View Full Version : Lornon Mass 08-25

08-26-2006, 02:15 AM
What follows is a log of the Lornon Mass that was hosted tonight by the Circle of the Grey Moon. I want to say thanks for everyone that attended, and special thanks to all my officiants. I was completely impressed by everyone's contribution, and I think it went off extremely well. This is from Naessi's POV.

[Eorgina's Temple, Adytum]
The solemn surroundings are more befitting the priests and priestesses who dedicate every hour of their lives to the temple, than a mere trespassing worshipper. Lit with several oil lamps set in iron sconces, rows of onyx benches stand in a circle around a central altar. Steel grey vestments chased with crimson-threaded flames hang from several hooks along the walls. Three arched openings lead to smaller alcoves off the main chamber.
Also here: Sepher, Luxemi, Mekthros, Kasia, Lorken who is kneeling, Camusai, Raelee, Hadya, Lord Marclar who is kneeling, Telsas who is kneeling, Justyce who is kneeling, Zhau who is sitting, Lord Dalboz who is kneeling, Lady Vedah who is kneeling, Lord Alavesdian who is sitting, Lord Shanng who is sitting, Zaaf who is kneeling, Lady Armaya who is sitting, Great Lady Sadryne who is kneeling, Siledryn who is sitting, Heratik who is kneeling, Hialeah who is sitting, Asathrae who is sitting, Najhal who is sitting
Obvious exits: north, east, west, out

You recite:

"Greetings to all who have chosen to attend the Lornon Mass. I am Naessi Wintersun, High Priestess of the Circle of the Grey Moon, and in the service of Queen Eorgina."

You recite:

"Tonight is about paying homage, about worship and service, and about acknowledging the Ones ... without whom, we may not be a part of something greater than ourselves."

Heratik whispers something to Telsas.
You recite:

"So without futher discussion, I would like to begin."

You smile.

Luxemi folds her hands.

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

You recite:

"Soon the day dissolves
Perplexed by its failing might
Into a stillness of the Heart
A fable of fallen light."

You recite:

"Soon the day dissolves
As sunlight bleeds from the lands
And night becomes Dark on Dark
So go we, to the Darkness' hands."

You recite:

"We seek them, through the days and through the Dark
We seek them, through the arches of the years"

You recite:

"We seek them, through the labyrinthine ways
We seek them, holding all else at bay."

You remove a thick black pillar candle from in your black velvet handbag.

You carefully place your black pillar candle on the ground.

You recite:

"And now I, Naessi, will pay homage to Queen Eorgina."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

You recite:

"To Dawn: Be gone! And to Dark: Be soon"

Heratik tilts his head down.

You recite:

"We lift our voices in praise of Queen Eorgina.
May all things betray thee, the one who betrayest She."

You recite:

"We open our souls to Her Dark might.
Naught shelters thee, the one who will not acknowledge She."

You recite:

"And we give our best to Her, casting all else aside
That in having her, we must have naught else besides."

You light the black pillar candle, which flickers and begins to burn.

Steel grey silk vestments whisper softly as they rustle against each other.

You recite:

"We will now be honored by Hadya, in paying homage to Lord Luukos."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Hadya tilts her head down.

Luxemi turns to face Hadya.

Hadya carefully places her dark candle on the ground.

Hadya tilts her head up.

The glow from a thick black pillar candle softly illuminates the shadows.

Alavesdian tilts his head up.

Shanng turns to face Hadya.

Hadya recites quietly:

"To thee, Master Luukos, this servant offers praises to your greatness."

Hadya recites quietly:

"Within the words and hearts of others, we shall find tribute to you, Truthsayer."

Hadya recites quietly:

"As we watch spark of life die within those you judge, we will praise you above all others."

A faint, flickering light emanates from a thick black pillar candle, warming the area with its glow.

Hadya recites quietly:

"In the perfection of undeath, we will forever revere your touch."

Hadya recites quietly:

"Thrice praised are you, The Great Serpent."

