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09-18-2006, 09:46 PM
Landing, Land's End Road to Zombies:
(note: This is set to use 2 typeahead lines and moves in a great big hurry)

move go gate
put sw
put s
move s
put s
put s
move s
put sw
put s
move se
put s
put se
move s
put s
put s
move sw
put s
put s
move se
put se
put se
move se
put se
put e
move e
put ne
put e
move e
put e
put go trail
move n
put ne
put e
move se
put e
put ne
move n
put ne
put n
move n
put n
put go trunk
move nw
put go gap
put ne
move e
put se
put go copse

This takes you back to Land's End Road, from inside the copse in zombies:

put crawl n
waitfor you wiggle
put stand
waitfor you stand
move nw
put w
put sw
move go gap
put se
put go trunk
move s
put s
put s
move sw
put s
put sw
move w
put nw
put w
move sw
put s
put go trail
move w
put w
put w
move sw
put w
put w
move nw
put nw
put nw
move nw
put nw
put n
move go path
put ne
put n
move n
put n
put nw
move n
put nw
put n
move ne
put n
put n
move n
put n
put n
move ne
put go gate

09-18-2006, 09:52 PM
Uh thanks?

09-18-2006, 09:55 PM
Hey...I hate typing and the travel script board is utterly devoid of travel scripts unless you like the universal movement ones...which don't help much with going hunting at the Landing...so bored, I am...so post, I will. :P

09-18-2006, 10:00 PM
PsiNet moveahead is generally much more reliable than spamming puts into a front end.

Especially because SF handles typeahead lines retardedly and basically gives people free lines that they're not supposed to have, which is an obvious advantage over Wizard users.

09-18-2006, 10:04 PM
Ok...so I pay for my typeahead lines instead of using SF to get 'em...and I like Lich better than I liked PsiNet...if it's an issue, just go through and change "PUT" to "MOVE" and poof, problem solved and no more typeahead.