View Full Version : Archery & CMans

07-14-2006, 06:16 PM
So, it occured to me today that bows act as quarterstaves when used in melee. Has anyone tried getting the Trip CMan (plus the required 15 ranks of THW skill) and used a bow to trip a critter before taking it's eye(s) out? Or, would it just be a great waste of TP's & Cman points?

07-21-2006, 09:12 PM
Eh. I'd rather have Surge and Shadow Mastery.

07-21-2006, 11:12 PM
Surge has no viable benefits to archery. Only to encumbrance for the archer.

Since I'm a rogue, mastered in sweep, I've not given consideration to learning trip or expending the points for learning it or any THW skills.

What profession are you considering this for? Look for substitutable skills that would enable you to achieve the same result as trip. If none exist, then it is probably worth your attention to be able to put your target flat on its back.

As a rogue (archer), I use sweep frequently.

07-21-2006, 11:25 PM
<<Surge has no viable benefits to archery.>>



07-21-2006, 11:26 PM
Was looking at it for both my ranger and rogue. (Rogue currently doesn't do any guild skills, but I might change that depending on how well her archery continues to be...also sorta hard to do guild skills in RR, where she's based.)

Is sweep more effective then trip (both cmans)? There's a chance (with sweep) to end up on your back if the roll fails/fumbles, correct? How much stamina does sweep take?

07-21-2006, 11:32 PM
I stand corrected with Bob's post. I am trained in surge, but never use it to affect my bow rt, it stays a constant while I'm hunting.

I'll have to check stamina cost for sweep when I log in.

There is a chance of failure for sweep, and the bonus is affected by encumbrance. If you fail it puts you on your knees and in hard rt. I just happen to enjoy quite a few ranks in the rogue guild so I dont see failures that much.

Your ranger should have a number of spells that will pull a target down (both thorn spells, unbalance, I"m sure I"m leaving something out in the ranger circle).

I would think, with the value of time needed to learn/master sweep. That trip might be a temporary viable path for you from now up until or through the next fixskill option since thats a yearly constant (for the time being).

07-21-2006, 11:35 PM
Skill Name: Sweep
Mnemonic: sweep
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: Base 12 (-6 Rank 1, -4 Rank 2, -2 Rank 3).

07-21-2006, 11:44 PM
Looks like I get -12 to stamina each sweep. I dont know if thats encumberance based cost (I am loaded down with boxes at the current moment).

>stance off
You are now in an offensive stance.
Stamina points: 87 remaining: 87
>sweep setz
You come out of hiding.
[Roll result: 110 (open d100: -7) Penalties: 37]
You crouch, sweep a leg at Setzler and connect!
Setzler falls to the ground! You deftly regain your footing.
Roundtime: 8 sec.
Stamina points: 87 remaining: 75
>gld rank ganalon
Ganalon is a 250 rank Guild Master of the Rogue Guild.
Master of Sweep.
Master of Stun Maneuvers.
Master of Rogue Gambits.

07-21-2006, 11:49 PM
10 ranks in the guild = 1 cm rank.

Cost for rank 1 (1-10 guild) of sweep is 6 stamina.
Cost for rank 2 (11-20 guild) of sweep is 8 stamina.
Cost for rank 3 (21-30 guild) of sweep is 10 stamina.
Thereafter being 12.

07-21-2006, 11:54 PM
I never understood why the cost raised incrementially with more ranks. I would think it would become less costly due to becomming more proficient at the skill.


07-21-2006, 11:58 PM
I agree. But you get more benefit out of it for the cost, seeing as it gets much easier to succeed.

07-22-2006, 12:15 AM
Holy crap, I just got a lightbulb moment with the stamina costs (I always read the costs on the CM list as being base x with a minus y at rank z, so stamina cost went down....when, in fact, it's exactly opposite of that. Why the frick would Simu write it out like they did, so damn confusing!)..

Yeah, it sounds like sweep might be the best. My ranger sorta likes to go spare on mana (she's in brig and the 6% hinderance drives her batty sometimes....four missed casts of 618 in a row'll do that).

Thanks for the info/input everyone!

07-22-2006, 12:15 AM
Further, characters with more ranks tend to be of higher level, and higher level characters tend to have more stamina.

Stanley Burrell
07-22-2006, 12:23 AM
So, it occured to me today that bows act as quarterstaves when used in melee. Has anyone tried getting the Trip CMan (plus the required 15 ranks of THW skill) and used a bow to trip a critter before taking it's eye(s) out? Or, would it just be a great waste of TP's & Cman points?

Heh. It is fun as fizzuck to crank up ambushing and use something like an LM disarmed poison vial to beat stuff over the head with like the proverbial drunken bar fighting beer bottle.

I don't know about viability, though. I mean, I know the basics of playing a square, so I was pondering using a premium scroll on a long bow or runestaff for earth flares and then seeing how badly the GMs would or wouldn't shoot me down.

There's at least AS penalties associated for beating any critters with wooden objects, so ...I dunno.

07-22-2006, 12:25 AM
Runestaves don't give you the AS penalty (IIRC), but they do have the same DF as your fist. So they're useless offensively.