View Full Version : Out of gerne?

10-31-2003, 01:28 PM
.. Ok today... I saw a website about gemstone fashion.. Never saw it before today. And these people made a outfit rating system. and started ranting and raving about how out of gerne Jenisi's outfit is. For one they don't know how I role play it, and second, it is NOT out of gerne. So to kinda prove it I assisted and asked a GM.

Auntie Maude's Analysis
click here for pearl's analysis
Wow. A coconut bra. With a matching purse!

And you know what makes this incredibly OOC outfit all come together? Yes, you guessed it! The chain hauberk. I'd give an honorable mention to the vultite shield, but it does have those matching shells! Nice! ::cough cough::

It actually may not be OOC (out of character) but I would venture to say it's OOG (out of game). Or it should be, in my humble opinion. I'm starting to think the GM's have all lost their minds, have simply given up on us all, or just don't give a rat's ass anymore. Probably the later, as this outfit will confirm.

I mean, I didn't even know we HAD purses... or grass skirts.. or hair clips (from the description it sounds like something out of Wal-Greens).

If this is some kind of Ebon's Gate costume, then I'll revise my critique. But I have a feeling she just thought it would be great fun to collect Hawaiian clothing. Reminds me of the Japanese schoolgirl costume which was seen some time back, complete with school-bag and white thigh-high stockings.

Pearl may like it more.. I don't know.. but I can't give it more than a 3/10, and at that I feel like I'm being generous.

Auntie Pearl's Analysis
click here for maude's analysis

OK wow... first off, the chain hauberk really takes away from the over all theme...

Second, the theme really scares me .. I mean points for theme certainly but I hope you are trying to be a sea nymph or maybe a kappa ...

If not then this has to be out of genre ... I'm just speechless... I'm not sure you are playing the right game... Have you read up on the world of Elanthia?

Hmmm.... I'm just speechless. Rock on, big kahuna! I give you a 2/10 .. I mean nice theme, but your lack of appreciation for genre is just offensive.. I don't know... I hope you have a good reason maybe you were on your way to Silvergate for fantasy night! One can only hope!

