View Full Version : Animal Companion

08-03-2006, 10:23 AM
I finally got this spell and tried it twice. Seems interesting enough. I have some questions though:

1. What factors play into this spell besides knowing 630, being outside, and being a ranger (per GS documentation).
2. What other actions promote bonding with the AC other than the typical scratch, pet, hug, bla bla bla... any hints or tips besides the usually jokes of having seckshor with it?
3. Which is the best companion to have in everyone's opinion? I'd like to find a black panther/cat. Anyone know where these may be?
4. Are they any good at hunting?
5. The documentation states each having a special ability. Anyone have a list or know what some are?
6. Can they be spelled up like everyone else? Can others besides the ranger spell it up?

08-03-2006, 10:43 AM
1. I don't think you need anything skill wise to use 630, 630 is a use-it-one-time-to-summon sort of thing, the rest of the skill is just about the bonding with the critter, then 630 is like 920 to call a familiar, if, for some reason, your companion goes somewhere.

2. Feed it. Feed it lots. I think they have food at most ranger guilds, but I gave my wolf food from Hearthstone and he gobbled it up.

3. There used to be a website for finding companions geographically. My links on my favorite menu do not seem to be working, though.

4. They're good at hunting. It depends on the companion I hear. But my wolf is pretty decent, the better the more you are bonded. And it's maneuver based.

5. I have no idea what this is.

6. They can be spelled up. And I think others can spell them up too.


08-03-2006, 10:46 AM
3. Which is the best companion to have in everyone's opinion?

Rodents for pure killing power, but my ranger has a Wolfhound.

5. The documentation states each having a special ability. Anyone have a list or know what some are?

Felines pounce, avian companions do a wing buffett thing that stances and induces roundtime, canines bite hands/arms, causing the target to drop their weapon/shield.

Not sure on rodents but rodents hit eyes with their attacks 90% of the time.

08-03-2006, 11:02 AM
1. It used to be that before you logged off the game you should tell your companion to rest. Otherwise it would hurt the affinity. This has been fixed. The only time my ranger sends his panther away is when he trains. She becomes more powerful when my ranger trains. Send them away and cast 630 to bring them back.

2. What other actions promote bonding with the AC other than the typical scratch, pet, hug, bla bla bla... any hints or tips besides the usually jokes of having seckshor with it?

Truthfully just spending time with it. The more time you spend with your companion in game will help with the bonding. My ranger would fletch his arrows and have his companion sit right next to him. You mentioned the other things above. Of course you can cast spells on your companion to make it feel wanted.

3. Which is the best companion to have in everyone's opinion? I'd like to find a black panther/cat. Anyone know where these may be?

All of the companions have their pluses and minuses. Truthfully take the one that fits with your character. I know rodents are fierce fighters. My ranger has a black panther because it fit his personality. She found him on River Rest near the jungle.

4. Are they any good at hunting?
My panther has save my ranger in pyros when he was stunned from a shard.

5. The documentation states each having a special ability. Anyone have a list or know what some are?

I read documentation however my ranger sought out other rangers that had companions and asked them to show him what they could do. I ultimately chose a black panther.

6. Can they be spelled up like everyone else? Can others besides the ranger spell it up?

Yes. Your spells will help with affinity and a wizard or sorcerer can spell up a companion easily.

08-03-2006, 11:23 AM
On a side note. If you companion gets hurt, feed them herbs. They also get pissed at you if they die. If you get tired of their complaining..example hissing, snarling, begging for food. You can tell them to cease and they will sit quietly.

08-03-2006, 11:28 AM
2. Feed it. Feed it lots. I think they have food at most ranger guilds, but I gave my wolf food from Hearthstone and he gobbled it up.

You know I've been to the ranger guild once in Illistim a long time ago. It took me forever to find it. I wouldn't mind going to visit another for a place to fletch and now feed my AC. Is there one in Mule these days? You need some puzzle key or something to find it don't you? I remember something like this for the Illistim Guild.

Will the AC's eat any type of food?

And you guys are kidding about the killer rodents right?

Thank you all for taking the time to educate me on this topic btw.

