View Full Version : Instrument Squelch

09-18-2006, 07:37 PM
Anyone have a list of all the lines needed to squelch the entire damn line up for Bard instruments? I'm goin to go apeshit if I have to see another one roll across my screen.

09-18-2006, 11:20 PM
They are on Krakiipedia


Make a script that blocks them all and I will worship you like a god. A god in need of sexual favors.

Sean of the Thread
09-19-2006, 12:50 AM
Are you guys related?

09-19-2006, 01:22 AM

09-19-2006, 07:16 AM
Are you guys related?

only in our snazzy choice of names... thank god for that list I swear if I have to listen to my friend working for his master in every class one more minute Ill snap.

09-21-2006, 01:57 PM

So that wasn't very fun but I've got all the stuff compiled into a text document that you can input for Wizard, should be able to post it tonight for anyone who wants it. Not sure about that shibby Stormfront.

You can thank my company for paying me while I did this.

09-21-2006, 04:23 PM
I would very much appreciate it if you could do so.

09-21-2006, 09:36 PM
Ok so for starts this is not 100% for sure I ran a few simple tests and it managed to squelch all of that. There may be a few lines that extend the squelch text limit I tried to catch them but meh. And finally yes there are a ton of repeating lines I could've just not duplicated but holy shit that’s a lot of text to remember what I’ve already copy/pasted.

Anyhow for Wizard FE users; Log out > go to Simu folder > Wizard > Gemstone > and locate the file namd {profile}.squ. Open this file with note pad then paste the following lines in at the end, save and login and you should be good to go.

Prepare for a shit-ton of text


014 "testing the instrument for pitch and clarity"


014 "and begins playing a joyful tune"

014 "continues playing a joyful tune, the melody floating"

014 "the raucous refrain reminiscent of taverns, merriment"

014 "continues to play, the notes laughing out of"

014 "seeming to dance with the minstrel"

014 "Merriment and laughter seem to pour from"

014 "the music tugging at your heart, encouraging you to"

014 "the unrestrained excitement of the song infusing the"

014 "alternating gentle laughter and reckless joyful abandon as"

014 "An exultant strain bursts into the air, rising to the"

014 "a glad messenger, calling upon all who hear to raise"

014 "With a blaring final note"


014 "melancholy tune with a slow, sorrowful rhythm"

014 "begins slowly playing a mournful tune on"

014 "Wailing with sorrow, the melody from"

014 "chilling the air with its forlorn cry"

014 "filling the air with a sense of sincere and sorrowful loss"

014 "sad melody seem to weave a grey tapestry of depression"

014 "heart-wrenching melody continues on, seemingly speaking"

014 "a cloud of tragic shadow constricting around all that"

014 "seems to waft through the area, touching each listener"

014 "the appearance of a keening lover, overcome with anguish"

014 "The forlorn music swells, washing over everything"

014 "mournful melody drifts slowly to completion, leaving a sad"


014 "the silence replaced with a faint, sweet melody"

014 "A softly flowing lullaby escapes from"

014 "the area is filled with the gentle melody"

014 "Beautiful dulcet tones float on the air as"

014 "Soft, lingering notes emanate from"

014 "quietly promising romance and gentle passion"

014 "the quiet melody wafting through the area, a whispering"

014 "their sweet but clear music softly encouraging reflection"

014 "wafting over the surroundings and caressing everything"

014 "gentle warbling of the melody causing the worries of the"

014 "The master minstrel's gentle song promises serenity in the"

014 "allowing it to gently decline into silence"


014 "begins playing an fast-paced tune on"

014 "continues playing a quick, lilting air"

014 "plays an upbeat tune"

014 "plays a snappy marching tune on"

014 "song seeming to hasten all around him"

014 "the quick, harsh notes attacking the air"

014 "seems to infuse the surroundings with energy"

014 "plays a lively, rhythmic tune, the notes bursting from"

014 "A vigorous song pours over the area, piercing the air as"

014 "and hearts begin to race, dragged along with the tempo of"

014 "Each note is crisp and clear, bursting forth in a"

014 "A final clarion call of furious notes echoes all around as"


014 "swaying slightly to the rhythm"

014 "The slow, resonant melody"

014 "carrying a sense of lulling and reflection"

014 "drones on, the slow notes bringing a feeling of lethargy"

014 "A slow, pleasant melody hangs over the area like a cloud"

014 "Clear, piercing notes hold on the air, echoing all around"

014 "soft melody infuses the area, cloaking it in a sleepy"

014 "A yearning melody tugs gently with its soft, drawn-out"

014 "Gentle fingers made of soft, whispering notes drift about"

014 "the methodical song slowly passing into the heavens"

014 "The sensuous notes waft about, wrapping the area in a"

014 "Soft notes linger about, fading with gentle echoes as"


014 "begins playing an intense tune on"

014 "plays on, skillfully raising the urgency of"

014 "Powerful music fills the air as"

014 "Fiery notes rip from"

014 "passionately plays a crisp, driving strain on"

014 "melancholy notes hanging in the air as"

