View Full Version : The lastest on billing .....

10-30-2003, 11:02 AM
I opened email this morning to find this :
All i have to say is OOOhhh nice Thanks alot for screwing me for christmas :

Recently we emailed you to informed you of a change to your November bill
to correct an error in our billing mechanism. This is to inform you that
we have postponed this one-time billing correction until the month of

For more details: http://www.play.net/playdotnet/account/nov2k3-change.asp

10-30-2003, 11:03 AM
If $30 is going to ruin your Christmas holiday.. you shouldn't be paying for a premium subscription.

10-30-2003, 11:03 AM
Great, first the Birthday/Christmas combo gift (B-day is on 28th) and now this.

Luckily I'm hopefully only going to be charged for my 3 extra characters ($6)

10-30-2003, 11:05 AM
I have kids thank you and once again this goes back to the bugeting issue that was brought up in the other posts about this same thing. Once again If you dont have budgeting issues CONGRATS ..

10-30-2003, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Blackroses
I have kids thank you and once again this goes back to the bugeting issue that was brought up in the other posts about this same thing. Once again If you dont have budgeting issues CONGRATS ..

Once again.. if $30 will strap you... why the fuck are you paying $44 a month playing an online game??

Has nothing to do with budgetting.. but I have to tell you if I was financially strapped where a $30 expense will mean the difference between a good holiday for my kids and not.. then the hell with a stupid game. Shit happens all the time... most people have an unexpected bill pop up 5 or 6 times a year. Deal and move on.

If you want to complain about how they are handling it... or how they screwed up in the first place.. then fine. But to use the "It's going to ruin my kids holidays" isn't Simutronics problem.. that's yours.

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Parkbandit]

10-30-2003, 11:12 AM
$30 at Xmas time. Hmmm, who has lots of spare cash at Xmas?

10-30-2003, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
$30 at Xmas time. Hmmm, who has lots of spare cash at Xmas?

Then go ahead and pay them in November for it if it makes it 'easier' on you. Send them a check.

I just think it's a weak ass argument.

10-30-2003, 11:17 AM
I'd rather not pay at all, personally.

10-30-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
I'd rather not pay at all, personally.

I would have rather not paid for a missed billing cycle for my internet service provider.. but when I looked over the past bills, I found that I did indeed owe them for this and paid them.

10-30-2003, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Blackroses
I have kids thank you and once again this goes back to the bugeting issue that was brought up in the other posts about this same thing. Once again If you dont have budgeting issues CONGRATS ..

Once again.. if $30 will strap you... why the fuck are you paying $44 a month playing an online game??

***First of all it's the only thing i do for entertainment .. I work so does my husband , so yes 30.00 extra bucks esp at christmas is a bad time for it . ***

Has nothing to do with budgetting.. but I have to tell you if I was financially strapped where a $30 expense will mean the difference between a good holiday for my kids and not.. then the hell with a stupid game. Shit happens all the time... most people have an unexpected bill pop up 5 or 6 times a year. Deal and move on.

** please point out to me where i said it would make it a bad holiday for them ? I simply said that the billing moved into december wasnt a good time for it either . I do have unexpected bills pop up , I just had a car bill for 650.00 but i wasnt bitching about that , That is life and that is something i had to deal with . I was mearly pointing out that Decemeber isnt a good time for the billing to go into effect either ***

If you want to complain about how they are handling it... or how they screwed up in the first place.. then fine. But to use the "It's going to ruin my kids holidays" isn't Simutronics problem.. that's yours.

*** I did complain about how they are handling it .. I said it was making it hard with it being in December , You are the one that jumped down my throat simply because i stated that is was going to be hard to budget it .. I never said it was going to ruin their holiday .. **

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Parkbandit]

Maybe you could at least try to be understanding that some people arnt as fortunate as others and budgeting in an extra $30.00 esp. at Christmas time will suck , for some and not for others that is the only point i was trying to make .

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Blackroses]

10-30-2003, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Blackroses
I have kids thank you and once again this goes back to the bugeting issue that was brought up in the other posts about this same thing. Once again If you dont have budgeting issues CONGRATS ..

Once again.. if $30 will strap you... why the fuck are you paying $44 a month playing an online game??

