View Full Version : Kind of sad..

10-31-2003, 04:03 AM
Earlier this evening/morning I was messing around with one of my other souls and having bought a ton of the paint brushes from the Faire, I offer to paint people when I get overly bored. To make a long story short I had a newer player ask me in whispers if I was a Game Host just for being so nice. I just thought it was pretty sad that this is the impression newer people to the game get, that anyone who is acutually nice is staff. Depressing.

(XXXXX whispers, "so you really are just a person here and not a game host?")

10-31-2003, 04:04 AM
Andummm, ignore that smiley at the end. Wasn't intentional and I don't feel like editing.

10-31-2003, 04:05 AM
Look at it this way.... you are so nice people think you are a god! hehehe...

that was sweet of you :)

10-31-2003, 04:10 AM
Actually, I would tend to lean towards the idea that it's someone who has never seen anything like this before, and was probably amazed you were doing such a thing in the first place.

When I first joined the game, years ago, I joined late at night, and was born in Icemule, when I died, it said I had two options, wait for rescue, or depart, so I departed! A couple times that night, I might add!

The following "Day" I was playing again, and guess what? Died again, yep, But this time, before I departed, someone had fogged in and rescued me, to me, this was wholly amazing! I thought for sure that this person had to be a GM or something, I mean, what an incredible abilty!

heh, sorta wandering here, it's late, at anyrate, That post reminded me of the time when I had a sense of wonder about almost everything in the lands.....


Added a couple vowels here and there...

[Edited on 10-31-2003 by Ansherak]

10-31-2003, 04:14 AM
That is a good point! A lot of stuff amazed me when I first started adventuring.

10-31-2003, 08:47 AM
heh that is prolly my fault... being mean to just about everyone.. and since everyone knows The Edine....that is most likely why the little one was awed with your being nice.

10-31-2003, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by The Edine
heh that is prolly my fault... being mean to just about everyone.. and since everyone knows The Edine....that is most likely why the little one was awed with your being nice.

But, of course! The planet does revolve around Edine, does it not? :rolleyes:

HarmNone thinks Edine would make a most interesting greasy spot ;)

10-31-2003, 10:52 AM
I always try to help new adventurers whenever I can . . .
Just the other day I was resting in the crypt when out of the blue a girl tells me she has had her pearl stolen.
After a while she resigned to the fact that this game is full of people who only care for themselves.
I felt that was quite a sad thing.
So I did whatever I could to try to change her mind. . . .
I know I would have appreciated the same.


10-31-2003, 10:54 AM
Oh and yeah . . she was being stolen from the whole time we were talking, in the end she lost all her gems from her measly ghoul boxes.
That is sickening but I guess it is still RP for some


10-31-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Fraidycat
Oh and yeah . . she was being stolen from the whole time we were talking, in the end she lost all her gems from her measly ghoul boxes.
That is sickening but I guess it is still RP for some


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Curious... very curious...

10-31-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by Fraidycat
Oh and yeah . . she was being stolen from the whole time we were talking, in the end she lost all her gems from her measly ghoul boxes.
That is sickening but I guess it is still RP for some


RP, my ass!:moon:

HarmNone appreciates the "good" thieves, but feels they are outnumbered by the jackasses

10-31-2003, 11:07 AM
Youll all think I'm really gullable fer this . .. and if it was a scam it worked but I gave her a hefty amount of silvers and all my guard spells for 4 hours.
I slept really well though that night . . . cackle


10-31-2003, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Fraidycat
Youll all think I'm really gullable fer this . .. and if it was a scam it worked but I gave her a hefty amount of silvers and all my guard spells for 4 hours.
I slept really well though that night . . . cackle


Heh. Exactly the opposite. Sounds to me like you are one of the good guys! :D

HarmNone is glad to see that some people still care

10-31-2003, 11:37 AM
I happen to love new players and I help when I can. I was pretty tired when this happened so maybe I coulda worded the topic a little differently but I think my point comes through.

Anyway, from what I've seen a lot is that more older and established people don't really take the time to help out the little ones. On a side note, this isn't always true. I've seen people who've only been around for several months and think they KNOW everything try to guide people. I think it just depends on the teacher and the student being willing to accept the hints/advice. This mostly in the Landing but other towns as well. Could be why this player thought I was so nice and I do try and be nice. Newbies especially, a lot might not understand the concept of RP and I know when I first started off a truely nasty character would have soured my interest right away.

My nice thought of the day: Help out a newbie and show them the "right" way. I don't consider myself to be an amazing role player or anything but if we all took a step to try and pass on the best parts of the game, eventually it might be "cool" to role play. Ahhh. I'm dreaming. Enough rambling for now.

Happy Halloween though!

10-31-2003, 04:42 PM
I think it's more of the fact you were painting faces, leaving descriptions on people, rather than the fact that you were nice. Unless it was later clarified, of course.

