View Full Version : Bullrush or Charge

07-06-2006, 10:22 PM
I know there was a charge and trip folder. But in terms of bullrush, I've tried both and I still can't make up my mind. I'm a polearm user obviously, and I've been trying out charge. The big negative to charge is the 10 sec RT, and the possibility of not working even if the darn thing hits well.

Bullrush usually works all the time and if you wear flaring armor you get the extra damage too. However, my opponents seem to get up much too quickly (is their a RT addition to knocked opponents for bullrush?) Anyhow, with charge the guy is usually knocked down and stunned (but my RT isn't 5 seconds). So the real question is an extra 5 RT and very small possibility of catastrophic failure worth the knocked down+stun and a very small possibility of outright kill?

07-06-2006, 10:28 PM
Bullrush gives substantial RT if you get a good endroll.

If I had the option to use charge, I'd take it over bullrush, I think.

07-06-2006, 10:38 PM
The kill rate on charge can get up to 20%-30% according to Menos, though he's at least near capped and uses a lance. Certainly not "very small", anyway.

I would go with bullrush, but I like keeping things as predictable as possible when it comes to murder/death/killing.

07-08-2006, 04:08 PM
Is it true that all hitting manuevers will discharge a flare everytime it lands? (Meaning, when I charge or trip anything will it flare whatever whenever it hits?)

I'm wondering this because I'm just thinking about a caroseine lance (the double hit flares.) I charge something knock it down, stun it, then automatically swipe at it due to the flare...which would be pretty insane since all this is in 10 seconds flat. If trip will work with this (and I believe trip is 5 seconds long) then you can trip something, knock it down, and then strike at it all in the duration of 5 seconds (even more insane).

07-08-2006, 04:12 PM
No, you will definitely not flare every hit.

07-08-2006, 04:48 PM
I don't think the double strike flares will activate ever on maneuvers, anyway.

07-10-2006, 09:41 AM
Might be a bit late. But with 1 rank in charge I was knocking things down and stunning in stance d at 5 levels about my level. It's a nice skill, and the stun is worth the extra 5 secs over bull rush.