View Full Version : Selling a few things ..

09-19-2006, 04:27 AM
Taking offers on the following:

a matte black steel chain hauberk that reflects no light (6x, 27 lbs, 59/495, zested) CB: 1.75m to Kraygon going once

You don your black chain hauberk, settling its weight comfortably.
You carefully remove your black chain hauberk, inspecting the links for wear.
You shrug your shoulders and tug on your black chain hauberk, smoothing the links.

Also have another couple sets of the above hauberk which are 4x.

a sweeping floor-length white moire silk gown with full silken skirts pinned into an elegantly gathered bustle (Nalea gown) CB: 3m, bidder wishes to remain anonymous, SOLD

a furry flea-bitten rolton (eats trash and has goat pin loresong) CB: 3.5m to Pops, SOLD
The flea-bitten rolton is so lifelike you almost swear it could move. The emerald eyes seem to have a life all their own. It is as if they were searching for food. You aren't really sure but you could have sworn you saw it stick its tongue out licking its lips. Were it alive you would judge the flea-bitten rolton's condition to be starving! It looks like it is aware of your every action!

a feisty ebon kitten (Dhu kitten) CB: 3m to Satira, SOLD
Soft black fur hugs the kitten's sleek body, the deep color reminiscent of shadow. Intelligence and curiosity glint from its unusual violet eyes, hinting at thoughts of mischief. The kitten sports a snow white patch of fur on its muzzle just below the nose.

a plain looking sack
This roomy sack is comfortably padded and constructed of a loose, but strong, silk mesh that allows air to pass in and out freely.

Kitten comes in the above sack

09-19-2006, 06:11 AM
a sweeping floor-length white moire silk gown with full silken skirts pinned into an elegantly gathered bustle (Nalea gown) 1 million

09-19-2006, 11:47 AM
a feisty ebon kitten (Dhu kitten)
Soft black fur hugs the kitten's sleek body, the deep color reminiscent of shadow. Intelligence and curiosity glint from its unusual violet eyes, hinting at thoughts of mischief. The kitten sports a snow white patch of fur on its muzzle just below the nose.

a plain looking sack
This roomy sack is comfortably padded and constructed of a loose, but strong, silk mesh that allows air to pass in and out freely.

Kitten comes in the above sack

2 mil on the kitty

09-19-2006, 11:52 AM
a furry flea-bitten rolton (eats trash and has goat pin loresong)
The flea-bitten rolton is so lifelike you almost swear it could move. The emerald eyes seem to have a life all their own. It is as if they were searching for food. You aren't really sure but you could have sworn you saw it stick its tongue out licking its lips. Were it alive you would judge the flea-bitten rolton's condition to be starving! It looks like it is aware of your every action!

1 million

09-19-2006, 04:10 PM
I'll do 1.5 million silver on the hauberk


09-19-2006, 04:52 PM
So that rolton is an altered goat pin? Just curious.

09-19-2006, 06:43 PM
So that rolton is an altered goat pin? Just curious.

It's not an altered goat pin, as I've seen a few around. Has the following loresong:

A scene unfolds and you are able to view everything like you are there watching through a thin haze.

You see a wizard pouring over an ancient book of magic on a table. Surrounding the walls of his workshop are a number of cages filled to capacity with every type of animal known throughout the lands. He is making slow motion gestures while uttering some strange verses. Suddenly the sleeve on his robe robe touches a burning candle and catches on fire.

As the fire grows the scene burns out of sight.

Again your song brings the hazy view of the wizard working away.

He talks to his pet goat as he continues his research. You hear him say, "Only my good fortune might make my fame possible. Had I not tripped falling into that old stone grave I would not have this wondrous book today! It was pure luck I crashed through and found myself inside the coffin next to it. Guess that is why Mom named me Stumbleduff. I often trip because my mind wanders to thoughts of fortune and glory. This time it will be true!"
Stumbleduff says, "The headstone said the person in the grave was a crazy man found dead in his workshop, killed by his own magic. I think he was a genius of a wizard! Most of these spells I have never seen before anywhere!"

The image fades.

The workshop scene unfolds.

Stumbleduff stands casting at his goat. The goat shrinks for a second before it returns back to normal size. Stumbleduff says, "Such wonders I have never seen before but the spell is unfinished. It lacks another gesture which would make it last longer. I wish I could remember all the movements between casts but they are so strange to me. If I could remember the spell along with the hand signs between attempts this would go much faster."
He tries the spell again but knocks over a vial in the process. Stumbleduff tries to grab it before it hits the floor. His arms fly wildly as the vial bounces off his fingertips in a vain attempt to catch it. His bumbling hands and the vial climb higher and higher until he can no longer reach it. The vial falls to the floor behind him. The goat shrinks in size and is transformed into palm size, with all the features of its previous shape.

The scene shrinks as well.

When you next view Stumbleduff he has transformed each and every creature into miniature size. Everything from pins to medallions lie about. Looking exactly like the creature when live, these baubles litter the floor. The variety seems endless.

Stumbleduff points in the direction of some table scraps to a goat pin which attacks them as if it were ravenous. He attaches the pin to his cloak and says, "Interesting. You still have the appetite of your full grown body even in this form. I will become rich off this book! I still can't control which form of item it will become because my gestures to save that vial were mostly wild. Even so, I am not displeased with the results. Let us look through the book together to discover what further treasures we might find shall we my fiend?"
Stumbleduff's excitement builds as he sees what must be another treasure spell never before seen. In his excitement he points the goat pin at the book and his new discovery so it might easier see the importance. The goat gobbles down the entire book in just a single gulp!

The vision fades as you see Stumbleduff begin to cry. Turning to his pet goat he says, "What am I to do now? You and all your little friends have eaten almost everthing I own and you are still hungry! Ohh if only you had not eaten the book we could have lived well for years. Now I fear we will all starve!" The goat only nibbles on his cloak looking for more to eat.

09-19-2006, 07:12 PM
1.5m on the adorable lil rolton

09-19-2006, 09:25 PM
2.5m on the kitty.

09-19-2006, 10:04 PM
1.75 on the rolton! I've been wanting a goat for ages

09-19-2006, 10:09 PM
Greetings....2 mill on the rolton

Thanks and regards, Pops

09-20-2006, 12:40 AM
I'll do 3m on the rolton

09-20-2006, 12:54 AM
a sweeping floor-length white moire silk gown with full silken skirts pinned into an elegantly gathered bustle (Nalea gown)

1.5 million

09-20-2006, 02:04 AM
Three on Kitty

09-20-2006, 03:12 AM
a sweeping floor-length white moire silk gown with full silken skirts pinned into an elegantly gathered bustle (Nalea gown)

2 million

09-20-2006, 03:16 PM
Greeting....3.5 mill on the rolton

Regards, Pops

09-20-2006, 04:08 PM
a sweeping floor-length white moire silk gown with full silken skirts pinned into an elegantly gathered bustle (Nalea gown)

2.5 million

09-21-2006, 05:35 AM
Bids updated in first post.

09-22-2006, 03:45 AM

09-22-2006, 08:48 AM
1.75 on the 6x hauberk

09-22-2006, 08:29 PM
Bump, items going twice will be updated to sold at the end of tonight.

09-23-2006, 11:53 PM
All items sold except the hauberk.