Hadya lights the dark candle, which flickers and begins to burn.

Lorken closes his eyes for a moment.

Hadya folds her hands.

Hadya chants a short but reverent litany to her chosen deity.

Hadya tilts her head down.

A thick black pillar candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.

A tapered dark candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.

You recite:

"I looked far for a servant of V'tull worthy to attend us tonight. And in the end I found Camusai, whose faith is now revealed."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Luxemi gazes with interest at Camusai.

The black pillar candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.

Shanng turns to face Camusai.

Evelith just arrived.

Camusai frowns.

Camusai stands up.

Camusai says, "Good evening."

Vedah nods.

Armaya smiles at Camusai.

(Camusai turns his veiled face toward Evelith.)

The dark candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.

Camusai says, "Even those of you who came late."

Camusai removes a silver V'Tull symbol from in his ash grey greatcloak.

Camusai hangs a silver V'Tull symbol around his neck.

Camusai says, "I offer you this prayer, to the Bleeding God."

Camusai recites:

"Brother of battles
Fill my eyes with blood and flame
give me strength in war."

Camusai says, "The worship of the Warrior is simple. He asks only that we sate his thirst with blood and battle."

Camusai says, "War is not sport, as the damned Kai would have you believe."

A thick black pillar candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.

Camusai says, "It is gristle, and blood, and agony. All of these things feed V'Tull."

Camusai says, "...and great battle is coming, as it always has, and always shall."

Camusai recites:

"Battle Lord, hear my foes' keening cries
Let the lamentations of their young and kindred rip across the burning sky.
A thousand cuts shall you have, and may souls travel to your companion, the Serpent."

Camusai bows.

You recite:

"In homage to Fash'lo'nae, Raelee will now speak."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Raelee nods to you.

Raelee quietly says, "A brief reading."

Raelee gives a slight flick of her wrist, and a gold-bound grey leather volume suddenly appears in her hand!

Raelee carefully opens a gold-bound grey leather volume.

Raelee tilts her head down.

Raelee quietly says, "In granting the mortals the knowledge of fire, the Grandfather gave his one and only gift. It was a spark that gave birth to civilization and inspired the magic that guides our lives. ."

A wisp of smoke rises from a tapered dark candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.

Raelee quietly says, "With that we were given thirst for more and we looked to Fash'lo'nae for guidance so that we may learn and understand more of the world that we could now see in the light of the fire."

Raelee quietly says, "However, you did not answer for with your gift you learned what you needed to and you moved on to solve more mysteries that are yet beyond us."

Raelee clearly says, "With that we understood that we need to be our own masters. The process of understanding the world around us was in our hands. We learned to observe, hypothesize, experiment, and define. We grew and we learned. We became better. We knew."

Raelee tilts her head up.

Raelee surveys the area.

Raelee breathes in slightly.

Raelee recites slowly:

"We do this not to honor you, Grandfather,
for we know your purpose is above that want."

Raelee recites slowly:

"We do this not to seek honor for ourselves,
for that we should not want."

Raelee recites slowly:

"We seek no more but to learn by your example
and from that to learn all that we are capable of."

Raelee recites slowly:

"We strive to move beyond our human attachments of morals and want
for those will only serve to restrain us."

Raelee recites clearly:

"We remember that nothing is forbidden to us
and with this philosophy as a guide
all arcane mysteries will be ours to behold."

Raelee recites clearly:

"We remember that truth is the good of logic.
and with that law, knowledge is our only gain."

Raelee gently closes a gold-bound grey leather volume.

Raelee tilts her head down.

You recite:

"Lord Mularos will be honored tonight by Sepher."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Camusai blinks.

Luxemi tilts her head up.

(Sepher approaches the altar, his eyes focused intently in front of him. He stops just short of the altar, facing away from the audience.)

Justyce turns an inquisitive ear towards Sepher.

