View Full Version : Nutty little things we do...

07-20-2006, 02:48 PM
Do you ever catch yourself talking to yourself? And if you do talk to yourself do you worry that you're doing it too much and you begin to worry about your sanity?

Do you worry you left the iron on at home after you've left the house?

Are you an obsessive organizer or clean freak?

I wanna know yer nutty habits?

Is it nutty to want to know other peoples nutty habits?


07-20-2006, 02:48 PM

07-20-2006, 02:53 PM
Do you ever catch yourself talking to yourself? And if you do talk to yourself do you worry that you're doing it too much and you begin to worry about your sanity?

Yes to the talking to myself...and every now and then on the sanity.

Do you worry you left the iron on at home after you've left the house?

What's an iron? (j/k)

Is it nutty to want to know other peoples nutty habits?


07-20-2006, 02:54 PM
I've spoken to myself. I've also been busted doing it.

I don't worry about things until I'm in bed. I can spend all day being cool as a cucumber... get into bed and things run around in my head for about an hour.

I'm an organized freak at work. At home I could care less. I need to change that with the quickness.

07-20-2006, 03:16 PM
I'm an organized freak at work. At home I could care less. I need to change that with the quickness.

OMG that's totally me heh. My desk at work is uber organized and I know where everything is.

At home, my desk looks like a bomb blew up on it hah.

07-20-2006, 03:19 PM
I tend to like things even or at certain numbers. The volume in my car radio goes from 0-30. I only use even numbers.

When I eat a sandwich, it's 10 bites. (3 rows - 3 bites, 4 bites, 3 bites).

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-20-2006, 03:20 PM
Whenever I'm frustrated at my boyfriend, I talk to my cat about it in front of my boyfriend. (i.e. "Sparticus, Mike's not listening to me.. nope, he's not. That's ok though, YOU listen to me, don't you?) Not to piss him off, but because it makes him laugh and somehow making him laugh makes me less pissed off.

Explain how that works? O_o

07-20-2006, 03:29 PM
Heh, my husband does that with the cat when I'm the one he's stressed at. "She's not listening to us, is she. That's okay, you're the nice pussy in the house, aren't you?" Bah.

07-20-2006, 03:40 PM
When I eat a sandwich, it's 10 bites. (3 rows - 3 bites, 4 bites, 3 bites).

... That's pretty nutty there, Rainman. What do you do if it just doesn't work out? Like if there is a tomato that didn't get bit clean and kind of clings on to some lettuce and forces you to take another bite or risk the whole sandwich falling apart.

07-20-2006, 03:41 PM
You just take a bigger bite on the next one to get back on track.

Not that I would know anything about that.


07-20-2006, 03:42 PM
Wezas doesn't eat veggies so that would never happen.

Hey two of those rows are bitten in odd numbers. How do you live? :D

07-20-2006, 03:43 PM
I don't worry about things until I'm in bed. I can spend all day being cool as a cucumber... get into bed and things run around in my head for about an hour.

I'm the same way. It's gotten to the point where I have to turn a movie on or something on to distract me while I go to sleep.

07-20-2006, 03:48 PM
Ganalon is correct. It works out to 10. Even if the last bite is tiny or huge.

Hey two of those rows are bitten in odd numbers. How do you live? :D

because there's 2 3's.

07-20-2006, 03:50 PM
I talk to myself. I repeat things I type out loud just for the sake of hearing them out loud. Then I laugh at them. Or I'll laugh out loud at something I thought of in my head.

I think I've mentioned this elsewhere, but I sit outside the shower and listen to the water run for at least 10-15 minutes every single morning of my life. Sometimes I don't even take a shower afterward (weekends, of course).

I drive in the car in silence a lot. I'll just have so much going on in my head that I don't even notice the radio is off. If someone happens to be in the car with me they'll think I'm crazy for driving in quiet. Maybe others don't find this as crazy.

07-20-2006, 03:51 PM
I used to HAVE to have my CD's in alphabetical order by artist. Until my daughter, at about 3 or 4, began constantly reorganizing them. I finally gave up, although it still makes me twitch.

07-20-2006, 03:56 PM
I have to have my DVD collection in alphabetical order, and I keep compilation sets, like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, separate and in order as in well.

I also used to have a complete set of red hangers. It's down to only a few now over the years, but I've gotten this thing of only hanging red clothing on the red hangers.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-20-2006, 04:00 PM
I freak out about placement of stuff in my kitchen. Everywhere else in my life, I don't care if there's clutter aslong as I can put it out of site. In my kitchen, there is a place for everything, and if things don't go where they need to go, I get very very angry.

I even alphabetize my spice rack.

07-20-2006, 04:01 PM
I used to HAVE to have my CD's in alphabetical order by artist. Until my daughter, at about 3 or 4, began constantly reorganizing them. I finally gave up, although it still makes me twitch.

I HAVE to have my DVD's in alphabetical order by title, so I completely understand. For S&G's my husband will sometimes put a DVD completely out of place and time me on how fast I can spot it and put it back where it belongs....It's enough to drive me NUTS!!

Oh yeah, I'll also spend 30 minutes debating if I'll reply to a post or not, and then another 30 minutes re-reading my post making sure I don't sound like an idiot. Then, I'll re-read my post after having posted it aloud. My co-workers think I'm a bit...well...you know.

07-20-2006, 04:09 PM
I have to have my DVD collection in alphabetical order, and I keep compilation sets, like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, separate and in order as in well.

I (used to) do this too, except I would always run into dilemmas about how to alphabitize certain things. The best example of which is "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch". They are not sequels, but they are sorta, do I put them together? If so under L or S? Loose sequels make it tough.

07-20-2006, 04:09 PM
Wow I thought I was the only one who alphabetized DVDs and CDs. A friend came over once and noticed this and was like, "OMG! She put them in alphabetical order!?! R U BORED?" So I was feeling like a freak about it. heh

07-20-2006, 04:13 PM
I (used to) do this too, except I would always run into dilemmas about how to alphabitize certain things. The best example of which is "Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch". They are not sequels, but they are sorta, do I put them together? If so under L or S? Loose sequels make it tough.
Much like the Firefly series and Serenity. To me Firefly is the compilation that should be separate and Serenity with the single movies. My husband moved the movie and put it with the series. Gah!