08-03-2006, 11:33 AM
You know I've been to the ranger guild once in Illistim a long time ago. It took me forever to find it. I wouldn't mind going to visit another for a place to fletch and now feed my AC. Is there one in Mule these days? You need some puzzle key or something to find it don't you? I remember something like this for the Illistim Guild.

Will the AC's eat any type of food?

And you guys are kidding about the killer rodents right?

Thank you all for taking the time to educate me on this topic btw.

Yes..but the food i feed my panther is for RP only. I don't feed her tarts or chocolates because that is silly. Just recently I introduced her to fish. Now she has been bugging my ranger for more. I guess she was tired of rolton meat.

Rodents are the best fighters. Tough buggers. (badgers, raccoons, mink, etc etc) They do both puncture and slash damage i think. I think they will hamstring something by biting the ankles. Cainine have puncture. Felines slash and pounce and rakes her claws in the creature. Birds puncture.

The one in mule is outside the east gate. Ask the npc about the guild and he or she will tell you how to enter.

08-03-2006, 01:28 PM
My ranger has a rodent, and it's a killer beast. Against coporeal creatures, it goes for the eyes and neck most of the time. It also hamstrings a good amount.

Unfortunately, since my ranger's a sniper, I tend to kill my targets rather quickly. And since AC has some inherent delay before the pet will take any action, my targets are usually dead before the rodent even enters the room. And yes, my affinity is max, so that's not the problem.

As for the best way to gain affinity, just spend a whole bunch of time with it. I cheated and just set up a script that I'd leave running overnight that would do all the pet/hug/play actions, feeding, and spelling up. Was at undying loyalty within two weeks.

08-03-2006, 01:48 PM
Attaching the script, in case anyone wants it. It's stupidly simple, relying mostly on pauses. Make sure to alter it to fit within your mana supply. It uses drumsticks (free at the Hearthstone porch) and a satchel as a container.

08-03-2006, 01:58 PM
It uses drumsticks (free at the Hearthstone porch)

Free food is the best way to go. Honestly I don't see any benefit of spending silvers on the expensive food except for roleplaying purposes. I don't think that food is better than the free food, but I could be wrong. While I fletched my arrows, I would feed my panther the roasted rabbit I got for free at Hearthstone.

08-03-2006, 02:05 PM
My ranger has a rodent, and it's a killer beast. Against coporeal creatures, it goes for the eyes and neck most of the time. It also hamstrings a good amount.

Unfortunately, since my ranger's a sniper, I tend to kill my targets rather quickly. And since AC has some inherent delay before the pet will take any action, my targets are usually dead before the rodent even enters the room. And yes, my affinity is max, so that's not the problem.

As for the best way to gain affinity, just spend a whole bunch of time with it. I cheated and just set up a script that I'd leave running overnight that would do all the pet/hug/play actions, feeding, and spelling up. Was at undying loyalty within two weeks.

I was torn between a raccoon and a black panther. My ranger went hunting with someone that had a grumpy raccoon and he was a vicious little bugger. But the panther fit my character better.

My ranger uses archery as well and I run into the same issue about killing the creature before my panther can attack. As you affinity increases it will take your commands faster but there is that delay still. When you get stunned your companion will attack to defend you.

With Tangleweed running, both you and your companion can make quick work of a creature.

08-03-2006, 02:52 PM
Rodents are the best combat ones. Spelling them up is another way of building affinity but time is the major factor.

I choose a bird because no one can pet them (a pet peeve of mine) and they can send messages. Plus falconry fit my character a lot more than having some wild animal follow him around.

08-03-2006, 02:58 PM
I choose a bird because no one can pet them (a pet peeve of mine).

I do wish folks would ask first if they could pet my panther. I mean she is not a pet!

08-03-2006, 06:12 PM
... and according to the guidlines of rangery, she is not yours either ...

So folks should ask the AC. :whistle:


08-03-2006, 07:43 PM
Canines and felines are nice 'cause they can help to drag corpses. Avians are able to deliver messages, though last I heard, this was buggy. No idea if it's been fixed. Each companion type has a special ability, but I can't find the list of what they are right now. If I remember right, rodents were able to crit more than the other companions while felines hit the quickest and most often and canines hit the hardest, but don't quote me on that. Not sure about the fighting abilities of the birds as I've not seen one in action yet.