Sepher says, "First, a prologue to this rite." He pauses for a moment, tilting his head up slightly before continuing, "It should be understood by those unfamiliar with the Lord Sorrower's gifts, that the mere giving and recieving of pain does not begin to conciliate the way of life that serving Him entails."

(Sepher stares off into the flames of a sconce on the far wall as he continues to speak.)

Sepher tersely says, "Ceremonies such as these often inherently mislead, given their socially unacceptable nature. This is not how to determine right and wrong. Good and evil."

Sepher asks, "Consider, if you will," matter of factly, "the pain and suffering you've gone through for your own convictions. Were they not of worthy cause? Wouldn't it be truly a waste not to embrace such experiences?"

Sepher says, "I think not."

(Sepher breaks his gaze from the flames and shifts it slightly toward you.)

Sepher says, "Accept it completely as a part of your life, and do not lack courage in your beliefs. This is what it means to be Mularosian. To rejoice in the wisdom He has gifted to us. To revel in these moments and offer what we have gained to Him in appreciation."

Luxemi ponders.

(Sepher finally turns to face his audience, a faint smile passing over his lips.)

The black pillar candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the area.

Shanng nods to Sepher.

Sepher says, "Now." His stern conviction rising with his voice, "Let us celebrate these axioms and offer prayer to Lord Mularos."

(Sepher raises his arms slowly outward, a deep viridian aura surrounding his hands. Suddenly, the flames carried by the sconces begin to flicker, diminishing the ambient light in the area as a cold wind blows through the room.)

(Sepher lowers himself onto one knee and bows his head slightly, his long hair blown to the side, caught by the wind.)

Sepher kneels down.

A coil of vermilion light, distorted as if thrown off the surface of a still pond, roils in the shadows. It illuminates a vaguely humanoid shape for several moments before seguing once more into nothingness.

Sepher recites:

"O Prince of heavenly sorrow,
Dear beholder of dark dreams.
I look to thee,
With rose-tinged vision,
And bare my soul once again."

A glimpse of sanguine passes through Sepher's eyes.

Sepher recites:

"O Prince of heavenly sorrow,
Who taught me true understanding.
Gave me control over weakness,
Delivered meaning to my torment,
I bare my soul once again."

(Sepher's hands gesture in rhythmic motion, summoning long, thorny vines which dance hypnotically upward from the crevices in the stone floor. As his hands compose their silent ballad, the thorny vines begin to wreath around his wrists, but do not make contact with his flesh.)

Sepher recites:

"O Prince of heavenly sorrow,
I bind myself to your will.
Utterly and without hesitation,
To sing torturous symphonies throughout,
And rejoice in the cacaphonous screams."

(Sepher's hands clench into tight fists as the wreath of thorns ensnare his wrists, puncturing the flesh. His eyes shut tightly and his body tenses as warm blood seeps down the vines, coating them with the deep sangiune liquid. The light from the flickering torches reflect off the blood, giving the appearance of an ever-flowing river.)

(Camusai bows his veiled head.)

Sepher recites:

"Take from me this offering,
My pain and suffering.
My neverending declaration,
To your glory and strength,
My Herald of eternal torment."

Zhau smiles slightly.

A small draft catches the flame of a tapered dark candle and it flickers brightly.

(Sepher's body slackens slightly, but he rights himself, a disgustingly sweet smile surfacing on his face.)

Sepher recites:

"O Prince of heavenly sorrow,
Dear beholder of dark dreams.
I look to thee,
With rose-tinged vision,
And bare my soul once again."

(Sepher slowly rises from his knee, the vines moving in alliance with his body, creating no resistance. He bows his head low once more for a long moment, whispering a soft personal prayer before making a subtle gesture. Gradually, the vines release themselves from his wrists and slip back into the crevices from which they came, leaving no trace they ever existed.

Sepher stands up.

The sanguine hue fades from Sepher's eyes.

A small draft catches the flame of a thick black pillar candle and it flickers brightly.

A tapered dark candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.