Thanks to this thread, I feel like a total freak. :(

07-20-2006, 04:17 PM
This is kinda fun.

Alright mine.. um. When I'm eating, I have to completely wipe off my utensil before I take another bite. If there's food on the fork, I can't look at it. Really annoying when I'm with my S/O and they take a bite, but they leave food on my fork.. I'll just give it to them and get a new one. *shudders*

I can only sleep if I'm facing away from a closet and towards a window. If the closet door is open and I'm not facing it, I still have to close it before I can sleep. On top of that, I tuck my blanket under my feet, no body parts can be hanging off the bed. Some kind of security thing I guess. Heh.

07-20-2006, 04:35 PM
I can't sleep with anything over my feet - socks or covers/sheets. However, at the same time, I have this really bad foot obsession, where, if I don't know someone really really well, I will not allow my feet to be uncovered. Once, while in the hospital ER during one of my earliest visits to FL to see James, I told him while under the influence of narcotics for pain that they could do a lot of things to me but damnit I was NOT taking my socks off.

I am obsessive about how clothes go into drawers, and which drawers they go into. I drive my kids and James nuts with it, because I'm constantly griping and/or rearranging their drawers to place the right clothes in the right drawer, in the right manner.

I'm also obsessive about how clothes are folded, especially socks, underwear and towels. I will refold things that other members in our house have folded, if they aren't done the exact way I like them.

I can't stand when a bed is made and there is a wrinkle in the covers. I'll automatically remake the bed, no matter whose bed it is, without thought.

I am obsessive about water not being on the sink, so I'll clean it with a dry cloth to leave no drops anywhere, including the faucet and handles. I also do this about tabletops where we eat, even if that is at a restaurant, both while we eat and afterwards as well.

Edited to add: I also have no cartiledge (sp?) in my nose because since I was 5 years old, I have always just placed the palm of my hand on my nose and rubbed it back and forth rapidly to scratch an itch. I got so bad that I'd do it in my sleep as well, and it destroyed the cartiledge, leaving my nose "looking" fine, but I can literally squish it to my face and move it all around without resistance. It really freaks out James and other friends of mine if I do it for them.

07-20-2006, 04:38 PM
My only weirdness is that I sleep like a three year old.

Anything on bed from pillow to blanket to sheets to dog to dog repeatedly is knocked off.

In fact I've woken up with the dog whining and sitting on the floor because he keeps getting knocked off the bed.

07-20-2006, 05:01 PM
I can only sleep if I'm facing away from a closet and towards a window. If the closet door is open and I'm not facing it, I still have to close it before I can sleep.

LOL I'm the same way. I have to close the closet AND the bedroom door before I can sleep. Otherwise I feel like someone is watching me. It's so weird, I know.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-20-2006, 05:13 PM
I can't sleep with anything over my feet - socks or covers/sheets. However, at the same time, I have this really bad foot obsession, where, if I don't know someone really really well, I will not allow my feet to be uncovered. Once, while in the hospital ER during one of my earliest visits to FL to see James, I told him while under the influence of narcotics for pain that they could do a lot of things to me but damnit I was NOT taking my socks off.

That's EXACTLY like me. I hate it when someone touches my feet, and I feel exposed if they're without cover around people I don't know. Ha, glad to know I'm not the only one!

07-20-2006, 05:14 PM
Sometimes the only thing that can calm me down is a clothing tag. Ever since I was a little girl, I've been rubbing tags. The silky kind with the roughness on the inside? It started with my stuffed animals and moved on to clothing. As a child, I wouldn't let Mom buy me clothes unless they had the right kind of tags for rubbing.

I grew out of it a little bit (I mean, I don't put my hand under the waistband of my pants to rub the tag on my panties anymore) but.. When I'm really angry but I know there are consequences to exploding, I have a tendancy to rub tags. Any tags that are within reach. I know it must look really weird for me to be fiddling with my own shirt tag but I can't help it.

These days, I carry around a tag I cut off from a herbal heating pad in my wallet for stressful situations.

Also... I talk to the animals. Not when I'm mad or anything, and no, I don't expect them to answer or to understand me. They're there and they're looking at me so I talk.

Aaaand... my books must be organized at all times. The rest of the house can be a disaster area, but if my library is out of order, I will kill someone. I also very very rarely let people borrow them. I've got over two thousand books now and they're all mine! I can't stand it when people dog-ear or break the backs or write on them. If I could laminate them all, I would.

Edit: Oh yeah. I'm obsessively clean about my body. I've annoyed a few boyfriends by almost always immediately taking a shower after sex. If I feel grimy and can't do anything about it, I can become extremely irritable. I hate it when people touch my face unless I saw them JUST wash their hands. Or really, I hate it when they touch me, period.

07-20-2006, 05:15 PM
My husband and I alphabetize our DVD's, music CD's, video CD's, PC game disks, and console game disks. (The really, really, really annoying thing about this is with titles that start with "The"...do we alphabetize it under T, or do we alphabetize it under the letter of the following word ("The Hunt for Red October" for example...under T or under H?).)

Our book collection is sorted by series and genre, then alphabetized. The series books are placed by series/chronological order. Non-series books are sorted by genre and alphabetized, one shelf for fiction books, one shelf for non-fiction (and one shelf for the books that are too big physically to fit on either of the other shelves).

I'm a tad obsessive about how some of my clothes are folded (my socks all have to have the heel facing the same direction, etc). I've also started recently on being obsessive with how my shirts are folded, which direction they all have to be facing... it's annoying. heh

I also have a thing with lining my nine daily pills up in the morning before I do anything else. If I don't get them out and line them up, under my nose...I'll forget to take 'em for the day (which is bad, because a couple of them really *can't* be missed).

07-20-2006, 05:18 PM
You people make me look normal.

I never really stopped to think about any habits I have. I guess I sleep with my back toward my significant other, or whomever is sleeping next to me. More comfortable that way to me, but if no one else is in the bed, it doesnt matter which way I face.

I eat a lot.


07-20-2006, 06:14 PM
When I am visiting someones house and I see magazines scattered all over the coffee table. I have to really refrain myself from straightening them up. It's really hard to not pick up their kids toys and dust things off too.

