View Full Version : Two Ideas

10-30-2003, 12:16 PM
Just wondering about two idea's I've had and what people think of them...

The first is for a spell or guild skill (for the magic oriented guilds) that allows you to break a sanct. The details aren't important, just that you'd be able to do it possibly.

The second I call Ward Dispel and it would also be a spell or guild skill of similar nature. Once cast (non-stackable) this would last for whatever duration it has, waiting for something to try any dispel magic on you (elemental or spirit dispel). A dispel aimed at you would get it, and nothing else. Pretty simple, very useful, especially against spirit dispel in the rift and fun places like that.

Anyone feel like suggesting those on the official boards ? I don't read those anymore.

Morstanya, Witch of the North.

Dighn Darkbeam
10-30-2003, 12:24 PM
Both have been suggested in the Sorcerer folder.

Upon first hearing of Spiritual Dispel, GM Nilven suggested it should be able to remove sanctuaries from an area. Shot down.

The second was a player suggested idea that the spell Phase could be cast upon oneself. Phase would then be the first spell to be removed when either Elemental or Spiritual dispel is cast as it is a sorcerer spell and we are hybirds.

Also, some mention was made that having a minor demon in the room would interfear with the casting of sanctuary. I have yet to see or hear of any instance of this happening, however.

10-30-2003, 12:30 PM
Did anyone suggest something that would at least make it possible a dispel failed ? Something that gives the target at least a chance of warding it ?

Morstanya, Icewitch.

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Morstanya]

10-30-2003, 03:25 PM
I don't think they'll let anything we do disable sanctuaries, because it just doesn't seem worth the risk of abuse. I personally would rather be unable to shoot someone's leg off and be annoyed then be killed while meditating (or something). I think I ran on enough for this particular post.

But the other idea seems feasible at the leats. It doesn't really make sense for a form of magic to be entirely undefendable. Especially if it's only for pures (squares shouldn't need magic).

Dighn Darkbeam
10-30-2003, 03:27 PM
Well *coughs* I have.

I suggested either the modification of one of the slots of curse, or an entirely new spell or guild ability known as Defiled Earth. Casting this spell would have a negative impact on everyone in the room including the caster. Said effects would be a loss of Bolt/hard DS, TD, Guild defense, and health regeneration. Attack strength, Casting Strength, Guild attacks, ect would all remain the same. The secondary effects of the spell is upon casting all healing and clerical spells must face a saving roll in order to be effective. Life keeps attempted in the area would suffer penalties. Sanctuaries of all types would also be subjected to the saving roll derived from in part the sorcerers CS and possibly lore training. The spell could have as many nebulous effects as the GM that coded it had time and energy to include. A sound idea would be to only allow a sorcerer to effect one room at a time, with the spell taking a while to fall in an effort to curb abuse.

Calling upon the darkest manifestations of the sorcerous arts, wave upon wave of necromantic magic is unleashed into the surrounding area. Once the immediate ground has been saturated, the spell begins to take effect. All that is enveloped in the sorcerer's emanations begin to wither and die as his arts take their wicked toll on life itself.

I believe this ability or something similar would help strengthen the decision of training in Necromantic lore over Demonic, as well as aid in roleplay. I know, some of you namby-pamby types play a non-dark Im a good guy sorcie. Dont cast the damned spell.

Kris na Su'ta

10-30-2003, 03:37 PM
You think Uliq will let anyone nerf the power of Sanct? I doubt it. He loves his clerics.

Dighn Darkbeam
10-30-2003, 03:48 PM
No doubt. Clerics are truly the children of the gods in GS, both in-game and out.

Remember though that an area can be sanctified by an empath, bard, and anyone that finds a scroll of the spell. The spell allows for far too much power over others, especially those far older than the caster.

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]

10-30-2003, 06:17 PM
God damn I like that defiled Earth idea.

Fat chance it'll ever happen though.


[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Morstanya]

Dighn Darkbeam
10-30-2003, 06:27 PM
That is the same thing the GM said when I first posted it some time ago. Shame, really. I always saw Sorcerers as the complete opposite of clerics. This would almost be an anti-sanctuary.