Gothique says, "er.."
Gothique coughs.
>'Well I'm trying to find out what people find out of gerne about my outfit.. I mean..
You say, "Well I'm trying to find out what people find out of gerne about my outfit.. I mean.. "
[Rolling Thrak Table]
Rich, red clay soil has been ground into the table top, giving it a mottled appearance. A picture of a thrak rolling around on its back in a patch of grass has been painted in the center of the table. You also see a scratched gold box.
Also here: GameMaster Khaladon, High Lady Gothique who is sitting, High Lord Raszagar who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
You are wearing some sturdy sandals hand-woven from tropical vines, an inky black rolaren armor, a woven dirge-vaon thigh-sheath, a shell-inset ruddy vultite shield, a coconut and twine top, a small coconut purse with a long twine strap, an exotic grass skirt with a band of colorful wildflowers draped around the waist, a willow-wood flower basket, a fragrant hibiscus-strung wristlet, a long necklace strung with exotic flowers in a variety of colorful hues, an oversized red hibiscus flower attached to a silver hair-clip, a tattoo of winding flower petals and a crystal amulet.
Khaladon says, "Why would it be out of genre"
[Rolling Thrak Table]
Rich, red clay soil has been ground into the table top, giving it a mottled appearance. A picture of a thrak rolling around on its back in a patch of grass has been painted in the center of the table. You also see a scratched gold box.
Also here: GameMaster Khaladon, High Lady Gothique who is sitting, High Lord Raszagar who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
Khaladon ponders.
You say, "well"
Raszagar calmly says, "i told you Jeni, you shouldnt stress what other people think"
Gothique says, "Jealousy"
Gothique nods to Khaladon.
[Rolling Thrak Table]
Rich, red clay soil has been ground into the table top, giving it a mottled appearance. A picture of a thrak rolling around on its back in a patch of grass has been painted in the center of the table. You also see a scratched gold box.
Also here: GameMaster Khaladon, High Lady Gothique who is sitting, High Lord Raszagar who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
Khaladon says, "its just a lot of worn flowers"
[Rolling Thrak Table]
Rich, red clay soil has been ground into the table top, giving it a mottled appearance. A picture of a thrak rolling around on its back in a patch of grass has been painted in the center of the table. You also see a scratched gold box.
Also here: GameMaster Khaladon, High Lady Gothique who is sitting, High Lord Raszagar who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
You are wearing some sturdy sandals hand-woven from tropical vines, an inky black rolaren armor, a woven dirge-vaon thigh-sheath, a shell-inset ruddy vultite shield, a coconut and twine top, a small coconut purse with a long twine strap, an exotic grass skirt with a band of colorful wildflowers draped around the waist, a willow-wood flower basket, a fragrant hibiscus-strung wristlet, a long necklace strung with exotic flowers in a variety of colorful hues, an oversized red hibiscus flower attached to a silver hair-clip, a tattoo of winding flower petals and a crystal amulet.
Khaladon says, "granted, the top is a bit, well, Hawaiian"
Gothique says, "Shes moved to Teras"
[Rolling Thrak Table]
Rich, red clay soil has been ground into the table top, giving it a mottled appearance. A picture of a thrak rolling around on its back in a patch of grass has been painted in the center of the table. You also see a scratched gold box.
Also here: GameMaster Khaladon, High Lady Gothique who is sitting, High Lord Raszagar who is sitting
Obvious exits: out
Khaladon chuckles.
Gothique says, "Where in my opinion that outfit fits perfectly"
Gothique exclaims, "Im overdressed for there!"
Khaladon says, "But on its whole, isn't anything wrong with it"
Khaladon shrugs.
You smile.
>whisper kha I just saw this website about gemstone fashion
You quietly whisper to Khaladon, "I just saw this website about gemstone fashion"
>whisper kha and these people put my outfit on there..
You quietly whisper to Khaladon, "and these people put my outfit on there.."
Gothique says, "See.. now you can tell them you have official approval and they can stuff it"
>whisper kha and like started ranting and raving about how out of gerne I am
You quietly whisper to Khaladon, "and like started ranting and raving about how out of gerne I am"
Gothique folds her arms over her chest.
Khaladon whispers, "shrug, some people bsahed my alterations"
>whisper kha and I was like umm
You quietly whisper to Khaladon, "and I was like umm"
>l kha
You see GameMaster Khaladon. His eyes sparkle brightly and his mouth is set in a sardonic half smile. A braided lock of silver hair hangs over his shoulder and a silver hoop hangs from his left earlobe. He is wearing some gleaming chain mail, a parti-colored tabard girded with a crimson silk sash, some polished black leather boots, and a intricately tooled leather flute sheath.
Khaladon begins chuckling at Gothique!
Khaladon says, "I'd just ignore it"
>whisper khal I applauded myself for doing something different and role-playing it well
You quietly whisper to Khaladon, "I applauded myself for doing something different and role-playing it well"
Khaladon says, "I'm nothing official of course, just my opinionm"
You are wearing some sturdy sandals hand-woven from tropical vines, an inky black rolaren armor, a woven dirge-vaon thigh-sheath, a shell-inset ruddy vultite shield, a coconut and twine top, a small coconut purse with a long twine strap, an exotic grass skirt with a band of colorful wildflowers draped around the waist, a willow-wood flower basket, a fragrant hibiscus-strung wristlet, a long necklace strung with exotic flowers in a variety of colorful hues, an oversized red hibiscus flower attached to a silver hair-clip, a tattoo of winding flower petals and a crystal amulet.
Gothique acts puzzled.
>smile khal
You smile at Khaladon.
>whisper khal Allright thank you
You quietly whisper to Khaladon, "Allright thank you"
Khaladon says, "Alrighty, have a good one."
Khaladon waves.
Khaladon suddenly fades out of sight.
Gothique asks, "It is halloween.. are you Khaladon or are you Ardwen wearing a Khaladon costume?"
Gothique stares off into space.
Gothique ducks underneath the table and hides.
Raszagar calmly says, "see"
>'He didn't seem to be in a good mood
You say, "He didn't seem to be in a good mood"
Raszagar nods to you.
Raszagar calmly says, "dont stress folks one iota"

10-31-2003, 01:32 PM
Must have been me what? Insulting your clothes? Puhleaze gurl, I was always the first one PURCHASING your clothes because I've always liked them ;o)

10-31-2003, 02:23 PM
I see Elanthia as a western european middle age-ish world. Therefore this outfit is totally out of genre for me.

That being said, the most important thing is that YOU like it. If the GM's think it is acceptable then great for you. Design your clothes for you, not for everyone else. After all who gets to look at them the most if not yourself?

As for the website you mention, I have found the "aunties" a bit too close-minded and have expressed it openly (you can read what I sent them in the letters section.) They do this for fun and ask that people don't take their criticism too seriously. I think their advice is good about that!