Has nothing to do with budgetting.. but I have to tell you if I was financially strapped where a $30 expense will mean the difference between a good holiday for my kids and not.. then the hell with a stupid game. Shit happens all the time... most people have an unexpected bill pop up 5 or 6 times a year. Deal and move on.

If you want to complain about how they are handling it... or how they screwed up in the first place.. then fine. But to use the "It's going to ruin my kids holidays" isn't Simutronics problem.. that's yours.

[Edited on 10-30-2003 by Parkbandit]

You know, I don't see why you can't seem to understand this issue.

I DON'T have kids. But i have a vert limited budget. I'm a student. I have a limited entertainment budget, every month. A double billing will exceed that limit. At Christmas time, I have even more expenses that exceed my budget. Making it impossible to exceed else where.

I planned in advance and paid for Ebon Gate, this month, not knowing I would be double billed soon. I cannot afford a double billing in either November, or December.

You're right, playing a game DOES NOT take priority over other life issues. Because of this, I probably won't be in the game for a month or 2 when it happens, until I can save to pay it. Merry Christmas Simu.

Parkbandit, I don't understand why you're being such a dick about this issue. Some people have valid reasons for being unhappy about a double billing at Christmas time.

10-30-2003, 11:41 AM
Since the original error was on the part of Simutronics, had it been my decision, I might have offered a sort of payment plan that would spread the cost of bringing the account current over three months. Those who wished to utilize this service could do so, but if they cancelled their account within the extended payment period, all monies due would be payable upon cancellation and billed accordingly. :)

HarmNone on customer service

10-30-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Since the original error was on the part of Simutronics, had it been my decision, I might have offered a sort of payment plan that would spread the cost of bringing the account current over three months. Those who wished to utilize this service could do so, but if they cancelled their account within the extended payment period, all monies due would be payable upon cancellation and billed accordingly. :)

HarmNone on customer service

That would work. Even I could come up with an extra $10.

Well, most months anyway.

10-30-2003, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Since the original error was on the part of Simutronics, had it been my decision, I might have offered a sort of payment plan that would spread the cost of bringing the account current over three months. Those who wished to utilize this service could do so, but if they cancelled their account within the extended payment period, all monies due would be payable upon cancellation and billed accordingly. :)

HarmNone on customer service

That is a good idea ..!!

10-30-2003, 12:06 PM
I would love a payment plan too. It's been suggested a few times in the official forums in the flame-ridden Simutronics Pricing topic, and ignored ('cept by Kyalia, who is a SAINT) by Neil and Solomon. I hope that means they're just discussing it in another meeting before they say one way or the other, but the pessimist in me says... well, they wanted it all before the new year, and a payment plan won't make that happen. They won't change that.

10-30-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
well, they wanted it all before the new year, and a payment plan won't make that happen. They won't change that.

No kidding , anything like that would make it easier on us , But if it did happen id be very happy , and i totally agree with Camri 10 bucks extra is totally possible , that doesnt take much budgeting for me . But oh well im done with my rant .

10-30-2003, 04:31 PM
What a bunch of bullshit. Christmas is the one time of year budgets are blown out of the water. I'm absolutely flabbergasted that simu would pull this crap now. I mean with all the uncertainty regarding GSIV it takes ALOT of balls to pull this 'billing change' now. Yet another reason I'm so glad to not be playing anymore. I pay $15/month now for DAoC for more character slots than I could ever fill. Mythic Entertainment may even be worse on the customer service end than simu, but I don't think even they would try pulling this crap. Mass exodus.

10-30-2003, 11:10 PM
You could always cancel t he premium.

10-30-2003, 11:14 PM
Excellent. This gives me time to plan and arrange things so that I can pay the extra 40 dollars during that month.

Thanks much to those who fussed enough to Simu to get that crap fixed.


10-30-2003, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
You could always cancel t he premium.

Why should we be put in a position where we would have to do that, if the premium price fit the budget to begin with?

Canceling the premium would mean giving up stuff we've invested time into. Why should we HAVE to do that , because Simu can't get their shit together?

Don't you think it's a little fucked up to say "Pay double or give it up."?

10-30-2003, 11:22 PM
Yeah, I do, but if it's that big of a problem, there are always options.