(Sepher's body shudders as he steps away from the altar. He wraps the lengths of his robe around his wrists, which soak up the blood.)

Sepher nods to you.

You smile at Sepher.

You recite:

"The Lady Luxemi will now aid us in honoring Andelas."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Luxemi clears her throat.

The dark candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.

Luxemi recites:

"I call on Andelas, Master of grace, precision, and the hunt."

Mekthros folds his hands behind his back.

Luxemi recites:

"I ask You to bestow all Your feline virtues upon us."

A small draft catches the flame of a thick black pillar candle and it flickers brightly.

Luxemi tilts her head down.

Luxemi folds her hands.

Luxemi recites clearly:

"Do not constrain me, for I have in me a taste for independence.
Do not seek to divine my secrets, for I have in me a taste for mystery."

Luxemi tilts her head up.

Luxemi recites clearly:

"Do not humiliate me, for I have in me a taste for pride.
Do not abandon me, for I have in me a taste for fidelity."

Luxemi recites clearly:

"Love me and I will love Thee, for I have in me a taste for loyalty."

(Luxemi inclines her head slightly and traces the stones in her ring.)

Luxemi nods.

Luxemi turns to face you.

You recite:

"And now we will honor the Lady Ivas, officiated by Kasia."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Armaya smiles and sits up a bit straighter.

Evelith smiles briefly.

A wisp of smoke rises from a thick black pillar candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.

Luxemi whispers something to Hialeah.

(Kasia moves around the room in slow sensual steps, swirling here and there as she glances at each one of you in turn.)

Luxemi turns to face Kasia.

Kasia smiles slowly and turns gracefully till she once again faces those assembled.

Kasia recites:

"To Ivas, the misunderstood. She who holds the realm of lust and desire enthralled in her tentacled grasp. It is to She, who's beauty enslaves, that I say these words."

Kasia recites:

"With these words I offer thee
Hear your dancer's fevered plea
Touch each here with a lover's kiss
And to each body, grant your bliss"

Armaya gently wraps her hand around her wisp of smoke symbol and murmurs a softly spoken prayer.

(Kasia sways with each word, gracefully sinking to her knees.)

Kasia kneels down.

Kasia drops a smoky glass wisp-incised candlestick.

Kasia lights the incarnadine candle, which flickers and begins to burn.

Kasia recites:

"So with the lighting of this fire
Kindle us with your desire."

(Kasia bows her head to the candle, before rising to her feet.)

Kasia stands up.

Telsas bites her lip.

Kasia turns around.

Kasia nods to you.

You smile at Kasia.

You recite:

"Joined tonight we are... by a follower of Marlu... who shall lead in honoring him at this time."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

You nod to Lorken.

Lorken stands up.

Armaya smiles at Kasia.

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "I have no name."

Luxemi furrows her brow.

(Lorken paces in a slow, controlled circle around the room.)

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "Once, I was Lorken of the Gaeh'deh Clan."

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "And once, I believed in L'Naere, the spirit who governs life and birth."

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "...but her power is inconstant. From dust, we are raised, yes."

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "...but inevitably, to dust we return."

A wisp of smoke rises from a swirled incarnadine candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.

Lorken recites in broken common:

"Marlu, Demon-Lord and Destroyer,
I call unto thee with the screams of madness.
I offer you no songs, for songs shall be rent asunder in the tide of yur wings.
I offer you no homage, for what means honor to that which embodies chaos?"

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "I call, and wait, to hear the commands of Destruction Himself, even knowing that in the channel of your thoughts I shall be swept aside."

(Lorken bows his head.)

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "Nothing shall remain. All shall perish."

A tapered dark candle burns with a warm golden light.

Speaking in broken common, Lorken says, "I await the ultimate end."

Lorken kneels down.

You recite:

"Finally, Mekthros aids us in honoring the Lord of Nightmare, Sheru."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Mekthros shakes the dust off his hooded leather cloak.