10-31-2003, 02:24 PM
If someone doesn't like your items, tell them not to look at you. Simple.

Nobody is forced to see what you are wearing, they have to look at you to see it. If someone is that uptight that they get bent out of shape over the items you yourself like, they have personal issues and need to get out of the house once in awhile.

On the flip side...I do not know you, but from a couple posts of yours I've seen, you let what other people in the game think about you worry you too much. Screw em if they can't take a joke. Point at them and laugh because they're far too uptight to enjoy the world, much less the game.

Mind you, I play Sagan as an uptight ass...but he wouldn't get bent out of shape over what someone was wearing.

10-31-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
a fragrant hibiscus-strung wristlet,

There are no genre standards in the game. Whomever says there are only needs to open their eyes.

as an aside....

I hate alters that force an opinion onto the viewer such as fragrant.

fragrant means a sweet or an agreeable odor

Perhaps some characters would find the scent repugnant?

10-31-2003, 04:55 PM
Nobody else has anything to say about what someone chooses to wear. If it is acceptable to the PTB, that is all that is necessary.

Is this outfit something I would choose for one of my characters? No, it is not. However, that does not determine what anyone else should, or can, do. The GMs make the rules. :)

HarmNone on fashion, such as it is

10-31-2003, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
The GMs make the rules. :)

To be specific, each individual GM appears to make up individual rules for individual times and places. This is made evident by numerous people suggesting that if a certain merchant/whatever won't make your alter, just smile, bide your time, and eventually you'll find someone who will make it (although I don't recall if they specifically said to smile, it seems polite).

Needless to say, this throws a monkey wrench into any discussion of what is or isn't OOG. For the outfit at hand, I could be picky and say things like "How should my character know what distinguishes hand-woven objects from any other kind of weaving?" or "What's a hibiscus, anyhow?", but the only legitimate objection is one that has already been raised: the question of fragrancy. I personally disagree and think fragrant means the same thing for smell that bright means for sight.

Uh, in short, wear it. It's fine. And feel free to kick the snot out of Auntie whomever (verbally).

(edit: it's hard to figure out this quote business)

[Edited on 10-31-2003 by Latrinsorm]

10-31-2003, 05:28 PM
Not genre in GS, huh. Ask a merchant next time what they consider genre. Most of the time, the answer you'll get back is medieval, middle ages-fantasy. In which case, a coconut bra and grass skirt are highly OOC. Just like that school girl outfit Zemmi made.

Granted, some GM merchants don't have a clue what genre is, and likely will make a ton of OOC stuff, so go to them and get your work done.

10-31-2003, 05:31 PM
Teras is a tropical island -- but I don't think I've ever seen a coconut palm while wandering around. I don't think I've even seen a beach there. The only place "tropical" on the island is the area around Tenser's house, which sticks out from the rest of the Isle like a sore thumb.

10-31-2003, 05:32 PM
Originally posted by Caramia

Granted, some GM merchants don't have a clue what genre is, and likely will make a ton of OOC stuff, so go to them and get your work done.

are these the same merchants who are so out of touch with the game that they make items with ice names and ice arkati names in the descriptions?

There are no standards enforced. Remember the big stink about someone getting spurs made to add emphasis to thie point

10-31-2003, 05:46 PM
The only "standard" in what is OOG and what is not is when a player asks a merchant to make something, and they ask on the GM Channel "Hey, what do you guys think of this?"...and the consensus rules. Many GM's do not even do this much, they just do what they want...some are strict as hell...some don't care...some will only make it if it makes them laugh.

This means there is no standard, unfortunately. No one person can dictate what is OOG and what is not...since the staff do not even have a guideline.

GemStone can be whatever time period, whatever genre, whatever whatever you want it to be...as long as you have fun with it.

It's medieval?

Why was there a mechanical flying dragon....

Why was there a lightsaber (Yes, the Lore ong for the item described a battle between White and Black, the battle between Darth Vadar and Luke Skywalker, perfectly)...

Why are there oriental weapons, such as the Naginata and Katana...

How do simple merchants throw lightning bolts from the sky by pointing a finger...

The GameMasters themselves are not "In Genre" or "In Character" and haven't been for a long time...who is to say that a player isn't?

The Cat In The Hat
11-02-2003, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Caramia
Teras is a tropical island -- but I don't think I've ever seen a coconut palm while wandering around. I don't think I've even seen a beach there. The only place "tropical" on the island is the area around Tenser's house, which sticks out from the rest of the Isle like a sore thumb.