014 "continues playing, the powerful refrain seems to crackle"

014 "imbuing the melody with burning intensity"

014 "Fierce musical magic blares about, ripping from"

014 "song into a living, breathing work of passion"

014 "magnificently performed song sweeps through the area with"

014 "With a flurry of sharp, staccato notes,"


014 "begins playing a jaunty jingle"

014 "in a lighthearted, lilting tune"

014 "tune, the notes bubbling from"

014 "changes the tempo slightly to a brisk, marching beat"

014 "A jovial ditty laughs out from"

014 "the burlesque melody reminiscent of the exaggerated rhymes"

014 "rhythm with the playful melody, caught in the festivity of"

014 "mischievously careening through the surroundings as if"

014 "The animated song pulls at all that hear, with a playful"

014 "instilling the air with a sense of giddy frivolity and"

014 "its echoes like the giggles of a comical sprite"

014 "Flighty notes sound through the area as"


014 "begins playing a flamboyant"

014 "crisply ringing over the surroundings"

014 "snappily dancing to the right and left"

014 "skillfully plays a lively, pompous march"

014 "to twist around each other and dance through the area"

014 "dazzling music echoing all around"

014 "Fierce blazing notes pierce the air, the bold rhythm of"

014 "A slightly mocking pompousness can be heard in the melody"

014 "the burning song seeming to tear your heart apart and then"

014 "melody rapidly dances up the scale, then down again"

014 "The fanciful music seems to pull at the surroundings, as"

014 "building to a flamboyant finale which ends with an abrupt"


014 "and begins aimlessly playing a tune"

014 "The wandering melody continues to flow from"

014 "Whimsical notes bubble from"

014 "its notes meandering through the surroundings"

014 "the nostalgic tune whispering of times long past"

014 "continues with the ethereal tune"

014 "lightly playing over the area, teasing and tickling at the"

014 "The music lingers momentarily, then dances into the ether"

014 "As the tune rambles on, each note seems to float aimlessly"

014 "The soft, clear notes drift about, the music reminiscent"

014 "drifting between light moments of serenity and piercing"

014 "the notes wandering into oblivion as he ends his song"


014 "begins playing a deep, somber tune"

014 "Depression rides on the air as"

014 "Sullen notes drift about as melancholy couriers for"

014 "the dispirited melody casts a pall of gloom upon the very"

014 "tones, his funereal hymn laying a heavy, cold touch upon"

014 "A morose dirge drones throughout the area, occasionally"

014 "the eldritch melody leaving a veil of remorse upon all"

014 "plays a slow, sullen death march on"

014 "Whispers of hopelessness waft along, interwoven with each"

014 "The threnody continues on, casting shadows upon the"

014 "a light fog begins rising up, as if nature itself has been"

014 "the music seems to drift off into oblivion"


014 "begins playing an inspiring tune"

014 "rousing song blaring from"

014 "Resounding notes burst from"

014 "Exhilarating music blares all around as"

014 "A glorious melody pours out from"

014 "continues playing, the exultant music flowing from"

014 "filling the air with a sense of resolution and purpose"

014 "A rich, resounding anthem sounds clearly from the"

014 "the clear notes of his rousing song echoing through the"

014 "charging the hearts of the audience with its invigorating"

014 "The pure notes sear the soul, and inspiration ripples"

014 "The magnificent music grows in a crescendo as"

Necked-String Types:

014 "plucking them lightly and adjusting the tension until the"


014 "and strikes the opening chords of a joyful tune"

014 "fingers modulating between chords in a happy major key"

014 "skillfully conveys a measure of the joy"

014 "further embellishing the melody by adding an ecstatic"

014 "intertwining about it with pure, shining notes"

014 "making a bright run into the sunny chorus"

014 "creating a joyous cascade of vibrant tones"

014 "sounding almost like a riot of harmonic metal birds in"

014 "The song modulates into a higher key"

014 "plucking each string harder while adroitly maintaining the"

014 "emphasizing each note with ringing clarity over the"

014 "allowing the final bright chord to fade into silence"

014 "reaching the top of the crescendo with an ecstatic power"


014 "and slowly strikes a minor chord"

014 "allowing the haunting minor seventh chord to hang eerily"

014 "reminding you of friends long gone and family left to"

014 "as fleeting as memory but as insistent as regret"

014 "leaving the lower tones of the funereal main theme to"

014 "as if wondering why tragedy must cast its shadow on life"

014 "caresses the strings once, very gently, making"

014 "about the main theme in a melancholy refrain"

014 "the minors and sevenths layering to form a beautiful but"

014 "low strain that conveys a deep abiding sorrow under the"

014 "chooses a progression of chords that carry a melody"

014 "With a soft minor chord of final farewell"

014 "weep and wail with the heartbreak of a newly-made widow"


014 "begins playing a quiet song on his"

014 "modulating softly from chord to chord as if playing to"

014 "providing pleasant background for the goings-on around"

014 "forcing you to strain to hear the soft notes"

014 "lullabye that makes forgetting the day's cares as easy as"

014 "weaving a soft but playful theme reminiscent of the sound"

