View Full Version : Dhe'nar and Khanshael

08-31-2006, 05:39 PM
The two cultures are inextricably intertwined. Their symbiotic relationship has made Sharath the Empire it is today. So why not bring that to Elanith?

If you play a Dhe'nar or a Khanshael (dark) dwarf, and you're interested in getting some RP plot going, post here, or at www.noishorah.com Let's have some fun.

08-31-2006, 05:46 PM
I loved playing my Khanshael, Afrey with his Dhe'nar roots but had few characters to join in the RP with.
They're treated well and respected within the Dhe'nar community.
Wish I still had him now.

08-31-2006, 06:21 PM
They're treated well and respected within the Dhe'nar community.

Extremely. With regards to both.

08-31-2006, 06:45 PM
dork alert!

08-31-2006, 06:46 PM
dork alert!
Rofl @ guy who's posting on a message board about a text game calling dork alert.

08-31-2006, 06:47 PM
Giggidy giggidy giggidy ;)

08-31-2006, 07:35 PM
haha, oh, the irony...

08-31-2006, 07:36 PM
Nah dude we're aware we're dorks.

08-31-2006, 07:38 PM
I love playing my khanshael. I never met any Dhe'nari though that treated him like he was supposed to be treated (IE, knew the background of it). Most of them were just dark elves who had to pick one of two cultures.


08-31-2006, 08:35 PM
I love playing my khanshael. I never met any Dhe'nari though that treated him like he was supposed to be treated (IE, knew the background of it). Most of them were just dark elves who had to pick one of two cultures.


Same here. I love my Khanshael too and it's still one of my primary characters.

08-31-2006, 09:54 PM
I had a Khanshael back in the day. I remember being disappointed in the amount of Dhe'nots and eventually interest waned.

08-31-2006, 10:01 PM
I had a Khanshael back in the day. I remember being disappointed in the amount of Dhe'nots and eventually interest waned.

That's exactly what happened with my Khanshael.
I'm thinking about sorting it out again.

08-31-2006, 10:07 PM
I find that people who pick a culture among the human, giant, and dwarven races (especially for the last) tend to have thought it out more seriously than most other races.

I think the same could probably be said of halflings, but I make it my job to not know any halflings.


08-31-2006, 10:09 PM
I personally loved my Mithrenek dwarf, and put ALOT of time into RPing that character...I'm gonna pull the warrior back out again someday I hope!

08-31-2006, 10:55 PM
"Everything is Knowledge. Knowledge is Power. Power is Everything."

Perhaps you can entertwine something of your plot line into Telsas's history making her Dhe'Nar since it seems many of her beliefs lean more towards this side then the other. . . . However, :::GASP::: Because she is unaware of exactly why she doesn't want to mix more then companionship from other then dark elven, you can show her or it can be part of the plot. See Role play plot lines for more info. It is also a great way to educate other people, besides my newbie arse, that are unsure of proper Dhe'Nar behavior and how they should be acting. Expect some rebellion.

08-31-2006, 11:35 PM
It is also a great way to educate other people, besides my newbie arse, that are unsure of proper Dhe'Nar behavior and how they should be acting. Expect some rebellion

Proper Dhe'Nar behavior is easy.

1)Whine constantly about the state of the game.
2)Be an elitist, only interact with those who once payed per hour.
3)Threaten to quit the game forever. Repeatedly, if possible.
4)Remember, the only good Dhe'Nar roleplay is YOUR Dhe'Nar roleplay.

That's really all it takes.

08-31-2006, 11:52 PM
...that's not really funny.

09-01-2006, 12:19 AM
Proper Dhe'Nar behavior is easy.

1)Whine constantly about the state of the game.
2)Be an elitist, only interact with those who once payed per hour.
3)Threaten to quit the game forever. Repeatedly, if possible.
4)Remember, the only good Dhe'Nar roleplay is YOUR Dhe'Nar roleplay.

That's really all it takes.

You're a fucking idiot.

09-01-2006, 01:47 AM
I payed AOL to play per hour back in the day, and now I play with everyone. My Dhe'nar is in the Tower, and we still honor the pact between the dark dwarves and the Dhe'nar. Bring your Khanshael to Illistim, and seek us out by the fountain in Briarstone Court. bring your hitherto undecided dark elves to the same place, and make up your own mind. Bring your halfling, and join us for dinner :)

09-01-2006, 04:49 AM
Briarstone is the haven of all the elitist bitches who suck each other's cocks every day.

In fact, the last half of that sentence can be applied to the dhe'nar in general .

Plus anything that Starsnuffer was involved with has to be shite by default.

09-01-2006, 05:33 AM
Ah yes...and the dais is the RP haven of Illistim!! ::woot::

09-01-2006, 06:59 AM
Proper Dhe'Nar behavior is easy.

