View Full Version : Official: QC Goals

07-22-2006, 09:20 AM
I am not sure if this has been posted elsewhere on these forums. I was skimming the previously ignored wizard folder for 540 information when I stumbled upon this post. This was my first time in seeing it, though I have to believe it was cross-posted to, or from somewhere else.

I'm posting information on goals I'm assured are in QC and no other delays are preventing them being released within the next two months. I'm including some information on goals that are significantly delayed. All other goals either do not have enough information or are not likely to be released in the near term (two months-ish)

This does not list out how many bugs have been fixed, how many assists have been answered and other items that we often don't think about posting ifnormation on.


Game Content
* ESP (in QC but expect release after Ebon Gate)
* Premium Locker Expansion (in QC)
* Bounty System - Released in Platinum, High End rewards due out by beginning of August.
* Cobbling Upgrade (Being released this week)
* Alchemy (Late August or September)
* Teras Expansion (Late August or September)
* Spell 540 (in QC)
* Ta'Vaalor Hunting Adjustments (in QC)
* Cross Realm Travel System (in QC)
* SAY / TONE updates (expect end of July or Early August)
* HELP updated

* Ebon's Gate (on target)
* Storyline 2 (starts late Summer: http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=12&topic=19)

Goals that are heavily delayed (end of year or later)
* Spell 118 mods (dependent on Alchemy)
* Deed Puzzle Adjustments (dependent on Alchemy)
* Spell 940 (dependent on Alchemy)
* Spell 1115 (dependent on Alchemy)
* Spell 1106 mods (dependent on Alchemy)
* Spell 540 (dependent on Alchemy)
* Mining / Smelting (re-design and new scripting team)
* Premium Homes (new scripting team)

Can someone edit the Title to Official: QC goals? I cannot delete the post or seemingly alter the title.

07-22-2006, 09:38 AM
Great to know they're on schedule ^^

07-22-2006, 03:42 PM
Hmm, he didn't mention the windmill.

07-23-2006, 03:46 AM
I am excited to see they have so many plans ... just bummed too because I would really like to see them implemented.

Lets all cross our fingers and hope for the best while chanting "I think I can, I think I can"


07-23-2006, 09:44 AM
I know that's by no means a schedule and all, but it really is cool to see them on track with so much of that stuff. I didn't think a lot of that was going to be done just because there was so much complicated stuff on thier list of things they wanted to do this year. It's a pleasant supprise.

07-23-2006, 10:16 AM
* Spell 540 (in QC)
* Spell 540 (dependent on Alchemy)

I know we got those messages that would indicate 540 is about to be released (um... haven't seen anything since that night), but what affect would alchemy have on this spell?

07-23-2006, 11:07 AM
Maybe there's a potion to make it useful.

07-23-2006, 11:09 AM
Nah, that was a typo. 540 is being released nowish.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-23-2006, 11:12 AM
Where at or just realm wide rollout?

07-23-2006, 11:39 AM
The storyline for the spell has begun. Messaging depending on a character's profession varies, though it will involve the Triad. It will likely echo the release of all of the previous spells. The storyline can take a great while to wrap up 1-2 months, though the spell is certainly past QC, or at the very very final stages.

It is a great storyline to be involved in, the Triad business. No one can give you shit for being a Quest whore. If you are a wizard, it concerns you. No exceptions.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
07-23-2006, 11:59 AM
Oh, I thought you meant RIGHT NOW, lol

07-23-2006, 02:34 PM
It would be more exciting if 540 is not, by all accounts, looking like a pile of suck. 10% chance to succeed? F that.

07-23-2006, 02:51 PM
Pretty much every wizard trains in EMC, which increases the chance to succeed. Also, if you think even 10% isn't worth it, don't use the fucking spell. I feel so bad for you, getting a 10% chance to virtually negate a hit against you, you poor thing.

07-23-2006, 03:25 PM
That's essentially 400 mana for a ten minute spell that'll negate one hit.

07-23-2006, 03:59 PM
When that spell saves your ass i bet you will love it

07-23-2006, 06:31 PM
No kiddin eh? This spell freakin rocks. 40 mana for what amounts to a chance at an instant reset if something goes bad? You're damn right I'll have that spell up and running at all times. Hell if anything it's almost supprising it got allowed considering how freakin powerful it really is.

