View Full Version : Falgrin - RIP?

09-15-2006, 12:15 PM
I should sell the Park Bandit as I have no intention of ever playing that game again.

So.. wonder what I can get for him? I think he's like level 57? I also have a mostly hated Ranger who's probably 30ish (Sithral) and a semi-hated cleric named Summit (again, 30ish I think)

09-15-2006, 12:18 PM
You dirty old bastard... :(

09-15-2006, 12:19 PM
Looked at a log from 11/21/04 (last time I played GS on this computer)


Level: 63 Deeds: 13
Experience: 3780435 Deaths this level: 1
Exp. until next: 57065 Recent Deaths: 2
Mental TPs: 64 Fame: 19157128
Physical TPs: 0 Mana: 16/16 max

In the infantry backpack you see a ragged piece of fine vellum, a masterfully carved diamond pin, a cleverly embellished document, a wooden toothpick, a pure potion, a pure potion, a pure potion, a pure potion, a dwarven bandit miniature, a small statue, a white greeting card, a faded scroll, a small orb, a pure potion, a twisted black vaalin wire and a sea-green glaes scarab.

You are wearing a gold ring, an extravagant diamond bracelet, a long-stemmed dark ashwood pipe clenched between his teeth, a braided black ponytail, a cracked dwarven war girdle, a heavy dark tartan wool kilt pinned with an embossed invar Dwarven crest, a dwarven infantry backpack, an ora-bound vultite war mask, a heavy invar chain, a mechanical dwarf pin, a gold coin beard clip, some dark leather gloves, a linked rolaren bracelet, a small locksmith's anklepouch, a black round button, a dark dwarven vest, a simple invar charm, some supple dark leather boots, a blackened dwarven crafted lockpick case, a dwarven-crafted leather weapons harness studded with razern spikes, a small silver star, a tiny dwarven bandit pin, an archaic dwarven tower shield, a crystal amulet, a dwarven-crafted ale keg bound with mithril straps, some dwarven forged imflass ringmail, an onyx and blue dreamstone brooch and a thanot amulet.

09-15-2006, 12:22 PM
Oh yea, forgot I had Warpedpath, level 33 empath too.

09-15-2006, 12:31 PM
I do remember Falgrin having a 10x cleaver correct? Don't forget to figure that in.

09-15-2006, 12:33 PM
Yea, he has a 10x cleaver and I think 8x padded hauberk. He also has a bunch of alters with mention of the Park Bandit like his cloak and such. It's been almost 2 years since I actually played them... and you know what happens to memory when you get my age. :(

I'll have to re-activate my account and take a peek for a month.

I'll accept cash or Dunemaul-Horde gold :)

09-15-2006, 12:43 PM
dont forget the deed to the park.

Fixskill option? His famous rep could be a hindrance to someone who's looking for a main play char. He'll have greater utility as a picker for an OTF farmer or the like, although he'll need a few more levels before he's able to pick OTF with consistency, IMO.

I'm guessing $750 to $1000 for the whole account, not counting silvers, but counting mentioned gear (? level of padding on hauberk) and characters. High end price if you sell it to the highest bidder not caring who it went to (Seany types pay more). Lower end for a friend/associate whom will be more discreet with their use.

Could be higher if padding on hauberk is more than somewhat crit padded. If its damage padded then it will bring less than initial estimate.

09-15-2006, 12:43 PM
Why would you want to sell a character like that? It's kinda like when Grabbs was sold and he's not a "character" anymore. I say keep it. Make a roleplay event saying that "The Parkbandit" is finally put to jail for a long time.

09-15-2006, 12:46 PM
Sell it and use the cash to go on a man splurge at Fry's or Best Buy. Especially if you're not coming back. Why waste that kind of money?

Or buy some mods for the mini-van. Fins, spinners, turbo/SC... you know the dril. :lol: :lol:

Some Rogue
09-15-2006, 01:05 PM
Must be buying his burial plot or reserving his spot in the retirement home.

09-15-2006, 01:14 PM
I'll have to re-activate my account and take a peek for a month.

In two months, we'll start seeing posts about how much of a hypocrite PB is, and how small his peen is.

09-15-2006, 01:28 PM
I had no trouble believing it was him.

09-15-2006, 01:45 PM
Post your items and stuff if ya do sell :) Sad to see you go.

09-15-2006, 01:48 PM
I'd hate to see Falgrin sold, but that's just me. I always really respected him as a character(heh, however long ago it was, with my bard)


09-15-2006, 03:33 PM
In two months, we'll start seeing posts about how much of a hypocrite PB is, and how small his peen is.

I don't get it.

Are you saying that I'll be playing GS in 2 months? Not likely... trust me. I have no interest in playing GS anymore.. which is why I have decided to sell my characters.

09-15-2006, 03:36 PM
Why would you want to sell a character like that? It's kinda like when Grabbs was sold and he's not a "character" anymore. I say keep it. Make a roleplay event saying that "The Parkbandit" is finally put to jail for a long time.

Yea.. that's what I should do.

#1 - I'm not playing anymore, so why do I care?

#2 - There isn't a jail built that could keep Falgrin.

09-15-2006, 09:07 PM
Yea.. that's what I should do.

#1 - I'm not playing anymore, so why do I care?

#2 - There isn't a jail built that could keep Falgrin.

The way I understand it, the easiest way to keep Falgrin locked up in a room is to bring in a TV and show re-runs of "The View." You didn't know GemStone had TVs and real world content televised in a textual medium, did you?


Suppa Hobbit Mage
09-15-2006, 09:19 PM
I hate you

09-16-2006, 02:52 AM
Sell the gear, yes.

Don't sell the character.

09-17-2006, 02:23 PM
Gotta do what you gotta do, I just feel bad for the worthless shmuck who'll get PB and never be able to live up to the standards that I remember and would expect of anyone by the name of Falgrin. Hate to hear the news PB. You'll be greatly missed.

09-17-2006, 02:38 PM
Just be sure you want to quit. I sold my account last year when I thought I'd never go back to a text game because I was so in <3 with WoW. I couldn't keep up with the hardcore raiding schedule with my WoW guild because of my RL work and school schedule...so my 6 lvl 60 characters and my girls full of epics were just not fun to log onto for an hour a day and whatnot...and here I am...back in GS...and without my girls...

...and totally regretting the sale.