom Trollfear M.
echo Blaestonberry B. Fig Nettle leaf Violet (small)
echo Blue Trafel M. Flathead M. Orchid Violet (wood)
echo Burdock Genkew M. Phlox Wheat grass
echo Buttercup Goldenrod Primrose Wintergreen leaf
echo Chicory Grapes Rose (small) Withered Black M.
echo Clover B. Honeysuckle vine Rose (wild) Wolfsbane root
echo Columbine Imaera's Lace Sage
echo B. denotes 'blossom'
echo M. denotes 'mushroom'
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Hard, Flat
echo Gyldemar Forest, Ancient Road - Northern two rooms
echo Gyldemar Forest, Arched Path
echo Gyldemar Forest, Defile
echo Gyldemar Forest, Chute
echo Gyldemar Forest, Cliffside
echo Gyldemar Forest, Crumbling Road
echo Gyldemar Forest, Narrow Defile
echo Gyldemar Forest, Narrow Trail - SE room
echo Gyldemar Forest, Overgrown Path - In Faeroths
echo Gyldemar Forest, Plateau
echo Gyldemar Forest, Rocky Trail - Northwesternmost room only
echo Gyldemar Forest, Ruined Road
echo Gyldemar Forest, Ruins
echo Gyldemar Green, Waterfall - Northernmost room
echo Ta'Illistim, City Gate
echo Teorainn Valley, Aboreal Haven
echo Whistler's Pass, Basin
echo Whistler's Pass, Bridge(s) - All, including Stone and Iron Bridges, except the room north of the
iron bridge
echo Whistler's Pass, Falls
echo Whistler's Pass, Falls Landing
echo Whistler's Pass, Pond Edge
echo Whistler's Pass, Road
echo Whistler's Pass, Trail - The northernmost room, south of Syvlarraend Road fork
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Hilly
echo Emerald Forest, Mound
echo Gorget Trails
echo Gyldemar Forest, Clearing - One room E of steps in Vor'taz
echo Gyldemar Forest, Cliff Base
echo Teorainn Valley, Mossy Trail - Middle room on U-D stretch only
echo Whistler's Pass, Bridge - One room directly north of the Iron Bridge
echo Whistler's Pass, Field - One room on the south end of the field, north of the marsh
echo Whistler's Pass, Grassy Field - Between brambles and copse, only one room in the field's center
echo Whistler's Pass, Hill
echo Whistler's Pass, Hills - Between the stone bridge and the clearing near Temple Wyneb, excluding one
room E and N of the clearing
echo Whistler's Pass, Hills - Between the field and forest south of Moonstone Abbey
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Mountainous
echo Seethe Naedal, Crags
echo Seethe Naedal, Hot Springs - The room up above the steps to the pool only
echo Seethe Naedal, Observatory
echo Seethe Naedal, Rocky Ridge
echo Seethe Naedal, Winding Path
echo Ta'Illistim, Rocky Trail
echo Whistler's Pass, Grassy Field - Between the path past Maaghara Tower and the trail to Gossamer
Valley, except far north room close to the creek
echo Whistler's Pass, Rocky Field
echo Angelica root Dandelion Holly Plum
echo Apple Dragonstalk Ivy Primrose
echo Bluebells Dryan Larkspur Sage
echo Columbine Geranium Monkeyflower
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Muddy Wetlands
echo Emerald Forest, Peat Bog
echo Thick Rushes - Northern room
echo Whistler's Pass, Creek - Northern half of the creek, between the falls and the basin
echo Whistler's Pass, Marsh
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Plain Dirt
echo Gyldemar Forest, Narrow Trail - Northwesternmost room
echo Old Shed - By the Abandoned Homestead
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Riparian
echo Abandoned Homestead, Well
echo Dark Forest, Overlook
echo Dark Forest, Serene Lake
echo Emerald Forest, Stream
echo Teorainn Dale, Creek Trail - All rooms except the D-E junction on the eastern side
echo Teorainn Valley, Creek Trail - By the riverstones on the western trail portion and the two rooms on
the eastern trail portion by Lake Tanai
echo Teorainn Valley, Lake Tanai
echo Whistler's Pass, Creek - Southern half of the creek, between the basin and the path
echo Whistler's Pass, Creek Bank
echo Ta'Illistim: Temperate + Rough
echo Abandoned Homestead - One room by the building door
echo Gyldemar Forest - By the causeway in Vor'taz
echo Gyldemar Forest, Ancient Road - Southern two rooms