There is a beach in the neighborhood of Rock Garden.


11-02-2003, 10:57 PM
Gemstone is a hodgepodge. It's advertised as sort of a quasi-high-fantasy tolkeinesque medievel sorta thing...but the staff's decisions in what they offer and produce proves an entirely different beast.

If you wanna show up in a harley davidson jacket, fuck it. Do it. Just find a GM who's willing to make it for you, and consider it done. Given the things the GMs wear when they poof to answer reports in the middle of a huge crowd, chances are you shouldn't have any trouble at all.

And just because it really bugs me - the word is genre. Not gerne.

11-02-2003, 11:05 PM
It's the internet who cares what people think. Like I said before, the world wont end cause of bunch of people from some game make fun of you.

11-02-2003, 11:58 PM
>You see GameMaster Mahegh Chau'senlar.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
He appears to be young. He has ale-brown eyes and fair skin. He has short, silver hair. He has a pretty nose. He has a chisled chin and some seven-minute abs.
He is in good shape.
He is holding some maoral prayer beads in his right hand.
He is wearing a large sack, a fresh rose, a braided silver necklace with a miniature guillotine hanging from it, a pair of brown leather sandals, a thinly veiled hooded robe, a Lorminstra badge, a small silver star, a shimmering glaesine orb, a rolaren-bound sheath, a black felt eyepatch, and a blue toadstool pin.

He's got seven-minute abs, and yer stressin bout lookin oog?

11-03-2003, 12:14 AM
GMs don't count since they are OOC to begin with.

Red Devil
11-03-2003, 03:08 AM

[Edited on 11-3-2003 by Red Devil]

11-03-2003, 08:24 AM
ok what is this website i have to see this for myself?

11-03-2003, 09:19 AM
Would my character wear that outfit? No. Do I think it out of genre? Well......it is just a game and if you get the thumbs up to make it *shrug*, who am I to rain on your parade? I have never seen a coconut tree in Gemstone, but that may be being a bit picky since there are so many other things more important that coconut boobie holders over armor to complain about. I say just keep plugging along, it's your game baby.

11-03-2003, 09:38 AM
The player of Jenisi is hot, and girls being catty bitches are just trying to give her shit to make themselves feel better.

Am I wrong in saying this?

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-03-2003, 09:51 AM
I agree with Sagan on this. Really, who gives a shit what other people think about your thing?

11-03-2003, 09:59 AM
I don't think the granny site is something that you should let bother you.

It's only the opinion of two people. Nothing more. They do not claim any consensus or ability to speak for anyone outside themselves.

They are entitled to their opinions but to take it as anything more than two people coming up to you in game and criticizing it as being poorly put together is to grant them more authority than I am sure even they would claim.

My own pc's have fallen into many of the pitfalls of poor fashion sense over the years but my friends never beat me up and I didnt really care what strangers thought. I have cleaned them up a bit now, but that was for me, not for the opinions of strangers. As long as you are content and aren't wearing something like a polyester leisure suit then enjoy yourself. This is after all supposed to be a game we play for recreation and enjoyment.

Summation: I dont think the granny site is meant to be hurtfull although they pull few punches so just try to let it roll off your back.

11-03-2003, 10:42 AM
Your outfit IS out of genre, Jenisi, but as the previous posts said, it's not like that matters. GM's don't mind OOC stuff these days, and besides...I avoid your character like the plague, so I don't have to look at it.

There are no coconut palms in Elanthia, not that I've seen, so there can't be coconuts. Try having a merchant make you something out of mahogany or white oak next time, probably won't fly.

But hey, whatever slobs your nob.

It must be nerve-wracking to think that Atheana is always watching you in some form or another. Let me offer this bit of advice to you on that...Don't flatter yourself.


edited to add: If Jenisi wasn't part of the PC clique, I would be willing to wager quite a bit that this thread would be all about how her outfit is so horribly OOC and that she should be banned or something for wearing it.

[Edited on 11-3-2003 by Halfsilver]

11-03-2003, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver

If Jenisi wasn't part of the PC clique, I would be willing to wager quite a bit that this thread would be all about how her outfit is so horribly OOC

[Edited on 11-3-2003 by Halfsilver]

Perhaps you missed my post?

Clique or not, You do something stupid and it will be pointed out here

11-03-2003, 11:27 AM
Heh, I'll agree with you there, TOJ.

Definitely agree.