However if I am in a waiting room at the doc's office I go a head and fix them and put them in nice pretty line so people can see the title of the magazine. :D

07-20-2006, 07:29 PM
One of my first jobs was working in a grocery store. So, all of my food cabinets (including spices and odd end items) are neatly stacked and faced. It drives me absolutely crazy if a label is the wrong way, or all the vegetables aren't together, etc.

Ok yeah, I'm insane.

07-20-2006, 07:32 PM
I hate it when books are stacked on shelves and they aren't sorted according to size. The larger books at the back, slowly going to the shortest books. Also their thickness has to do this as well. Really thick large books are at the back of the 'large book' stack, going down to the thinnest large books, and so forth.

If the books are too tall to fit in the shelf, and I must lay them down flat to accomodate, same thing. Largest to smallest, large book. Thickest to thinnest, large book.

Bah, I'm a freak. :(

07-20-2006, 07:34 PM
Okay but, Dex wins with the tag thing.

~Jolena, who is now fleeing.

07-20-2006, 07:36 PM
So, all of my food cabinets (including spices and odd end items) are neatly stacked and faced.
You win. :D

Ever since I was a little girl, my socks always had to be aligned straight. I would put my feet together and make sure the tops were even. My mom told me it drove her nuts cause I wouldn't let her leave the room until my socks were straight. I'm still that anal about them.

My husband also makes fun of how I get dressed. I'm lazy, so I sit on the bed, slip my feet through my pants, put on my socks, then my shoes, then stand up and pull up my pants.

07-20-2006, 07:36 PM
I guess I sleep with my back toward my significant other, or whomever is sleeping next to me. More comfortable that way to me, but if no one else is in the bed, it doesnt matter which way I face.

I'm the same way

I eat a lot.

That too.

Also I can't stand towels that don't have a rough side. They don't need to be entirely rough, but at least one side needs to not be uber-fluffy. Or else I don't feel like I'm getting dry.

07-20-2006, 07:39 PM
Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation.

Anywhere theres a rope and breeze blowing just the right way, I'm down.

07-20-2006, 07:46 PM
When I used to get really engrossed in GS and the original EQ, people would try to talk to me IRL and I would end up typing my responses in the textbox IG. So my family would keep thinking I was ignoring them while my groupmates would wonder WTF I was talking about.

When I'm thinking about a play decision in Magic I used to mouth my options to myself. When I realized my opponents could maybe figure out what I was planning, I started to cover my mouth with my hand. Now I seem to do that whenever there's a decision that I don't like the options for.

When I MA in GS, I have to log my characters in a particular order, I can't play if they're out of order because I tab or click to the wrong screen to do things.

07-20-2006, 07:48 PM
And suddenly I don't feel quite as nutty anymore! Thanks guys, I knew you'd come through for me! ROFL

07-20-2006, 08:01 PM
Sometimes the only thing that can calm me down is a clothing tag. Ever since I was a little girl, I've been rubbing tags. The silky kind with the roughness on the inside? It started with my stuffed animals and moved on to clothing. As a child, I wouldn't let Mom buy me clothes unless they had the right kind of tags for rubbing.

I grew out of it a little bit (I mean, I don't put my hand under the waistband of my pants to rub the tag on my panties anymore) but.. When I'm really angry but I know there are consequences to exploding, I have a tendancy to rub tags. Any tags that are within reach. I know it must look really weird for me to be fiddling with my own shirt tag but I can't help it.

My daughter was the EXACT same way. Finally got her to stop with the panties tag, too. We used to buy the soft tagged clothing, the one on her blanket was worn thin, and we also had to snip the ones on her animals that were the loopy kind. If we left them intact she'd curl it around her finger in her sleep and cut off the circulation. So we cut it into "two" tags.

07-20-2006, 08:06 PM
I do that post thing too.. I'll read a post then I sit there and wonder if I should reply, if it's worth having to defend my position and how far I want to go to defend it. Then I will read over what I wrote to post and sometimes no matter how long the post I am going to make is.. I'll delete the whole thing and never reply. I also HAVE to sleep on my left side, under a window. I can't breathe warm air because it feels like I am suffocating. Last but not least.. I share a work station with 4 other people (differant shifts) and I get really mad if my stapler isn't on the desk where I like it.

07-20-2006, 08:34 PM
and I get really mad if my stapler isn't on the desk where I like it.

Please, just allow me to say:

07-20-2006, 08:49 PM
Man you guys are weird.

I don't think I've got any really weird habits. I'm not organized... my books, movies, games and such are in shambles. So are my clothes. Whenever I clean I find things I forgot I had.

07-20-2006, 09:03 PM
Please, just allow me to say:

eh I don't give a fuck what you say.. I been there the longest and I bought the damn thing, they can leave it where I put it.

07-20-2006, 09:52 PM
Or you'll burn the building down?


07-20-2006, 10:41 PM
I have an overwhelming phobia of posting on message boards.

I can't go more than a couple days without having (breakfast) cereal for breakfast.

I'm extremely self-conscious about walking down stairs. I always feel like I'm doing it wrong.

07-21-2006, 01:28 AM
I've spoken to myself. I've also been busted doing it.

I don't worry about things until I'm in bed. I can spend all day being cool as a cucumber... get into bed and things run around in my head for about an hour.

I'm an organized freak at work. At home I could care less. I need to change that with the quickness.

I have both of those problems. It pisses me off too. I'll go to bed exausted and think about random shit for an hour.

And I wish I could duplicate what I do at work, with what I do at home. I think its because I'm in a cubicle and its such a tiny area. I dunno.

07-21-2006, 01:38 AM
Ooh the closet thing too! Scott thinks I'm totally nuts. This whole thing has got me going...

We have a spare bath with a shower/bath combo. So it has a shower curtain. Our master bath has a sliding glass door. Because nobody ever sees the master bath, I could give a shit how it looks. However with the spare bath, that shower curtain HAS to be pulled closed. All the way closed. No two inch gap on one side, NOTHING. Scott likes to shower in there sometimes (for whatever reason) and it drives me fucking insane when he doesn't shut it. It takes two friggen seconds, just do it!

Oh and Dex, that tag thing is like....uber psychotic.