1)Whine constantly about the state of the game.
2)Be an elitist, only interact with those who once payed per hour.
3)Threaten to quit the game forever. Repeatedly, if possible.
4)Remember, the only good Dhe'Nar roleplay is YOUR Dhe'Nar roleplay.

That's really all it takes.

Virilneus wasn't Dhe'nar.
Listen to Kainen.

09-01-2006, 12:50 PM
Briarstone is the haven of all the elitist bitches who suck each other's cocks every day.

In fact, the last half of that sentence can be applied to the dhe'nar in general .

Plus anything that Starsnuffer was involved with has to be shite by default. >>

Who, specifically, do you not like at the Fountain, Stray?

09-01-2006, 02:57 PM
The Dhe'nar are a certain way for a reason. If you don't like it, steer clear of them, and their invitations. You don't have to like them. In fact, we probably prefer it if at least some people don't. If we wanted to be loved, we'd be sylvan empaths.

09-01-2006, 02:58 PM
Briarstone is the haven of all the elitist bitches who suck each other's cocks every day.

In fact, the last half of that sentence can be applied to the dhe'nar in general .

Plus anything that Starsnuffer was involved with has to be shite by default.

I call bullshit. I sit at the fountain and I know for a fact that we interact with MORE than just other Dhe'nar. It seems that some people need to get thier heads removed from thier anal sphincters. Mind you.. not that I want a bunch more people migrating there. I like it quiet. So on second thought, keep your head right where it is and stay away. :)

09-01-2006, 03:00 PM
Either way, the offer stands. Bring your Khanshael and your culturless Dark Elves to the fountain. The Khanshael will find a strong bond of honor and trust. The dark elves will find out whether they want to be Dhe'nar or not. And eveyone will learn a little about the Way.

09-01-2006, 03:00 PM

09-01-2006, 03:18 PM
Why cant you all be near an active warrior guild.... Been itching to start playing my dhe'nar again but Ive been doing guild work in the landing.

09-01-2006, 04:02 PM
Xandalf is around the landing from time to time.

09-01-2006, 04:30 PM
Xandalf is around the landing from time to time.

When he's not in little pieces in the Caverns Of Ages. :)

09-01-2006, 04:32 PM
Shimm can only dream.

3 deaths in 6 levels is pretty good (all cheap void deaths), if I do say so myself.

09-01-2006, 08:12 PM
You're a fucking idiot.

You're very sensative.

09-01-2006, 10:50 PM
Thanks for answering my question, Stray.

09-01-2006, 11:00 PM
You're very sensative.

No, I am tired of hearing the same old bullshit that's directed towards Dhe'nar and sorcerers for that matter. Dhe'nar are SUPPOSED to be elite. However there are some of us that don't act that way, but people see the Dhe'nar tag and ASSUME that we are that way. If you heard over and over that your char and your characture's kind were this or that, you'd get annoyed too.

09-02-2006, 02:42 AM
Thanks for answering my question, Stray.


I'd rather not say considering things rarely stay in character when it comes to the Dhe'nari, especially when they get bitched out OOC.

As I have seen and experienced, the dhe'nar players tend to be the sad little Vampire the Masquerade larpers. In addition, the very nature of the history of them being darker, more evil, more elitist, more better and more special than everyone else is just fucking stupid. Its like OOoOOOOo I'm a dhe'nari sorcerer. I AM TEH EVIL.

Sad, overdone and a nice little ripoff of the drow.

09-02-2006, 10:58 AM
Hmmmmm Now I admitted to being a newbie. I have been playing since the end of May and learning basics from verbs to how to friggen find a place to hunt, has taken the majority of my RP. I have heard how the Dha'Nar were elite so held off to learn about that side of the coin before picking. While playing however the ones I have encountered have really been. . . less convincing as the "sad little Vampire the Masquerade larpers." But hell, I am in the landing so what do you expect? Some do have a great connection to their role however and keep me interested in that path enough to not pick Fae Elven. Over played? Holy Cow... How old is GS? LOL Every damn angle of this game is played over and over again. I am no different in some of the choices my character has made but I am giving it a hellva a shot to play my character. I look forward to the adventure to this fountain one of these days regardless if it's good, bad or indifferent. Just have to find an IG reason as to what pulls my character there. Thank you for the links and info.

Um whats wrong with using Drow in RP?

09-02-2006, 11:03 AM
No, I am tired of hearing the same old bullshit that's directed towards Dhe'nar and sorcerers for that matter. Dhe'nar are SUPPOSED to be elite. However there are some of us that don't act that way, but people see the Dhe'nar tag and ASSUME that we are that way. If you heard over and over that your char and your characture's kind were this or that, you'd get annoyed too.

So..in other words, you're very sensitive. Gotcha.

09-02-2006, 11:46 AM
Um whats wrong with using Drow in RP?
Much like hobbit, the term just doesn't exist in Elanthia.

09-02-2006, 12:04 PM
So..in other words, you're very sensitive. Gotcha.