Mekthros says, "Followers of Lord Sheru are tasked to create fear in creation, that creation might better appreciate the waking moments so often taken for granted in the wide expanse of life."

Mekthros says, "We must remember that even in the best of dreams, one can find the worst of nightmares."

Mekthros says, "The heights of madness can show us truths that would otherwise be hidden in the depths of the world that others call sane."

Mekthros says, "And, though darkness may blind our sight, being stripped of our senses encourages us to look inward for the vision that we lack."

Mekthros says, "The Lord of Night tasks us to understand these principles, and his servants contribute to his cause by helping others to do the same."

Mekthros says, "I pray tonight for their success, and that they may find peace in their work."

Mekthros says, "I will honor my lord tonight with a simple saying, the full meaning of which..."

Mekthros says, "May be lost on some."

Mekthros smiles briefly.

Luxemi smirks.

Mekthros says, "The important thing is that this phrase was originally given to me by a girl I once knew."

Mekthros says, "Its original form held a great deal of meaning for her as she struggled with the truths of her identity."

Mekthros looks thoughtfully at Evelith.

Evelith folds her hands.

Mekthros says, "My lord helped her to define herself, and in doing so, affected great changes in the world around her."

Mekthros says, "And so."

Naessi smiles to herself.

Mekthros says, "Sheru chose her, Sheru called her, and she is his."

A thick black pillar candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.

Mekthros nods.

(Naessi raises her arms in a reverent gesture.)

You recite:

"We in their Dark fellowship are one.
We draw the bolt of nature's secrecies.
We know how the flames arise
We know all that are born, or die."

(Lorken does not move. He remains kneeling, his eyes seething with a torrent of quiet madness.)

You recite:

"Our faith brings triumph and sadness,
When we light the glimmering tapers
'round the sanctities of the grey moon
And our devotion burns brightly in the gloom."

Marclar rings his crystal service bell once, producing a single clear note.

Hadya closes her eyes for a moment.

Marclar's Eorgina amulet emits a soft grey glow.

You close your eyes for a moment.

Marclar places his hand on his Eorgina amulet.

Marclar closes his eyes for a moment.

A small draft catches the flame of a swirled incarnadine candle and it flickers brightly.

Shanng indicates his snow white rose with a smile.

A bit of melted wax drips from a thick black pillar candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.

Sepher hangs his head.

You softly say, "Thank you all for joining us tonight."

Zaaf smiles.

Alavesdian reaches out and touches his moonstone talisman.

You softly say, "There are refreshments in the Lornon Garden for those who are inclined."

A tapered dark candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.


08-26-2006, 07:17 AM
I'm so sorry I missed it. Looks like it was fabulous!


Miss X
08-26-2006, 07:50 AM
Agreed. Looks great K. :)

08-26-2006, 07:58 AM
Oiy, I was hoping to attend to. Shanng gave me the heads up on it, but I was late coming home from a dinner out.

Looks like it was a pretty cool gathering.

08-26-2006, 10:51 AM
Looks like it was a pretty cool gathering.It really was!!

I heard after all the gals had a pillow fight in skimpy garments, but because it was a Lornon Mass they used evil pillows:


08-26-2006, 11:16 AM
Nicely done, wish I could've made it.

08-26-2006, 11:37 AM
That is some sick shit, guys. Really twisted viewpoints. Excellent work, and well worth the read.

08-26-2006, 07:30 PM
Damnit, I was going to try and make it as well. *grumbles about work*

Very well done. Thanks for sharing it.

08-27-2006, 09:16 PM
That was fabulous. I'm really glad that Kristin found someone else other than my girl to do the Andelas prayer, she did it WAAAAAY better than I could!

08-28-2006, 12:37 AM
Oooohh, I have an Andelas worshiper somewhere in my ranks.

08-28-2006, 04:07 PM
Wish I knew about this. Woulda been a good event for my warrior.

08-28-2006, 04:51 PM
I did the Andelas part! Thanks Shari. It was a great time.