07-21-2006, 04:02 AM
Oh and Dex, that tag thing is like....uber psychotic.

I know. *gets out the tag... rubrubrub*

07-21-2006, 05:01 AM
I'm extremely self-conscious about walking down stairs. I always feel like I'm doing it wrong.

That's cause you are.

I freak out about open doors while sleeping, either the bedroom or closet door.

I never step on cracks (because of the whole break your mother's back), and if a floor is tiled, I like to move across it in the way a knight moves on a chessboard, two up, one over.

I also talk to myself, and don't care what other people think about it. I think that's from living in Africa too long where people's first language isn't English and they have no idea what the fuck you're saying anyways.

And I have to sleep with my head covered and my feet exposed.

I can never not finish a book, even if I think it's the crappiest book in the world.

Edited to add: I compulsively do math. Even if I see two random, unrelated numbers, I almost always a) check if they're prime, b), find their divisors, c) compare their divisors, d) find the LCD, e) add them, multiply them, and then go thru the same checklist for that sum and product.


07-21-2006, 05:16 AM
The first time I watch a film I have never seen before I have to devote all my attention to it. I can't be sleepy or not in the mood. I have to take it with all seriousness. This is why it pisses me off when I see a crap movie.

Stanley Burrell
07-21-2006, 07:04 AM
The first time I watch a film I have never seen before I have to devote all my attention to it. I can't be sleepy or not in the mood. I have to take it with all seriousness. This is why it pisses me off when I see a crap movie.

Does that mean you watch movies without the aid of popcorn, beer and balloons?

I could not do so with a Monty Python title.

Such is talent not to be reckoned with! :raise fist:

07-21-2006, 09:02 AM
I always have to have a copy of "Catcher on the Rye" on my person.

07-21-2006, 09:20 AM
A lot of things I like to eat the crust or anything on the outside first. Grilled cheese I'll eat the crust, then I try to peel off the top of the bread that's crispy then eat the cheesy mess left. Perogies I eat as much of the outer shell first before the rest etc. For some reason it just feels wrong to do otherwise.

Stanley Burrell
07-21-2006, 09:32 AM
I will do at least upper body Yoga + tension and release excercises (non-sexually, thus far) shamelessly in public places that are way more industrial and non-Yoga friendly than the park. It's quirky an' shit.

07-21-2006, 09:33 AM
Get drunk, dance to livin on a prayer in public and say things I regret and don't mean.

Miss X
07-21-2006, 10:16 AM
I still suck my thumb.

I like to run my hands over bobbly material.

when I'm stressed or I don't want people to talk to me, I contort my face into this really weird look. I don't do it consciously but my mum has started pointing it out lately to try and get me to stop.

It's impossible for me to be tidy, I just can't do it. I'm like a whirlwind of devastation.

07-21-2006, 10:25 AM
I talk to myself. My mother and grandmother also talk to themselves. Sometimes, it gets pretty noisy in here. ;)

I can't stand things in straight lines. If there is not asymetry I shall create it. Yet...well, I have six little cups from Saudi Arabia. They're small glasses in filigreed gold, handled holders. Each has a saucer and a tiny spoon. They sit on a glass-topped table in my sunroom. Each has its place and each must be in its place. The cups are on the saucers, and the spoons are in the cups. Each spoon must be at the same angle in relation to the other spoons (in the other cups) on it's side of the samovar that sits in the middle of the table.

I will defend this idiocy only by saying that the cups are NOT in straight lines.

07-21-2006, 10:27 AM
Ooh yes the shower curtain thing.. It MUST be closed, and closet doors too especially if I am trying to sleep.

I won't eat tomato sauces such as marinara sauce and especially not ketchup but I will occasionally have a slice of tomato in my sandwich. I wont eat tomatos in my salad. This oddity seems to confuse my boyfriend for some reason.

07-21-2006, 10:32 AM
I hate basically all vegetables. Exceptions being:

Green Beans (canned only, never frozen or fresh)
For some reason I love artichoke. Whole artichokes, not the stuff in a can.

07-21-2006, 10:34 AM
I always have to have a copy of "Catcher on the Rye" on my person.

:rofl: OK Mel.


07-21-2006, 10:34 AM
I have never eaten an egg or direct egg-based food stuff (so no omlet). I operate under the parametres of if it looks or smells like shit, I won't eat it.

I won't touch cheese of any kind either.

07-21-2006, 10:44 AM
:rofl: OK Mel.


I'm glad someone got it. :thanx:

Oh and like Stray Rogue, I can't stand cheese. IT's F'ing MOLD and it stinks like.... well... ASS!!!!

07-21-2006, 10:59 AM
I eat my food in certain orders most of the time.

I usually go by what will get cold quickest. I do not mix my foods up. I will on occasion switch to a bite of another food, but usually go back to the first food immediately and finish it.

I also like all my food plain. No mustard/mayo/lettuce/tomato/etc. And I cringe and nearly lose my appetite if I bite into something and hear an onion crunch. Almost nothing worse than biting into something soft (like a burrito) into a crunchy onion.

07-21-2006, 11:00 AM
I drive in the car in silence a lot. I'll just have so much going on in my head that I don't even notice the radio is off. If someone happens to be in the car with me they'll think I'm crazy for driving in quiet. Maybe others don't find this as crazy.I do this, constantly. My mind never stops going.

Haha, my boss hates cheese too. I always thought she was weird as hell for that.

I pick through ALL my food; if it appears unnatural or abnormal I won't eat it, period. It annoys people greatly.

07-21-2006, 11:08 AM
I don't like pickles on my burgers, but I like eating them alone and whole.

I put ketchup on my Big Mac, even though it has that special-but-we-all-know-it's-thousand-island-dressing sauce.

I eat HoHo's funny. I eat them by layer. I eat the chocolate coating off, then eat the cake layer around til I get to the creamy center. I also lick the cream out of boston creme donuts and twinkies before eating the cake part.

07-21-2006, 11:11 AM
If there's a book on the bookshelf slightly pulled forward more than the rest on there, I'll have to get up and cross the room to correct it.
Same with DVDs and CDs.