014 "a quiet transition into a soft song whose rhythmic strains"

014 "the muted strains complimenting the melody beautifully"

014 "the muted notes subtle and yet profoundly effecting"

014 "song with an exquisite fall of notes as pure as raindrops"

014 "plucks several harmonic tones as delightful as the"

014 "strums one final soft chord then allows"

014 "soft song into an intricate lay of impossible beauty"


014 "begins a fast-paced tune on"

014 "to weave a driving melody"

014 "song builds like the charge of a herd of thrak"

014 "fast-paced melody across the frets"

014 "With a small brow furrow of concentration"

014 "switches key signatures, playing a rapid off-kilter theme"

014 "brisk melody runs headlong through the measures like a"

014 "executes a blinding series of chords that take the song"

014 "song, setting your heart to racing"

014 "continues the rapid and dextrous fingerpicking"

014 "adding to the speed and show of proficiency"

014 "With a final rapid pattern across the strings of"

014 "creating a sound like a lightning-fast dragon diving to"


014 "begins a gentle ballad on"

014 "slowly modulates through a series of chords, building a"

014 "song slows slightly, taking its time to convey a message"

014 "letting each chord hang in the air for a time before"

014 "draws out a series of notes, allowing them to layer into a"

014 "lazily bridges into another key"

014 "washing over your senses like the waves of a gentle sea"

014 "taking the song to new melodic heights"

014 "fingers walking over the strings as someone might stroll"

014 "slowly begins fingerpicking the melody and harmony"

014 "mutes the notes of the song, giving it a gentle softness"

014 "allows the notes to hang in the air for a time before"

014 "layering melody and harmony in a slow pyramid of tones"


014 "fingers to the strings and begins to play"

014 "begins building an intense melody"

014 "adding a driving bass foundation to the melody"

014 "song with emphatic strums, adding to the intensity"

014 "from soft to loud in a sharp crescendo then back into the"

014 "into a new key, taking it to new heights of intensity"

014 "Executing a run of precise fingerwork"

014 "song, skillfully creating a dramatic effect"

014 "further power to the intense spell the shining strings are"

014 "ringing notes to accompany the driving bass melody"

014 "taking the song higher and building towards a level of"

014 "the notes fade into a profound silence"

014 "creates a breathtaking fall of harmonics, each tone pure"


014 "begins a jaunty melody on"

014 "begins building a complex, upbeat melody in a major key"

014 "through the verse and into a catchy chorus that will stick"

014 "runs through the chorus twice, as if to make certain you"

014 "time adding in an impish harmony line that seems to tease"

014 "the melody and descant playing along in a breathless game"

014 "Making the beat of the song even more infectious"

014 "skipping over the flourished strums brightly"

014 "making it difficult to keep from tapping your toes to the"

014 "raising the song a full two octaves for a verse before"

014 "jumps from loud to soft and back again, adding a new"

014 "With a final jaunty chord"

014 "in a lighthearted run of harmonics"


014 "the opening chords of a flamboyant tune"

014 "embellishes heavily on a simple theme"

014 "with a showy variant on the common strum"

014 "Swinging wildly from loud to soft to loud again"

014 "coloring it with harmonies and chord variations"

014 "a wide sweep of his arm and a convoluted pattern of"

014 "flamboyant strum with a complex pattern of fingering"

014 "the opportunity to begin again in a manner that is more"

014 "making it ever more elaborate until it is nearly lost in"

014 "displaying a possible proficiency in percussion as well as"

014 "flashing back and forth between the upper and lower"

014 "strums one last chord before deadening the strings"

014 "With a masterful display of showmanship, musical skill and"


014 "allows them to wander aimlessly across the strings"

014 "as if it were the first thing that came to mind"

014 "modulates into a slow ballad, as if"

014 "mostly in the lower tones while allowing the melody to"

014 "changes key into the chorus of an uplifting inspirational"

014 "skillfully fingerpicking a complex melody and harmony"

014 "fingers amble into a joyful song of celebration"

014 "even while bridging into another bit of harmony"

014 "aimlessly over the strings as if remembering someone that"

014 "swings into a rolling round, the melody chasing itself in"

014 "adding a new dimension and depth to an old favorite even"

014 "With a final strum across the strings of"

014 "begins playing the most difficult movement of an old epic"


014 "begins playing a melancholy theme"

014 "the notes to hang for a moment before adorning them with"

014 "lugubrious melody evoke memories of cloudy autumn days"

014 "doing little to cheer the somber quality of the ballad"

014 "nimble fingers the song takes on a solemn coloring"

014 "it the high wail of wind through the branches over the"

014 "forth a caliginous countermelody that only adds to the"

014 "brings his harmony back into the lower ranges to twine"

014 "adding a ponderous quality reminiscent of the canticles"

014 "giving the melody a quiet and profound melancholy that is"

014 "overlaps chord onto carefully-chosen chord to create"

014 "With a clear seventh chord"

014 "fall of harmonics that resonate with the sound of temple"


014 "and strikes an ecstatic chord"

