View Full Version : Ultimate Stun Maneuvers Script v1.1 for SF
07-11-2006, 02:59 PM
This is still a Landing-only script. I plan to make a Teras and Illistim one eventually. Ta'vaalor and RR are maybes, with RR being more likely because I actually started making that one.
I have had to copy/paste the script due to the board's limitations on file size.
Also, please make sure to replace every spot that says ECHO YOUR PASSWORD HERE with your guild password.
For example, change it to:
put <action> door
Six times, where action is what you do to the door.
But you knew that.
07-01-2008, 03:29 PM
This post may be a bit old, but I am having trouble getting this to work. I must be doing something wrong.
I start out the script by doing the .scriptname and all the fields after.
It starts going and then I get an error and it shuts down.
this happens:
You have 1 rank in the Stun Maneuvers skill.
Script error[match label %21 not found] near line 60
[script aborted]
You need 40 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to sweep the guild courtyard.
You have 5 repetitions remaining to complete this task.
Any idea why?
07-02-2008, 09:13 AM
I'll look into it when I get home from work. My other versions that I posted may have fixed it.
This is going to suck because I use Lich now. :/
07-02-2008, 02:17 PM
Is each version for each specific town? Or is it one universal script that will work in any of those towns?
If the later is the case, I can just download a more updated script.
07-02-2008, 04:34 PM
It's the latter. But from what I've heard, the Teras section is broken.
Which is understandable; I used one of Midgar's maps to set it up, and couldn't test it because I was already a master.
07-05-2008, 07:15 PM
so i finally got back to landing to try this again. I downloaded the 1.3 version of this, and I get the same error..
You have 1 rank in the Stun Maneuvers skill.
Script error[match label %21 not found] near line 76
[script aborted]
You need 40 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to sweep the guild courtyard.
You have 5 repetitions remaining to complete this task.
Maybe I am inputting the script wrong?
I use:
.scriptname yes shield shield greatcloak
This says yes for windows, I wand to practice the stunmanuever shield, and my shield is called shield, and using the container greatcloak. Though I don't think this would even matter when its trying to match what task I am given.
The Ponzzz
07-05-2008, 07:17 PM
I never could get this script to ever run in SF for me. Even fixing the lines that had problems. I tried fixing it, but by that point, I just made a few smaller scripts for my personal needs.
07-06-2008, 02:15 PM
It looks like it thinks that it should be matching the 21st variable instead of concatenating the second + the number "1" as I intended.
Try changing everything that says %21 to shield1.
04-11-2009, 09:10 PM
I had to make some alterations to this to get it to work as well, but now I can't remember what all I did....that line about the %21 I just deleted entirely, I know that much. I know it was also hanging up if I had already requested a task before starting the script, and it was hanging up when I tried to get some guildmaster's special out of my cloak and didn't have any on me...both of these were pretty easily fixed by adding a simple match to their respective groups, and now it works just fine as far as I can tell, though I havn't run it for longer than about 20 minutes straight so far.
04-13-2009, 04:25 PM
Glad it's working for you, but old script is old and shitty. I should rewrite this in Lich when I come back in the summer.
04-25-2009, 02:00 PM
I changed that %21 variable to shield1 and it works perfectly fine for me at the moment.
ah, and I also use stormfront. lol
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