07-23-2006, 07:28 PM
Pretty much every wizard trains in EMC, which increases the chance to succeed. Also, if you think even 10% isn't worth it, don't use the fucking spell. I feel so bad for you, getting a 10% chance to virtually negate a hit against you, you poor thing.

Even at 100% it's an utterly useless spell. Most times I die it's because I either get critted in one hit, or bleed to death while stunned. If I get the chance to issue a command I'll just sign darkness or sign health and I'm out. If I'm missing something here please enlighten me, I want to believe this actually won't suck.

07-23-2006, 07:31 PM
At later levels, being stacked into RT is what kills you. Atleast where I hunt.

07-23-2006, 07:46 PM
Even at 100% it's an utterly useless spell. Most times I die it's because I either get critted in one hit, or bleed to death while stunned. If I get the chance to issue a command I'll just sign darkness or sign health and I'm out. If I'm missing something here please enlighten me, I want to believe this actually won't suck.

Okay, so the spell gives you the chance to completely remove half of all your deaths, and you think it sucks?! I have a feeling then that nothing anyone says is going to make you happy about this, so I guess you will just have to deal with it.
For myself, I'm going to be absolutely loving getting to avoid a lot of my deaths.

07-23-2006, 08:09 PM
<<That's essentially 400 mana for a ten minute spell that'll negate one hit.>>

Actually, it's essentially 40 mana for a ten minute spell that'll negate an undefined number of hits, with no minimum or maximum.

07-23-2006, 08:13 PM
but it doesn't take away half your deaths. It just saves you on one attack. And then, on the next attack, you'll probably die, especially as Fallen is right, most deaths occur due to stacked roundtime, at least behind the barrier, for me. So, you get hit once, reversed, and yay, you fight it off - but then you just go back to your crap DS and still stuck in RT, and get killed in the next one, unless by some miracle you get the 10% again.

So, at its base, the chances of you warding those two attacks off is 1%. 3 in a row? 0.1%. Even at 20%, the times aren't good. Keep in mind that if you have 3 or 4 Ithizir/war griffins/constructs pounding away, they can get off 4 or 5 attacks between them in about 5 seconds.


07-23-2006, 08:24 PM
<<So, at its base, the chances of you warding those two attacks off is 1%.>>

Yes, 1% of the time you'll get it twice in a row (on average), but that second hit still has the same chance of activating the spell. One activation doesn't lower the chance of the next one working.

Also, I don't know why these extremes have to be brought up in order to downsize the potential of the spell. No spell is ever going to remove all chances of dying when you're stuck in roundtime, prone, in offensive, and have 4 things attacking you at once. The fact that this spell follows that pattern of not being stupidly fucking overpowered doesn't make it bad.

07-23-2006, 08:24 PM
Was trying not to make two threads about it... Wizards have haste, they can significantly reduce stacked RT threats. (yes it can be poorly timed and haste can fall, but it's something wizards can address). I think a reactive based spell would have been very cool for a wizard, something we don't yet have (I would have been fine with it still hurting us, vs protecting and reacting).

I'm curious how it works based on manuevers... like with a +200 DS, you CAN NOT have a worse result on an AS based attack, but with an open manuever roll, what if you barely missed a manuever... got like a round stun and not knocked down, then the re-roll you fail even worse (is this possible, I'm under the impression manuevers are open rolls)

07-23-2006, 08:28 PM
If it's a maneuver that won't succeed all the time against you, then chances are that even an open roll would not cause a higher endroll with the extra defense granted by the spell. It would have to be a pretty substantial roll, so it's possible, but certainly a rarity.

07-23-2006, 08:31 PM
And stop saying 10% too. How many wizards at level 40 have 0 EMC? One out of twenty? If that. Everyone who mana leeches has plenty.

07-23-2006, 08:39 PM
but it doesn't take away half your deaths. It just saves you on one attack. And then, on the next attack, you'll probably die, etc etc

Well, considering the guy said,
"Most times I die it's because I either get critted in one hit, or bleed to death while stunned"

yeah, it has a chance of removing half of his deaths, which is what I said:
"Okay, so the spell gives you the chance to completely remove half of all your deaths"

And man, when you automatically experience a +200 DS boost and a dramatically heightened ability to defend against critter-based maneuver attacks you are doing to die on that second chance, you've really got other issues.