-grays/d (whew)

11-03-2003, 11:31 AM
I think the greatest part is she got a gm refferal(?) to ask if the outfit was OOG.

11-03-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver

edited to add: If Jenisi wasn't part of the PC clique, I would be willing to wager quite a bit that this thread would be all about how her outfit is so horribly OOC and that she should be banned or something for wearing it.

[Edited on 11-3-2003 by Halfsilver]

Hmm, maybe you should try not to be so darned myopic about things when they pertain to Atheana Grays.

Hell, in this thread, she is the one keeping her cool and you go and get all snippy. Way to be.:?:

I know you are not speaking to all of us cause I and many others have disagreed vociferously at times with Jenisi.

Let things go man. The only person looking bad when you go and make comments like that in an otherwise peaceful thread is you.

11-03-2003, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
Your outfit IS out of genre, Jenisi, but as the previous posts said, it's not like that matters. GM's don't mind OOC stuff these days, and besides...I avoid your character like the plague, so I don't have to look at it.

There are no coconut palms in Elanthia, not that I've seen, so there can't be coconuts. Try having a merchant make you something out of mahogany or white oak next time, probably won't fly.

But hey, whatever slobs your nob.

It must be nerve-wracking to think that Atheana is always watching you in some form or another. Let me offer this bit of advice to you on that...Don't flatter yourself.


edited to add: If Jenisi wasn't part of the PC clique, I would be willing to wager quite a bit that this thread would be all about how her outfit is so horribly OOC and that she should be banned or something for wearing it.

[Edited on 11-3-2003 by Halfsilver]

You know, I vaguely remember someone telling you this is how all yours, and your woman's troubles start on this board. You post jarring, barbed remarks, then get pissed when people call you on it...


11-03-2003, 01:24 PM
No, I don't get pissed about it when you call me on it.

I get pissed when my woman is upset by the content of the BBS.

I'm completely able to take the consequences for what I post.

Just my opinion, anyways. I don't like Jenisi. I'm not going to be all sweet about posting what I think. You all are the same way, thanks.


11-03-2003, 01:26 PM
Yes, but you tend to just completely overlook the fact that your the reason she gets upset..it follows the same path every time..

You post something barbed and dripping with acid.

People call you on it.

" 'theana " comes running to your defense, making foolish remarks.

" 'theana " gets slammed for her remarks.

You come in screamin murder and foul.


11-03-2003, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver

Just my opinion, anyways. I don't like Jenisi. I'm not going to be all sweet about posting what I think.You all are the same way, thanks.


Learn from past errors already and can the sweeping statements.

11-03-2003, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
edited to add: If Jenisi wasn't part of the PC clique, I would be willing to wager quite a bit that this thread would be all about how her outfit is so horribly OOC and that she should be banned or something for wearing it.

This was completely unnecessary.

There is no PC clique. Just because people have those they don't like and those that they do doesn't mean they gang up on people without reason.

I will say, however, that little jabs like this is how arguments and bitterness arise in threads because you can't leave well enough alone.

You know why people haven't come here telling Jenisi off over her outfit whether it was OOG or not? Because she didn't come here crying of why some people are against it. She spoke her opinion about how she didn't agree, contacted a GM and was told it was fine, however wanted opinions. She didn't yell at anyone for their opinion, she didn't bad mouth anyone for their opinion, she was adult about it. If she had started disagreeing and insulting those that didn't agree with how she dresses, then it would have turned into a flame fest.

So please stop with the jabs at the people who post here (since you are still one of those individuals).

Elven Knight
11-03-2003, 01:45 PM
Not to continue this debate, and even though I consider myself friends with D, I am still trying to look at this from a broader expanse.

The first thing I noticed when I was reading through this thread was the poll, and that Atheana's name is mentioned there kinda gave me the impression there was going to be a falling out later on.

Just my opinion

11-03-2003, 01:49 PM
Yeah I saw the same thing, Alex, and it gets me wondering why everyone's taking jabs at Grey for taking jabs at Jenisi, when Jenisi is pretty much begging for it by including a jab against Athaena on the poll that starts off this entire thread.

Y'all cut Grey some slack this time. Not too much, because he really needs to stop rescuing his dimwitted girlfriend, but just keep in mind that he's not the one who started this shit, in this thread.

11-03-2003, 01:58 PM
Sorry, but if you get pissed about what your GF says or how people react to her, simply don't read or don't have her post. Unless you don't mind being angry.

11-03-2003, 01:59 PM
Damn you stray, you just piss me off when you post!!