echo Gyldemar Green, Waterfall - Four rooms, two on each side of the rocks on the U-D paths
echo Ta'Illistim, Postern Gate
echo Teorainn Dale - All rooms except Small Clearing and Creek Trail
echo Teorainn Dale, Creek Trail - D-E junction room only
echo Teorainn Valley, Brambles
echo Teorainn Valley, Grassy Hillock
echo Teorainn Valley, Stubby Boulder
echo Teorainn Valley, Wooded Path
echo Whistler's Pass, Grassy Field - Just south of the creek bank, between the path to Maaghara Tower
and the trail to Gossamer Valley
echo Whistler's Pass, Outcropping
echo Alyssum Clover blossom Gooseberry Rose (wild)
echo Aster Currants Grapes Strawberry (wild)
echo Buttercup Fern (fiddlehead) Larkspur Teaberry
echo Chicory Goldenrod Primrose Wintergreen leaf
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Listing of animal companions, by category:
echo . Animal Type . Region
echo avian wl - Wehnimer's Landing and its environs
echo canine bl - The Broken Lands
echo feline gy - The Graveyard (Wehnimer's)
echo rodent sh - Solhaven, Vornavis, trail to Solhaven, their environs
echo . im - Icemule Trace, trail to Icemule, its environs
echo . pf - Pinefar, its environs
echo . teras - Teras Isle, its environs
echo . zul - Zul Logoth, Landing-EN trail
echo . ti - Ta'Illistim and its environs
echo . otf - Old Ta'Faendryl and its environs
echo . tv - Ta'Vaalor
echo . btwn - In-between Areas; trail to Icemule, trail to Solhaven
echo .ufs <animaltype> - List of all ACs for that type
echo .ufs <animalname> - Detailed information about specific companions
echo .ufs <animalname> more - List of available ACs of that species and locations
echo .ufs <region> - List of ACs found in a region
echo .ufs <region> more - List of region areas with further information and AC count
echo .ufs <region> <area name> - List of specific ACs found in a region area (most not listed)
echo Animal Companions: Avians
echo Albatross Goshawk Osprey Seahawk
echo Baza Gyrefalcon Owl Shrika
echo Buzzard Harrier Peregrine Shrike
echo Caracara Hawk Pigeonhawk Snow-owl
echo Condor Hawk-eagle Raptor Sparrowhawk
echo Crow Heron Raven Stratis
echo Cygnet Karet Rowl Swift
echo Eagle Kestrel Saker Trakel
echo Elf-owl Kingfisher Screech-owl Vulture
echo Falcon Kite Sea-eagle Woodpecker
echo Fenvaok Lugger Seagull
echo Animal Companions: Canines
echo Banishara Dobrem Hyena Samoyed
echo Bushwag Fennec Jackal Scrabbler
echo Canid Fox Kuvasz Wolf
echo Coyote Foxhound Ledisa Wolfhound
echo Curhound Greatfang Loper
echo Curwolf Hound Mastiff
echo Dhole Howler Narmo
echo Animal Companions: Felines
echo Bobcat Jaguarundi Ocelot Tunnelcat
echo Caracal Kodkod Panther Veercat
echo Catamount Leopard Puma Wildcat
echo Cheetah Lion Rasper Yowlser
echo Cougar Lynx Serval
echo Felid Margay Snowcat
echo Jaguar Mudcat Tiger
echo Animal Companions: Rodents
echo Badger Graiphel Nutria Vole
echo Barrowrat Groundhog Passo Weasel
echo Beaver Hedgehog Porcupine Whiskrat
echo Boarrat Marmot Raccoon Wolverine
echo Burrovine Mink Rat Wombat
echo Cacevail Mole Rockrat Woodchuck
echo Caiverine Mongoose Sandrat Woodshrew
echo Capybara Muskrat Sloth
echo Ferret Muzzlerat Tothis
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Companion List - Solhaven: Vornavis Coast, Forest Road
echo Avian: a black-billed dappled buzzard (2)
echo . a black-billed highland buzzard (1)
echo . a black-billed meadow buzzard (1)
echo . a black-billed black harrier (1)
echo . a black-billed knotted harrier (1)
echo . a grey-winged tree harrier (1)
echo . a black-billed dappled sea-eagle (2)
echo . a black-billed highland sea-eagle (1)
echo . a black-billed dappled seahawk (4)
echo . a grey-winged plains seahawk (1)
echo . a black-billed dappled vulture (1)
echo . a black-billed jet black vulture (1)
echo . a black-billed knotted vulture (1)
echo . a grey-winged plains vulture (1)
echo . a grey-winged tree vulture (1)
echo Canine: a sharp-nosed forest bushwag (2)
echo . a sharp-nosed plains bushwag (1)
echo . a lop-eared brushwood curwolf (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed forest curwolf (3)
echo . a sharp-nosed grist curwolf (1)