And if you are worried about certain areas just remember people have been hunting there already and somehow managed to survive so it'll still be okay.

07-23-2006, 08:44 PM
yeah, it has a chance of removing half of his deaths, which is what I said:
No it doesn't. It'll remove 10-20% of the one shot kills. That's 5-10% of his deaths, assuming that he gets one shotted as often as he gets bled out.

07-23-2006, 08:57 PM
Can't bleed if you don't get hit.

07-23-2006, 09:00 PM
Which will happen 10-20% of the time. Bleed outs usually involve lots of hits, so it's debatable how much that will help.

07-23-2006, 09:06 PM
Somebody needs to clarify exactly how this spell works. I thought it was something cast after you get hit that has a 10% chance of reversing the hit. Some here are saying it's something you just throw up and it lasts for 10 minutes and has a 10% chance of reversing every hit?

07-23-2006, 09:08 PM
<<I thought it was something cast after you get hit that has a 10% chance of reversing the hit.>>

That is absolutely wrong.

<<Some here are saying it's something you just throw up and it lasts for 10 minutes and has a 10% chance of reversing every hit?>>


07-23-2006, 09:12 PM
I'm not sure what you mean by "reversing", but the proposal was a +200 DS and a +significant maneuver defense, rendering the user practically invulnerable in most cases. It is still conceivable that the spell would kick in and the user would be injured or even killed anyway.

07-23-2006, 09:38 PM
Somebody needs to clarify exactly how this spell works. I thought it was something cast after you get hit that has a 10% chance of reversing the hit. Some here are saying it's something you just throw up and it lasts for 10 minutes and has a 10% chance of reversing every hit?

Heh, so you said it was "a pile of suck" and you didn't even find out what it does? lol Nice.

Anyways, here is the most recent proposal:
Temporal Reversion 540

Type: Defense

Duration: 10 Minutes

This spell, as proposed here, allows the wizard to turn back the hands of time when successfully attacked physically. The Temporal Reversion effect returns the wizard to the moment before the initial attack better prepared to meet a potentially powerful, incoming assault. In practical application, this means first attack will not "count" and the creature will have to take a second attack roll at the wizard. Meanwhile the wizard automatically experiences a +200 DS boost and a dramatically heightened ability to defend against critter-based maneuver attacks when encountering this second try.

The ability to shift time is always a chancy thing. The spell would only be successful based upon:

10% + (Elemental Mana Control skill/30)

07-23-2006, 10:14 PM

It was updated to Skill/20... so you're looking at a baseline of like 17%.

It also says that there is potential for lore training to add a counter attack

07-23-2006, 10:31 PM

It was updated to Skill/20... so you're looking at a baseline of like 17%.

It also says that there is potential for lore training to add a counter attack

Based on this information, it is sounding a little better, and yes, I would put it up. I will admit I would like to see something that makes the duration a little longer ... like at least 20 minutes.


07-23-2006, 10:42 PM
I agree about the duration really sucking... because all it means is prior to every hunt you just have to cast, and then wait another pulse.

I heard a 10 min + 10sec per MjE ranks. So the base would really be 16:40 (although that was just some random persons posting... no idea how official it is)

07-23-2006, 10:52 PM
10% + (Elemental Mana Control skill/30)

EMC skill....not ranks, right? So a Wizard who 1x's in EMC for life will have 41 ranks when they supposedly get this spell (at 40)...that's 140 skill, which is 7.05%. Yep, 17.05% base, if you get this spell at 40. Not too shabby...yet, I wouldn't mind it being more (not that my wizzy will *ever* get to 40...).

07-23-2006, 11:57 PM
Heh, so you said it was "a pile of suck" and you didn't even find out what it does? lol Nice.

My eyes skipped over the 'duration' part, smart ass. Without that the description can easily be interpreted the way I did.

07-23-2006, 11:57 PM
<<Yep, 17.05% base>>

Which raises an interesting question.. does that make a difference? Is the roll a d100, d500, d1000, or something else?

07-24-2006, 12:19 AM
I like the spell myself. Hope they release it soon.