By the way..2 more levels, and I getta start stealin :D

11-03-2003, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Bestatte
Yeah I saw the same thing, Alex, and it gets me wondering why everyone's taking jabs at Grey for taking jabs at Jenisi, when Jenisi is pretty much begging for it by including a jab against Athaena on the poll that starts off this entire thread.

Y'all cut Grey some slack this time. Not too much, because he really needs to stop rescuing his dimwitted girlfriend, but just keep in mind that he's not the one who started this shit, in this thread.

You're right, she shouldn't have mentioned Atheana to begin with. However, Atheana defended herself and it should have been left at that. It was then brought up again, and this isn't the first time this happens, so perhaps some of us are just tired of this repeated behavior.

11-03-2003, 02:02 PM
LOL. I have survived my life with one indestructable philosophy when it comes to other peoples opinions on me: I don't give a fuck.

PS: The new Texas Chainsaw Massacre film is crap but good for the ladies :P

11-03-2003, 02:04 PM
Oh, stray..have you figured out who my rogue is yet? He has been around you 10 times or so in the past couple of weeks. :D

-Adredrin, prefecting his perfect stealin, and not getting caught all the way to the bank.

11-03-2003, 02:05 PM
Fucking hell! Is he in Icemule, as I've been around alot recently.

11-03-2003, 02:07 PM
Yep, in Mule. I've been in hiding a lot of the time you where around..one time I had to stop stealin while you where in the room, did not want you to see me stealin..Hehe


Garr has silver lined pockets :D

11-03-2003, 02:07 PM
I'll find him in this next week.

11-03-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'll find him in this next week.

Or so you think :smilegrin:

11-03-2003, 08:43 PM
Hmm..all day and she did not come in screaming, I'm impressed :)


Weedmage Princess
11-04-2003, 01:42 AM
Who cares if she mentioned Atheana in the beginning of the thread...and who cares if Graysalin bashes Jenisi cause he doesn't like her? No one cares about those things, if they stand alone. The reason it's always a big deal is because the minute someone says something negative about either Atheana or Graysalin, the other is there attacking everyone. (and I do mean everyone, whether you were involved or not) ...they both have (I'll say Atheana moreso than Graysalin though) big targets on their backs now though because they are quick to start with the insults then throw a bitch fit when people retaliate (this is how they differ from most other posters here though...even the lowest of lows, like Sean..realizes that if he insults someone, they're going to retaliate...and he doesn't complain about it) so people are quicker to go after them than anyone else.

They don't deserve to have any slack cut. There was a time when if someone ripped on them for no real reason, I would have tried to ease the pressure or felt bad..but..those days are long gone. Whatever happens to them is their fault. As long as TOS isn't being violated, whatever is said, is said and if her feelings are hurt or she's "upset" about it....as far as I'm concerned, she can either A) Suck it up or B) Never come back. *shrugs*

Oh and about Jenisi's outfit...I'd say it's fine because there are areas within Elanthia that you WOULD see people wearing things along those lines. The Jungle in River's Rest comes to mind. There's a lagoon there and everything. If Jenisi's character was from that region or one similar in climate, it's quite possible for her to wear garments fashioned out of vines, leaves, foliage, what have you...if you're going to say that is OOG, then you can turn around and say the same thing about people wearing fur longcoats and stuff like that....cause Icemule didn't always exist either, you know.

[Edited on 11-4-2003 by Weedmage Princess]

11-04-2003, 03:55 AM
lets stay on topic, which is the whining and crying because someone made fun of my outfit in game.

11-04-2003, 03:14 PM
Come on now what is this sight i wanna see

or at least tell me if i am on there or not ::grins sheepishly:: yes im a attention whore ok!

[Edited on 11-4-2003 by The Edine]

Weedmage Princess
11-04-2003, 03:20 PM
Holy crap Edine yes you are!!!

11-04-2003, 03:22 PM
::hangs his head in shame:: at least Im honest about it.....

edited to fix spelling ::grins::

[Edited on 11-4-2003 by The Edine]

11-04-2003, 03:36 PM

It pains me to see the same error several times in a row.

Don't become Warscooterhm with his agian please please please!

11-04-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Skirmisher

It pains me to see the same error several times in a row.

Don't become Warscooterhm with his agian please please please!


Weedmage Princess
11-04-2003, 05:06 PM
That still makes me laugh til this day...Warscooterhm.


11-04-2003, 05:28 PM
Personally, I like it about as much as I like giggly dhe'nar.