I can't sleep in the same room as another person becouse the sound of their breathing drives me insane.
Can't stand the sound of people eating.
I read the last page of a book more than 5 times.
Oh and everything I do is usually in equal numbers. If I knowingly do something an odd number of times it'll fuck with me till I do it once more.
There's more but I sound nuts already.

07-21-2006, 11:17 AM
I have a phobia about not eating anything expired. I always, no matter the date, smell milk before I drink/use it for anything. I won't eat leftovers past 2 days.

07-21-2006, 11:20 AM
I, like many others, talk to myself. A lot. People at work have gotten used to it and so has the hubby, but when someone I don't know sees me do it - I'm sure they think I'm wierd.

I like raw carrots but I hate cooked carrots.

I am totally obsessive compulsive about organization at work, but I look like a tornado hit my house some days heh.

All of the canned food in my cabinet has to be facing labels out and stacked in a particular order. Same thing with boxed goods like Rice-A-Roni or Hamburger Helper - the side of the box with the flavor must be facing out.

If I use a lintbrush, I will not stop until every single piece of cat hair, lint, fuzz, or whatever is off my pants.

I have to have the TV on to fall asleep, and I start all bundled up under the covers. By the end of the night the covers are thrown off of me and I'm curled up with a pillow.

I don't like to mix my food on my plate, so when I have like breakfast the eggs are in one spot, the toast in another, the potatoes in another. My hubby just mixes it all together and throws syrup and ketchup on it and it drives me nuts!!!

Yes...my name is Christina, and I'm a member of the "I'm an oddball" club.

07-21-2006, 11:20 AM
I eat HoHo's funny. I eat them by layer. I eat the chocolate coating off, then eat the cake layer around til I get to the creamy center. I also lick the cream out of boston creme donuts and twinkies before eating the cake part.

Same exact thing but with Swiss Cake Rolls. outer chocolate coating first, then unroll and eat the cake and then the cream.

07-21-2006, 11:23 AM
Same exact thing but with Swiss Cake Rolls. outer chocolate coating first, then unroll and eat the cake and then the cream.

Hah reading about the desserts made me think of another thing. I will eat the inside of an Oreo and then throw out the cookie UNLESS I dunk the whole thing in milk. If I don't dunk the Oreo, I won't eat the cookie hard.

07-21-2006, 12:01 PM
That's cause you are.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll rehearse how a conversation will go ahead of time, often in great detail, and often when I'm about to go to sleep. These aren't important conversations to rehearse, like job interviews or something, these are just real people conversations that also are probably never going to happen. Then I feel really guilty because it's like I'm cheating at talking.

I doodle incessantly during class, but instead of, you know, doodles I scribble arcane math equations or facts in the margins of my notebooks. In my notebooks from the fall semester of sophomore year, I have the square roots of the numbers 1 through 16 calculated out to the thousandths place and then repeated incessantly.

I can't put my foot down on the edge of a room's wall unless I have shoes on. When my brothers and I were young, my older brother had tacks at the edge of his wall to wall carpet (or possibly I imagined that), so stepping down on the edge of that carpet would get your foot spiked.

07-21-2006, 12:25 PM
If something touches me, like a scrape on my skin or against my teeth, I have to do it again to cancel it out or the feeling will stay there and I become extremely annoyed.

Goes the same with someone else touching my skin, even in passing. I'll have to go over the same spot to cancel out the feeling. It doesn't feel right to have it linger.

07-21-2006, 12:32 PM
Eating my sandwich for lunch today I also noticed that I don't quite take my bites in the right order. As it's tough to describe, I've made an artpad. The bite sizes are a bit off, but basically every bite (should be) the same size:


6th bite is taken and just leave 7 hanging there on with the bottom 3.

I know.

I'm odd.

07-21-2006, 12:58 PM
I too, have my workspace neat and tidy every day before I go home.
During work, if there's stacks of things, I get stressed and hyper and don't know where to start to complete things.
My apartment always looks like a tornado ran through it.

If I eat pop tarts, I always have to eat the outside first all the way around, then the middle.

If I get fast food, I have to eat the fries first. If I eat the burger first, I won't touch the fries after.

At work when I microwave something, I glance at the timer and where it's at, then look away and count down in my head.
I glance at it to make sure I'm at the same time with it, and repeat.

I have specific ways to do my job.
When someone else does it, I have to rearrange all the paperwork when I get back to how I like it.
And it's hard for me to watch them practice my job. I have to walk away so I don't tell them to do it my way.

07-21-2006, 01:12 PM
If I see a digital clock hit 3 same numbers like 4:44 for instance, I dare myself to keep staring at it but must look away before it changes. The closer I can stare till the moment it changes the better. If I get caught out then I'll be unlucky.
One thing which has plagued me since I was really young is walking the street and having to reach the next streetlight before the next approaching car passes it.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-21-2006, 01:17 PM
I *have* to cry. I can't go without crying, be it over something happy or something sad.. I'd say it's about once a week. I never know what it's going to be over, it's almost always something silly in real life but once in a while it's over bigger stuff. I'll feel like crap if I go too long without crying, and once I do cry (like I said before, it can be a happy or sad cry) I feel really relieved.

Been doing it since I was little, but I'd say it's pretty weird.

07-21-2006, 01:25 PM
It's probably good for you.

Miss X
07-21-2006, 01:27 PM
If I get fast food, I have to eat the fries first. If I eat the burger first, I won't touch the fries after.

I'm exactly the same. I always eat the first before the burger, the other way around or together just feels wrong.

I also get freaked out by 3:33 on the clock.

I do things like if someone is coming up the stairs behind me at work (4 flights to the unit I work on) I have to reach the next flight before the person behind reaches the flight I'm on, or I'll be unlucky.

I have a problem where I will think thoughts I don't want to think, like I once read this thing about how you summon spirits and I kept saying the rhyme in my head and also saying "No Vic, you don't want to think that."

07-21-2006, 01:33 PM
I find that food prepared by others always tastes better than if I had prepared it. Sammich's taste better if they're cut into triangles.

I'll eat almost any food, regardless of how full I am, if it's offered to me free.

07-21-2006, 01:35 PM
I'll rehearse how a conversation will go ahead of time, often in great detail, and often when I'm about to go to sleep. These aren't important conversations to rehearse, like job interviews or something, these are just real people conversations that also are probably never going to happen.