014 "layering major seventh chords as a foundation to a song of"

014 "adding a heart-trembling low rumble to the melody"

014 "performs a series of vigorous strums that uplift the"

014 "sweeps the music upward in a swelling crescendo of vibrant"

014 "bridges into a new key, taking the theme to a new level of"

014 "the tones upward in an inspirational spiral of sound"

014 "an energetic countermelody that sounds more like a fanfare"

014 "driving it with a rhythm that resembles the proud march of"

014 "bursts into an inspirational chorus of dynamic resonance"

014 "allows the song to fade into silence"

014 "the song into an explosion of harmony that leaves you full"


014 "making sure the tiny cymbals are firmly in place "


014 "starting a gentle and lulling rhythm"

014 "taps out a gentle beat with deft wrists"

014 "A peaceful, flowing rhythm surrounds you as "

014 "music moves like calm river waters, enveloping you in "

014 "music soothes your nerves and settles your mind"

014 "soft rhythm with intricate flourishes and a dash of drama"

014 "The slow susurration of"

014 "The soft whispers of the rhythm build in intensity"

014 "The deep and profound meaning of the music is not lost "

014 "Each exquisite beat in the gentle tempo seems to flow"

014 "whispered sobs of a love unrequited"

014 "As the last whispered note fades from the stilled air"


014 "head with a smile and begins a rapid beat"

014 "plays a quick rhythm on"

014 "shapes a rapid beat with"

014 "builds a rapid rhythm, rising and falling with drama and"

014 "elbows, shoulders, hips and feet to create a dizzying"

014 "all quick breaths and fluttering pulses as the beat"

014 "A beautiful, evocative rhythm fills the room "

014 "the beat swelling and subsiding as"

014 "with deft flourishes and skilled riffles in the"

014 "Waves of spiralling rhythm crash over your ears"

014 "the tempo coming to a thrilling crescendo"

014 "whirling rhythm as suddenly as"


014 "and begins to tap out a slow, soothing beat"

014 "A slow, pulsing rhythm unwinds as"

014 "creates a slow, calm heartbeat with"

014 "A low, throbbing beat takes you over"

014 "in the slow, soothing cadence of the music"

014 "The slow steady tempo sweeps through you as"

014 "The slow, hypnotic rhythm rolls past as"

014 "Like waves crashing on a seashore, the steady pulsing"

014 "Slowly building into a stunning crescendo, the cadence"

014 "steady tempo with a deft flick of the wrist and a twist"

014 "moves gradually slower and slower, falling off almost"

014 "until finally, with a last hovering beat, it fades away"


014 "checking the reeds and general condition"


014 "breaths the opening notes of a joyful reel"

014 "to whistle forth a dancing melody"

014 "skillfully conveys a measure of the joy"

014 "before launching into the next verse of the"

014 "adds graceful breaths of harmony to the toe-tapping"

014 "speeding joyfully into the chorus"

014 "further heights, inspiring images of a dozen feet"

014 "fingers the chanter with confidence and style"

014 "makes a quick turn to the chanting beads, modulating"

014 "the drive and energetic grace of the skirling"

014 "melody strongly to the fore, emphasizing each echoing"

014 "last bright chord to fade into silence"


014 "draws out the first notes of a mournful dirge"

014 "drawing out an echoing moan of despair"

014 "Before the echo of the last mournful notes of"

014 "finishes the verse of the song then moves on to the next"

014 "to a low cry that resonates deep within your skull"

014 "calling forth a sharp wail of despair from the"

014 "calling forth the wailing descant of the chorus"

014 "in a hair-prickling descent of sound"

014 "The song modulates into a higher key"

014 "as the sound seems to overfill the very air"

014 "a soft, low murmur, evoking images of a slow"

014 "the sound echo into silence"


014 "up and begins playing softly"

014 "establishes a gentle call of sound from chanter"

014 "produces a soft scattering of chords from"

014 "With a gentle rise in sound,"

014 "moves into a softly thrumming chorus"

014 "to rise and fall in soft exhalations"

014 "to a quiet skirl of grace notes"

014 "Shifting back to the main melodic line"

014 "makes a deft adjustment to the chanting beads"

014 "moves back into the chorus"

014 "brings together the threads of music to weave a"

014 "allows the last chords from the"


014 "plays the first notes of a rapid dancing tune"

014 "squeezes out a rapid pattern of chords from"

014 "With a skirl and whirl of chords"

014 "Increasing the speed of the reeling notes"

014 "pauses briefly for breath, then launches"

014 "moving back into the wailing dance of the chorus"

014 "tossing a new steps of sound into the rapid jig"

014 "then dives down to the lower registers in a dancing fall"

014 "Modulating back to the skirling chorus"

014 "the echo of the drones calling forth an image of a chorus"

014 "through the air in rapid undulations of sound"

014 "lips, at last allowing the rapid music to slow to"


014 "plays the first notes of a slow ballad"

014 "breathing out a gentle descent of sound"

014 "into a slow, steady call to attention"

014 "gradual undulation of the main line with a lower echo"

014 "bridge, the ponderous progression of chords moving"

