View Full Version : An old idea I just now typed up one room idea of.

07-06-2006, 11:03 PM
[Ta'Ashrim, Overlook]
<DAY>White marble columns stand in mockery of this once great precipice. A wide railing of fine alabaster juts out with sharded ends, the floor if it long since fallen into the bay below. To the south, a single marred tower can be seen among the ruins. You also see a worn tablet.</DAY><NIGHT> Colmuns and ruined arches stand about, thier forms marred and beaten. A wide open space can be discerned to the north, from the sound of crashing waves below and utter blackness. To the south, an eerie glow is cast over the ruined city from a lone tower, standing amongst the rubble. You also see a worn tablet.</NIGHT> Also here: A tall Ashrim mutant.

LOOK Tablet: This tablet is broken in half, the bottom portion worn off completely, while the top part still bears writing. There is something written on the tablet.

READ Tablet: This precipice donated to show unity among the Nations by the line of Sharynth Ardenai on...

DESCRIBE Mutant: This tall man resembles a proud Elf in carriage and has the charicteristic long ears, but the similarities grow thin from there. The man has long, sloping jowls akin to a dogs and bits of flesh are hanging about from his arms. His mouth is open, but seems propped that way by two bone-like protrusions on either side of the jawline.

09-09-2010, 12:37 AM