10-31-2003, 04:50 PM
no it was the nice part of it. Everyone (myself included) is so hellbent on the leveling aspect of the game that being nice and common manners when exhibited blow peoples mind

10-31-2003, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by theotherjohn
no it was the nice part of it. Everyone (myself included) is so hellbent on the leveling aspect of the game that being nice and common manners when exhibited blow peoples mind

Now, there is a comment with which I can heartily agree! I thought it bore repeating. :yes:

HarmNone wishes one could find more niceness and less obsession

10-31-2003, 09:28 PM
Niceness, as a *character* is highly overrated. In fact, I actually rejoined Gemstone this past month, just to check stuff out. I came across two different types of people: huggy snuggle smoochy happy feely cheery dimwits, and everyone else who happened to be AFK while they rested, or spelled their alts up, or otherwise weren't paying the least bit of attention to their *character's* surroundings.

Why is it that when a character is roleplayed as being nasty, people accuse the player of that character of being mean? Has roleplay gone that far out of whack that there really is no difference between the character and the player anymore?

Blech. I spent five hours in Gemstone this month. I can't say I regret it, I didn't have anything better to do at the time. But truly, it was a pathetic waste.

11-01-2003, 12:04 AM
Why is it when a character is roleplayed as being happy once in awhile (as I think you'll agree you didn't carefully study these people for enough time to make a conclusion about their entire persona) people accuse the characters as being "dimwits"? I mean, is it that hard to accept that in a world where there is no permanent death, eternal health and youth can easily be maintained, and everyone (until GS4) has unbelievable God-like powers, that someone would occasionally let off a giggle or hug someone?

Ok. I take that partially back. You are right. There are some people whose characters are dimwits not because they chose to roleplay a dimwit but because they treat GS as a chat room. But my cleric was a very happy camper to the point of absurdity and if you described him the way you described, you know, people, I would be very upset. And probably rant like I did in that first paragraph. I also think you overestimate the correlation the majority of people place between players and characters. I mean, hell, look at Klaive. I used to be pals with Klaive, I talked with Darien in IM's and such, but I know I never and I'm pretty sure no one else thought he was a jerk because of the way Klaive acted. I'm pretty sure most people would agree that Darien is a jerk and Klaive is a jerk but there isn't really any way to get one from the other.

So to stay on topic (Jesus it's late. Shouldn't I be asleep?), being nice is a good thing. Being nice doesn't make you a good person, but it appears being nice in GS makes you a unique person, and I agree that's a shame.

11-01-2003, 03:51 AM
Originally posted by Caiylania
That is a good point! A lot of stuff amazed me when I first started adventuring.

I try really hard to give someone that sense of wonder. Some respond to it... others don't. I'm a diehard... I try to make the magic happen. Even if it's just a trip to Ronan's shrine outside of the Landing... that look when they get... well if you know fine... if you do not... go.<grin>


11-01-2003, 04:10 AM
Originally posted by Bestatte
Niceness, as a *character* is highly overrated. In fact, I actually rejoined Gemstone this past month, just to check stuff out. I came across two different types of people: huggy snuggle smoochy happy feely cheery dimwits, and everyone else who happened to be AFK while they rested, or spelled their alts up, or otherwise weren't paying the least bit of attention to their *character's* surroundings.

Why is it that when a character is roleplayed as being nasty, people accuse the player of that character of being mean? Has roleplay gone that far out of whack that there really is no difference between the character and the player anymore?

Blech. I spent five hours in Gemstone this month. I can't say I regret it, I didn't have anything better to do at the time. But truly, it was a pathetic waste.

Five hours and you only ran across two types? My... you must have been limited somehow. This is also one of those 'blanket statements' that has caused trouble lately. Two types? My main character is nice and she isn't huggy/smoochie. Oh well, your character won't matter since you 'wasted five hours out of your life' for this worthless game because that indicates you are leaving... I say goodbye. <shakes her head at the stupidity as she walks away>


P. S. Don't forget to point your chat friends to this thread!

11-01-2003, 06:10 AM
I do not believe that the difference between a light-aligned character and a dark-aligned character is the point of this particular thread.

Would I expect the evil sorcerer to be happily painting faces in the park? No, I would not. It would be out of character for that individual. However, would I expect there to be people in Elanthia who would be painting faces in the park? Of course. There are giving people, taking people, and downright evil people in any society, Elanthian society notwithstanding.

I think what is being said here speaks more to the issue of players not having the time or interest to bother with anything other than their own little clique of friends and driving hell-bent for the next level in their misguided effort to "win" the game.

I played a friendly, outgoing, people-oriented character, a very quiet and withdrawn character, and a character who was mean as the proverbial snake. None of those characters stole from new characters, unless given reason to do so. ;) Neither the quiet one, nor the nasty one, would have painted faces in the park. One was too shy and the other too self-absorbed and misanthropic. The friendly character would have done.

To me, the point here was that someone painting the faces of strangers in the park was seen as an unusual event, and thought to be staff. It could not be seen that a normal, friendly person of the lands might reach out to others just out of the goodness of her heart. The fact that this character did that came as a surprise to a young player.