014 "sends out a gradual fall of chords, a"

014 "up, then down again, in a slow, steady cry"

014 "up to a sustained wail"

014 "counterpoint, not speeding but deepening"

014 "the gradual climb to the echoing heights"

014 "slow chords tumbling through the air, each one"

014 "lips, allowing the last notes to slow to silence"


014 "With a look of intense concentration"

014 "regularity, establishing an intense, martial beat"

014 "the sound of chanter and drones to an echoing"

014 "echoing notes around the reverberating rattle of hundreds"

014 "stretched out chords providing suspense more than relief"

014 "upwards, an intense burst of musical energy"

014 "softer wave of sound, breathing out a highland heartbeat"

014 "fingering a swirl of shifting notes around his main theme"

014 "in an intense, ringing march of sound"

014 "half-heard chords echoing to the strength and scars among"

014 "chords coming together to form an aural"

014 "intense wail of the pipes to fade into silence"


014 "plays the first notes of a jaunty tune"

014 "launching into a foot-tapping melody"

014 "elaborates the melody into a cheerful reel"

014 "chasing the chords up and down the scale"

014 "improvising a jaunty bridge"

014 "skirling a series of high notes around the dancing melody"

014 "chorus, a joyous call to the dance"

014 "around the jaunty beat with a bright flutter of"

014 "fills the air with joyful noise"

014 "painting the aural image of whirling couples and dancing"

014 "bright chords echoing through the air"

014 "allowing the last jaunty notes to fade away"


014 "plays the first notes of a flamboyant melody"

014 "tracing out a wild skirl of notes"

014 "chords upwards to a dizzying fling of sound"

014 "energy pouring through of the flamboyant romp"

014 "then launches into an flamboyant bridge"

014 "toe tapping in time"

014 "continues to pour breath and soul into the"

014 "dives quickly down in a flamboyant undulation of"

014 "urges wavering cries of sound from the"

014 "dramatic turn, the notes circling around the central"

014 "sound crashing outwards to fill the surrounding area"

014 "lips, at last allowing the flamboyant"


014 "opening notes of an aimless ramble"

014 "unable to settle on a firm tempo"

014 "aimlessly skirling notes around a wandering line"

014 "produces an idle series of chords on"

014 "answered by an echoing thrum from the drones"

014 "working through a variation on an earlier theme"

014 "wander up and down aural peaks, a trail"

014 "fingers the chanter with perhaps unwarranted confidence"

014 "chanting beads, modulating the song"

014 "breath, an aimless skirl of notes rises"

014 "brings together the skirls and whirls"

014 "allows the last chords from"


014 "plays the first notes of a somber melody"

014 "deepening the notes to a descending somber tune"

014 "skillfully conveys a measure of solemnity and grace"

014 "bridge, a minor-keyed lamentation"

014 "exhaling a dignified reverberation of the chanter's"

014 "a series of low notes around the steady, somber"

014 "echoing chorus, a solemn call to the ears and mind"

014 "the notes progressing in a simple, stately solemnity"

014 "demonstrating his skillful fingerwork as he makes"

014 "aural image of rolling hills and distant mists"

014 "somber chords echoing through the air"

014 "lips, allowing the last somber notes to"


014 "the first notes of an inspiring melody"

014 "breathing out a few inspirational chords"

014 "until it fills the air with sound"

014 "moves to a bridge, a skirl of falling notes"

014 "to inspiring heights of sound"

014 "lower notes around the high, prayerful"

014 "echoing chorus, an inspirational wave of sound"

014 "melody, the notes progressing ever upwards"

014 "the song modulates into a still lower key,"

014 "chords echoing to the strength and hope of the main"

014 "brings forth the power and inspiration of the"

014 "allowing the inspiring song to fade into silence"


014 "adjusting the tension until the sound is perfectly pitched"


014 "chords of a joyful tune in a cheery major key"

014 "fingers modulating between chords in a delightfully"

014 "both hands plucking with clean clear sound in"

014 "repeatedly in ringing glissandos while"

014 "while the bass strings hum a happy"

014 "With gentle arpeggiation and breathy glissandos"

014 "full of sunshine dazzling with brilliance"

014 "Like lambs running and jumping across the field in the sun"

014 "skillful fingers lead the joyful composition over the"

014 "joyfully runs through through several lines on his"

014 "releases a series of downward arpeggios from"

014 "With a final cacophony of triads and sixths"


014 "pauses a moment in reflection, then begins the quiet"

014 "sorrow, like a widow standing at her husband's"

014 "expresses all of his sensitivity and talent through"

014 "haunting and poignant rendition of the mournful ballad"

014 "spare yet sensitive as he approaches the depths"

014 "plucks a quiet, yet passionate refrain"

014 "poetic expression -- mournfully, softly, passionately"

014 "chord resolutions, the melody pouring"

014 "keening like a chill winter's wind across the steppes"

014 "composition moans as if an intimate outpouring of"

014 "mournful dirge from the bass strings"

014 "last chord, the minor resolution ringing on as"


014 "begins playing a quiet song on"