echo . a lop-eared brindle dhole (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed grist dhole (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed spotted brown dhole (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed forest fox (2)
echo . a sharp-nosed plains fox (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed ruffed fox (1)
echo . a lop-eared brindle kuvasz (1)
echo . a lop-eared brushwood kuvasz (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed forest kuvasz (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed grist kuvasz (1)
echo . a sharp-nosed riverine kuvasz (1)
echo .ufs sh forest road next - Feline and Rodent listings
echo Feline: a lop-eared harrow kodkod (1)
echo . a lop-eared longhaired kodkod (1)
echo . a lop-eared sable kodkod (2)
echo . a bobtailed highland margay (1)
echo . a lop-eared dappled margay (1)
echo . a lop-eared sable margay (3)
echo . a lop-eared longhaired tunnelcat (1)
echo . a lop-eared sable tunnelcat (2)
echo . a bobtailed golden brown wildcat (1)
echo . a bobtailed highland wildcat (1)
echo . a lop-eared dappled wildcat (1)
echo . a lop-eared sable wildcat (1)
echo . a lop-eared tidal wildcat (1)
echo . a bobtailed golden brown yowler (1)
echo . a lop-eared dappled yowler (1)
echo . a lop-eared timber yowler (1)
echo Rodent: a crop-tailed grizzled capybara (1)
echo . a crop-tailed tufted capybara (2)
echo . a bright-eyed chestnut marmot (1)
echo . a crop-tailed cloud marmot (1)
echo . a crop-tailed smoke marmot (1)
echo . a crop-tailed grizzled muskrat (1)
echo . a crop-tailed tufted muskrat (2)
echo . a crop-tailed soft grey muskrat (1)
echo . a bright-eyed scrub raccoon (1)
echo . a crop-tailed smoke raccoon (1)
echo . a crop-tailed tufted raccoon (3)
echo . a bright-eyed chestnut weasel (1)
echo . a bright-eyed scrub weasel (1)
echo . a crop-tailed smoke weasel (1)
echo . a crop-tailed spring weasel (1)
echo . a crop-tailed tufted weasel (1)
echo Companion List - Solhaven: Deep Woods
echo --
echo .ufs sh deep woods next - Feline and Rodent listings
echo --
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Companion List - Broken Lands: Jagged Plain
echo Avian: a iridescent plains screech-owl (9)
echo . a green-winged brushwood screech-owl (4)
echo . a multicolored highland screech-owl (2)
echo . a iridescent plains stratis (10)
echo . a green-winged brushwood stratis (5)
echo . a multicolored highland stratis (1)
echo Canine: a broad-nosed scrub curwolf (4)
echo . a lean brushwood curwolf (9)
echo . a red-tailed plains curwolf (2)
echo . a broad-nosed scrub scrabbler (5)
echo . a lean brushwood scrabbler (10)
echo . a red-tailed plains scrabbler (1)
echo Feline: a silver-maned plains ocelot (4)
echo . a sleek highland ocelot (9)
echo . a ring-tailed longhaired ocelot (2)
echo . a silver-maned plains puma (5)
echo . a sleek highland puma (10)
echo . a ring-tailed longhaired puma (1)
echo Rodent: a bright-eyed scrub barrowrat (10)
echo . a sleek grizzled barrowrat (1)
echo . a white-bellied brush barrowrat (5)
echo . a bright-eyed scrub rat (9)
echo . a sleek grizzled rat (2)
echo . a white-bellied brush rat (4)
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Albatross
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Baza
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Buzzard
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs buzzard more
echo a black-billed dappled buzzard (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo a black-billed highland buzzard (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a black-billed meadow buzzard (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Caracara
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Condor
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Crow
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cygnet
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Eagle
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Elf-Owl
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Falcon
