View Full Version : 913 Melgorehn's Aura - Change

10-31-2003, 01:06 PM
913 Melgorehn's Aura - Change · on 10/31/2003 12:08:13 PM 434

This spell provides a bonus to the caster giving them +10 Defense Strength (DS), +1 DS for every Wizard spell known over 913 as well as +20 Elemental Target Defense (ETD), +1 ETD for every 3 Wizard spells known over 913.

With the increase in defense comes an increase in mana cost; 13 base mana +1 for every 3 additional DS bonus gained.

It was +20 DS, +1 (DS) for every three Wizard spells known over 913; changed to +10 DS, +1 for every wizard spell known over 913. Mana cost also changed from 13 +1 for every increase in DS; changed to 13 +1 for every 3 DS bonus increase.

This change should be in Beta by the end of the day.

~ Kitrina

If you didn't get a ticket for EG yet...go sign up! Best festival EVER!!


This message was originally posted in Wizards, Spell Design and Development. To discuss the above follow the link below.

http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=30&category=40&topic=6&message= 5702

10-31-2003, 02:35 PM
Well since shields is dropping to a 1 minute spell might as well chop off some more DS by nerfing the other spells wizards have.

Seems like the natural progression and makes complete and perfect sense. /sarcasm

10-31-2003, 02:44 PM
Maybe it's me... but i find the new version better in the short run

over 913

10 + 1 per 1
20 +1 per 3
past 930, it's better, so gate and enjoy!

10-31-2003, 02:58 PM
Actually I retract my above cynicism.

I misread the bonus it would get from spells over 913.

X, you have a good point but I don't feel like going for gate yet. I'm still a big believer in the minor elemental sphere. 425, 430 and 415 are just too good to me right now.

10-31-2003, 03:04 PM
400 asap until 475
511 is enough for war magery
900 then, i'd do that anyway

10-31-2003, 03:11 PM
I'm at 920, 520, and 474 right now at lvl 57 ( I know it's not fully 2x in spells I was gonna make that up later but the best laid plans are shot to shit with the advent of GSIV heh)

I was going to do exactly that.

Next train get 475 then go back to 2x in wizard. I should probably get more ranks in 500 just for 513 but I don't use that spell at all right now, later down the road is a different story though.

10-31-2003, 03:51 PM
dont forget though at 57 anything over rank 57 no longer gives you AS TD or DS bonus so those ranks are givin you CS only

11-01-2003, 03:04 AM
I think for my Wizard it will suck at first, but I'm concentrating on the Wizard circle right now anyways. In GS3, 26 trains, he's got 20 Wizard, 20 Minor, 14 Major. I'm going for Rapid Fire and Leech, then straight for Wizard Gate. From there, I dunno.

Love you Jolena!

11-01-2003, 10:02 AM
Your gonna die alot if you try to use Familar gate at that early of a level. And my Wizard in GS3 anyway didnt even cast till he was 20. not enough mana to fry off it. then he was pure caster after that.

11-01-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by Reyek
Your gonna die alot if you try to use Familar gate at that early of a level. And my Wizard in GS3 anyway didnt even cast till he was 20. not enough mana to fry off it. then he was pure caster after that.

Anticor is 57 and casting is a secondary attack form, unless I'm hunting trali shaman then it's pure 415 on them.

11-01-2003, 10:35 AM
well yea but he is going for rapid fire and leech obviously he doesnt plan to be like you. he wants to cast. Anticor the speedy warriormage. Stunseed the speedycast mage. see the difference? ;) just messin

11-01-2003, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by Reyek
well yea but he is going for rapid fire and leech obviously he doesnt plan to be like you. he wants to cast. Anticor the speedy warriormage. Stunseed the speedycast mage. see the difference? ;) just messin

Heh, I see what your saying and agree. Mana will be tight if you plan on using rapid fire in your hunts alot. The only time that I used bolts to hunt was in Anwyn, some of the fastest lvls I ever had involved arch wights and minor acid.

11-01-2003, 10:48 AM
My wizard cant swing that hard with 509 & 425 he breaks the 280 mark. think thats pretty decent for a 37 wizard. Rather cast though faster kills and you can stance dance in RT :)

11-01-2003, 05:09 PM
430 seems uncapped, wow, but won't give any ds if overtrained. bah.

11-01-2003, 10:31 PM
Heh, I don't plan on using Rapid Fire while hunting, but it is a nifty spell I think I'd enjoy to use. Mana Leech, however......I think will be critcal to my Wizard in GSIV. In 3, I hunt Farmhands with relative ease. Mana will be more difficult to gain, and so I'll prolly Leech the hell out of the Wraiths < I think have tons of mana > to survive. Wasn't planning on using Gate at 30, not at all. But a nice spell level to begin experimentation at Enchant.

Love you Jolena!

11-01-2003, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Reyek
Your gonna die alot if you try to use Familar gate at that early of a level. And my Wizard in GS3 anyway didnt even cast till he was 20. not enough mana to fry off it. then he was pure caster after that.

My Wizard stopped swinging at 23. That's when I learned undead and fire don't mix very well, to my advantage. Plus soon after I could make my own Fire wands in my spare time, solving the temporary mana problem.

Love you Jolena!

11-06-2003, 05:59 PM
I can't wait to see how bad they fuck us up

11-11-2003, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
From what I can tell so far (which isn't much), it'll be a lot the same as it is now... don't get hit, cos if you do you're most likely dead.

At least with the new combat system we'll have a better chance of not getting hit, yeah? :D

I can't get hit now as it is.

11-12-2003, 01:02 AM
I seem to be the only one who uses Cone as his primary attack spell? That spell gets me fried wicked fast..although I have to Mana leech to keep at it.

11-12-2003, 10:21 AM
Yeah, Fire rules.

You hurl a stream of fire at a rotting farmhand!
AS: +228 vs DS: +115 with AvD: +37 + d100 roll: +60 = +210
... and hit for 100 points of damage!
Head explodes, splattering sizzling bits of flesh and bone everywhere.
The rotting farmhand wails in terrifying pain one last time and lies still.

Love you Jolena!

11-12-2003, 11:03 AM
In GS4 my wizard will have 929, 430, and 525 at level 33

11-17-2003, 07:08 PM
dont forget though at 57 anything over rank 57 no longer gives you AS TD or DS bonus so those ranks are givin you CS only

Say what? (Sorry, I don't know what's going on since I don't keep up with things anymore.)

So much for diversity. I was hoping to see people that specialize in the major sphere to have a high bolt AS yet a low defense. Or someone who specializes in the wizard sphere for a high defense but low offense and such. It seems keeping your spell circles even is the best for bonuses other than casting strength. That sucks.

When GS4 comes out, I was hoping to specialize in the major sphere for a high bolt AS and leech CS with all my tripling yet have a low defense due to stopping in the 400's and 900's. I don't wanna spread em out and be like everyone else, heh. Screw that, I guess I'm not gonna bother coming back for GS4. It just no longer suites my taste. Oh well, back to Enemy Territory and America's Army.

- N