10-30-2003, 11:23 PM
Originally posted by Maimara
Yeah, I do, but if it's that big of a problem, there are always options.

Yeah, I think we already covered those.

10-31-2003, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by DCSL
I would love a payment plan too. It's been suggested a few times in the official forums in the flame-ridden Simutronics Pricing topic, and ignored ('cept by Kyalia, who is a SAINT) by Neil and Solomon. I hope that means they're just discussing it in another meeting before they say one way or the other, but the pessimist in me says... well, they wanted it all before the new year, and a payment plan won't make that happen. They won't change that.
I doubt they're going to go with a payment plan that extends past Jan. 1st if they're doing this to appease auditors. When an auditor is called in, especially mid 4th quarter of the fiscal year, he's expected to have the books trued up for tax and profit sharing purposes before the end of the tax period which is the end of the year.

The fact that auditors are looking over the books (almost always) means that there's multiple owners of the company. The other "owners" could be VC folks that have a financial stake only and are keeping up on their investment. (Private company ownership doesn't always mean no accounting of the books. It just means those accountings don't have to be public.) If this was an outside audit request, Simu has it's hands tied when it comes to what they can do before the end of the quarter.

10-31-2003, 03:42 AM
The above post is pure speculation. It's not even worth quoting. Most business do not end their fiscal year on the calendar year. You have no idea what or who is involved, so why say that?

Originally posted by Camri
You know, I don't see why you can't seem to understand this issue.

I DON'T have kids. But i have a vert limited budget. I'm a student. I have a limited entertainment budget, every month. A double billing will exceed that limit. At Christmas time, I have even more expenses that exceed my budget. Making it impossible to exceed else where.

I planned in advance and paid for Ebon Gate, this month, not knowing I would be double billed soon. I cannot afford a double billing in either November, or December.

You're right, playing a game DOES NOT take priority over other life issues. Because of this, I probably won't be in the game for a month or 2 when it happens, until I can save to pay it. Merry Christmas Simu.

Parkbandit, I don't understand why you're being such a dick about this issue. Some people have valid reasons for being unhappy about a double billing at Christmas time.

You are in college, and spending your entertainment budget on Ebon's Gate?

I weep for your social life...

10-31-2003, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by longshot

You are in college, and spending your entertainment budget on Ebon's Gate?

I weep for your social life...

No worries, Longshot. I still have a social life. I've just learned over the past year that it's easier on me to choose forms of entertainment that don't involve as much partying. I have a lot of early classes, and I work 5 to 6 evenings a week. All that partying just doesn't fit anymore.

I'm only third year, and I still have 5 years of school left. I plan to spend them here arguing with you. So call Simu and tell them to stop screwing with my billing. :P

10-31-2003, 11:07 AM
Partying in college tends to lose it's luster after the second year.

Considering I was legal by my third year, the fun of it all went down the crapper after a two month drunk spree.

A social life only goes so far, where's the problem with her preferring a game to a party she has seen countless times before?

I can't believe I just said that.

Moist Happenings
10-31-2003, 11:16 AM
To Longshot:

You're still here? I thought you were leaving. I don't like you and I never will. Just get banned already. I don't see why you have to come be a dick on the forums simply because you decided to be a dick in the game.

10-31-2003, 11:17 AM
I can't either...

I'm a little shocked myself.

Camri, have a good time at Ebon's. You are very right, partying in college does get old after awhile.

I guess having moved so far away after graduation, it's really made me miss the time that I spent with my friends. I could have said it in a much better way though, and I'm sorry.

10-31-2003, 11:21 AM
I already posted about this billing crap on the Simu boards, but here goes anyway.

30-day notice is now given, which Simu seems to think we'll all buy. Not so.

This is a pure and simple way for Simu to up their cash-flow. This 'under-charging' is bull shit.

I AM an accountant. It's called Change in Accounting Method manipulation. This supposed 'loss' is very eatable and can actually be written off. (gotta love that 'write off' term, but in this case it's absolutely true)

I signed up for Premium on day 1. The very first day we all had to pay to play on the web. I was charged right then and there that extra amount for Premium.

My account went on 'hold' March of last year. It wasn't active til the end of my billing period - which SHOULD be the case for advanced billing, It was cancelled the very day I requested it. I re-opened that account in July. Again I was charged the full amount for a Premium account the very day. Show me where my account wasn't ever paid in advance.