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs falcon who
echo a mountain falcon, - Tjaran's companion. His name is Terry.
echo Name: Fenvaok
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Goshawk
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Gyrefalcon
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Harrier
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs harrier more
echo a black-billed black harrier (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a black-billed knotted harrier (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a grey-winged tree harrier (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Hawk
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs hawk who
echo a leaf hawk, - Cappurnicus' companion. His name is Devon.
echo a light tan hawk, - Gwalmachei's companion. His name is Mach.
echo Name: Hawk-Eagle
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs hawk-eagle who
echo a meadow hawk-eagle, - Navlys' companion. His name is Strix.
echo Name: Heron
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Karet
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Kestrel
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Kingfisher
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs kingfisher who
echo a short-taloned kingfisher, - Revalos' companion. Her name is Corina.
echo Name: Kite
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Lugger
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Osprey
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Owl
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Peregrine
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Pigeonhawk
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Raptor
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: Dreadnought raptors also populate Gyldemar Forest near Ta'Illistim.
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs raptor who
echo a pure white raptor, - Sepher's companion. Her name is Ilsawile.
echo Name: Raven
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs raven who
echo a jet black raven, - Aryss' companion. Her name is Zilla.
echo Name: Rowl
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Saker
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Screech-owl
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs screech-owl more
echo a iridescent plains screech-owl (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 9)
echo a green-winged brushwood screech-owl (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 4)
echo a multicolored highland screech-owl (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 2)
echo Name: Seaeagle
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs sea-eagle more
echo a black-billed dappled sea-eagle (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo a black-billed highland sea-eagle (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Seagull
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Seahawk
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs seahawk more
echo a black-billed dappled seahawk (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 4)
echo a grey-winged plains seahawk (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Shrika
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Shrike
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: The shrike is technically a songbird, although it does prey on smaller animals for
food. A shrike will swoop down to capture its prey, then fly back up to cast it upon sharp branches,
rocks, or briars, impaling the still-living creature. Its hunting tactics are reminescent of a butcher
hanging up a cow on a meathook, hence the shrike's nickname of the "butcher bird".
echo a dusky shrike, hook-beaked - Alisaire's companion. His name is Faen. He likes to eat snow elves
for breakfast.
echo Name: Snowowl
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs snow-owl who
echo a pure white snow-owl, - Laif's companion. Her name is Yuki.
echo a pure white snow-owl, black billed - Bulrabye's companion. His name is Matu.