014 "strings, modulating softly from chord to chord as if"

014 "gliding with gentle gestures into a simple, soft"

014 "ease and subtlety; the musical nuances appealingly"

014 "adagio is as elegant and gracious as a swan gliding across"

014 "each note magically appears on time and in place"

014 "falling in a pond, a liquid run of notes drip from"

014 "soft as a lover's caress; music of a persuasively gentle"

014 "ever so smoothly, and his control of the dynamics"

014 "a tiny sound, the notes becoming dry and breathy"

014 "the tune becomes ever more lyrical, with a captivating"

014 "close with three descending harmonics; these last notes"


014 "it rings with the speed of the notes"

014 "Intricate double counterpoint adds interest to the"

014 "playing becomes breathless in its inexorable pace"

014 "hard-hitting fresh energy to the chorus as his hands"

014 "mixing fourths and fifths in complex lines played"

014 "rushing stream leaping through a crystal gorge"

014 "executes several beautiful, fiery arpeggios interwoven"

014 "playing scatters and races and jumps with excitement"

014 "brilliant tremolo to the chorus, his hand spread"

014 "accelerates the blithe allegro to new heights,"

014 "furious pace, the intricate fingering and complex"

014 "phrase flutters breathlessly, then stops abruptly as"


014 "then begins the introduction with gentle ease"

014 "that each sonorous chord rings clear and true"

014 "arms as graceful as the wings of a swan"

014 "in luscious melody and harmony"

014 "is at once both authentic and original as"

014 "fingers easily caress the strings"

014 "composition takes on the guise of a dance"

014 "the intensity but not the speed of the tune"

014 "The languid composition falling from"

014 "contrapuntal bass line and contrasting fortissimo passages"

014 "nuance and vibrancy and give the piece new life"

014 "resonate long after the last sonorous chord is struck"


014 "introduction to a martial pibroch"

014 "sing with clean, clear sound and strong rhythm"

014 "giving profound voice to the composition"

014 "With a thoroughpaced drone in the bass"

014 "varies the rhythm, contour, and intervals"

014 "The clean phrasing and perfect timing"

014 "produces an august and dignified rendition of the piece"

014 "producing an antiphony of yearning and grandeur"

014 "notes so soft the listener must strain to hear them"

014 "elegant fingering, as well as his intense concentration"

014 "composition forward with vigor and determination"

014 "forceful chord progression produces a unique and strong"


014 "leaps gaily into a jaunty, lighthearted tune"

014 "plucks an irreverent, puckish, musical thumb-to-the nose"

014 "finger snaps while the beat goes on below"

014 "right hand with very melodic single note lines"

014 "Using syncopated passages and unconventional chords"

014 "plucks staccato notes in the treble then tosses"

014 "way through several verses, showing off"

014 "performs with obvious delight the intricate little"

014 "Using thirds and delightfully dissonant fourths"

014 "High spirits and sunshine flow from"

014 "delightfully quirky chord-progressions progressions"

014 "With nimble fingers and a flick of the wrist"


014 "ostentatious display of added grace-notes and snaps"

014 "like a tiger rolling rocks in a mountain stream"

014 "charge into the next phrases with a bright steely tone"

014 "hand races up and down the strings with wild abandon"

014 "over each other and piling in a tumble at the bottom"

014 "flamboyant reel, emblazoned with wild ornamentation"

014 "raw talent, using tremolo and wild octave work"

014 "sparkling and quirky galumphing on the"

014 "modal-modulation coupled with silvery contrapuntal harmony"

014 "dynamics overlaying the basic melody and rhythm"

014 "glittering grace-notes and snaps, rolled chords and runs"

014 "ending with a clatter of fortissimo resolutions"


014 "beginning a little ditty almost of their own volition"

014 "using random chord-progressions and simple melodic lines"

014 "cascading notes like sparkling droplets falling in a pond"

014 "through happenstance and spontaneous invention"

014 "set of phrases packed with familiar song fragments"

014 "musical potpourri, using whimsy as his guide"

014 "Like a light arabesque, the limpid notes fall from"

014 "wanders through a number of phrases taken"

014 "appealing capriccio that lilts and changes at every moment"

014 "energy, with effortless little trills and ornamentation"

014 "charming vagary moves on to a cheerful little jig"

014 "soundboard a tap, and striking a last quiet chord in the"


014 "somberly beginning a solemn lament"

014 "bring a pensive texture to the composition"

014 "evoking images of sunsets and lowering clouds"

014 "that are neither miserable nor depressing but intriguing"

014 "uses a series of repeated notes in the left hand"

014 "a sound that is at once big, subtle, and full of a"

014 "forlorn memories and pensive retrospection"

014 "Moving to a solemn passacaglia, with passages"

014 "produces a rueful and wan rendition of the somber tune"

014 "bittersweet composition falls tenderly from"

014 "gives way to a gentle pastoral scene in Aeolian"

014 "solemn lament reverberates on as"


014 "and without preamble begins a rousing march"

014 "increases the intensity, showing clearly that "

014 "justice to a knotty but superbly engaging work"