LOL I do the exact same thing. But I don't feel guilty like you do.

07-21-2006, 01:37 PM
It's a catholic thing.

Even dreams should make you feel guilty.

07-21-2006, 01:44 PM
I will only eat one thing on my plate at a time. So, if I have chicken, corn, and mashed potaters, I'll eat all of the chicken first, then the potatoes, then the corn. No going back and forth between food. If I'm full by the time I reach the corn, I won't eat it. This doesn't apply to foods that are meant to be mixed, like curry and rice or sushi.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-21-2006, 02:04 PM
I will only eat one thing on my plate at a time. So, if I have chicken, corn, and mashed potaters, I'll eat all of the chicken first, then the potatoes, then the corn. No going back and forth between food. If I'm full by the time I reach the corn, I won't eat it. This doesn't apply to foods that are meant to be mixed, like curry and rice or sushi.

I'm that way too, unless something tastes awful I won't go back and forth.

07-21-2006, 02:05 PM
Eating my sandwich for lunch today I also noticed that I don't quite take my bites in the right order. As it's tough to describe, I've made an artpad. The bite sizes are a bit off, but basically every bite (should be) the same size:


6th bite is taken and just leave 7 hanging there on with the bottom 3.

I know.

I'm odd.

ROFL! The fact that you took time to actually make a diagram makes me giggle, and the fact that I watched it makes me giggle more. Cute.

07-21-2006, 02:09 PM
Ya'll got some interesting OCD's..

07-21-2006, 02:12 PM
[QUOTE=Miss X]

I also get freaked out by 3:33 on the clock.


That's wierd the 3:33 thing bothers me too. A few years ago I had a nightmare about dying and when I woke up the clock said 3:33 and ever since it bothers me to see that time.

And when I see a string of numbers I like to add them up to come up with a single digit. Probably because I am bored, or to occupy my mind with something besides worry. I worry about EVERYTHING.

Stanley Burrell
07-21-2006, 02:15 PM
ROFL! The fact that you took time to actually make a diagram makes me giggle, and the fact that I watched it makes me giggle more. Cute.

I want to know if so and how much the sammich quality is improved by ettin' it in said manner.

You can never be too OCD over the art of sammich making. Man, the GMs should really release an Artisan Skill concerning such talent :-\

07-21-2006, 02:16 PM
Eating my sandwich for lunch today I also noticed that I don't quite take my bites in the right order. As it's tough to describe, I've made an artpad. The bite sizes are a bit off, but basically every bite (should be) the same size:



I took... um about 30 bites to eat my Quiznos sammich. I r slow.

07-21-2006, 02:57 PM
haha damn right, no veggies. I <3 milk tho.

07-21-2006, 03:25 PM
Toss the milk if it's not gone by the expiration date -- yes, I do.

I arrange the clothing in my closet by length; makes finding things easier.


07-21-2006, 04:24 PM
No one who even looks suspiciously unclean can come anywhere near my food. I tell adults who come near my kitchen to wash their hands and I walk out of restaurants if I see my server scratch their head or play with their hair.

I hate hate hate shaking hands. Who knows that they were doing with their hand before they stick it out to shake? Ugh. Ew.

07-21-2006, 04:31 PM
I'd be more concerned with whats on the door handle to the toilet, over what might be on some random person's hands.

07-21-2006, 04:42 PM
Some people sing in the shower, or in the car, but sometimes I have a tendency to make up Beck-esque songs as I cook. I’m not cooking right now so its not going to come out right but stupid stuff like...

“Hey little chicken, get yourself in the pan, gonna fry you up right, makin dinner for the man...”

When ever I am watching anything on my TV for which I have a remote, if the person on the screen is doing or saying anything that I feel is incredibly stupid or particularly embarrassing for that person, I snatch up the remote and switch the channel away for a few seconds until I feel they are done and I can switch it back.

07-21-2006, 04:44 PM
Ugh. Never touch the handle. Wait for someone else to enter and exit and then make it a point to touch a part of the door that no one else has likely touched. Better yet, use a Kleenex or something to open it and discard immediately.

I mean, not that I'm obsessive about it or anything. :help:

07-21-2006, 04:44 PM
Toss the milk if it's not gone by the expiration date -- yes, I do.

About this whole milk expiration date issue, I go by smell first, then taste, regardless of date. I swear I’ve had milk still good well past the expiration date. Maybe due to the super-hormones they put in the stuff these days, who knows.

07-21-2006, 04:48 PM
When it's nearing or at the expiration date, I smell it first. If it smells even slightly, I toss it. I don't even like the idea of tasting bad milk. Ew ew ew.

Sean of the Thread
07-21-2006, 04:54 PM
Never understood people "tasting" expired shit to see if it's still good. If it don't pass the sniff test..

07-21-2006, 04:59 PM
At home nothing lasts more than 3 days in my fridge. If it's not used by the 3rd day, it's history.

In my kitchen, it's the 7 day rule which is standard for any restaurant.


Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-21-2006, 05:00 PM
When it's nearing or at the expiration date, I smell it first. If it smells even slightly, I toss it. I don't even like the idea of tasting bad milk. Ew ew ew.

Heh, I'm like that too.. except first I look inside and tilt it around, to see if I can find any discoloration or clumps.

07-21-2006, 05:00 PM
Never understood people "tasting" expired shit to see if it's still good. If it don't pass the sniff test..

Or people who ask you to verify that something smells bad. WTF?

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-21-2006, 06:08 PM
Or people who ask you to verify that something smells bad. WTF?

Or they just go.. "Here, taste this!"


"I want to know if it's gone bad."

07-21-2006, 06:14 PM
Some people have a weak, or even non-existant, sense of smell. That might explain why such a person would ask someone else to verify if something smelled "off".

07-21-2006, 06:14 PM
That reminds me of my friend Steve. One of the nutty things he does is sniff stuff that smells bad. Repeatedly. Like, when he was our roommate, he picked up the dish-scrubbing brush, sniffed it, and was like, "Holy crap, that stinks!" After making everyone else sniff it, he'll continue sniffing it himself, making faces and talking about how bad it smells.