echo Name: Sparrowhawk
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Stratis
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs stratis more
echo a iridescent plains stratis (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 10)
echo a green-winged brushwood stratis (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 5)
echo a multicolored highland stratis (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 1)
echo Name: Swift
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Trakel
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Vulture
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: Colossus vultures also populate the Ravine near Ta'Illistim.
echo Options: .ufs vulture more
echo . .ufs vulture who
echo a black-billed dappled vulture (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a black-billed jet black vulture (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a black-billed knotted vulture (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a grey-winged plains vulture (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a grey-winged tree vulture (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a tree vulture, - Syrend's companion. His name is Empath.
echo Name: Woodpecker
echo Type: Avian
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Banishara
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Teras Isle, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Bushwag
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Solhaven, In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs bushwag more
echo a sharp-nosed forest bushwag (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo a sharp-nosed plains bushwag (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Canid
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Ta'Illistim, Ta'Vaalor, Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Coyote
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs coyote who
echo a moor coyote, - Turinrond's companion. Her name is Mor'chain.
echo Name: Curhound
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Icemule Trace, In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Curwolf
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Solhaven, Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs curwolf more
echo a broad-nosed scrub curwolf (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 4)
echo a lean brushwood curwolf (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 9)
echo a lop-eared brushwood curwolf (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a red-tailed plains curwolf (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 2)
echo a sharp-nosed forest curwolf (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 3)
echo a sharp-nosed grist curwolf (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Dhole
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs dhole more
echo a lop-eared brindle dhole (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a sharp-nosed grist dhole (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a sharp-nosed spotted brown dhole (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Dobrem
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: Dobrem are often used as attack dogs by the Jantalarians.
echo Name: Fennec
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Teras Isle, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Fox
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs fox more
echo . .ufs fox who
echo a sharp-nosed forest fox (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo a sharp-nosed plains fox (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a sharp-nosed ruffed fox (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a cloud fox, - Quinstol's companion. Her name is Percy.
echo Name: Foxhound
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Teras Isle, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Greatfang
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Teras Isle, Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs greatfang who
echo a white greatfang, - Girad's companion. His name is Gozer.
echo Name: Hound
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs hound who
echo a drab hound, - Allanor's companion. Her name is Phlegmy. Don't get too close because she has
fleas and a mucous membrane problem.
echo a dune hound, sleek - Trisstan's companion.
echo Name: Howler
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hyena
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: The hyena was at one time associated with Sheru. However, the symbolism within the
Sheruvian Order is now seen as antiquated, and the jackal is currently the predominant iconic figure for
the religion.
echo . Also see: jackal
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs hyena who
echo a forest hyena, - Ganft's companion.
echo a mottled grey hyena, black-toed - Hyaena's companion. His name is Obax.
echo a timber hyena, one-eared - Tunder's companion. Her name is 'Krnomri, which means Monkey.
echo Name: Jackal
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: The jackal has been strongly associated with Sheru throughout history, and the
tradition continues to this day. The Sheruvian Order, as well as other fanatical and casual religious
practitioners, have adopted the jackal as the predominant iconic figure to symbolize the faith and their
patron arkati. Sheru himself is said to have a jackal's head in place of a man's.
echo . Also see: hyena
echo . .ufs jackal who
echo a moor jackal, white-footed - Pyrocite's companion. His name is Akhras.
echo Name: Kuvasz
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Solhaven, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs kuvasz more
echo . .ufs kuvasz who
echo a lop-eared brindle kuvasz (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared brushwood kuvasz (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a sharp-nosed forest kuvasz (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a sharp-nosed grist kuvasz (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a sharp-nosed riverine kuvasz (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a forest kuvasz, - Rothgaar's companion. Its name is Thistle.
echo a marsh kuvasz, - Phorestt's companion. His name is Fang.
echo Name: Ledisa
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: River's Rest, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Loper
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Mastiff
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs mastiff who
echo a dusky mastiff, - Charna's companion. His name is Cosain.
echo a forest mastiff, - Ironblue's companion. Her name is Languor.