014 "make the sound bigger, fuller and more grandiose"

014 "draws forth a heroic, rousing chorus"

014 "descending sixths in the upper registers clattering like"

014 "careful phrasing and intricate fingerwork"

014 "like the Empire's troops on display"

014 "march to new heights -- each note"

014 "forceful arpeggios to the piece"

014 "strikes the recapitulation of the main theme"

014 "After one last rousing run through the chorus"


014 "desired musical pitch"


014 "and strikes up a lilting tune"

014 "conveying a cheery melody"

014 "drawing forth a merry, joyful trill"

014 "A light-hearted, lilting melody fills"

014 "joyful notes bring a song to your heart"

014 "lift and swell, and all sorrows flee before them"

014 "Breathless beauty and delight twist along"

014 "fade with the blissfully happy song overflowing"

014 "tide and engulfs all those within hearing"

014 "to life, and for a moment it is as though your heart"

014 "melody soars in an uplifting, exhilirating crescendo"

014 "With a final, jubilant flourish"


014 "and slowly, precisely begins to finger"

014 "The low, deep notes draw out like a soft groan"

014 "sad moments in your life spring to life in your mind's eye"

014 "Long, sorrowful notes ebb and flow from"

014 "like a long keening cry of grief and loss"

014 "over discordant notes, then drops into a soft"

014 "the plaintive notes draw deeply on the saddest moments"

014 "melody grows heavier, like a tremendous winter snow"

014 "A tear glimmers in"

014 "nearly brings you to your knees in grief"

014 "wrenching at your heart in anguish"

014 "winds to a gentle and melancholy close"


014 "With the gentlest of touches"

014 "brings forth a sedate and soft melody"

014 "The quiet flow of the music seems restful"

014 "like drops of water, fall into an ocean of beautiful song"

014 "each note cascading like soft rain upon your senses"

014 "composition subtly moves you, soothes you"

014 "melody murmurs to you, soothing in its lyricism"

014 "ever softer, yet the sound is still round and full"

014 "harmony washes over you, leaving you relaxed"

014 "elegant tune comforts and satisfies"

014 "peaceful contemplation form and dissipate"

014 "melody to drop off, ever softer, until there is nothing"


014 "flashes a grin, and begins a whirling"

014 "the notes of his song almost, but not quite, running"

014 "fingers skip lightly along its length"

014 "song nearly tumble over one another"

014 "energy you'd long forgotten seems to spring up within you"

014 "makes you dizzier and dizzier as they flit"

014 "The whirling, toe-tapping melody flows from"

014 "over and over in a rapid, lilting crescendo"

014 "ever more quickly as the melody develops"

014 "the music spinning dizzily along"

014 "song bringing life to the laziest of limbs"

014 "lively song to a close and lowers"


014 "slowly developing a melody"

014 "Long, drawn out notes emerge from"

014 "tumbling into place as the notes blend together"

014 "floods your limbs as you listen to the slow notes"

014 "more flourish, bringing a swell of emotion to"

014 "melody envelopes you, loosening tense and tired"

014 "phrases, ringing with heart-wrenching emotion"

014 "song seems to lengthen and swell in tides of intense"

014 "forth the hauntingly slow melody"

014 "in the beauty of each rhythmic note"

014 "seems to ring in perfect tone and hover in the air"

014 "note fades away like a sigh on the wind"


014 "With an intense, absorbed look on"

014 "draws forth each note slowly and deliberately"

014 "song deepens and intensifies"

014 "Deep, soul-penetrating notes flow from"

014 "piercing notes flow and collide in a menage"

014 "ever higher, the notes growing ever more"

014 "profound melody threatens to overflow"

014 "lump rising in your throat unbidden as the tide"

014 "song deepens, reaching to touch your soul,"

014 "moment as you struggle to control your emotions"

014 "gentle sea, washing over you on its inexorable retreat"

014 "music, so carefully and profoundly wrought"


014 "lips and lights into a jaunty little number"

014 "fingers dance merrily along"

014 "The dashing, jaunty song spins and dances"

014 "tune rushes heedlessly along, bringing spontaneous"

014 "adventurous composition trips along"

014 "The buoyant melody raises your spirits"

014 "melody along, whirling and spinning faster"

014 "delightful jig bounce merrily as they shift"

014 "tune invokes a mischievious bent of long-forgotten"

014 "The vivacious, lively song tumbles over itself"

014 "Bubbly notes of this sweet and merry song"

014 "final notes, lowering"


014 "lights into a flamboyant, showy tune"

014 "playing a fancy little ditty"

014 "spontaneous, flashy little composition of intricate"

014 "melody are softened by the familiarity"

014 "fingers flash in intricate combinations"

014 "melody bring the song elegance and beauty"

014 "flamboyant melody trips onward, so beautiful"

014 "notes dance together in intricate patterns"

014 "lavish notes collide with complicated, impressively quick"

014 "fingers dance flamboyantly along his instrument,"

014 "as the drama of the music rises"

014 "melody with a flourish, sweeping"


014 "play an aimless, nonchalant little tune"

