View Full Version : The Rebirth of the Vaalin Consortium

09-10-2006, 03:25 AM

Following extensive reforms and discussions, the Vaalin Consortium's charter has been recrafted to streamline leadership, include many more people who wish to join and allow for a much more active membership. Inquiries were made as to whether the name could be changed to allow for a greater difference between the Consortium and the Eahnor Trust, but it was discovered that there is no way for the name to be changed.

Current changes include:
- The leadership has been changed to one leader who will serve to help the members achieve their goals. In cases of dispute, the leader has the final say in matters. It should be noted that negotiations and compromises are preferable in most situations, but such authority may be used when necessary.
- All Elves of pure blood who wish to join and accept what is expected of members may join. The leader will explain and answer all questions regarding what is expected.
- All active members (those who attend 4 monthly meetings per year) may run events on their own through the Vaalin Consortium. Members who wish to run events shall consult with the leader to make the event the best it can be. Those who do not meet the requirements to run an event may work with a member who does to run an event.
- Members may freely collaborate with other PROs to create events, so long as the event that results is not biased against Elves or their culture.

The full text of the current Charter may be found at http://www.nilandia.com/consortiumcharter.htm


Mighty Nikkisaurus
09-11-2006, 01:46 PM
Inquiries were made as to whether the name could be changed to allow for a greater difference between the Consortium and the Eahnor Trust, but it was discovered that there is no way for the name to be changed.

Seperating two groups that sound similar won't happen through a name change but through the differences of the activities of the groups themselves.

Another way to distinquish both groups is to not post about both of them in the same thread for any purpose because if people become accustomed to reading about both the Vaalin Consortium and the Trust in the same thread, they'll begin to link the two, no matter the purposes behind each thread.

Anyway, good luck with the changes and with the group.