echo Name: Narmo
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Samoyed
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: River's Rest, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Scrabbler
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs scrabbler more
echo a broad-nosed scrub scrabbler (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 5)
echo a lean brushwood scrabbler (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 10)
echo a red-tailed plains scrabbler (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 1)
echo Name: Wolf
echo Type: Canine
echo Found:
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs wolf who
echo a cloud wolf, - Eriyan's companion. His name is Ghost.
echo a timber wolf, - Legaris' companion. Her name is Larzues.
echo a mottled grey wolf, - Heuward's companion. His name is Capot.
echo a mountain wolf, - Alaramis' companion. His name is Jake.
echo a mountain wolf, - Kippe's companion.
echo Name: Wolfhound
echo Type: Canine
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs wolfhound who
echo a woodland wolfhound, - Tymbir's companion. His name is Noldor.
echo a mountain wolfhound, - Radom's companion.
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Bobcat
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: River's Rest, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs bobcat who
echo a highland bobcat - Railien's companion. His name is Furball.
echo Name: Caracal
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Catamount
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs catamount who
echo a pale blue catamount, - Keisa's companion. His name is Darson.
echo Name: Cheetah
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Teras Isle, In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cougar
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Felid
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Jaguar
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Ta'Illistim, Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs jaguar who
echo a moor jaguar, - Turgen's companion. His name is Quiet.
echo a sable jaguar, - Nodread's companion. Her name is Kitty.
echo a riverine jaguar, - Leondal's companion.
echo Name: Jaguarundi
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Kodkod
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Solhaven, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs kodkod more
echo a lop-eared harrow kodkod (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared longhaired kodkod (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared sable kodkod (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo Name: Leopard
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Teras Isle, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs leopard who
echo a dappled leopard, - Brutc's companion. Her name is Noral.
echo Name: Lion
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs lion who
echo a striped lion, - Dajamerak's companion. Her name is Corsette.
echo Name: Lynx
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs lynx who
echo a peak lynx, - Xolean's companion.
echo a mire lynx, - Jerrmaz's companion. His name is Wescas.
echo Name: Margay
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs margay more
echo . .ufs margay who
echo a bobtailed highland margay (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared dappled margay (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared sable margay (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 3)
echo a sapphire-eyed pale golden margay, lop-eared - Mnar's companion. Her name is Daisy, Kuluvien,
Girl, Lazy, or Mini-Lion. You probably should be feeding her right about now.
echo Name: Mudcat
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Ocelot
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Ta'Illistim, Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs ocelot more
echo a silver-maned plains ocelot (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 4)
echo a sleek highland ocelot (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 9)
echo a ring-tailed longhaired ocelot (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 2)
echo Name: Panther
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: River's Rest, Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs panther who
echo a jet black panther, - Genysis' companion. Its name is Shemeana.
echo a jet black panther, - Jaresh's companion. Its name is Misty.
echo a white panther, black-necked - Murp's companion. His name is Bastard. Sit on him and die.
echo a white panther, - Delthore's companion.
echo a woodland panther, - Poloneus' companion. Her name is Emily.
echo Name: Puma
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs puma more
echo . .ufs puma who
echo a silver-maned plains puma (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 5)
echo a sleek highland puma (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 10)
echo a ring-tailed longhaired puma (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 1)
echo a forest puma, - Maygog's companion. His name is Credo.
echo a highland puma, - Loraic's companion.
echo a white puma, - Taru's companion. His name is Neco.
echo Name: Rasper
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Serval
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs serval who
echo a highland serval, - Daikhan's companion. His name is Sha'karee.
echo Name: Snowcat
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Tiger
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs tiger who
echo a crag tiger, - Ylarra's companion. Her name is Tigerlilly.
echo a white tiger, lean - Zaler's companion. Its name is Babe.
echo a white tiger, lean - Varamond's companion. Its name is Siba.
echo a mire tiger, - Corlith's companion. Its name is Shadow.
