View Full Version : WEIRD request

10-27-2003, 04:16 PM
i know alot of you are gunna be like WTF?!?

BUT i am in search of a kiwi, and i am willing to pay an obscene amount for one...

please let me know if you have one and are willing to part with it.

10-27-2003, 04:17 PM
A kiwi? As in the plump little bird without wings?

or the fuzzy brown fruit?

-grays/d (wtf? hehe)

10-27-2003, 04:19 PM
Are they forageable? Recently Ulg has found wild carrots and small pumpkins.

10-27-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Azzzzzy
i know alot of you are gunna be like WTF?!?

BUT i am in search of a kiwi, and i am willing to pay an obscene amount for one...

please let me know if you have one and are willing to part with it.