The best way to increase your affinity, I've heard, is to take your unspelled companion hunting, tell it to attack, and then stand back and watch, feeding it herbs as needed. I didn't do that with Renny though, as it seems kinda mean to me.

08-03-2006, 07:46 PM
Wolves can disarm. Cats pounce. Rodents hamstring. And birds... umm... I don't remember. Poop on heads?

08-03-2006, 08:52 PM
Uh. best way to go? Leave your computr on with the companion on the room for like 3 days. You'll be at undying loyalty. No reason to do dick.

08-03-2006, 08:56 PM
... and according to the guidlines of rangery, she is not yours either ...

So folks should ask the AC. :whistle:


Very true. She has adopted my ranger and has him in training. ::grin::

08-03-2006, 08:59 PM
Uh. best way to go? Leave your computr on with the companion on the room for like 3 days. You'll be at undying loyalty. No reason to do dick.

Yep .. just spending time in game with the companion.

08-03-2006, 08:59 PM
Wolves can disarm. Cats pounce. Rodents hamstring. And birds... umm... I don't remember. Poop on heads?

Birds flap their wings and force the creature to kneel but it rarely happens.

08-14-2006, 04:08 PM
Yep .. just spending time in game with the companion.

I tried just sitting there and fletching whilst mine was around and it just left after like 5 minutes.

Do I have to continue to interact with it as long as I'm there?

Oh and do I have to keep summoning the same one?

El Burro
08-14-2006, 04:17 PM
Keep playing, petting, rubbing, spelling up, feeding, etc. until you BEFRIEND it. You can try the BEFRIEND verb or it will automatically happen and you will get a message that states you have already befriended it.

I think it took me five minutes tops.

08-14-2006, 04:40 PM
Keep playing, petting, rubbing, spelling up, feeding, etc. until you BEFRIEND it. You can try the BEFRIEND verb or it will automatically happen and you will get a message that states you have already befriended it.

I think it took me five minutes tops.

You will know when the BEFRIEND works. Your companion will acknowledge the befriending. Once you have befriended your companion that will be the one with you through out the game. Unless you abuse it and the affinity sinks.

08-14-2006, 04:50 PM
Uh. best way to go? Leave your computr on with the companion on the room for like 3 days. You'll be at undying loyalty. No reason to do dick.

Thats all I did to get my companion to undying. Just sat at the top of one of the towers in the landing and went afk for like 2 days.

03-23-2007, 02:01 PM
Sorry to bump an old thread but I'm just about to get 630 and I have no idea where to start looking for the kind of animal I want. Any documentation or maps people can direct me to please to help out? I've read through all the relevant threads here and on the officials and no luck.

Thanks in advance.

03-23-2007, 03:50 PM
There is a link I have at home that I'll grab when I get there, if someone doesn't beat me to it.


03-23-2007, 04:15 PM
I tried just sitting there and fletching whilst mine was around and it just left after like 5 minutes.

Do I have to continue to interact with it as long as I'm there?

Oh and do I have to keep summoning the same one?

Wait, you told companion to return and it eventually got up and left of its own accord? Ive sat for saturated to unfried and never had the lion go anywhere I didnt tell it to.

03-23-2007, 04:27 PM
my companion has done this a couple of times now too. we'd be hunting.. it wasn't in attack mode, or wander. it was guarding, in fact. and it just.. left.

03-23-2007, 05:50 PM
Here's Turinrond's 630 website. (http://sildraug.tripod.com/id8.html) It has locations of companions, affinity levels, and the Companions of the World script.

03-23-2007, 09:16 PM
That's the one, sorry..I just got back from work and stuff.


03-23-2007, 11:09 PM
Wait, you told companion to return and it eventually got up and left of its own accord? Ive sat for saturated to unfried and never had the lion go anywhere I didnt tell it to.

I wonder if the guy was inside with 625 running. If 625 drops, does the companion leave as well?

Just a guess.

03-24-2007, 12:58 AM
yes if you are in-doors and 625 falls. the companion will leave the room.

03-24-2007, 05:07 AM
Thanks for the website, will start my research and hopefully have my companion very soon. I can't wait!