echo a timber tiger, - Ambieth's companion. Her name is Rasha.
echo a woodland tiger, - Slogan's companion. Her name is Tiger.
echo a sable tiger, - Ladimel's companion. Her name is Sabal.
echo a majestic black tiger - Eliaz's companion. His name is Rommel.
echo a white tiger, lean - Kruin's companion. Her name is Sasha.
echo Name: Tunnelcat
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Solhaven, Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs tunnelcat more
echo a lop-eared longhaired tunnelcat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared sable tunnelcat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo Name: Veercat
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Teras Isle, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Wildcat
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Solhaven, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs wildcat more
echo . .ufs wildcat who
echo a bobtailed golden brown wildcat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a bobtailed highland wildcat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared dappled wildcat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared sable wildcat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared tidal wildcat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a sable wildcat, - Eldrec's companion.
echo Name: Yowler
echo Type: Feline
echo Found: Solhaven, In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs yowler more
echo a bobtailed golden brown yowler (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared dappled yowler (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a lop-eared timber yowler (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
!================================================= ===============================
!================================================= ===============================
echo Name: Badger
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs badger who
echo a marsh badger, - Dharah's companion. His name is Stinky.
echo Name: Barrowrat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Ta'Illistim, Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs barrowrat more
echo a bright-eyed scrub barrowrat (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 10)
echo a sleek grizzled barrowrat (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 1)
echo a white-bellied brush barrowrat (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 5)
echo Name: Beaver
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Boarrat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Burrovine
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Cacevail
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Caiverine
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Capybara
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs capybara more
echo a crop-tailed grizzled capybara (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed tufted capybara (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo Name: Ferret
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs ferret who
echo a dusky grey ferret, - Dendrik's companion. His name is Mr. Sniffles.
echo a moor ferret, - Tunis' companion. His name is Rax'na.
echo Name: Graiphel
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Ta'Vaalor, Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Groundhog
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Hedgehog
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Marmot
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs marmot more
echo a bright-eyed chestnut marmot (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed cloud marmot (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed smoke marmot (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Mink
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Mole
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Mongoose
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Ta'Vaalor, Graveyard
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs mongoose who
echo a swamp mongoose, - Ruhk's companion. Her name is m'snaker.
echo Name: Muskrat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs muskrat more
echo a crop-tailed grizzled muskrat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed tufted muskrat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 2)
echo a crop-tailed soft grey muskrat (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Muzzlerat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Nutria
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: River's Rest
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Passo
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Wehnimer's Landing
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Porcupine
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs porcupine who
echo a chestnut porcupine, - Barachado's companion. Her name is Rose.
echo a cloud porcupine, - Teos' companion. His name is Spike.
echo Name: Raccoon
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs raccoon more
echo a bright-eyed scrub raccoon (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed smoke raccoon (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed tufted raccoon (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 3)
echo Name: Rat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Broken Lands
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs rat more
echo a bright-eyed scrub rat (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 9)
echo a sleek grizzled rat (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 2)
echo a white-bellied brush rat (Broken Lands: Jagged Plains; 4)
echo Name: Rockrat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sandrat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Sloth
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Tothis
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Icemule Trace
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Vole
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Ta'Illistim, Pinefar
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Weasel
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Solhaven
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: .ufs weasel more
echo a bright-eyed chestnut weasel (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a bright-eyed scrub weasel (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed smoke weasel (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed spring weasel (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo a crop-tailed tufted weasel (SH: Vornavian Coast, Forest Road; 1)
echo Name: Whiskrat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Icemule Trace, Ta'Illistim
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Wolverine
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Teras Isle, Ta'Vaalor
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Wombat
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: River's Rest, In-Between Area
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Options: --
echo . .ufs wombat who
echo a jungle wombat, - Vartu's companion.
echo Name: Woodchuck
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
echo Name: Woodshrew
echo Type: Rodent
echo Found: Teras Isle
echo Description: --
echo Other Info: --
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