View Full Version : Stats for a half elf wizard
07-05-2006, 04:14 PM
Similar to the other thread in the rogue folder, I was able to get back my 5 stat reallocations that were never used but now I face the problem of deciding on how to place them.
I would like as many stats as possible to be 100 at 100, but I am looking for a balance between stat optimization and effectiveness.
My mage is currently 39 and is a half-elf.
If you could post up your thoughts that would be great. I am pretty sure I can get all but 2 stats to 100 by 100, I just don't want to be handicapped.
07-06-2006, 10:47 AM
If you do not mind the overall loss of lots of TPs, I would put AURA high enough to get 10 spirit for wracking if in COL (90-95 AU?) and then use Tsoran's or any other training spreadsheet to forecast the placement of the remaining stats.
07-06-2006, 01:53 PM
Yeah I don't want to loose lots of TPs, just trying to find the balance between being effective and getting most stats to 100.
I am pretty sure con is one of the stats I can let be in the 80s at 100, I wasn't sure of the other.
07-06-2006, 02:02 PM
What about tanking strength? You'll get disks anyways, and encumberance doesn't effect your spells.
07-06-2006, 03:35 PM
I had thought about that as well, I was kind of hoping someone who tanked str would let me know if they would do it again or not.
07-06-2006, 04:06 PM
Strength doesn't have to be too tanked to still work. Working with Tsoran's spreadsheet, I got all 100's except in STR and CON, and those were up to 72 at cap (for a bonus of 11). I'd think as long as you don't carry around too much in general, 72 in both shouldn't be too much of a problem. (Also, STR & CON don't grow very fast, so to get them to 72 at cap, I started them at 50 and 40, respectively...everything else started between 65 and 80.)
07-06-2006, 08:09 PM
I would never suggest tanking strength. Its a no-no in my book. Being at lvl 39 already, you have a big jump on things. You can start important stats low, and still have them at a decent area at your current level. You shouldnt need to wrack too much, and more than once during a hunt is basically only for halflings/dwarves.. or the burghol guys. I tend to hunt alot with bolt spells rather than CS. Which means wracking is even worse. Anyhow, stats are really really dependant on what you yourself want to get out of the character, not to mention your hunting style. I was going to suggest a straight growth placement, but I doubt you would go for it, as you would have something like 6-7 SP most likely at this level. Anyhow. Tell us if you are even going to be hunting, and if so, how do you see yourself hunting as a wizard? Pure CS, guarded, with 409/415? Or bolting some, or bolting all the time? The way you train, and especially your spells can affect your ability to hunt on a tangent with stats, if that makes sense. You can raise your major sphere, mana control, and harness power, and not have to wrack at all. Which means having a lower Aura stat wont really hurt.
Anyhow I would say to give us more info on your wizard, your play and hunting style. How do you plan to use your wizard?
07-06-2006, 09:01 PM
Sure thing.
I bolt everything and anything. I never cast a CS spell unless I am forced to. I am going the rune staff route for now, and will be switching to brawling later on when I get older. I will be hunting as my character is not a picker or enchanter.
Skill Name | Current Current
| Bonus Ranks
Armor Use..........................| 20 4
Brawling...........................| 5 1
Physical Fitness...................| 105 25
Arcane Symbols.....................| 158 58
Magic Item Use.....................| 158 58
Spell Aiming.......................| 182 82
Harness Power......................| 178 78
Elemental Mana Control.............| 120 30
Perception.........................| 136 38
Climbing...........................| 90 20
Swimming...........................| 90 20
Spell Lists
Major Elemental....................| 38
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 38
Spell Lists
Wizard.............................| 20
07-06-2006, 10:13 PM
I will make another post as soon as I learn how to use the damn features on this board. Everything I am copy/pasting comes out looking fucked up.
OK how do I paste crap on here, so I can have ten stats listed down, and have another list of ten stats to the right of that list? So I am not taking each list down everytime?
07-06-2006, 10:54 PM
Nevermind, I redid it the long way. OK both of the first two are basically max stat growth. The first one is how I rolled my wizard, max con, cause I think its important. :medieval: And I didn't mind losing 1 TD from the wisdom not being maxed. Influence I really dont give a damn about on my wizards, its only real use to me, is for bards, or Trading... and Incidentally bards are better off training in Trading, than the other professions. So unless your a bard, or want to get those extra 80-100 mental TPs, I say forget Influence. I tend to use alot of physical Tps even on my more mental oriented professions. So I dont try and milk all the mental Tps, and sack the physical ones. Either one of these builds would make a viable hunter at lvl 39, and at lvl 40 for either build, your aura goes up to 75, which gives you 8 spirit. So you really are not lacking at that point. Base mana is about the only thing you will be missing by placing aura so low. Perhaps a few tps at the cost of not maxing something else. If you want to max influence it takes a 70 to max on half elf wizard.
Level Zero
(STR): 86
(CON): 82
(DEX): 59
(AGI): 78
(DIS): 77
(AUR): 49
(LOG): 62
(INT): 62
(WIS): 70
(INF): 35
Level 100
(STR): 100
(CON): 100
(DEX): 100
(AGI): 100
(DIS): 100
(AUR): 100
(LOG): 100
(INT): 100
(WIS): 98
(INF): 82
Level 39
(STR): 91
(CON): 89
(DEX): 78
(AGI): 87
(DIS): 86
(AUR): 74
(LOG): 80
(INT): 80
(WIS): 82
(INF): 59
Second Plan since you said you could sack CON.
Level Zero
(STR): 86
(CON): 68
(DEX): 59
(AGI): 78
(DIS): 77
(AUR): 49
(LOG): 62
(INT): 62
(WIS): 73
(INF): 46
Level 100
(STR): 100
(CON): 90
(DEX): 100
(AGI): 100
(DIS): 100
(AUR): 100
(LOG): 100
(INT): 100
(WIS): 100
(INF): 86
Level 39
(STR): 91
(CON): 77
(DEX): 78
(AGI): 87
(DIS): 86
(AUR): 74
(LOG): 80
(INT): 80
(WIS): 84
(INF): 65
Third Plan actually tanks CON and INF a bit, so You can have a near maxed Aura at your current level.
Level Zero
(STR): 86
(CON): 54
(DEX): 59
(AGI): 78
(DIS): 77
(AUR): 80
(LOG): 62
(INT): 62
(WIS): 73
(INF): 29
Level 100
(STR): 100
(CON): 80
(DEX): 100
(AGI): 100
(DIS): 100
(AUR): 100
(LOG): 100
(INT): 100
(WIS): 100
(INF): 80
Level 39
(STR): 91
(CON): 65
(DEX): 78
(AGI): 87
(DIS): 86
(AUR): 97
(LOG): 80
(INT): 80
(WIS): 84
(INF): 56
07-06-2006, 11:01 PM
Also keep in mind your BASE mana stat (Aura for wizards) is what determines your base mana...and your base mana does NOT go up as your Aura stat grows. So, the lower your Aura at level 0, the less mana you'll have (not by much, probably, but it is something to keep in mind).
If it were my wizard, I'd probably go for the third plan, just because the Aura is higher to begin with.
07-07-2006, 01:44 AM
Thank you very much for that break down.
I enjoy the third plan myself as it is able to hand my balance requirements, but I do like the other plans as well.
I am just not sure this character will be seeing level 100 anytime soon if every.
But thank you for the hard work and helping me make the choice.
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