014 "somehow still eliciting a lovely melody"

014 "Bits and pieces of different tunes flow together"

014 "song seem to tumble over each other in disorder"

014 "now fast, now slow, in no predictable way"

014 "rambling tune seems somehow happy and confused"

014 "ditty, the notes seem to twist and collide"

014 "melody wanders here and there like a drunken"

014 "tune winds around in a preoccupied manner"

014 "eliciting a strangely melodic song of emotional"

014 "heedless and without direction, but the genius"

014 "Ending on a broad note which echoes like"


014 "and begins to play a stately melody"

014 "gloomy tune moves slowly,"

014 "after the other, each sadder than the last"

014 "eyes downcast and thoughtful"

014 "The doleful moan of"

014 "fingers move in precisely measured motion"

014 "A funereal mood permeates the area as"

014 "Dark, heavy notes fall from"

014 "keening, forlorn cry before tumbling back into"

014 "song flows like a quiet requiem, bringing"

014 "energy like a tide flowing out to sea, pulling"

014 "somber lament drops off softly, like the dying sun"


014 "face upturned and thoughtful"

014 "music seems to lift your mood as"

014 "fingers move almost hypnotically, you find yourself"

014 "encouraging and heartening song fills your heart and mind"

014 "song soars onward, your heartbeat quickens"

014 "melody grows more intricate, parading"

014 "Growing unaccountably excited as the melody"

014 "expands, filling the room with exhilaration and hope"

014 "perceptibly, almost as if the music flowing"

014 "melody surges higher, stirring excitement"

014 "The rushing exhilaration wrought by the music"

014 "With a final, rousing crescendo"

09-22-2006, 05:26 AM
God bless you.

09-22-2006, 05:37 AM
Every time I talk to you now, I'm going to say something like, "Hey there, as the drama of the music rises."

09-22-2006, 09:33 AM
Fresh morning made obvious a line that missed its quote marks and some lines that were blatantly too long... did some quick updates. Did I mention you probably want to backup your original squelches in case you need to edit this stuff?

And yes, you quote that squelch and my head will stay happily ignorant to it being said because I've decided to make the MUTE button for Elanthia.

And as a side note if anyone really cares to and finds stuff that needs updates or changed feel free to post it here and just give me Instrument Type; Style; and What line or if its a new line. Preferably ask someone what they just played if their line made it past the squelch.

09-22-2006, 10:13 AM
Someone please make it work for SF....my eyes beg you. This will be perfect for Ebon Gate.
Why is it that people feel compelled to play instruments in merchant lines? Is it because they know they have us trapped?

09-22-2006, 10:20 AM
Didn't they make a program to help convert your Wizard FE settings to stormfront? If someone can link me I can probably get this working for SF too.

09-22-2006, 05:10 PM
Bobmuthol could explain it to you. He probably wont, but he could.

El Burro
09-22-2006, 05:12 PM
Yes, it's called Thundermage (I think) and can be downloaded from the same place as Stormfront

09-22-2006, 07:19 PM
Ok now that I'm done destroying the refreash button I'll see if I cant get it to work for Stormfront.

I hate effing Stormfront, I've tried it a few times and it keeps telling me that with my transfer there are no ignore files... Anyone fluent in SF BS?

09-23-2006, 02:48 AM
And I apparently just realized this file exceeds the squelch file limiter... I'm done trying Im just going to sleep bards from now on.

09-23-2006, 03:37 AM
<<Bobmuthol could explain it to you. He probably wont, but he could.>>

I think you're talking about the "how you be converting shit?!?" post, and I don't really use SF so I can't comment on the effectiveness of Thundermage.


From what I can tell, there's no way to select the not default game path, so I hope you have it installed in Program Files/Simu/Wizard/Gemstone. The highlights are there to be converted, but it seems like squelches aren't. Selecting the game and character profile are easy enough, then click Convert Now, save the XML file somewhere accessible, and import it into StormFront.

But, again, I don't think squelches carry over, so it would probably very much not work.

09-23-2006, 05:46 AM
Yea and its pointless now since for some reason beyond my comprehension Simu limits the file size your Squelch strings can be Local or not.

09-23-2006, 05:54 AM
does this mean you have Squelched my lovely harp lines when im trying to harass Evarin with it? :(

09-23-2006, 09:12 AM
No. It cannot be done. Too much retardly written text.

09-23-2006, 12:23 PM
Well the file can squelch all but the last 4 or 5 Woodwind types. So yea harp = dead

09-23-2006, 02:42 PM
Heh, it's kind of ironic. Whenever I've asked on the officials for a flag or a setting or something that'll squelch all of the horrible instrument scripts, the GM's (and ass kissing players) tell me to just squelch them. And it's not even possible to get rid of all of them?

09-23-2006, 02:53 PM
Well if I really hated myself I could go through and find all of the lines that have matching wording and just delete the duplicates but I'm not 100% positive I could find enough to size it down. What I'm trying to find info on is if theres something I can do to nix the size limit for the squelch file, I personally see no reason why the FE has a limit on it.