07-21-2006, 06:20 PM
That reminds me of my friend Steve. One of the nutty things he does is sniff stuff that smells bad. Repeatedly. Like, when he was our roommate, he picked up the dish-scrubbing brush, sniffed it, and was like, "Holy crap, that stinks!" After making everyone else sniff it, he'll continue sniffing it himself, making faces and talking about how bad it smells.

Thats a man/dog thing :D

07-21-2006, 06:50 PM
My mother has really, REALLY bad allergies. She used to make us kids smell stuff in the fridge to determine whether it was to keep or toss.

"C'mere, smell this week-old roast beef."
"Ew, no."
"I can't smell it, I need you to tell me whether its still good or not."
"Smell the damned beef!"

07-21-2006, 06:53 PM
My mother has really, REALLY bad allergies. She used to make us kids smell stuff in the fridge to determine whether it was to keep or toss.

"C'mere, smell this week-old roast beef."
"Ew, no."
"I can't smell it, I need you to tell me whether its still good or not."
"Smell the damned beef!"

So much for my "Smell the damned beef!" pickup line. Back to the drawing board.

07-21-2006, 07:48 PM
I tear apart everything I eat into it's different densities/textures/tastes. I take peas out of the pod, the "skin" of carrots off of the "core", and the veins out of celery and eat them separately. I also don't care to cook things. Chef Boyardee? Out of the can. I'll eat a pound of dry noodles in a sitting. There's oh so much more.

07-21-2006, 07:49 PM
I CAN NOT eat most dishes that pair meat and fruit together.. gross.

07-21-2006, 07:52 PM
So much for my "Smell the damned beef!" pickup line. Back to the drawing board.

Umm...how had that been working for you, Wezas?:whistle:

07-21-2006, 08:04 PM
Never understood people "tasting" expired shit to see if it's still good. If it don't pass the sniff test..

Or those people that will sniff or taste something, make a face and some comment like "OH DAYUM!" Then tell you to try the same thing to get a 2nd opinion. These type of situations deserves my wtf face. 0_o

Edit: Meh, I fail. Someone beat me to it, but it still applies.

07-21-2006, 08:51 PM
Divinity's avatar makes me giggle-snort.

07-21-2006, 08:57 PM
So much for my "Smell the damned beef!" pickup line. Back to the drawing board.

I prefer the one where you put a rag in the girl's face and ask her if it smells like chloroform to her.

07-21-2006, 09:21 PM
Divinity's avatar makes me giggle-snort.

Me too hehe

07-21-2006, 09:54 PM
Divinity's avatar makes me giggle-snort.

Heh, good to know I'm not the only one!

07-21-2006, 11:02 PM
I also don't care to cook things. Chef Boyardee? Out of the can. I'll eat a pound of dry noodles in a sitting. There's oh so much more.

I like my noodles cooked, but I've found recently that I enjoy leftover spagetti straight out of the ziplock bag. Just the noodles, cold, no sauce. Whole wheat spagetti.


Stanley Burrell
07-22-2006, 12:47 AM
Who be hating on queso?

I won't readily eat stinky cheeses like parmigian, or non-dressing blue cheese... Or anything listed here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_French_cheeses...

Softer stuff like mozzarella or brie I take to liking. I guess I like sharp cheddars.

:wtf: Wezas dun' made this into a sammich thread.

07-22-2006, 02:17 AM
I talk to myself most times. I like to think out loud. I'm sure a lot of people do that. I have a habit of rubbing one of my eyebrows when I'm in deep thought, or trying not to cry, lol. Another habit is, when I'm having a conversation or debate with someone, even if I don't know what the Hell I'm talking about, I'll pretend like I do. Also when I am comfortable and falling asleep, I tend to suck on one of my fingers, don't know why I do it, it's a comfort thing.

07-23-2006, 02:00 PM
I'll rehearse how a conversation will go ahead of time, often in great detail, and often when I'm about to go to sleep. These aren't important conversations to rehearse, like job interviews or something, these are just real people conversations that also are probably never going to happen. Then I feel really guilty because it's like I'm cheating at talking.

I do this constantly. I also replay old conversations in my head analyzing how I could of done it better. When it comes to speaking, I'm more of a plodder than a spontaneous guy, so when I get into an argument, I tend to end up babbling and going "Well, you're an asshole!" Later that night, I'll go over how I could of totally wtfpwned the person if I had just mentioned this or that. I feel a bit guilty about cheating at talking too.

I also eat things completely seperately. Never together. And I usually save the meat dish for last.

I also, whenever I'm stuck waiting in a place, wonder how I'd escape if the men in the black helicoptors tried to come and destroy me. This is especially fun in amusement park queues: "I'd jump off the fat guy's shoulder, swing off the roller coaster's support beam, into the tree, scamper down, and run in that direction, zig-zagging randomly to avoid potential bullets."


07-23-2006, 03:52 PM
I'll rehearse how a conversation will go ahead of time, often in great detail, and often when I'm about to go to sleep. These aren't important conversations to rehearse, like job interviews or something, these are just real people conversations that also are probably never going to happen. Then I feel really guilty because it's like I'm cheating at talking.

I do this constantly. I also replay old conversations in my head analyzing how I could of done it better. When it comes to speaking, I'm more of a plodder than a spontaneous guy, so when I get into an argument, I tend to end up babbling and going "Well, you're an asshole!" Later that night, I'll go over how I could of totally wtfpwned the person if I had just mentioned this or that. I feel a bit guilty about cheating at talking too.

I do this too. Except after I plan an awesome speech or phrase or something, I end up saying something much less elegant.

07-23-2006, 04:55 PM
True that. I planned a speech for my friends wedding last night, and then I totally fucked it up.

Of course, it might of been that I was ripped. Gin & Tonic ftw.


07-24-2006, 02:19 AM
I also, whenever I'm stuck waiting in a place, wonder how I'd escape if the men in the black helicoptors tried to come and destroy me. This is especially fun in amusement park queues: "I'd jump off the fat guy's shoulder, swing off the roller coaster's support beam, into the tree, scamper down, and run in that direction, zig-zagging randomly to avoid potential bullets."


HAHA I'll do something similar when I'm bored at places. In my head, the men in black coats will burst into the room guns at the ready, and I'll Matrix-style fight them in my head, using anything in the current environment to help me take them down!