Wrong again, sometimes things just get old. When things get annoying enough you speak out or do something about it. It's like that with anything in life.. not just this.

09-02-2006, 12:11 PM

I'd rather not say considering things rarely stay in character when it comes to the Dhe'nari, especially when they get bitched out OOC.

As I have seen and experienced, the dhe'nar players tend to be the sad little Vampire the Masquerade larpers. In addition, the very nature of the history of them being darker, more evil, more elitist, more better and more special than everyone else is just fucking stupid. Its like OOoOOOOo I'm a dhe'nari sorcerer. I AM TEH EVIL.

Sad, overdone and a nice little ripoff of the drow.

I can tell that you have had little or no interaction with any of the Dhe'nar that I know. The OOC accusation is just absurd. And to be honest I don't think you are doing any more than talking shit at this point. None of the Dhe'nar that I know and rp, come anywhere close to RPing ANY sort of vampire. The whole I AM TEH EVIL thing is also bullshit. When I first read your post it irritated me, but then I thought about it and realized that either you haven't had any interaction with Dhe'nar except with some of the idiots in the landing OR you are just intentionally being an asshole.

09-02-2006, 12:47 PM
I just honestly wanted to know who specifically Stray had a problem with at the Fountain as it is inhabited now. If it was me, I would like to see his opinions on how I could improve, or what had him so readily dismiss the entire location as crap. If it was others, I would know of who has what problem with those that I RP with, and why.

Blanket insults are tiresome, and unhelpful.

09-02-2006, 12:56 PM
There's nobody I've seen which makes the game any less enjoyable at the fountain. I'd say it's less aggrivating than the dais, anyday.

09-02-2006, 01:32 PM
I just honestly wanted to know who specifically Stray had a problem with at the Fountain as it is inhabited now. If it was me, I would like to see his opinions on how I could improve, or what had him so readily dismiss the entire location as crap. If it was others, I would know of who has what problem with those that I RP with, and why.

Blanket insults are tiresome, and unhelpful.

Personally I don't think he really had a problem with anyone. I think he was just talking crap to be annoying.

09-02-2006, 01:47 PM
No, I am tired of hearing the same old bullshit that's directed towards Dhe'nar and sorcerers for that matter. Dhe'nar are SUPPOSED to be elite. However there are some of us that don't act that way, but people see the Dhe'nar tag and ASSUME that we are that way. If you heard over and over that your char and your characture's kind were this or that, you'd get annoyed too.

What is your first name? The very small, tongue-in-cheek joke I made about Dhe'Nar really should only insult you if you are the ONE, UNO Dhe'Nar I had in mind.

Seriously, maybe you should re-read it, it was more an OOC insult than IC. Feel free to reply if you have to have the last word.

09-03-2006, 04:24 AM
Fallen, Evarin, know I've never had a problem with you. You're one of the few dark elf sorcerer's I DON'T have a problem with, especially when it comes to being cliched Drow-esque vampire the masquerade rip-offs. I can't say this for 90% of the rest of the Dhe'nar populace etc.

As for not playing with the Dhe'nar: I recall being involved with them when Mnar, Snuffer, Jael, Gahread, Krissella and a few others were around. Despite my disliking for the midget, I actually felt the sub-race was well played back then. This little example of the breakup with the Khanshael only demonstrates how far the group has fallen at large.

09-03-2006, 09:52 AM
Just becasue 1 person hasnt had the correct RP experience doesnt mean the "group has fallen". Everyone knows that when they implimented the race titles many people chose dhe'nar and then never again thought about it for their RP. The reason you think it was better before was because the people who called themselves dhe'nar actually practiced it and made an effort for it. I know I have been treated very well playing a khanshael dwarf by dhe'nar and also ignored by them.

If you are going to blame anyone blame simu.

09-03-2006, 07:17 PM
Compared to how the Tower was, yes, It has fallen.

10-23-2006, 04:33 PM
I have been meaning to return to post again regarding how things are going and have kept putting it off, for shame! Better late then never though so here I am.

Telsas managed to make it to Illistim and for all the comments and RP it gave me pre trip, it was nothing of what she expected. The whole thing was very impressive regardless how it turns out. The Role play shows an entire different way of life then that of the landing and was always kept very IC in a viewers eye. Now I grant you, I do not connect up to the net to hear ooc comments and I try to refrain from alot of AIM conversation (that is a half truth), that will give away plot lines or give way to pettiness. However it can't be helped from time to time so I do divulge into it. That is not the point, the point is... You can see the tight group when you visit and Yes it is a different style of rp there, but I enjoyed every second of it, even if I did not gain to much acceptance. Just a look can gain scorn and I would not recommend the visit for anyone who goes with expectations. I look forward to Telsas next visit as soon as she manages a few trains under her leather so she doesn't just have to sit and watch the ebbing of the tide around the fountain. Thanks to all the players there for being who they were.