Should there be evil in the lands? Certainly. Should every character in the lands be so wrapped up in themselves and their wants and needs that they have no time for those around them? No, I do not think so. That is as unrealistic as a world full of huggy-bunnies and zombies.

Some games are set in lands where life itself is fraught with difficulty. Elanthia is not one of those lands. In Elanthia, a character can almost completely avoid danger, if that is the desire of that character. I had one like that, too. ;)


11-01-2003, 02:01 PM
When I played regularly, I had two main characters. They had completely opposing personalities. They were on the same account, so I didn't multi-play...

One was Bestatte, a fairly intelligent dark elf who liked strange and macabre things and thought strange and macabre thoughts.

The other was Courtine, an incredibly cheerful and child-like (not childish) giantman bard.

Courtine, the sweet one, was not huggy smoochy bouncy all the time, because life isn't always huggy smoochy bouncy - even if death isn't permanent.

I see empaths sitting on the stumpy remainder of their torsos, without arms, with holes in their abdomens, with half their faces torn off, GIGGLING. The players aren't taking into consideration their situations. They just wanna be cartoon characters in a chatroom.

I see twits who spend hour upon hour multi-playing and spelling their alts up to level and gain skills/spells/stats, just so they can duel each other like childhood brats in the schoolyard.

I only spent 5 hours..and yes Vesi, all I saw were two types of people during that 5-hour period. Did I say that's all GS has? No, I don't believe I did. In fact, I was very careful NOT to say that. I'm sure there are plenty of other personality types of characters in Gemstone. I didn't, however, see any.

In fact during that 5-hour period, I ended up becoming another mindless drone, killing ants and using "DIR" to get the "exp" needed to level, because no one wanted to roleplay an actual individual personality. I found it very sad.

I think it's awesome that someone like the originator of this thread took the time to create some awesome RP for himself and others. I also think the reaction he received for his efforts is -exactly- what I'm talking about. And that makes me sad too.

11-01-2003, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Bestatte
I see empaths sitting on the stumpy remainder of their torsos, without arms, with holes in their abdomens, with half their faces torn off, GIGGLING. The players aren't taking into consideration their situations. They just wanna be cartoon characters in a chatroom.

I can agree with this to a degree. However, I always hated the messaging that went with an empath "taking" a missing limb. That "falls to the ground screaming" routine got old, fast! If an empath has spent a good many years healing others, there is no way she/he will be falling to the ground and screaming with pain every time she/he heals another's missing limb. If that were the case, there would be no empaths because every damned one of them would find something else to do!

It makes a lot more sense to think of empaths as people who have learned to overcome pain...to reach beyond it, somehow. Utilizing that thinking, an empath would probably not be giggling with glee while bleeding profusely from every orifice, natural and unnatural. Yet, neither would an empath be writhing on the ground in pain.

Sometimes, in our zeal for realism, we tend to forget that Elanthia is, after all, a land of magic. The truths of our real world do not necessarily apply there.

Originally posted by Bestatte
I see twits who spend hour upon hour multi-playing and spelling their alts up to level and gain skills/spells/stats, just so they can duel each other like childhood brats in the schoolyard.

The sad truth of this one is that many of them ARE childhood brats in the schoolyard. ;)

Originally posted by Bestatte
I think it's awesome that someone like the originator of this thread took the time to create some awesome RP for himself and others. I also think the reaction he received for his efforts is -exactly- what I'm talking about. And that makes me sad too.

I think that was the point that the original poster, and others, were trying to make. It is not about whether being "nice" should be the order of the day. It is about whether those who play characters who could be helpful and interact with the new players take the time to do so, or whether they are so wrapped up in themselves and their own interests that they neglect to put out a hand now and then in friendship and in fun. :)

HarmNone is beginning to think she talks too much :lol:

11-01-2003, 02:40 PM
To add to that, Harmnone, I have a suggestion for people who play "mean" characters.

You can -still- help bring newbies into the world, without coming off as real-life assholes (not that you do, I'm just saying you don't have to).

A Dhe'nar elf, for example, is raised with a very limited and strict protocol and lifestyle. If a Dhe'nar comes across a halfling newbie, he can still roleplay with the newbie in a helpful and encouraging way - without breaking the "mean" streak.


You can act out sharpening your blade, and when the halfling comes in, while you're sharpening, you can lick your lips and smile slowly at him.

Are you actively threatening to kill the newbie? Nope. Are you suggesting that your character is a meanie? Yep. Are you giving the newbie the opportunity to react? Yep.

You've just created a little mini-event, and it took less than 60 seconds to do it.

If the halfling says, "where do i get eq" a possible response could be...

"I got a nice blade right here, if you wouldn't mind falling on it. If not, the weaponshop is south a few blocks."

And now you've helped a newbie, without ceasing to be that mean old arrogant Dhe'nar asshole that you so enjoy being.