This isn't a matter of just $20 - not to belittle those that actually DO have trouble paying any extra amount -- this is a matter of Simu treating like shit, those folks that have paid them extra for YEARS.

I'm not a happy camper over this. Simu knows they can get away with this, and indeed will. It equates to emotional blackmail. Simu knows how attached most people are to this game. That's not a dig on any of us that play. With all the free games out there, none of us would be playing GS if it wasn't for the emotional ties we have to all the friends we've made playing this game.

I've never been one knock any person's financial status -- but I sure as shit don't like the idea of all of us having to pitch in and buy that damn $24k ring. Simu doesn't make money hand-over-fist. We all know that. So when you've got the CEO spending money he probably doesn't have.. where do you think it comes from?

I feel for the GMs that are going to take the brunt of all this - including the rash of crap they are getting and will be getting once GSIV goes live. I'd like to see Melissa, Neil (whoever the hell he is) Soloman, Andy and the rest of those that don't answer ASSISTS, actually get in the game and take heat that's sure to come.

I adore the people 'Siara' plays with in GS. (All Coven members) All have become RL friends. We share every aspect of our lives together including support for our 'sisters' that have gone through deaths in the family, cancer treatments, open heart surgeries and whatever else life throws at us.

Will I pay the $20 Simu is going to charge me to stay with these dear friends of mine? Yes, I will. And god damn Simu for making this seem like such a trite issue.

And.... Augie's a Mentor now? Is that true? I'm so glad I dropped out of being a Mentor -- I don't want my name attached to it. I had already complained to the GM in charge about some of the choices made on picking Mentors. With that lil sprite they have implimented in GSIV - there's really no need for Mentors now anyway, other than for them to say they aid in RP, which ain't true either.

Woooohooo, did that feel good to say!

[Edited on 10-31-2003 by Siara]

10-31-2003, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by longshot
I can't either...

I'm a little shocked myself.

Camri, have a good time at Ebon's. You are very right, partying in college does get old after awhile.

I guess having moved so far away after graduation, it's really made me miss the time that I spent with my friends. I could have said it in a much better way though, and I'm sorry.

Nothing to apologize for. I wasn't insulted. Last year I would have said the same thing. And don't believe for a second that I've sworn off partying totally. I still give in to the urge on a regular basis. It's just become necessary to plan my partying around other more important things.

I can't wait until I can say I've been out of college and moved away. 5 more years seems like a life sentence, and all the fun went out of it after last term.

10-31-2003, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Neff
To Longshot:

You're still here? I thought you were leaving. I don't like you and I never will. Just get banned already. I don't see why you have to come be a dick on the forums simply because you decided to be a dick in the game.

Are you cranky today, Neff?

10-31-2003, 05:10 PM
Your total December bill will be, $52.95.
Thank you.

Beth Paddock
Billing Supervisor
Simutronics Corporation

PS. Remember to either FORWARD your response (do
not reply) or copy the entire history of letters into a new
email before sending it off to us.

Ok so that is my total that i will be billed .. i have one premie acct . Maybe this will help some of you figure out how much you will have to pay if you dont already know.

11-27-2003, 09:42 PM
Okay so let me get this straight. At some point during the year, you were all charged TOO LITTLE. That means during that month, you had extra money in your budget that you couldn't account for. But wait - you could account for it. It was money you owed to Simutronics, which they neglected to bill you correctly for.

You might or might not have noticed the source of your extra money, but I'm guessing you damned well noticed that you had it. So instead of thinking hmm..I have 20 extra bucks this month, where did it come from? You spent it.

And now you're being told that no, it wasn't "extra" money. It was money owed to Simutronics, that they forgot to pick up that month. And now they're here to pick it up. And you don't have it. Because you spent it. You spent money that you KNEW you owed to Simutronics.

Sucks to be you, whoever's bitching.

11-27-2003, 09:50 PM
Just got my credit card statement today and the billing change (and new pre-charge) was applied to one of my accounts in november despite the 30 day notice they said we would get. Just so you all know.

11-27-2003, 10:49 PM
I misunderstood the entire situation then, and I apologize.

That is all.