07-24-2006, 02:32 AM
Because we all know you're a killer with Old Navy flip-flops.

07-24-2006, 02:38 AM
I've upgraded to American Eagle flip flops.

07-24-2006, 02:49 AM
Rainbow flip-flops ftw.

07-24-2006, 10:29 AM
If I see a digital clock hit 3 same numbers like 4:44 for instance, I dare myself to keep staring at it but must look away before it changes. The closer I can stare till the moment it changes the better. If I get caught out then I'll be unlucky.

When the time hits my birthday (month, day), I look away and don't look again until I'm sure it has changed. Same with any time that has all the same numbers.

07-24-2006, 10:32 AM
About this whole milk expiration date issue, I go by smell first, then taste, regardless of date. I swear I’ve had milk still good well past the expiration date. Maybe due to the super-hormones they put in the stuff these days, who knows.

I go by how long I have it. If I've had milk for a week, or much of anything else (fresh veggies, lunch meat) it all gets thrown out at the end of the week. I always think I'm gonna get sick if I eat them.

When it comes to speaking, I'm more of a plodder than a spontaneous guy, so when I get into an argument, I tend to end up babbling and going "Well, you're an asshole!" Later that night, I'll go over how I could of totally wtfpwned the person if I had just mentioned this or that.-TheE-

Definitely me.

07-24-2006, 03:37 PM
I also eat things completely seperately. Never together. And I usually save the meat dish for last.

I also, whenever I'm stuck waiting in a place, wonder how I'd escape if the men in the black helicoptors tried to come and destroy me. This is especially fun in amusement park queues: "I'd jump off the fat guy's shoulder, swing off the roller coaster's support beam, into the tree, scamper down, and run in that direction, zig-zagging randomly to avoid potential bullets."


I do most of these things too. Also, since I write in my spare time, I think what my characters would do in that situation and start making up a "story".

When I get a combined meal -- like chicken saag, I pick out the chicken and eat the spinach bits last. Even in salads, I will eat the egg first, followed by the next protein, cucumbers, then black olives etc. It goes by what I like most to what I like least in whatever dish.

edit: I also go barefoot wherever I possibly can. I don't care much for shoes, which has led to me finding many boots/shoes that zip down the sides.

07-24-2006, 03:44 PM
I feel like I'm going to suffocate when I pull a sweater over my head. The material over my face makes me instinctively hold my breath.

07-24-2006, 03:50 PM
I used to do the "hold your breath when passing a cemetary, and not breathe until you're past it".

I still do it sometimes.

07-24-2006, 04:10 PM
I always eat what I like least first. Save the best for last, and all that.


07-24-2006, 04:11 PM
I cannot leave the flat until whatever music/song is being played finishes.

07-24-2006, 04:39 PM
I just noticed when I rinse my hands I do them one at a time, not touching the other hand.

Though when soaping them up I use both hands together.

Mighty Nikkisaurus
07-24-2006, 04:55 PM
I cannot leave the flat until whatever music/song is being played finishes.

I do this in cars. I don't shut off or leave the car until the song is over.

07-24-2006, 09:54 PM
From time to time I get very unpleasant feelings that someone I care about is in extreme danger or distress and that I would have noticed had I been paying more attention. This leads to me checking the porch (for bleeding brothers) in the middle of the night and mentally debating how to ask the operator for the number of a police station in Missouri. I'm more or less over it though (mostly because it's *always* wrong). Normally I just get enormously tense until it passes.

In the same vein, I tend to consider the weaponization capabilities of various household objects: keys, deheaded electric toothbrushes, drinking glasses, etc. Not to any specific purpose as theEschaton might, just as "handy" bits of information. What makes it peculiar is we have a very serviceable set of knives that are always closer to hand than drinking glasses, but I still consider the tactics involved in wielding them.

07-25-2006, 01:01 AM
Heh, the weaponization capabilities reminds me of one of my sweetie's nutty tendancies. Whenever we look at new apartments, he'll consider the new place's defensive qualities, making up scenarios to see how easy it would be to fend off different levels of zombie attacks. Yes... zombie attacks. He's got a phobia.

07-25-2006, 01:14 AM
I can't fully wake up until I sneeze. Until then, I'm essentially a walking zombie. The longer I'm awake without sneezing, the more violent my wake-up sneezes will be. This has led to some very unfortunate situations in school and work where I don't fully wake up until 10 or 11 and proceed to sneeze repeatedly for about 20 minutes.

07-25-2006, 01:12 PM
I have to have the bathroom door and closet door closed before I can sleep. If I wake up in the night and hubby has left the bathroom door open, I have to get up and close the door before I can go back to sleep.

I have to have a fan going in the bedroom at night or I won't sleep. It can be -15 outside, and I've gotta have that freakin' fan!

I have to have my toast cut on the diagonal. Straight across bothers me.


07-25-2006, 01:30 PM
I have to study Strayrogues avatar instead of pass it by like the others.
Knees ftw.

07-25-2006, 01:37 PM
As soon as I finsh lunch I start thinking about what I want for dinner. And it takes me hours to decide.

07-25-2006, 02:30 PM
If I'm waiting for something (a package, a visit, things of that nature), I can't begin anything that I can't immediately stop.

Essentially I read the PC, watch TV, and read a book until whatever it is comes.

07-25-2006, 02:33 PM
I can't sleep as well without my buckwheat pillow.

I also sleep better when I have something behind me, i.e. my husband, a wall, the sofa back. I don't like my back exposed, I feel too vulnerable. If that goes away, I sleep on my back.

07-25-2006, 02:43 PM
I do this in cars. I don't shut off or leave the car until the song is over.

I have to do that.. or the song gets stuck in my head for eternity.

07-25-2006, 03:00 PM
My wife starts singing the kid's show "Franklin" opening song to me (basically all she has to sing is "Hey, it's Franklin" and the song is stuck in my head. I have to sing the entire song. It's like Cartman singing "Sailing Away".

08-01-2006, 03:28 PM
I just found myself flipping through checks to the beat of (and singing in my head) Song of the Major General from Pirates of Penzance.

This is definitely not the first time doing this.